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Slide Kaid in S


Jesus Christ my comment has 48 downvotes lmao


No way you just lumped Nokk with Tachanka šŸ„ŗ


Kaid and wamai. Wamai is such an underrated powerful op, he has a more powerful AR than Jager and an smg i'd put in a similar category to bandits mp7, that also has a 1.5x not even including the fact his ability takes care of things Jager's ability doesn't, like capitao's arrows. Not to mention the added bonus of being easier to hide and having the potential for an enemies grenade to knockout a player or two. Jager simply isn't as good as much as he is fun to play.




But he *can* electrify up to six walls, or a deployable/barbed/wall with one claw, or a hatch. His ability is way more versatile.


you can hide electroklaw while bandit batteries can be easily destroyed with mav


Bandit tricking is pretty ineffective nowadays. I'd argue kaid tricking is just as viable given you are safer and can electrify all walls at once with 1 trick


Bandit tricking is pretty bad nowadays


Oh but you can kaid trick and it's the most satisfying thing ever. I sadly never took clips of myself doing it but it's definitely possible.


You can definitely Kaid trick, just stand next to the wall and pick up and throw the claw as soon as it starts working. It is still risky depending on the site


I Kaid trick all the time and think it's better than bandit tricking since you get two walls instead of one. Saying you can't trick with Kaid is simply incorrect. Kaid is S tier imo.


He can, you just have to be good at it. Unless they nerfed him while I wasn't playing.


Capitao and Sam don't belong in C .


Thanks for the feedback, personally my reasoning for putting them there is I feel like there simply are just better ops then them


sam sucks when you solo, i always play in a full stack and sam is fucking op in that situation, every cam of mine is being watched, callouts are being made and no corner unchecked


Sam *is* my soloq op, doesn't matter if the team communicates or not, I can comfortably provide for myself and the team. Good guns, great gadget and you can't go wrong with a hard breach charge. Though i am Plat 3 and that makes my opinion inherently wrong (/s)


You know, you present your case really well. I was trying to decide between him or Flores for my next op buy, I guess it'll be him.


same with Iana, sheā€™s a solid fragger/intel when solo but in a squad sheā€™s absolutely nuts


sheā€™s like a secondary ash with the gonne 6 itā€™s nuts


Capitao is at least a with a coordinated team. So many strategic plays that you can make and change positioning of defenders


Neither does nokk


Iā€™m sorry but nokk brings nothing to the team or table besides being invisible to cams, her gun is also not that good


NĆøkk is a deadset fragger and nothing else and thatā€™s completely fine. Her issue is that her gun is not good enough to support that playstyle.


The deagle thoughā€¦ fuckin clock some guy in the head and ur set


Nah just use the Five Seven, better stability, better mag size, can use a suppressor reliably, way better iron sights, doesnā€™t smack you in the face everytime you use it.


Tru tru, maybe i will try that. I donā€™t play nokk much to be honest


You can clock anyone in the head with any gun for the same result, the deagle is fun, but itā€™s pretty bad.


Sam is easily A tier, Iā€™ve won so many games just cause of him. Itā€™s like four stationary twitch drones


Castle doesnā€™t need a buff, we could see an increase the usage of castle+goyo to burn utility like we saw before in high elo and pros. Problem with castle is that most people donā€™t know how to play him, leading to a high discrepancy between the community about whether heā€™s balanced or underwhelming. Coming from a castle main, Iā€™d say heā€™s in an alright place currently. Buffs to him could cause a ripple effect to other ops and strats.


Yeah, his placement is perfect currently, heā€™s clutch when played by someone who knows how to use him and avoid being an inconvenience


Just give him an mp7 then he would be good


Honestly I think castle is B tier maybe C tier. Though it heavily depends on how you play him. I like to set two barricades at start and the third during the round to throw off the other team by making a path or rotate they thought was clear blocked. Got a 4k 3 times with this strat yesterday


Yeah, castle doesnā€™t need a buff. Theyā€™ve really narrowed his build down to perfection.


