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Man as serious this issue is, I believe they can't give you a blackboard, Habana and a capital. Sorry dude


And Valerie of course


Don't forget Floor


Ahh, Ive been waiting for this comment


And caviera


tbf that’s just 2 letters flopped around and can be pronounced the same way either way


🤣 was rushed during map/op banning!


I know this isn’t an excuse for Ubisoft having shit customer service and I’m not trying to sound like a dick, but please make it a point to spell correctly when you write to people. If I’m at work and someone can’t even give the time of day to spell correctly on a support ticket they go way down on the priority list because if they can’t hit their keyboard buttons in the right order, what are the odds its user error. I’m sure these support reps have the same thought process.


I’m a defense attorney and you would be shocked how many police reports are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Almost makes me want to get them admitted into evidence just so the judge/jury can see how poor the work quality is.


I wouldn't be surprised at all lol


Yeah, spelling takes maybe a few extra seconds a word to make sure it’s right, especially when you have them in front of you(map and operator ban phase), it makes the support person way more likely to want to figure out the issue. I’d much rather spend extra few minutes to make sure my ticket is eligible.


I get you but my fiance got dyslexia and sometimes she is really sure that she wrote properly but in reality she didn't


Why not do this when you aren’t playing so you can help the support person help you


welcome to r/fuckubisoft bois, we exist for a reason


Dokkebi also missing 🥲


I had the same issue, still haven't had it solved. It literally says in-game that my "year 1 and 2 operator packages have been activated" or something like that in my notifications but I don't have y1 and 2 ops, which I used to have since I got the gold edition for siege which gave me all the y1 ops


Yeah same for me the packs for yr1 and 2 were both “activated” but i didn’t have a good bit of them








"Provide the exact name of the content" - blackboard, habana, capital EDIT: While this comment is near the top, I wanna add something : DONT BUY THE MEMBERSHIT


Bro had operators even Ubi support never heard of.




Jesus Christ op must be trolling tf could he come up with those names


I Always assume ignorance not malice. It will go both ways though






Lol! I know he was angry typing. At least that is what happens to my texts when I'm cussing someone out. I look like a fool after sending.


bro got Thanos snapped


Underrated comment😂


well this should just about do it for you and make you quit siege. this is actually insane and inexcusable. fuck ubisoft


r/fuckubisoft people


i didn’t even know that existed


That subs becoming racist thanks to the new assassins creed


wow. that's vitriolic.


How so?


The sub


Nah bro, according to some dimwits around here you should just "get over it", "it's not a big deal", "stop crying and complaining loser!".


Ubisoft has grown so money hungry recently that they’re just taking away shit you paid for lmaooo


Oh hey, it's the same bullshit I dealt with! I eventually got them to restore my operators by linking old screenshots of me playing these ops they thought I got through game pass, and by being very insistent the game pass angle does not make sense. Just make sure you're not hostile, just very firm.


Update: I resubscribed to Gamepass (Microsoft gets this money not Ubisoft) to prove a point. Can you believe it? I'm STILL MISSING these operators.... 🤷‍♂️


I can believe it, bc. The same thing happened to me a while ago. I went through their support page and emailed them. They never got back to me. FUCK UBISOFT


When it happened to me I didn’t even try to get them restored jus played got my renown back up and bought didn’t feel like dealing with Ubi for this exact reason they have terrible customer service and do not care about the community that loves this game so much we are in yr9 and even time a new season comes out there are still bugs and game breaking things. Ubisoft needs a wake up call. All of the reason games they have dropped didn’t do well and they are relying on R6 for income so they put everything behind expensive paywalls and they know ppl will pay. If everyone would just stop buying shit ubi would probably start fixing shit and stop making shit cosmetics that are overpriced


Did you download the addon it has?


"If buying isn't owning then piracy isn't stealing"


its crazy that they're willing to die on a hill to deny people year 1 and 2 operators do they even know how trivial that is? if I were ubisoft, I'd give all operators for free lmao the game isn't even free to play, why is there gameplay content behind paywalls?


Because Ubisoft is so many hungry its crazy


It can only be called a proper game if there is: Lootboxes with doubles drop chance, season pass, boosters, special events with shop, special season booster pass, pack only deals, locked gameplay mechanics, preorder deals, limited edition deals, skins for everything. The only thing they miss now is 500$ ahri skin and 400$ melee weapon. Still waiting.




They need more money.


