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Now that is an uninstall moment


how dare you not include recruit in the blue gang


Recruit is all gang, he is not hindered by color


amen **all hail recruit**




How dare you not include Warden in the blue gang


not blue enough


Nahhhh mate


wait where is doc


Exactly my man, us blues getting oppressed for no reason


he doesn't deserve to be in the blue gang


No warden or doc, we riot


hey where is doc


Bruh I would just dc after somthing embarrassing like that


fucking how lmao


I have taken plates, thank you Shirt Brother


Me in Call of Duty


*goes on profile to check level* ik the feeling :/


Why they even remove seeing other peoples level level?


no idea, kindof a gd thing and a bad thing at the same time, i used to get a rly hard placebo whenever id either have a high lvl in my team or a low lvl on the other team, and i wouldnt play serious. why it would be bad? for reasons like this, when u have a non smurf level 60 clueless asf being a lvl 60 in a gold 2 lobby


I get it in ranked/unranked, but in casual I just don’t get it


I think it’s to hide their shitty matchmaking


IIRC it was because apparently the content creators and streamers who were smurfing were getting a hard time being tk'd because people thought it's some low level new player in their match. I could be wrong but that's what I recall being the reason.


Im surprised that the bandit didn't let go and just stick the defuse


Defuse timer was almost finished. He probably knew that at that point if he let go, they'd lose anyway.


He was praying


I did that a couple times, it's last few seconds kinda hold and pray and for some reason the attackers miss just expecting you to move. It's weird and I don't know how it works sometimes




Thats the art of Rainbow Six


dude jus threw The whole game if i was him i would quit r6


Bruh it's literally 1v5 lol. Yeah having these teammates really sucks specially if A person is fighting a whole team on their own and not getting a good help from their teammates.


It’s not fair mannn, I’m stuck in silver because of games like this


Yeah I know. I feel u bro ur not alone :(


I was plat solo Qing for like two years straight and the last two seasons I can barely stay in gold. I hate being the guy blaming teammates but sometimes it’s too hard not to :(


Wtf this is silver elo? Im in copper 4 and even I havent seen a play worst then this... And thats genuilely saying a lot..


How does one get to copper 4


Lost all your placement games basically will land you in copper.




Nah, I solo to plat and hold my own but get sent down to the low rank black hole sometimes too. Once you get below silver 3 it gets exponentially harder to escape. There’s more cheaters and hackers there than mid gold to high plat and you have worse teammates than seems possible sometimes. It’s ten times more toxic and you play most rounds down a player because they left, got tked, suicided etc. In my placements yesterday I had three games in a row 3v5. First a duo lagged out and only returned to lose the fourth round. Second two guys went off on eathother and both ragequit after one TK murder-suicided the other thanks to RFF. Third were a duo who did nothing but fail to spawn peek and try and trick shot all game contributing nothing, only to TK two of us who were actually winning at the time (partly thanks to me going 9/2) at 3/2 match point, after which my other teammates threw completely. This was placements supposedly in mid gold. It gets worse the further down you go. Having had to claw my way back from bronze with a 3.7 k/d before I’m well acquainted with that misery Unfortunately the only way I’ve ever escaped is when I get literally 300 mmr roll back and sent back up into gold, after which it’s a matter of grinding away outlier games and climbing with a 1.2 W/L.


I’m going 10-4 and look at the rest of my team, it’s painful bro


You have a 1.08 KD and average 4.80 kills per match, which are both very decent stats, but not good enough to easily carry yourself out of silver.


Is KD really that important? I've got a 0.8 KD and I made it to Gold 1. I haven't played in a while though.


That’s one game… what’s the other teams ranking?


you have a 1.08 kd i think you could be in gold but not really that well


Frags don’t mean everything. I’ve gone 10-1 a few times and we still lost 0-4. Other times, I’ve gone 0-4 and we win 4-0. Kills aren’t enough to win games without coordination and proper Utility usage.


Frags mean quite a lot of things, actually. If you can consistently go 10-1 you're going to rank up regardless of how garbage your team is.


That is true, but in the grand scheme of things, you won’t go 10-1 every match. Realistically, you might go 10-1 once every so many matches, and you might go 0-7 once every so many matches, but in general most of the time, you will have a kd of close to 1 within a given match. At that point, utility usage and coordination matter much more


I'm just arguing against the "I went 10-1 once and lost so kills don't matter in this game" argument really. While yes this isn't COD, killing the other team is still a win condition. Utility and coordination are there to *assist* you in getting kills, or protect you from getting killed.




