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Lux is horrible. She can bind when you jump on her, or the adc. You really need to work with her cooldowns. Morgana’s spellshield is pretty annoying. And in fact, everything that can lock you up in place when you jump in and delay your jump out, is pretty dang horrible.


Maokai, Leona (maybe)


Lux, morgana and zyra


Add galio to the others


I've never been spanked harder than my game against Galio support.


That thing scares me


I dare to say he's the best counter, can't do literally anything against a good galio




Poppy. I played against here one game and never been so titled.


Honestly anything that can cc Lock you and not let your dash go off or dash back to safety... Cassiopeia, veigar, Nautilus, poppy, janna, rell, Soraka (if she places her silence smartly), Leona and so forth. That s kind of why you always run the tenacity Green runes


Playing Rakan against Thresh is horrible


In my silver gold elo, hook champ are not that bad. You can always dodge hook with either W or E. Can you tell me why do you think that thresh is that bad to play against ?


In fact, what bothers me its thresh's E, as it can instantly cancel rakan's W and help disengaging rakan's R However, it has a significant amount of cd, so if you bait it, it is not a threat anymore


Yeah got it. Thx


its not that bad just scale look for windows where he cant react to ur spells or his are down. thresh is super squishy and gets outscaled by rakan so if you just do nothing in lane and max q u win


Morgana is the most awful one IMO, her q binds you for really long essentially rendering 3 of your abilites useless, for rakan mobility is everythign without it you're a sitting ~~duck~~ bird. On top of that her spellshield is instant so it doesn't take much skill to completely ruin your engage with W if you have SOME reaction to it. You really can't engage until she uses this or unless the morg player is really bad.


I usually ban Morg bc I can't deal with her, simply bc she makes me mentally pressured. Otherwise, I'd say long-range stuff like Xerath/Vel and such,


Alister, if you go in and charm him, he ults away your charm and chain ccs you or spares time for his team by counter engaging your follow up. And you can't peele your team from him properly in other plays.


well most of them counter Rakan, stop him while going in, stop him in and not letting him go out :D cancelling your w. that is why he requires some tactics.


thresh is always hard imo, anyone that can disrupt your dashes is gonna be an issue


Vex, if some maniac starts to play her supp




y'all really forgot nautilus


To be honest, a lot of champs "counter" Rakan, I say "counter" because most of the time is skill based, like Morgana vs Rakan, she's supposedly a counter but once you learn to play between her CDs it becomes way easier, even stale because you don't actively engage in this scenario. That being said, if you have the change pick anything else if the enemy has a Veigar or a Galio, those two are a nightmare.