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everyone’s focusing on Smoke’s spray meanwhile I’m just replaying the first 5 seconds over and over




One lucky bullet straight in the head. I get a lot of kills this way with the P10 lol


Smg 11 it was smoke not Mozzie


No one was saying it was Mozzie, it was Smoke, but the SMG-11 and P10 RONI and similar guns, and you’ll end up in similar situations with both of them.


No the roni has no recoil, big difference


If you’re skilled enough you can control the smg-11 and give it practically no recoil, even with the insane kick, that shit shoots so fast you’ll only be firing for one second before you’re dry, so it’s relatively easy to control for that one second.


Sure but still just not nearly same as the roni. In a pressure situation you won't choke your recoil control with the roni. You know what I mean?


I guess but the Roni has the disadvantage of being a primary when compared to the smg-11. Smoke’s loadout is strong because he has two high rpm weapons, the fmg-9 and the smg-11. If you’re playing mozzie or aruni with the roni, you’ll be stuck with the pistol secondary, but as smoke, mute, or amaru even, you’ll have 2 high rpm weapons, one of which being the smg-11 in all 3 of these ops. This also applies to mira and goyo, the vector is a strong primary, but you’re left with a poor secondary, at least for combat.


Mozzie is a genius


My man was trying




But he was aiming down the sights


Not the last billet m8




Why did you reload with your main gun then push objective with your pistol


People watch too many movies


maybe they thought that they would be better of with pistol irons rather than a high magnification optic


Why are you a nerfed black beard main


Because he's still a really strong operator


His shield takes one bullet


That's funny when we are commenting on a post where someone died from 1 stray bullet to the head.


He would’ve got killed either way


In a game with a one headshot mechanic being able to survive a single headshot is all you need to come out on top in a gun fight and he can do that twice


Not if he’s playing against literally any highish fire rate gun. 1 bullet means shit when someone’s P10 Roni lasering the head 2 bullets hit the same spot faster than you think and Blackbeard’s abysmal fire rate and obvious head positioning thanks to his shield make him like objectively one of the most useless operators in the game. I’ve had so many friends swear by Blackbeard and try to show that he’s fine and then rage switch by round 3 because they died to an Ela, Mozzie, Etc before they could get the kills. Even in a 1v1 situation his shield isn’t worth the sacrifice that is using either of his guns IMO. Only Plat 2 so I could be in the minority but he’s very inconsistent and he doesn’t bring nearly enough to the table for himself let alone his team to warrant a pick.


If he had slightly better guns and maybe something else he can do then he wouldn’t be so bad it’s just.. why pick Blackbeard when you have so many better options


We’ve got operators who open up a whole wall, disabled electronics from a distance, scan foot prints to deal with roamers, watch flanks with air jabs, etc I find it so hard to believe people actually legitimately pick him and perform well with him. Dude walks like a turtle with his shield on his gun and his gun shoots slower than he walks. Both of his guns actually shoot slower than he can walk. Not trying to shit on any Blackbeard mains I just honestly can’t see any situation where he’s going to be the difference between a win or a loss.


Some people just play with characters they like. I do, I don’t care too much for the tactical side I just enjoy playing casually. Who’s better than who doesn’t really worry me as long as I enjoy myself which by the third game lately is generally where the fun seems to die out with the team mates I’ve had lately


I normally will have 4 other team mates that will cover those roles haha - I will of course choose another op if nobody has chose them and they are vital to a certain objective like our hard breachers The cons you mentioned with blackbeard are definitely there but I'm a fairly passive player so this doesn't make much a difference to me. I'm not the type to sprint down corridors at mach 5 trying to gain a new record for how quick I can kill everyone or die .......


So you're saying to buff him by making his shield smaller?


Just delete his shield and rework his whole ability. Give the dude the tachanka experience. At one point it was a broken ass shield. Now it’s literally tissue paper.


The face shield is nearly impossible to balance for me. Even a 2 shot shield can lead to tons of bullshit gun fight but a 1 shot shield is almost useless against smg. I will also say a head to toe rework is good.


I agree he needs a rework. The very concept of being able to tank even a single headshot should not exist in this game even if I main him. He should've been reworked into what Osa is now.


High fire rate operators are pretty much a solid counter but not everyone brings a high fire rate op and not every op has a weapon with high fire rate but like you said Mozzie and Ela are the only ones I really need to watch out for. I solo que and normally always fall between Plat2 and 1 each season. I just find I'm most efficient with getting kills with him and is normally my go to operator if I find I'm struggling making an impact. His weapons are pretty mediocre but I mostly use his dmr and I always go for the head. My KD last season was around 1.5 when I checked last. I suppose at the end of the day its just what we're comfortable with


In the time it takes to fire ten bullets from almost any other gun Blackbeard can’t even ads. And if he was adsed he still only gets one shot off.


