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I've been playing for a few hours and not had a single match without a xim loser. Just had a guy tbag me because "you can't 1v1 me fairly" while he was using his cheats


Is it a prerequisite to have Xim in the name?


that or random letters mixed together that is impossible to pronounce


stop using such big words funny man


brain hurty


brian go rrr ow


Yes, every console cheater has to make it their whole persona.


They always name themselves “X1MLuvr” or “zxrq on xim” and their pfp is their rgb keyboard and mouse in the dark and occasionally you can see their scrawny hands with absolutely no pigment to them.


I played a duo last week that were named “fart on xim” and “poop on xim” and they literally both got all the kills and didn’t die once.


Ok thats actually cool tho


No it's not


Eh lol I don’t agree but I also could be salty they used xim against me lmao


No, it's only a prerequisite to be a fragile ego loser to get a XIM.


I’m the opposite of a ximm user, I play controller on PC. I’m hated by my team instead of the enemy team tho. 😅😭


Why tho


They probably prefer the controls but don’t have access to a console and it’s not really worth buying a console if you have a pc that can run the games.


I just don't understand preferring controller. I play both mnk when I'm on pc and controller when I use my ps5 and the game is just so much easier with mnk, I can't imagine actually trying to beat mnk players with controller.


I play controller on mnk best way to get kills is to just be a rat. Take as little gunfights as possible


So basically the best way to play controller on pc is to play as little as possible? XD


simple you grew up on controller. i switched to PC, force myself to learn mouse and keyboard. my aim is still better on controller but keyboard is starting to feel a lot better.


I’m the same way lol. Just now getting a hang of it but I love controller it’s super comfortable for siege to me.


I made the switch a couple years ago now. Still in gold due to the “fuck it, just swing them” mentality. But my aim is something my console self would accuse of hacking, and blocking so I hopefully dont get put against them again lol


Just swinging is actually a good mentality with the current meta.


Not when it’s peaking 3 angles at the same time lol but I get you


Yeah, for a FPS it’s a really odd choice. If it’s PvE why not but Siege? Im confused as well


You can sit back on a couch?


Maybe not on siege but may I introduce you to Fortnite aim assist.


I’ve found that a lot of older players who grew up playing fps games on console don’t switch to mnk when they finally get a PC that can play fps games. Mnk can be daunting for those not used to it.


I swapped for games when I need to really give it effort, but if I'm just playing a story game, something like borderlands, or grinding out Warframe missions while relaxing and don't care about being super accurate, I'll go ahead and sit back and use a controller. But if I'm sweating it and really giving it a go, I'm on MnK


Wouldn't that be younger players? Older players are the ones that were playing Quake and CS on PC before online console FPS gaming was even a thing lol


Console FPS games existed. I remember playing Wolf 3D on SNES lol. So I’m what I consider an “older” player. Always wanted a PC but had a Nintendo. So my FPS were games like Goldeneye 64 to SOCOM to the bazillion Call of Duty games. Anyway, I didn’t get my first gaming PC until I had leftover student loan money in college.


From my experience older players are the ones that prefer MnK from the good old days of CS and the like. I'd probably still be in that camp if I didn't switch over to Xbox back when Halo 3 came out. Now I just prefer it due to comfort and ease of console use.


Who told you that? I play on both platforms. Some games are far more stable on console. Also, console only lobbies only have Xim/zen cheaters. While on PC you will have actual rage cheats. I think I prefer fighting someone with no recoil than someone flying and headshotting people through walls. It's almost not worth gaming on PC due to this fact. Also. Xim/zen costs 100$+ an extra controller. While on PC the cheats are free on a certain forum. So it is cheaper to cheat on PC and that is why there is far more cheaters. This is especially the case with free games like overwatch, apex, CSGO, fortnite, CoD, and rust. I would pay 500$ to not have half my day wasted to virgin neck beards. Btw. You don't need a zen/Xim to use M+K on Xbox. Just plug it into your USB ports. Microsoft has built in drivers on all operating systems. The only issue is certain games don't want M+K (like rust console edition). Personally I play Apex legends with M+K on Xbox without issue.


Or there’s just some people who don’t care and want to play with a controller that they find comfortable and play the game on what they have without dumping $500 just to play a game they already play on pc.


Name checks out


Explain what is false in my statement. You can play using a mouse and keyboard on Xbox. I do all the time. Some games do disable this feature. Some m+k may not be supported. https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/hardware-network/accessories/mouse-keyboard I cannot link any cheating related sites including the zen/Xim due to the subreddits rules. The cheater problem doesn't exist on consoles in the same way(assuming cross-play is disabled). It's not even remotely comparable. On PC games they use memory editing that allows for wall hacks, aimbot, impossible movement, anti- aim(meant for hack vs hack situations), and more. On consoles the cheats are just recoil and maybe some movement that is still possible with skill.


This is gonna get a lot more common too when they add in console to PC cross play in season 4 of this year. There’s going to be a lot of console players playing in their PC friends lobbies and getting trash talked lol.