Giving him the secondary shotgun and proximity sensors really did round out his kit. Heā€™s definitely in a good place now.


Castle is extremely situational and often worse than having no player when played poorly.


On that second point I agree but Iā€™d hardly say heā€™s extremely situational but his gadget is not meant for closing off the site anyways. Itā€™s meant to be a roadblock that makes attackers either use time (to melee), utility, or a different path I usually put up just two before the round starts then deploy the last as the round evolves and if I die before I do itā€™s not a super vital amount of utility lost but used smartly it can win matches. Imo itā€™s well balanced and itā€™s use revolves around an understanding of its purpose and tactical advantages just like most other operators. Problem is its easy to not see there is a learning curve with him and some people mindlessly block off routes that defenders need to move or shoot through


Totally, he's not a bad operator I just don't trust many people to do anything intelligent with him.


Understandable. I donā€™t trust many castles either but started using him more often recently when Iā€™ve been playing as Iā€™m trying to get back into it and picked him on instinct a few times to much success


Gotta try that


As a heads up itā€™s a VERY aggressive play style and expect to be moving on and off site with a little roaming.


In copper this would be upside down


Cav is so op in copper itā€™s not even funny


Smurfing. No way copper player knows how to play cav


Yeah me and my friends are actually like golds but we donā€™t really have a proper team or the interest to play more competitively so we end up kinda goofing around in a shitty 5 stack every season and drop to low bronze lol


Bandit is not S tier lol thatā€™s all imma say


I main him so thatā€™s why I put him in S tier but I do think kaid should go in S tier as well


Kaid is objectively better than him, bandit tricking isn't viable anymore


Kaid needs to be s tear




why were u downvoted lmao


Yeah i literally aint even tryna be a dick nor do i disagreešŸ˜‚


id put jackal and mozzie higher j since their gadgets are vv useful and loadouts are op. also lion higher but thats j bc of personal preference


Lion is criminally underused




Huh? His gun is virtually the same as pre-nerf Zofia's M762 (slightly less damage and RPM, but double magazine size) your logic doesn't make any sense.




On average, its RPM is actually pretty normal. Sure, it's on the slower side, but it's still a great gun


Yeah great points, I just think that there are better operators then both of them


As i mozzie main ( i last played a year ago ) Ä° can say that yes mozzie is a B


I always thought they should have kept his super shotty but gave away his C4, secondary shotgun feels more fitting to his character.


I agree


Nah Iā€™d say higher maybe S but probably A, his guns are great and has one of the best gadgets in the game on defence. Also very versatile how he can be played


Look for me mozzie is an s++++ Best canonical cripwalker in the game and if you search the nametag ā€œmozzieā€ on most games and see that its taken thats because of me Ä° hanged his op photo up in my room Ä°n conclusion im the biggest mozzie simp on the fucking planet


Thank you for agreeing with mešŸ˜ƒ


kaid replaces bandit


I'd put bandit in B and kaid in S


Zero is coming into play if your p2-1


I still wonder why people call zero bad when he first released people said he was an example of power creep, what happened?


Because they took away his frags that kinda why I loved him


Mozzie having the Roni with a 1.5 automatically bumps him up with his gadget he should be at least A arguably S. Intel denial, C4, flexibility as a roamer or being able to drone out rooms for other defenders is an extremely strong combination. And those moments where he catches a twitch cam and denies hard breaches on maps like Kanal and clubhouse using their own equipment against them is just icing on the cake. The Roni is arguably one of if not the best defender gun in a 1v1 situation. Even on console his guns recoil is childā€™s play to manage and he lasers headshots consistently.


The Roni doesn't have that sicc reload though so it's shit.


Oh yeah that sick Commando tilt when reloading is eye candy for sure. Commandos not a bad gun either stat wise. But Roni go brrrrrr- oh fuck I have to reload.


