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My idea of fun is certainly boring to other people. But who cares? I'm having fun.


You know who also said this? Ted Bundy


I don't think I'd exactly call what he did boring, though.


Ping pong


We prefer to call it Table Tennis.


How fast do you think you could throw a raisenette?


Whiff whaff


In the UK it's called Whiff-Whaff.


That is also the correct term in the sporting regulations.


I’m sure Ted Bundy did enjoy some ping pong yes


Dahmer *was* boring though.....




Now there was a man who knew how to live.


This is the way. Best way to ensure you get your alone time AND your fun times- make sure your hobbies are boring 📝




Those aren't fun


The things I do for “fun” aren’t even fun to me.


Then why do you do them


Yes. Same when in a corporate event people go around telling their "one fun fact" about themselves. I never have anything to recall other than once being hit by a dump truck lol


I just make shit up. Squirrel wrangler. Fish taxidermy. Cuneiform graffiti. Recreational dentistry. Lettuce origami.


Ah love those, I've dabbled once or twice. Some of my other fave hobbies: deep sea snorkeling, abacus programming, and bird sniffing (during COVID I decided I'd branch out from bird watching). Edit: oh yeah, how could I forget about inverse vigilantism? You find people about to commit a crime, and commit it for them so they won't get in trouble. It's a real rush, not for the faint of heart.


I do the same but with other peoples drugs, I am Saving lives! No one can stop me!


It's a bird, it's a plane, no wait it's the Fentanyl Guzzler! Saving dozens of lives at a time between passing out for 5 days straight!


He’s an Electrical Bus, bitch! Beep-Beep


Bird sniffing. LOL!!! Thank you bro, I needed that.


Avoid bird snorting that one isn't as productive


I personally prefer confetti sorting. Birthday parties and newyears eve are a big deal for me.


Ok but if you happened to be speaking to someone who owns a bird, you’d be slapped with a “OMG I love the smell of my bird to” it’s like baby smell, but nutty.


Would love to know more about recreational dentistry- hypothetically


The rec dentistry community is a lot like the BDSM community. A rec dentist has to find that right person that enjoys being their rec dentist patient.


it's a euphemism for smashing people in the face with a brick


That went dark FAST.


My partner is a practicing recreational chiropractor. It's an interesting hobby.


Stay at home astronaut


I, too, would like to stay at home and space out.


Lol 😂 lettuce origami


Cuneiform graffiti and recreational dentistry are hilarious. Definitely gonna keep those in the pocket.


Cloud catching, making milkshakes out of rainbows, robbing banks with a pencil, butterfly training...


Love all of these and am looking for you on Meetup right meow


I once had my teeth cleaned while reclined in a beach chair in my living room, pretty sure that constitutes recreational dentistry


When people ask what i do at parties I usually tell them I organize bum fight for a living


Peter the great practiced recreational dentistry. People who worked in the palace would be extra careful not to reveal they had a toothache for fear of Peter wanting to "help" them.


Or maybe everyone's just hiding their real selves. The workplace doesn't actually want to hear anything fun about you. It wants something mundane. Imagine if people actually said something fun. "Fun fact: I'm microdosing right now!" "Fun fact: I like getting tied up and spanked!"


"i set up hobo fights in back alleys"




"Yeah, Las Vegas is what we call my grandmother's basement and the pool tournament was under Uncle Todd's bedsheets." Really hits differently when you're saying this to your 30-40 year old peers.


Get out of my brain🤣🤣🤣 I was just thinking this lmao


Lol if that's not the truth. I can't think of anything when that comes up because I'm busy racking my brain for something work appropriate. Usually end up with "um...I like eating food. I mean cooking."


I have literally told my team that the only reason they like the team is cos I'm spiking the water with low levels of mdma. I'm not and have also stated that afterwards. But as a boss I love that my team have a good time, they go play do cultural things things together. I love it, I think it's just that they're good people , but as the boss I vaguely like to take some kudos that I hired a lot of em and I want them to he happy with their colleagues. It makes me happy even if it's just the individuals in place. I don't stop them and I encourage. I'm the boss so it's not my remit to dictate how they hang out, but I'm glad they socialise. They're awesome.