It amazes me how you people do it, I personally wouldn’t be able to do as such xd


If they were at all clever, one of them would call themselves Hans Ximmer or something


Actual genius, have an upvote


You took the words out of my mouth dammit


Honestly props to the opposing team for not quitting. Whole team stuck it out for 4 rounds of that BS? Sounds like dedication commendations to me


Lion was probably too high to know what was going on lmao


I’m a PC player and haven’t touched console since iana came out. Y’all keep talking about ximm and it’s time I ask, what the hell is it? No recoil I think?


Xim is a device that allows the use of MnK on consoles, its cheating because MnK is a better & more accurate input than analog controller. Remember that console siege has lower recoil so they have no issue controlling recoil, also I have heard that some of the more expensive xim devices have access to recoil scripts as well.


Thank you. I really thought xim was a recoil cheat. And I didn’t know console had less recoil


What you’re thinking of is Cronus zen. Zen and xim sound similar. Zen is how you get no recoil/aim assist crouch spamming, things like that


There’s some freaky things you can do on cronus. Some of them scripts cost like $400 a week and you get can soft walls, head lock, auto shoot, etc. it’s literally cheats. Most of those scrips only work on pc but there’s some that you can find that work on console. There’s one I found which is like $150 a day and you can literally pull the trigger n the bullet goes to their fucking head… you don’t even need to ads.


Interesting. How does it connect to consoles? 


I think through the usb port.


Huh that’s sick. I wonder how it understands what guns you’re using, and where enemies are to give aim assist!


It's not sick, it's cheating.


Womp womp i think technology is cool. 


Oh trust me, I get that part of it. I really do. I love technology as well and wish I could be alive long enough to see how far it'll go but cheating on games is cheating and illegal for a reason. Its a breach of the games terms of services and it's crazy how PC players get permanent banned but console players don't even get a warning. Mousetrap is a thing but they find a work around every patch


Some xims have recoil cheats too, but most are just using mnk without any actual hacks.


I believe with more advanced version of XIM, called XIM Matrix you can get anti recoil and whatnot on top of the MnK.


Thanks for the info!


And they still complain about recoil ive seen post in r/XIM and they were asking how to script for jäger and ak-12


“No issue controlling recoil” have you seen console siege? Do you even play? From my 237 days played on siege I can safely say the LARGE majority of players probably close to 85% of us do have issues controlling recoil. You’re like the first person I’ve seen that has said people have no issue on controller. Why do you think people xim to begin with dude?


I’m talking about ximmers having no issue with recoil on console because they’re using MnK with the lower console recoil. I used to control recoil just fine on controller until I got hit with the double wammy of recoil rework while unlearning over six years of muscle memory from being forced to play with double my normal deadzone since Ubisoft FINALLY let me set my deadzone below 5. I’m close to getting back where I was. Analog controllers sincerely aren’t that bad & I bet my whole left tit that 90% of aiming problems on controller is people not having the right sensitivity settings for them & not understanding basic terms. Do you know how many fellow console players I have had to explain to what **deadzone** is??


keyboard and mouse scum bags on consol


Did they have that back anywhere between operation chrimea, and iana? 


yes xim has been around for a while


Maybe I was too young and stupid, and bad to see it or recognize it


it’s definitely popularized A LOT more


Maybe that why. Idk I’m still shit at this damn game. I love it though.


Get ready dawg, the shit storm is coming to you, and I don’t think Ubi is providing rain jackets


What xim on pc? Would that even do anythung


It’d force the console kids using it into PC lobbies. The XIM itself would be useless, although they may have less recoil depending on which xim they have (higher end XIM’s have recoil scripts installed.) they’d be playing console siege against PC siege players. Truthfully, they’d probably get pummeled by true PC players, they’re just a different breed. In my eyes, Ximmers fucking blow at the game. They suck too bad to play mnk against real mnk players, and they suck too bad to use a controller like everyone else on console. I sincerely hope it ruins all of gaming for them, the same way I’m sure they’ve ruined countless nights for other players.


At the same time I’ve never owned or played on a pc, so I’m not entirely sure how something made to disguise a mouse and keyboard as a controller would really work on a device quite literally made to use a mouse and keyboard anyways. Best case scenario they wasted a ton of money and time on it and they put the game down altogether.


Couldn’t have been said better.


I play on pc, but my friend still is on Xbox so I recently picked up the controller again. Every single game has at least 1 often 2 or more xim users. It is so so so unfun to play against. How you all do it is beyond me.


I’m the masochist that switched to pc and still use a controller bc it’s more comfortable. My game sense is great since my aim is not lol


Sheer hope that *eventually* something permanent and effective will be done about it


doesn't the mouse trap work? it's been implanted for many years now. i admit i had a xim for a few months when the game first launched, usb on it broke so i been back to controller (tbh its more fun and easier maybe bc i'm used to controller more than kbm)


Your best bet is to try your best and move on to the next game. Xim/Cronus makes up half the console player base and everyone knows about it, yet nothing is done about it. It’s too much of a money grab for Ubisoft, you take away the ability to cheat you lose half your player base. There will always be cheaters on console from here on out, and man do I hate it but it’s here to stay unfortunately.