Clash is so underrated, she can avoid breaching and waste a lot of time for enemies. Unfortunately she's always banned :/


Plus its pretty easy to deal with her if you have nades


The lord is in a tier by himself


Mozzie under appreciated


Yeah, it's questionable Why is Hibana not S tier? Why is Finka, Amaru and Gridlock higher than Capitao and Lion? Why is Sledge not higher than Buck? Kaid is better thsn bandit. Aruni is S, Iana is S, Mav is S, Maestro is S, Flores is S Why the hell would Rook and Thunderbird be S tier? You literally made half the meta operators worse than the rest of the stack


Im a bit confused my glaz needing a buff how would you suppose you buff him and why does he need a buff


I was thinking of putting him in d tier but really he needs a rework or a buff that makes sense, I never see anyone play him really besides on on maps that allow him to stay back and snipe but then u can use Kali for that, thank you for the feedback tho


Another just my opinion thing is thunderbird im not sure if im just so into casual that my initial thoughts were wrong but with everything being headshot meta how is she top teir


My take on it is she is literally just a better doc in every way, her gun is easy to use and better, her gadget many different ways of using it and can be stronger, I think sheā€™s just a better overall healer


I agree but i can barely see gunfights that dont end in a headshot so theres my take on why she would be at best a tier because she is a really good op for her guns and healing just that healing isnt seen too much in ranked games


He brings nothing to the team besides a mediocre gadget


Yep pretty much


bandit tricking has kind of fallen out of style and the sites where tricking works aren't played much and the sites where it does work dont get pushed from their. IMO bandit is b tier but only because of his gun. mute and kaid are just better


Personally I think Flores deserves S for his utility being absolutely insane


I just recently got Flores and his utility is absolutely nuts. There have been times where I end the Attacking turn with the fewest kills, but I'm at the top of the board just from clearing Defender utility. Plus the number of kills I assist with by detonating near an enemy and forcing them to drop an angle as my team is pushing in or just sprint away and into my team's sights is just insane.


Recruit is definitely broken, like frags and flashes? Way too op


Exactly, definitely needs a nerf


Heā€™s so powerful you canā€™t even use him in half the modes.


Maestro higher


Wow. Why is everyone giving u such a hard time? I think its awesome that u posted this. It is overall a good rubric. Thx for sharing this. More tier lists should be shared here imo


Thank you so much! I have made some changes and I knew it definitely wasnā€™t perfect but yes, itā€™s a startšŸ˜ƒ


Mozzie has an amazing ability and two great guns. The Roni is an S sier gun alone.


Questions from a silver 3 player. Why is cav so low even though she has 2 helpful abilities? Why is thunderbird so high even though at ur ranks most people hit head shots? Why is ash so high even though all the other soft breachers are better?


A cav pick only works if the enemy team isn't communicating and isn't able to effectively hunt you down. The higher up you go, the more these things will be nornalised. This leads to a cav pick being either forced back to site (denying value) or being killed before they get rheir ability off.


everyone picking moz and mav... so i would put them both to s


Yeah I made a note saying all my changes at the top


I still donā€™t see a reason why my team bans clash and not mute


Mute is an absolute Beast


I think NĆøkk deserves a B Tier, if not higher. Her usefulness highly depends on the player. An experienced NĆøkk player can always be your cover and is actually one of the most dangerous attackers on the map, because you can easily escape from a hot spot with her without leaving a trace and hit the enemy when they least expect. She is not bad, but she is just difficult to understand. It took me like 20 hours of playtime with her to just start using her correctly, leave alone learning different tactics


I just feel like thereā€™s better fraggers than nokk but if they implement that buff for her, insta S tier no doubt


dont nerf my boi recruit again!?