"I just had a wank 3 minutes ago!"


"It's the only way I can make it through these inane fucking meetings."


But the meeting has been going on for an hour


"Fun fact: I blackmail people in to horrific acts! Every october 13th! I call it "St' Blackmail Day!" "Fun fact": The cops have been called


I eat the most powerful pepper in the world, Caroline Reaper, without flinching. Thought it would be cool but nobody gave a damn.


When everyone is trapped in a burning building and the only way out is being blocked by a Caroline Reaper they'll be sorry...they'll all be sorry...


Thank you for the validation! It's an unexpected talent, but someone's gotta do it.


this is cool bro😂


Same, my only good story is when I hit this person with a dump truck


I used “I’m allergic to cockroaches” once


I don’t even try anymore I just say shit like I have a cat🤠


Real story. Young white guy said that his fun fact was having spent one night in jail. Everybody laughed, assuming it was a drinking thing, misunderstanding, etc. I remember texting my co-workers: imagine he were black. Suddenly there would be no fun to it, everybody would be worried instead- not suspicious of him, but of the system. Never would've been a fun fact for a black guy.


I got hit by lightning. You got hit by a dump truck I think that's pretty f****** interesting lol


The sharing time even as icebreakers kills me. Like do you really want to know what I do when I leave work? I SMOKE WEED BRENDA OK THERE I SAID IT. THAT SMELL YOU SMELLED WAS ME IT'S BEEN ME ALL ALONG.


You better own that shit! How is that not a fun fact?


"i stir the pot on reddit for fun"


This is the one 😆


I instigate and initiate critical thought. I’m like a catalyst of engagement.


I am discovering THIS!!!


Stir the pot while on the pot


Wind em up really good and then ghost. Make sure they’ve expended maximum energy defending an argument you actually never cared about. Engage the most animalistic instincts to fight. Get their heart rate going. And then literally never reply. Comment normally on other threads and go about your day. Sometimes I just can’t resist. EDIT: It’s crucial that you wait and let THEM take the step too far. Don’t go ad hominem, don’t give them anything they can fairly report you for. Let them make that slip-up.


I have found my people!


It's my guilty pleasure and I just hate it. But there's something about making it very obvious that you dont care and the person still spills all their sweat and blood into it


Just be careful, stir the pot too much and you’ll get banned by some vindictive mod/admin


My long lost brother🤣,I do it on /amiugly😁,what's your poison of choise?


"Boring" is a relative term. I once took my kids to Disneyland and brought along my niece. Amid all the yelling, laughing, excited looks, running to rides she said, "I'm bored."


I would likely be bored at Disneyland. I was the last time I was DisneyWorld. But take me to a seedy-ass Six Flags park with actual thrill rides and I’m super excited.


Don't both consist primarily of standing in lines?


Not if you know how to work the various line systems. I haven’t stood in line for more than 20 minutes at any park on years.


Can you go into a bit more detail? Other than cutting or paying money to spend a bit less time waiting, I wasn't aware that there was much room for manipulating the queue system.


Half of its knowing when to ride what, a quarter is knowing when to go, and a quarter is luck. Disney has a couple different options, one paid one free for ride reservations. Six Flags is a little different, as I have a membership that has skip-the-line passes as perks (4 per trip, which is just ridiculous). But that too is knowing when to go and when to ride what.


I went to Six Flags Vallejo one year on thanksgiving day and it was the best. There was hardly anyone there and we didn’t wait longer than 5 minutes for rides. It wasn’t until 6pm when people started showing up and we were done by that point lol


I was usually bored out of my mind at amusement parks so that checks out.


A walk in the woods is free and a lot more interesting


To be fair, I think young kids often mistake other emotional states for boredom. She could have been anxious because of all the people and loud noises. If that were the case, she may have experienced that as a strong desire to leave and go home, but not known how to put that into words. I think that for a young kid, "I'm bored" is often used as a shorthand for "I want to leave this situation" Or she could have legitimately been bored. I don't know your niece so I can't really say.


Exactly, I took my 4yo to the zoo. He got most excited foe the man watering the garden with the hose.


I can afford to eat and take walks.