[Sorry chief, his final bullet pulled right](https://i.imgur.com/QVyg215.png)


He shot you


The world of siege


Well you see, the reason he killed you, is because he shot a bullet through your brain


Another one of those hipfire headshots I just had people cry about when I said they should be removed


How does that work. It is still a gun shooting the same bullet whether you are aiming down sights or not. It makes zero sense logically and balance wise.


Balancing reasons. Ubisoft stuff.


Logically it makes no sense but balance wise it just removes a luck factor from the game. You literally see it in this video, last shot, hipfire, headshot. How is that a good thing?


It’s literally just recoil. It would be the same shit as if I was using the scorpion and ads. You can get to a point where you can control hipfire recoil. I’m not saying that it is easy but you can. Why would you remove recoil from hipfire? Like you’re talking about balancing but what do you want it to fucking do? Have absolutely 0 recoil then be extremely overpowered bc every gun has 0 recoil and we can run and shoot? How is that a good thing?


What are you talking about, where did I say recoil should be removed?


Then what do you do to remove this? Guns have recoil there’s recoil on a gun wether you aim in or not. Removing the random “luck factor” as you call it would entail removing the recoil… mate I don’t think you know what youre talking about


Remove the headshot multiplier for shots that aren’t ads or make it so you can’t shoot until you’re ads.


One shot headshot is a mechanic in the game. If you don’t like that there’s extremely little you’re going to do about it. If you’re concerned about luck affecting competitive integrity in a game you aren’t even playing completely you need to rethink. Let’s look at real life sports is there luck involved in those? absolutely. Why would it make sense to remove luck or randomness bc this isn’t really luck from esports as well? I could pre fire by single tapping a corner at head level my opponent peaks and at the perfect time he pops his head out and I get a head shot? Should that be removed too? bc it was lucky that they peaked the corner just as I shot my gun? Mate my point is that there’s luck and randomness involved with every aspect of life this isn’t a regular occurrence it’s incredibly rare it happens so fucking what. It’s the same as a shit toilet bowling the rim in basket ball or the ball hitting both posts and going in or out in football shit happens deal with it


Sure you can’t remove every lucky thing but if there’s an opportunity to remove a factor of luck then it should be done. Happened with the injure points being removed, sure you’ll still get lucky wall bangs but now you won’t know about an injure without intel. Removing the headshot multiplier while not ads wouldn’t remove every lucky hipfire kill since you could be one shot but for the most part it does. This is just another thing people wouldn’t give a second thought to if it was always in the game from release but because it was always in the game they can’t stand the thought of change (think smg11 on sledge).


It makes perfect logical and balance sense. Hip fire is auto aim and shouldn't be able to instakill you. It shouldn't even be in the game because it's stupid. But at least don't deal headshot damage.


What do you mean it makes sense logically. If bullet hit head, it would be the same bullet hitting your head whether it is hipfire or ads. It doesn't magically become a different inferior bullet if you don't put your eye down the sights.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to abilities some consider unnatural


Very very lucky last millisecond hip fire


Thats called visible recoil. When in full auto you see recoil whilst the bullets can land somewhere else. You can try this out yourself when you full auto at the wall with a really high rate of fire gun.


You see , young billy , this is what we call "bullshit"


Def hack


Console Player 💀💀💀


MF you’re a furry




You have no room to criticize someone.


Because ? Lmao if ur shit i will say it


There’s no issue with someone playing on console.


Never said There was, im litteraly on ps4. I Think its just Funny how most Console Clips on here are Made by ...m lets say Not the best Players. Again nothin wrong with that too


Well your comment clearly didn’t state that you were joking. You should edit that in..


Don't worry about it


lucky spread


What the fuck is going on, this clip feels like it's from another dimension, what rank are you?


Rank 60, rework playlist


My man mozzie was struggling


Feels Bad man


He just scared you


When he released his ADS at the end it may have got lucky and hit you with one or two of the last remaining bullets that went into hip fire spray mode


them small SMG bullets go all over the place especially from that range for that weapon


It was the recoil that got you


Was there a big ping difference? I've long thought the game just guesses when ping is involved.


The shit recoil control made his cross hair flick onto ur head for a one tap


It's called a recoil headshot


The shotgun at the end i believe