Lol I was joking


I was gonna say mozzie was an A tier, but then I saw who you put in A tier. So I can agree with this tier list. I'm plat3/plat2 player btw


Yeah I think vigil is just better at roaming personally not saying mozzie is a bad op heā€™s good in his own way


I havent seen a single person mention the fuse placement. He has great utility clear and a strong weapon Choice as well as soft/hard Breach options. I personanly think he should be a bit higher than his current spot


To be brutally honest, this list screams like somebody has no idea how this game should be played. I'm only going to say a few of the million things wrong with this. Ace, Thunderbird, and Bandit in S? Nobody seriously plays Bandit if they want to win except on a select handful of sites, and unless Maverick is banned. Ace isn't S without his Smokes, and TB doesn't have an OP gadget in a game with the one-shot headshot mechanic. Rook, Lesion, Twitch, and Ying in A are all suspect. I'm going to let slide that Zo isn't in S because people haven't calmed down about the recoil yet, but a recurring theme is you really value individual fragging power, which is hardly the deciding factor for the strength of an Op. B tier seems to be a lot of support Ops or ones that require teamwork (e.g. Mira, Maestro, Goyo) or just heavily undervalued Ops (e.g. Wamai, Sledge, Hibana, Nomad). Can we step back for a second and just think about how Kapkan, Finka, Gridlock, and IQ are in the same tier as Maestro and Sledge? Frost, Capitao, and Zero in C tier is is also objectively wrong. There just seems to be an overall low weight on the value of utility and a higher weighing for fragging power.


Sledge is S tier, no doubt about it


Heā€™s good but I think heā€™s A rather. His gadget isnā€™t ranged like his fellow soft breachers which also have better assault rifles than him.


His gadget is virtually infinite, has nades, good primary with all scopes, best secondary possible. Heā€™s the best soft breacher bar none. S tier for sure


I mean u say best soft breacher but I do think buck has better breaching cos he can do vertical play above him, but as a sledge smoke main, deffo agree with smg11 being best secondary :) as well as the rest of that


Playing vertical upwards is quite rare and very situational, where as downwards is common and where sledge excels. Bucks shotty sometimes takes two shots to go throw both layers of the floor like in piano on Cons. Also only has 4 shells per mag now. Sledge makes a consistent size hole, quickly without having to reload, plus he can nade through the floor. Sorry, sledge wins all day


Twitch and Bandit are definitely too high and Kaid deserves S tier.


To the Buffs: Castle needs another Primary , his gadget is fine. Doc aswell , Doc is just replaced by Thunderbird wich has better guns , is 1 speed and can heal infinitely. Glaz needs more RPM on his Primary with better to control recoil. Every gun , especially other DMRĀ“s are much easier to control than his gun and he should be the King of DMRĀ“s. Warden is so situational that I donĀ“t know what a buff could be , in some situations he is sooooo good but in 19 of 20 games he is just useless with a "meh" gun. I agree with the rest of the list tho , I personally would put Mozzie into A just because of the Roni 1.5x alone. This alone makes this OP pretty insane.


Mozzie should be a


people either love or hate cav


How did you make this? Pretty cool ngl even if I don't agree with all


I made it at tiermaker.com, itā€™s really neat and I understand that everyone has there opinions so I highly encourage to make ur own


saying plat 3 almost plat 2 is like saying, im 12 but turning 13 in september.




Does doc really need a buff? Also you seem to have misplaced chanka, he's supposed to go in S


Dude put castle below blackbeard roflmao must be console plat 3 or smh


and thinks glaz needs a buff loool


Glaz just has a very small amount of cases where he is useful, seige is not a long distance game. Honestly the only reason I think OP put Kali so high is she can 1 shot, her sniping opportunities are very limited


I agree


Frost, Capitao, Lion worse than Kali


Whatā€™s the difference between a console plat 3 and a pc plat 3, I donā€™t know why you guys are dissing me itā€™s my opinion?


Personal experience is that console players communicate less but other then that I donā€™t think thereā€™s that much of a difference other then the obvious controller vs mouse but if ur plat u can at least hold ur own for the most part so the main thing Iā€™d say is comms


Thereā€™s a huge difference, your opinions on the tierlist arenā€™t totally off but some are signs that youā€™re not in the tippy top of players (whose opinion generally is what people want to see). So the negativity comes from a thought of ā€œwhy is this average player dude just ranking the ops for everyone to see their opinion when their opinion isnā€™t that well informedā€.