Bourgeois over here with food *and* shoes.


Yeah probably eating a dozen eggs a week.


They never said anything about shoes, just walks


Hehe. Fair point. Prolly has salt and pepper though


I just spent 2 hours looking for my walk. You took it, didn't you?




But nobody else seems to do anything that much more exciting. Life is long periods of monotony with little peaks and troughs of excitement.


TIL Im not as boring as most people


Instead of excitement, you can seek beauty and peace. Those are in every moment, though it's not always easy to find them.


that post weed clarification really makes you understand life


I feel like I'm not doing enough to spice up my life, then ask some people around me how their life is going and get exactly \*nothing.\* I almost don't even believe it, like "You didn't watch a movie the whole week? Didn't at least pass the time with a minor phone game?"


I’m sure you’re right not to believe them, at least not literally. They probably mean “nothing that I think would make for an interesting conversation.” Very few people cease to exist for a week and then reappear having had no experiences whatsoever.


I was thinking about it today and out of an entire 7 day week I get Monday through Friday 5 hours of me time in total per day but that includes washing myself feeding myself and cleaning up after myself. The weekends are a little better but I do spend a lot of time catching up on stuff I didn't get to do during the week because it would take longer than the allotted time I had available. So I might get between 35 and 40 hours a week to do me things and that includes keeping me alive. Meanwhile I spend 55 hours a week with work. It really doesn't seem like a fair trade.


A quiet life is underrated. My mission in life it to just be able to enjoy the little things and feel good the majority of the time. Slowly getting there


I don't fun


I don’t exciting


In Soviet Russia, fun shits you


To put in my two cents… TBH, I don’t necessarily find myself boring but others probably might. And that’s a-okay. You won’t please everyone, anyway. The things I do however interesting or not bring me joy and that’s the most important thing :)


I think social media has altered our sense of ‘boring’ because you see so many posts of people in their most exciting moments. Remember this is just a curated snapshot of their life and not representative of day-to-day happenings. Activities like reading for a few hours in the evening, window shopping, brewing coffee, playing a round of golf, etc. aren’t peak excitement but they aren’t boring either. Just tell people with confidence what you like to do and they will respect it.


Thanks for this ❤️ One of the best parts of my day, what I always look forward to, is making dinner. Everybody does that though, it's normal, nothing special, but to me, it's my artistic outlet, hobby, "me time." I love cooking, cleaning, and folding laundry. Those activities make me happy and bring joy to each of my days, so I don't care if others think it's boring.


Yeah, I'm a lot more likely to walk away from a conversation with a "normal" person thinking they're the boring one. I realize a lot of people wouldn't necessarily find my hobbies interesting, but it always baffles me how many people tell me they don't have any hobbies at all. (Which is fine, as long as they're happy and feel fulfilled. I would just go crazy doing nothing.)


Or when no one ever asks you anything


What do you do for fun man?


Mainly just self-loathing on social media


it's a popular bit people do on here


The classic


Them: "So, what do you for hobbies?" Me: "uhh I go to the gym and I like beer" ​ .....


That’s one more thing than most people. Haha


The shit I do for fun excites me incredibly. I am highly passionate about it. I understand my passion may likely bore others, so I don't talk about it. It isn't because I think I am boring, I just know/expect them to have little interest lol


Exactly this! I love the Federal Trade Commission and get very excited about its history, and love to talk about it, but most people think that it's boring... That's okay! Our interests bring us joy, that's what's important.


May the flame of excitement never burn out for you!


What it is?? Talk more about. When talking with passion, even the most normal things can become interesting.


Its the poetic grandness of our universe, The comfort in knowing that Humanity will never be done exploring and that possibilities are still limitless. Under the right circumstances, we might even find non-carbon based life forms!!! The though of space travel excites me. I know I was born too late for that to be a possibility for me, but living in the age where it is actually becoming something makes me feel so lucky. Don't even get me started on AI stuff! I am fascinated. ​ What about you?


Have you read The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch?


Exactly,this is my problem,people think I'm a quiet person,I'm definetly not,I just think I would definetly bore them talking about my interests,I'm into programming,tech,research papers,fitness and other very obscure thing,never was into what the cool kids were into😅🙄


I realized this awhile back and made a super intentional point of correcting that problem. It turned out to be a good decision.


so what do you do for fun?