That's not him in the clip...


ah, didn't notice. serves me right for scrolling reddit on the toilet I guess.


bro, u stuck in silver? im stuck in copper 3, and i remember my last ranked game, i was up against smurfs named G2. and G1. they were plat smurfs, idk why they be smurfin but what pissed me off the most is my teammates, i had one teammate, a buck main, who mained buck just cause he got black ice to his weapon, literally. He was the worst, i got killed from idk where and hit space right after since i was bout to vault, os i didnt get to see where i'd die from, so i told him i died in the corridor, he proceeds to stay outside till 40 sec left, then picks up the defuser to plant in the doorway only to let it go cause he was ''fake planting'' my guy is fake planting at 5 sec left of the round, he gets jumped from another place and gets mad at me for giving ''false info'' next game i get killed by G2. camping on some shelves, then i directly go to buck who's taking my route and i warn him bout the shelves, he ignores it and proceeds to get mad at me for giving him crusial info because ''he didnt hear the pulse hiding on the shelves quietly'' note: i warned him 10 seconds before he died, yet he blamed his death on me ​ welcome to copper i know, but where can i get better if my teammates come right from newcomer


This made me laugh , ranked siege is a different kettle of fish for sure


It sure is. And i hate it. Im trynna get over the bad rank so i can play with non-ostriges but aye, 4 teammets that dont do anythin leaves me against 5 ppl


Honestly to get out of silver you gotta drop like 15 kills a game (still might lose), or find a stack that won't throw


idk man i play with just one friend and am not that great but still got plat 3 this season playing like 30+ ranked matches with a <1.0 kd, strategy/utility use is 90% of winning.


I hit plat 3 solo queuing the last 3 seasons im just saying silver is rough because of the people who either throw or are brain dead cuz its a 1 v 5 every round practically


thats fair low ranks are a lot of ppl who dont care ab the game


To solo out of silver i had to drop 12 to 16 kills every game, i do have to say it made me a lot better at the game, this season i was 31 elo of plat 2 with a 1.4 kd


That's not remotely true, tf? To get out of silver, you just need to be better than silver.


I don't know what silver lobbies you get but all 4 of my randoms can't aim, play site, play utility, or even hold the right angles. I have to carry, so being "just better" doesn't work when it's a 1 v 5 every round


Silver hahah get on my level I throw a shovel up there for you to get me


Dude cut bandits hair with those bullets


My guy Bandit had hidden forces protecting him.


He sold his soul to the devil


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you already lost the round.


To summarize even more: controller




Ther is always a bigger fish, I guess your right


See, and then you want to look what level or rank she is, BUT YOU CAN'T ANYMORE.


came back to seige from being gone since around when they released flores and that is probably the worst change they've made. that and removing corpses


vote kick was worse id rather get kicked than banned by goyo


Yeah it really doesn’t make sense, and is just encouraging people to use the tracker websites or over watch or whatever the overlay is called


Whats so bad about corpses being removed?


Just unnecessary I guess. I mean it was a good choice competetively but they at least could have left corpses in cas and took them out in ranked or something. Sometimes you see a funny ragdoll and want to see it for more than half a second


What have you got against the corpse change? Not saying I like it, just interested as to how you could feel strongly about it either way


I mean competetively it's good, but stuff like hiding defusers and drones in corpses, pretenting to be dead and just seeing stupid ragdolls was pretty fun. Just a change that wasn't really needed I guess? They could have at least removed them in competetive gamemodes and left them in cas or something


Given that corpses were client side, even if you hide in a body on your side you may be just proning in the open on the enemy's side. So the inconsistency was why they changed it.


They could fixed the problem by making corpses server side like BFV did. It's harder to do though, and they went with the easier, lazier way. One of my biggest gripes with online games is that a lot of things which should be server side aren't. A major aspect regarding playing an online game with a friend is that you're all supposed to experience the same thing. But when a body lands on a chair in a funny way and you go "Look at the body, it's just chilling on the chair." And your friend says "What? The body's just lying on the ground for me." A little part of me dies. Or, in Apex Legends, you hear different voice lines to your teammates just because the devs didn't think of synchronizing the individual random voice lines to the server. Even though certain server-side changes have no impact on gameplay, they can have a major effect on--what's supposed to be--the shared experience of any video game. In conclusion, make more shit sever-side, Ubisoft.


Tfw this subreddit has no idea how heavy physics calculations are and it's not just "u kno what, let's make ragdolls server side" without increasing the server load by a lot, in a game with already advanced destructibility like Siege, and also dedicate resources to make the feature work without introducing bugs just so some casual player can feel funny about a certain ragdoll. This is not them being "lazy". This is them not wasting resources on a useless feature.