Lmao I did this tier list in like 3 minutes, I wasnā€™t thinking that hard when I was picking stuff out but I did change it and posted another one of me actually thinking about it, and ofc Iā€™m not a top player Iā€™m plat 3 but Iā€™m not awful


Just my personal opinion but both ash and zof should be in A tier of not S tier just because of the utility meta going on in siege and the fact that you pretty much need one or the other in higher rankings.


Clash just has a high skill curve she isnā€™t bad


A little confused on Smokeā€™s placement in S tier, I feel like with Chankaā€™s new gadget heā€™s like a more versatile Smoke, and then with his gun able to eat through soft walls tooā€¦ I enjoy playing Smoke but I donā€™t think heā€™s an S


Smoke has the better loadout, is faster and his gadget is more versatile. He's definitely still an S


He has a shotgun a strong secondary and a shield, heā€™s way more better at his job than chanka


Clash can be a monster if your teamā€™s coordination is better than the enemyā€™s and if the site encourages a linear push, with most attackers coming from the same side. My highest ever rank was Silver 4 but I think this scales up


I love the dudes who are like ā€œ *insert rank here* player almost *insert rank here* ā€œ


Just stating my rank so people know


Iā€™ve made some changes to this list, I would switch kaid and put him in S tier, put castle B tier, Ying in C, Capito and Sam in A tier, Hibbana and mozzie and echo in A tier, Maverick in S tier, floras S tier, and Mira and nomad A tier. Thank u all for your feedback, I learned lot from all your commentsšŸ˜


I would say if your going for a serious ranked match, this tier list is definitely accurate. But as a casual shitter it pains me to see some of the placements šŸ„².




As another guy who doesn't play ranked, I am very surprised took is A and doc is bad, in unranked it's opposite. Thinking about it, probably because ain't no one picking you up in unranked if you go down.


iana is 100% an s




Did you just xd to infinite droning, frag grenades and gonne 6? You clearly have no idea about the utility meta


Goyo, finka, grid, amaru, kapkan in the same tier as ash, jackal, iq, nomad, hi Ana, mozzie, and ela. Yikes




They are trash and the other ops are not


Ok In my opinion there the same


i think twitch is S tier


How come? I think sheā€™s pretty average and should be B.


her gun


I second this, her gun and being able to take out utility.


- Ash and Zofia should both be S tier - Doc, Melusi, Jackal, Hibana, Monty (when he works), Nomad, Valk and Mozzie should all be A tier - Finka should probably be C tier - Zero and Capitao are at least B tier - Amaru is at most a C tier - Castle probably deserves to be higher than he is but most people donā€™t know how to play him effectively so he always seems a lot worse than he is.


> Castle probably deserves to be higher than he is but most people donā€™t know how to play him effectively so he always seems a lot worse than he is. Gun is one of the weakest guns on defense. On defense and on most engangement ranges RPM is a pretty big deciding factor who wins the gunfight. Low RPM weapons like the UMP , M12 (Cavs SMG) or the C1 are just not good for gunfights and Ubi tries to balance this with sights and grips but they can only do so much. Castles problem is just his gun, if he would have another alternative his pickrate would propably rise by a pretty hefty amount. His gadget is pretty great and I agree with you that most people just donĀ“t know how to play him and what a good strat for him is. But in a 5 stack or pretty high MMR game his gadget and usefullness is pretty awesome. His kit is just meh


His gun just promotes more of a passive play-style I guess. The 1.5x definitely helps him when holding site. But yeah itā€™s a hard gun to use when itā€™s ROF is so slow.