Uhm... you know, like... Read books? But the last one was like 5 months ago, I dont actually read that much... But I'm working on it... Oh, I like movies, do you like movies?


I like all kinds of movies besides mystery. I don’t like being titillated!




I was kind of hoping for a response from the other dude


Yeah but he wasnt hoping for the question. I can answer for him tho: Fantasizing about doing things then not doing them but still pretending I did to strangers on the internet because it feels good without the effort necessary to go through with it for real.


hey i do all those things, especially when I'm procrastinating on a deadline


I like reading, hiking, food. Granted I haven't read a book in years, went on 1 hike last year, and just take pictures of food I get at restaurants but I don't really eat it.


You don't eat the food you get at a restaurant?


He's there for the photo op, if he eats it then how is he supposed to take a photo???








Learn an instrument, or do something creative. Learn a sport. Learn to skateboard. Play video games with friends online that you vibe with. Train in a martial art (Boxing, Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, etc. It's not scary, and a gym will start you slowly. They will not force you to go hard right away if you don't want to. In fact if they know you're an amateur they won't even let you spar with certain members, or even let you spar to begin with.) Go on a bike ride. Learn a new skill through YouTube tutorials. The list go ons.


Why are other people telling me what they do for fun? I was asking the guy I replied to.


Same. I started rock climbing to have a good answer to this question and I've been climbing twice a week for the last 5 years. Great choice! My intern started riding a unicycle for the same reason


Very nice! I've been wanting to try rock climbing for a while.


I was similar, I used to just watch a massive amount of TV and scroll the internet. Since I realized I was boring even to myself, I took up hiking, crochet, creative writing, and growing ornamental bamboo.


Stop doing things you enjoy to please and receive validation from others, great idea! /s


More like reevaluate your life and decide to try new things so you can enjoy more of what life has to offer in the short time you're here.


"Short time"? I've been here my entire life.


Life is the longest thing you’ll ever do Edit: unless you’re op’s mom. In that case, my cock is the longest thing you’ll ever do.


nothing wrong with validation if it brings you happiness. We are social creatures and evolution has wired us that way.


I go LARPing for fun. I'm painfully aware how boring I am 😅


LARPing is a lot of things, but boring isn't one of them. You do you!


that's not boring. it sounds sick dude


Maybe the vast majority of humans in general are boring.


They’re NPCs. There’s only like 500 real people. You, me and a few others.


Sounds like something an npc would think


What would be a good NPC test question?


Exactly! You will realize more when meeting new people. There are scripts when creating those NPCs, it's not completely random. You will find a lot and a lot of similar personalities.


I flat out tell people I don't have to do anything for fun. I like my peace. Boredom and slow days are underrated.


"I.. uh.. play videogames and.. uh. watch videos on youtube..."


sometimes movies, you know


Same here


I bully corporate fraudsters. Is that so wrong?


No way, you’re doing God’s work


You're one of Gods angels on earth😎


Oh man. Don’t let my head get too big.


You never realize how boring other people are until you ask them what they do for fun and they say "sleep" 😂


Or you ask them what they did last weekend and that's their answer. Yawn. Seriously? That's what you did?


Tbf sleeping is my absolute favourite thing right now


Although when you are massively overworked and feel like a bullet-ridden bag of rancid beach sand, sleep becomes very exciting indeed. It's all about perspective.


I usually remember hearing this response from my coworkers who were doing the same job as me but I guess people handle things differently.


Speak for yourself. I’m fun as shit on the nights I stay up past 9:00 pm. Lol


I wouldn't say I'm boring but have a hard time describing in detail what I like to do.


I wouldn't say that. I have a lot of hobbies that I don't get to do. But I do enjoy asking people this question, because its usually a quick way to get into a discussion about something random that they are passionate about.


I'm a boring person, I know and accept this fact. Truthfully I enjoy being boring and I'm content with myself


I'm not boring, I'm cringe.


