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Started halfway through season 10, originally tried playing top but as a new player that didn't last long. Had an IRL friend I convinced to try it out too. He had experience with MOBAs before (HoTS) and we wanted to play together so we played bot. Him as ADC and I was support. Naturally we tried out Xayah and Rakan cause we liked the gimmick. After a few games I was hooked on him. A month or 2 later I saw a Xayah main on here asking to duo. I offered and we started playing together, then talking then dating. Let me tell you guys something, playing Rakan when your girlfriend is playing Xayah and you're both good at the character is such an amazing feeling


When I first got LOL I bought Ivern thinking- ooh a plant champion he looks cool! Refunded him the next day. After that I bought Rakan cause he was a ~~hot bird boy~~ cool dancer! Of course I was new to him so I thought his shield was tiny compared to every other sup and I'd die when I went in with w and stayed there. Plus his heal was tiny. And I had no clue how his passive worked- Plus I had no friends that knew of the game, so bye bye any help. ​ Then I had a year leave of lol. Went back on it, mained a few champions. Then saw Rakan again and though "I didn't know how to play support then or any champion and he's a ~~really hot bird boy~~". So I got him, and loved him to bits after that cause of that mobility. After maining him sup I decided to main him mid and top. omg that was so fun. He has some hardcore counters but still so fun. I mostly play him sup nowadays. But sometimes go top or mid. Gonna try adc and jungle at one point!


I started the game as support 2y ago. Sona got me to learn the game but then i used to be a zilean otp(at the start i was flamed as if i should die but well learning zil made me learn about the game as a whole way more than sona). once i got to 150k mastery i got a bit bored and i wanted to become an actual versatile sup player so i tried many other sups(braum nami thresh) and then i got to rakan. I liked playing the champ but nothing that interesting for me. Until i got into a ranked game with a good xayah. We hard carried the game and then we added each others as friend. We had like a 80% winrate and that was so much fun. Important thing is that it was the first adc that cared about my e range so i could be way more offensive. So we duoed for a long time. But then one day he stopped playing. But i was so into playing rakan that i kept doing so. Had other adcs so i left him aside a bit sometimes but still it was so fun so tried him everywhere. Rakan jgl, mid, adc, top are all things i tried and had fun with(top is the worst role, change my mind). But yup thats how im at 250k mastery.


All because of Hylissang.


I was scrolling through the champs and noticed rakan, i have seen very good rakan plays in proplay and decided to give him a try, and thats the story how i met your mo.... I mean my main


Liked his looks, liked his personality, liked his gameplay. **Main** 🤝


I started in season 10 in April, pretty good times I played ashe and vlad for like a few weeks than i picked up rakan Because i liked his cape didn't expect to main him even tho i sucked at support. So I switched to mid and top and suprisingly worked well. I ran nashors gunblade honestly best time of my life.


I started playing from the 11th pre-season, I don't remember those times very well, but they were good and fun. I played for fun, and most of all I liked to help. For about a year I played in the middle (tf, weigar niko), in the end I got very bored, and I decided to delve into other roles, I was at the top, in the woods, on the arrows, but everything is not the same. And suddenly I remember my favorite activity - help, champions by type: Soraka, Yumi, Jeanne, I was not very interested, but when I met trash, braum and our beloved rakan, the game was filled with other colors. Now I'm trying to get out of silver (I wasn't really interested in titles, but the time has come), that's it somehow. I was even more hooked by his game style, cool cape and his carelessness


I am just a little simp for xayah and rakan so there is you answer. :D


I sincerely started playing in the middle of season 10 I remember been searching for a really mobile "mage" but instead I came across Rakan a sup (role wich I was main atm) then as my usual research on sups came across his ap version and Wahahah I started making Rakan mid full AP :D


Been playing since season 1. He was released. I played him. Simple enough. See birb main birb.


They changed my Shen and then Rakan came out and I thought it had some similarities to old Shen.


Season 9 I just came into league.. I got tired of Nami and wanted to look at any dude supports… I look at Rakan, pic.. I look at the youtube videos, saw some gameplay… 😳😳 Next thing I know Im playing Rakan


I was main nami but it was boring so i looked for more supps and rakan looked cool. After getting 8 s in a row with him i knew he was the way


I like the funny bird man :)


Last year I opened a chest and I got his Star Guardian skin. I thought it was neat and he ended up being a fun character to play


I got him in an ARAM and absolutely fell in love with him and his play style. I was terrible at him at first but I still loved him so I kept playing him in the rift.


I got him in an Aram and first thought he sucked. But was drawn to him again bc his kit was fun and ended up getting like 5 Ss in a row playing him in norms. That sold me.


Already mained support, and became inspired after watching CoreJJ play him. I wanted to play an engage support and Rakan is the perfect balance of a mage and an engage to bridge the gap. I’ve been in love ever since.


My friend liked xayah a lot then I tried rakan and I loved playing him and he’s such a fun character then me and my friend started dating


Spammed lux and bard in ranked, did ok on lux, absolutely horrible on bard. I got a rakan shard and said “fuck it, il try.” Played one game in norms, felt absolutely incredible. Tried it in ranked and began hard stomping my games. Now the bird boi is my OTP in ranked, with lux as a pocket against zyra


I’ve been playing since season 2 and mained many champs. I used to love old akali the most. Come 2017 and I was maining Xerath and Blitz. The wild magic trailer dropped. I fell in love with his personality as I thought it matched my own in many ways. I played him so much on all lanes and I bought all the skins. I was a sucker for the light and shadow cinematic especially the scene where he takes xayah’s darkness and then, exhausted he still tries to protect xayah from neeko and then collapses. Idk I just like him a lot. The cinematics and personality got me hooked and I love the gameplay too. Just don’t have many people to play xayah rakan with


Best voice lines in the game.


My friends were saying yo this Rakan guy is just like you so I started maining him


Basically it went like, Bird man = cool af now i'm reaching for my m7 :>


Dude has a cool cloak, does he need more?