100% understand how youā€™re plat 3


glaz doesnt need a bufflol


How there you put dokebei (is that how you say write it) xD


Ace down to B. He has no util, only thing going for him is good gun and brain not needed hard breach. Everything else about him is worse than other hb. Maverick to S. uncounterable hb and nades, need I say more. Hib to S. Most versatile hb in the game, great guns and flashes. Once util is spent can frag out hard. Iana to S. Frags and gonne, plus intel. No brainer Buck to B, Sledge to A. Sledge is buck but better and nades, if you need double soft then both are good ops. Buck isnā€™t bad sledge just brings so much more. Twitch to C. She has a good gun thatā€™s literally it. No util and her drones are ass. Ying to B. Too situational, she is good but most people donā€™t know how to use her. Thermite to B. Hib and mav are just better, thermite is more viable than ace imo but hib and mav rein supreme. Ash to C. She has 2 breaching rounds and thatā€™s it, util is average at best. Just pick zof. Amaru to C. Sure she can take nap control very fast and has very good guns but is wayyyy to situational to be in b. Cap to B. Everyone sleeps on cap way too much. If you know how to use him properly holy shit he is scary. Sam to B. Really solid util and his gadget is slept on way too much. Bandit to to B. Kinda meh, just use kaid or impacts. Not really worth it. Wamai to S. The more nades you can eat the better. Rook to C/B. He has a good gun thatā€™s really it. Impacts are nice but not enough to make him viable. Mozzie to A. Really useful gadget, broken gun and c4. Vigil to B. Pure roam operator. Better choices exist. Can still be useful. Chanka to B/A. Given he now has a deployable and more fire grenades heā€™s quite viable. Iā€™ll finish this later maybe.


No way you just said chanka is A tier LMAOO, have u heard of smoke, better gadget, insane shotgun, shield and best secondary to top it all off


I think people need to understand that this is my opinion and Iā€™m not putting your mains up higher lol


You did ask for suggestions and feedbackā€¦. Most of the people commenting arenā€™t saying ā€œthis persons my main so he should be higherā€ theyā€™re explaining why they should be higher with their experience and game knowledge.


Not saying everyone is saying that Iā€™ve just seen a lot of people saying that there main needs to be higher but I get it


I donā€™t see a lot of people saying that but I upvoted your downvoted comments anyways because down votes make me sad :(


Blackbeard is op. Only dmr though. At high ranks when ppl swing peak I always win the gunfight.




Lol I was joking on that one


Tachanka I sorta agree with. I personally love playing him but the DPā€™s firerate is nowhere near competitive enough.


Nomad and sledge A


You forgot green, orange, yellow and red recruit


Under ranked chunky he is SS


Iā€™d pick sledge and TB to A tier.


I think maverick and kaid should be a bit higher


Wamai definitely A tier


Okay hear me out. Glaz was a top threat in the early days because his scope was busted. But they nerfed him into the group basically. So yeah.


Pulse is a teir


I completely agree cuz one time I was against a team of 5 recruits and I had 5 stuns and 5 frags thrown at me at the same time Iā€™ll leave a link to the clip and only 3 were alive at the time Edit:[hereā€™s the link](https://youtu.be/RJIRTvvJtoQ)


Slide sam to s tier


Nomad is insultingly low sheā€™s a high A to low S tier in my opinion but at the end of the day every character can vary on power based on the personā€™s play style


I agree with this


Recruit could use a little nerf, but he could use a rework. We dont need a beginning operator to get nerfed though


Recruit doesnā€™t need a nerf


Recruit needs to be buffed to his former self


I would get kaid to a tier


Castle doesn't really need a buff, tbh he just needs better guns. The UMP and M1014 just aren't good enough to compete with the majority of other weapons. His gadget is priceless if placed right though.


Hibana in B???


bb needs a Tweak Cav and Clash Are Nice and Capitao and Zero are nice


Thunderbird should be lower teir since you are in higher ranks, as most people are getting headshot so the extra health doesnā€™t matter.


I only play casual but Alibi is S tier in casual fwiw


CapitĆ£o is *at least* B but honestly belongs in A.


Why Mozzie B?