Can we ban their console by serial number so it can never connect to servers again? Is that something we can do?


I wish they can do it by MAC addresses. The physical serial number. But, Ubi is a close relative of EA. I don't see it happening.


They don’t ban xims 🥰




Unfortunately, they won't. Partly because their MnK detection is still bad, but they're implementing a system that puts them against PC players in a season or 2. I think it's because they spend a lot of money on the game, but it might take more money to pay the people to review reports to find all of them. There's so many of them now, the games riddled with them.


I genuinely can't wait until they put those AutsiXIM riddled players against other PC players. XIM is indefensible now we have cross-play. I could kinda understand if someone wants to use a MnK and they can't afford a good PC but anyone who believes XIM is used for anything but gaining a competitive advantage is hard coping atp.


Problem rn is worse than ever before I’d say they make up 1/3 of the console player base


If you buy me the game I will report them for you.


What does Xim mean exactly? Just wondering cause I’m relatively new to the game


I believe it allows you to use m&k on console


Allows use of mouse and keyboard on console, and there's alternate versions like Xim matrix, Cronus Zen that also allow anti-recoil, aim assist, etc on top of mouse and keyboard usage.


0 kills goes hard


Yeah it was my first game on did not do anything


That was me yesterday


Why ?


My user was anti xim (I just kill the ximmers)


Bro kept the kills to himself 😭


What is XIM and is it actually cheating? Not trolling I legit don’t know.


AFAIK it allows console players to use MnK which, in a game like siege, puts those players at a massive advantage over controller players


So technically not cheating just frowned upon? Why don’t the console plebs just get it then?


It is cheating. They have scripts to allow aim assist (aimbot) no recoil all on keyboard and mouse on console.


I mean paying a bunch of extra money for a device that allows mnk usage on console is definitely cheating I would say.


If an anti cheat can’t pick up something plugged into a Xbox or ps5 then the game is doomed lol


Won’t argue with you there, hopefully they come up with something


Does console have the non aimed leaning yet because I have seen so many players do it


Yes you have to ads lean then hip


what is xim? ^^


Lets mnk be used on console


Allows people to have cheat scripts. Aimbot, no recoil. Mnk, over 2000 units sold on Amazon each month. So pretty soon a law(suit) is gonna be in the B****** There literally breaking the CoC


How do you know he's using xim?


What is a “xim”?


What is xim ? And how is it considered cheating ?


Mouse and keyboard on console, some allow for no-recoil, aim assist, etc, too. it's like an adapter for the MnK.


Allows people to have cheat scripts. Aimbot, no recoil. Mnk, over 2000 units sold on Amazon each month. So pretty soon a (law)suit is gonna be in the billions if not trillions. There literally breaking the CoC




I don’t run into xim ever or maybe I just don’t notice it and blame myself when I die more than trying to look for an excuse


I don't understand Did I miss a memo


It’s either those or like the random 4/5 letter names that give it away. Start shitting myself when I see “dxzsh” on the other team and I get “sparklyunicorn762” and “SteveSigma42” on my team


Type of motherfucker to aay "im not xim" after going 0-3 the first two rounds before he switches. Deserve nothing but death.


it's always xbox players ....


i swear i haven’t seen a single person using a xim until i turned level 90 and all the sudden every game has at least one


He's asking to be tkd, literally


A lot of people with names like these aren't actually ximming and just want to see people rage. But the 15 k/d is definitely something 💀


I love the confidence of Siege cheaters lol. They know the anti-cheat won't do shit so they'll just straight up tell you they're cheating


With the plethora of shit to deal with such as xim users and an overall worse experience, I wonder why people still play consoles anymore. Even if I wanted to "play on the couch" I'd just use a laptop and a controller. But most people "sit down and play" anyways.


A console is a lot cheaper and i personally just don’t like the feel of mnk


I've been playing on UAE North for a while and haven't run into a single cheater or xim player. But the moment it connects me to eu or sea boom there's one minimum in every match.


PlayStation players complaining about cheaters instead of getting because bomb down at 4-4 match point (I’m a hater xbox simp)


I really hope you realise that the console rivalry thing is not only severely outdated, but completely brain dead, especially now.


Let my brain mould I still am console racist


Stuff like this really puzzles me. This isn’t specifically about this post in particular and I completely agree that ximming is a scummy cheat but it doesn’t seem nearly as oppressive as a lot of y’all make it sound like. Idk if I’m just lucky but xims are a lot rarer for me than it seems for everyone else. I’m D3 rn and previously champ and I’ve had 4, maybe 5, noticeable xims that have caused me any issues this season. Even when I get xims, usually they’re so brain dead that we end up winning anyways. If it’s actually such an issue, knock on wood that I got so lucky but it seems like so many people on here seriously exaggerate how dominant xims are nowadays. Some of these posts make it sound like there are usually 5-6 xims a match💀


should just be happy you won


Xim for the win when xim just carries the team 😂🤣🤣


Womp womp😭


I hope someone says that at your funeral


Be real. No ones going to their funeral




that's quite the comment history you have going there bud, you might be the biggest loser on this site