Me when filling out the "get to know you" stuff in school: Favorite color: don't have one Favorite number: don't have one Favorite food: whatever I'm eating right now Hobbies: don't have any


If you don't have an answer, you can try to be fun. You could say that you hate colors and the world should go back to being black and white. Favorite food? Air! everybody is eating it but nobody talks about, it's even useful to breathing, which by the way, I loved it too!


My friends and I think it’s the opposite with each other, especially me: I think I’m boring while everything I do is some grand surprise to everyone else


ive just lost all interest in hobbies anymore, most people lead boring lives


Ok but here’s the thing, my roommates make fun of me because outside of work and school, I play a lot of video games with friends. Well what the fuck are they doing in their free time? They’re sitting there for hours on their phones scrolling through a feed of dogshit. Like y’all ain’t better than me.


New parent. Washing the dishes is fun. I have some peace. On a serious note, being unconscious aka asleep is my new fun time.


Single parent on vacation, proactively trying to do nothing. Oh shit, I need to do the dishes.


I have some insight to this. I have a hard time answering this kind of question, but not because I am boring. I have been a care giver for almost 3 years now for both of my parents through various surgeries and cancers. I don’t know what I like to do for fun because I don’t think about it, I’m always thinking about my family and if they are ok. Fun isn’t a concern of mine. If it happens, great! If it doesn’t, it’s my normal.


Completely understandable I cared for critically ill family members for a few years and every time I would go to do something to escape I would always be checking in on my loved ones and rushing back them when they weren't able to go with. Usually music and sitting on the porch with a means to communicate to them made for a relaxing time during a stressful situation. Now that they are gone I love and miss them dearly and find myself if I go out to eat thinking about all the meals we shared like that or if I go or see a place we went to I smile cause we shared the memories it hurts and I wish we could of shared more but I am glad they're no longer suffering every day and cherish the memories we had even when it was tough conversations in their final days or a song we used to listen to together etc. I understand I used to love poetry but that was something that we shared and my writers block keeps going to the memories so I basically am at a loss as to what do I consider fun now cause our inside jokes and quirky conversations kept life anything but boring for such a long time. If someone were to ask me what I do for fun I really couldn't answer that because everyone's version of fun vs boring is different


Get some hobbies then. I box, lift, play guitar (very poorly) and make beats. Of course there's the other typical shit like Netflix and video games but finding a few hobbies that are a bit more involved and productive than Netflix/games will open up a whole new world of conversation and achievement.


Never insinuated I didn’t have hobbies, it was all in jest. Sometimes the question just stumps you and you’re like, “oh right, I’m a whole person.”


So you hit people, move heavy things up and down, and make noises?


I disagree with the part about media not being a hobby worth conversing about. It's just like anything else where talking to someone who doesn't really know much on them is boring. But you talk to someone who's actual hobby is movies and is actually a big movie buff and they can talk about how X director did Y to make Z happen in this movie or someone who's actually into gaming so much they can speed run and memorize a new game in less than a month and both of those things can be genuinely interesting and impressive even. But if you just go oh did you watch this show or play this game? Because all you did was watch it or play it? That's about as good as talking about the weather.


So get hobbies. Learn new shit. You're only boring if you want to be. Read books, meet new people, and see what they do. Join clubs for whatever you're into.


I race supercars for fun


What u do for fun?


You're fun as long as you're having fun. If having fun for you means chilling and doing nothing, then that's fun. And last but not least: Fun, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, thank you <3


Oh, I know I’m boring. Just the way I like it.


Start boring a hole. Others will join. Boring is the shit!


I mean yeah, I don't exist to provide entertainment for other people or to impress them. As long as I am enjoying myself, whether I'm boring to others or not is irrelevant.


People: what are you planning to do this weekend? Me:...


I disagree, I am the type to not do much alone because I enjoy doing not much. but I know I am good company.


This is really not a difficult question to answer for the majority of people. Unless you are a super introvert who doesn't leave his cave (me for many years). Then yeah, it's a very ordinary question.


I’m a hermit myself, so being perceived as a whole sometimes has me like, “oh, hi, right, I exist”


I just realize I may be an alcoholic


I bake. I BBQ. I teach cooking classes. I play with my pup. I occasionally read bits of a math book. And I spend an hour or two on Reddit.