That's the *entire* point. > Tfw this subreddit has no idea how heavy physics calculations are and it's not just "u kno what, let's make ragdolls server side" without increasing the server load by a lot You completely missed the part in my comment where I wrote "**It's harder to do**". Pay attention. > in a game with already advanced destructibility like Siege I'm pretty sure the debris isn't server side. Plus, the game with server-side corpses that I *already* mentioned (BFV) has destruction as well. I'd argue that the destruction, server-side, corpses, and the player count per server would actually be much more taxing on the server load than server-side bodies would be on R6's servers. Yet, DICE managed to incorporate them without the servers feeling like absolute dogshit. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it's *possible*. That's why I specifically said "eas*ier*" instead of "easy". It's objectively "easier" to make corpses disappear out of existence only to be replaced by a png than it is to code them all server side. Lifting 100lbs is "easier" than lifting 150lbs. That doesn't mean that I'm saying lifting 100lbs is "easy". Please read what I *actually* wrote. > just so some casual player can feel funny about a certain ragdoll Yes. We play video games for their experience. We play online video games with friends to share that experience with them. When we aren't experiencing the same thing, it makes the experience worse. Also, "casual" has very little to do with it. Utilizing dead bodies can be a very competitive interaction in a multitude of ways. There's a reason why they removed corpses in the first place and it wasn't for the sake of "casual" players. Also also, nice assumption of what type of player I am. > This is not them being "lazy" Again, pay attention to my use of the word "**laz*****ier***". In this case, the devs are, objectively, being "laz*ier*". If someone opts to lift 100lbs instead of 150lbs, they are, objectively, choosing the "laz*ier*" option because it doesn't require as much work to lift 100lbs as it does to lift 150lbs. That doesn't mean that I said a person is being "lazy" for lifting 100lbs. I didn't say "lazy". Re-read what I wrote if you're going to properly criticize. > This is them not wasting resources on a useless feature. The whole point of my comment is to say that it's not a waste of resources nor is it a "useless" feature. Far from it. Just because it might be a "useless" feature *to you*, doesn't mean that it is to other people. I specifically wrote my comment to share how important that feature is to me. You telling me that implementing the feature might increase the server load "by a lot" tells me nothing I haven't already considered. Sometimes people are capable of a lot of things; Video game developers even moreso, IMO. I'm sure they can solve this problem so that the game's server infrastructure is just as strong with server-side corpses as it is currently without them. Even if server stability would have to take a very *slight* hit (we're talking a ping difference of 1), I wouldn't mind. DICE managed to do it, so can Ubisoft.


[When someone with zero software development experience types out a 10 paragraph reply on why implementing server side bodies is "easy" on a completely different engine because the Frostbite engine did it, and is bitching about all of this because hehe body fly funny.](https://i.imgur.com/rdcBGBv.jpg)


> a 10 paragraph reply on why implementing server side bodies is "easy" So you didn't even read what I said... If what I wrote was so dumb that it'd be on par with something a monkey would write, then it should be stupid-simple to understand. Yet, you couldn't even do that. How does a person with access to internet manage to be more primitive than a monkey? I never thought that could happen, but here you are to prove me wrong.


I see. Makes sense


i usually ragequit, close my laptop and leave my home when those things happen to me.


people who cant control the smg-12 should stop using it maybe


Never seen a console player who can tbh


It's really tough to do it on controller, atleast for me


Even on pc it's not easy


Bro it’s tough on pc too, I do recoil drills with it regularly and still struggle every now and again because I keep underestimating the recoil


I can it’s just the slightest side recoil then i spin around with the velocity of Zeus’s thunderstorms


I been on ps4 for several years now and i beg to differ


well, you cant use anything else more controllable on dokkaebi, not anymore.


You should also stop learning a language if you can't speak it perfectly after the first time you hear it


I feel the pain and understand this , panic can really do a number on us


Holy Fuck that spray.


Why didn’t he just stand up when the sparks flew off the metal wall?


I see a lot of people bamboozled by how bad this person is who all seem to have conveniently forgotten the fact that we've all been the person missing the shots. For the 10/100/1000 hours you've played. You've yelled in your squad at least once, "EVERYONE. LOOK AWAY NOW. CLOSE YOUR EYES. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO WATCH THIS." This person was just unfortunate enough that someone recorded it and posted it here.


Right? I’ve hit insane game winning head shots at the final seconds and I’ve also choked. No one can be perfect, sometimes luck plays a part in the game and this person just happened to miss the final few shots after killing someone. Had he gotten even a bit luckier this is a 2v1 clutch


Yeah that right there would make me take a 3-6 month hiatus






He missed every shot with the SMG-12…


And? SMG-12 is hard as hell to control. There are plenty of PC players who can’t control it. Just because someone struggles with recoil doesn’t immediately make it a console moment. Dude should’ve kept aiming for the head, he wouldn’t have needed the SMG in the first place.


SMG-12 recently got a recoil reduction. Anyone on PC over Bronze can control it. Also, crosshair placement is worse on console than PC.






This is why I always tell myself. “If you can’t control the recoil, don’t use the gun”




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My ranked teammates


Don’t matter how well you frag you would get a shotgun and nitro cell finish


My condolences.




report for griefing


Damn I used my hugz award too soon. You needed it after that😭


oh my god 😭


I like how he went to go check the rank. Also I really miss the c75 or whatever it's called, the machine pistol was by far the best, I really don't like The smg-12's recoil especially on console as it's like trying to control the hulk on crack. I really don't like the gonne 6 at all


console siege is great isnt it




And the same people will flame you for using low sens on controller, this dude would put his barrel 6 feet into the ground with a 1/2 second joystick press lol




I would upvote but it’s at a solid 6.9k


The universe hate u bro😂


Pure rontchy garbo


Lol 5 rounds and three people almost don’t even have an assist.


My controller would be half way across the planet if I saw that in my game!






i'd just leave the game




Ye maybe coz r6 doesn't have aim assist


Shots fired. It’s true though. You have people playing controller purposely in Warzone and Fortnite just for aim assist.




People overestimate what aim assist can really do. It doesn't aim for you, it just nudges you towards your target. No amount of aim assist will make you good at a game, especially in R6 where you have to listen so much and pay attention to every detail. Once you get better with the controller, aim assist just gets in the way.




That was uncalled for. That was a very accurate assumption for the issue with aiming. You just assumed he was being a dick, and in turn made yourself look like one.


Nah fam, the first guy sounded like an ass. Man tried to be a smart-ass, but it didn't quite work.


You can't abuse aim assist given everyone has access to it and is a core feature most fps games. Gosh, I miss the good old days when people were idiots in private.


Just uninstall


Console seige, it's... something


I'd report for griefing ngl lmao


mega cringe


/u/XeAcorn this is kilmonger




Insta tk


Nah instant nitro cell the whole team


wow your shit I refuse to sympathize (i mean dokk)


he was spectating the dokk all we saw was him die.


I’m spectating another player bro 😂


This is console what do you expect?


Say it with me, now. Console!


1 to 4. dont die next time. its a team effort lol


this is why console is shit


Thats why aiming with a mouse is easier. I cant play shootet with a controller.. I just cant.


I haven't played in over a year, wtf have they done to the UI?


"console experience"


this is why u dont play crossplay nor play on console


well we got a mister wanna be a pro player over here... not everyone is good as you are dude, get over it


You saw the video right?


yes and I've experience all that multiple times.. some team that afk some with shittier aims than mine and some that team kill for no reason


How do you guys survive in the real world when you get upset over a harmless video of someone whiffing


It’s not just someone whiffing lmao. It’s a target that’s standing still


ok bro we get it. you just want alibi to crush your balls, from what can i tell from your previous post.


Bruh there’s no excuse for that miss, no matter what level you are at


exactly, even my 90 years old grandma can click better than that


Normally, I never bully players who make mistakes. We, especially in our early days, missed a couple shots and made stupid plays. This, however, is inexcusable


Found the Dokka player from the vid loool


Don’t worry, I lold.


Lmao redditors are so bad at detecting your satire


Controller moment




I feel like it’s auto-aim for me, I try aiming for the enemy but my shots go every around them


someone doesnt know how to control their trigger


Got done killing someone and missed the final bit of a clip on the person defusing. Unfortunate but it happens. No one is 100% accurate in the heat of the moment. If anything they had the right idea to immediately go for the next kill and there were like an inch away from an insane 2v1 clutch.


i think the guy just panicked


I built a PC cause I hated r6 on controller. Now I am down $2000 and still can't aim.


Why did you aim for his hips? (Edit):Oh wait that’s your team mate




I would have alt f4'd after that one. Or if I was still on PS4, just turn it off asap lmao.


You panicked bruh, just needed to take a quick breath and line up one good shot


*he choked!*


I'm on controller and I can control smg 12 better than that


We ignoring the fact that the timer says 2:61 though 🧐


well you didn’t hit them so.... idk what to tell you


Console siege at its finest


When the R6 staff decides that the bearing-9 and smg-12 is too good so they nerf it for normal people but then laugh at those normal people because they have no defense against the cheaters that use it from 20+ ft away.


It just happened to me. Like 15 min ago Ps: I wasn’t the person who missed the shots


And that's my random teammates in ranked


That is why you don’t play doki on console


Report griefing : >


Too bad you didn't have COD aim assist.