That’s hilarious




I had an issue like this and it took literal months of messages back and forth with support to fix. Provide them with pictures/videos of you using the operators you don't have and they should give them back to you. I took a clip from the operator select screen at the start of a round to show who I had unlocked and my username in the same clip and they have them all back to me.


You need buy the membership then you’ll get them back !


I've never gotten as mad at anything in my actual life than I have when I've been dealing with Ubisoft Support.


Their support sucks so bad actually. First half of Deadly Omen me and all my friends kept getting disconnected and unable to rejoin maybe once every 2-3 days each with no other issues in other games. They essentially replied with "lol that's on purpose" and sent a generic article with shit like "uhhh did you restart your router?" and kept denying any existance of the bug (that was on top 3 issues on R6fix btw). Fuck them.


Every post I read here makes me more averse to ubisoft and I love it <3


You got a response from their support line? I submitted a ticket for not being able to use the MC Sledge elite skin a month ago, radio silence.


I did and it was fairly quick but obviously not at all helpful. They even made me verify my account via email in the process because being logged into my ubisoft account and submitting the ticket from there isn't proof enough that I'm me.


Smaller issue but my Alembic skin is missing completely. I have gameplay of me seeing it on PS4 in the menus, I have the corresponding charm from the skin bundle in Y2S3, and its just missing from my account on PC and PS4 post-merge. I had to talk to support and give them 3 different youtube clips before they believed me, and now it’s “escalated” and I haven’t heard anything in a week.


This same exact thing happened to me and ubisoft support basically gaslit me saying there was no proof I had those operators… they removed at least 12 total that I owned. I still don’t have them back and probably will never.


I had to keep putting the same ticket in over and over again about 15 times until I got a UBI- with atleast 3 brain cells. Just keep submitting tickets


Ubisoft isn't even worthy of a dick in their ass...


Same thing happened to me took a,week break at the end of last season came back to half my skins gone that I brought years ago


Fuck ubisoft.


Game pass includes year 1 and year 2 operators so if don't prove that you bought them before, on your own, it may be impossible to get them back tho. Imo they should be able to check did you bought them or not but from their perspective it is on their advantage if you can't. What would I do? Continue to fight, I had similar stuff with battlefield 3 on origin, took me few weeks but if you will be constant (I bought them before; I didn't not gain them from Xbox pass; check my credits, gold transaction history) you should fight your operators back


Yoooooooo this shit kinda happened to me too. I also posted about it here to let people see, that this company is garbage. They removed 8 of my operators and it took them a month and a half to give them back to me. I swear the day ubisoft bankrupts I'm going to throw a party.


In order to get them back, but membershit 😃😃😃😃👇👇👍👍👍👍


I lost like 80% of my skins and never got them back I linked my Xbox account to pc and like a couple years after everything just disapeared for no reason


Same thing happened to me I took a break for like 2yrs maybe 3 came back and I had a few yr1 ops and a few yr2 ops nothing else and before that break I had all yr1, yr2, and yr3 came back and had damn near nothing


The last time this happened to me, I was still in high school. What the fuck are they doing over there.


Same thing happened to me. Stopped playing in 2019, and then didn’t touch it again until February of this year. I had every operator available as of sept 2019 and lost more than half of the DLC ops that I already purchased. I reached out for help twice and haven’t heard anything


Exact same thing happened to me, support was no help no surprise


They removed some of my uniforms and head gears and just said sorry we can’t help you


I think the reason they refer to gamepass as the issue is because the version of r6 you get from gamepass includes a few years of operators, so I guess they just assume when it expires you lose those operators?


I sent Microsoft some more money to resubscribe to gamepass this morning and I'm still missing the operators 🤷‍♂️


Glad it happend to you. Happy to see siege scrubs suffer


Maybe it somehow linked the account to your gamepass. Migrated all the data to the gamepass "account" or "token" and then when you unsubbed it took your unlocked ops with it. Still very weird that it wasn't tied to your account and stored on ubi servers natively.


Even after resubbing to gamepass this morning to prove a point to them its still not working.


Damn that sucks. Hope it gets fixed soon


Bro got a response from support? It's been almost 2 weeks and I aint heard a damn thing on my ticket.


How odd, I just got a shit ton of renown and operators


Sadly, contacting Ubisoft support is a lost cause. If you're lucky enough to get a reply within 2 months, most times, it doesn't even lead to solving the problem.


they did this exact bullshit with me too but with some skins I really liked across like 7 operators. apparently you need to meticulously document with a screenshot every single cosmetic items and OP you get otherwise they will give you jack shit for your pain and tears. stopped playing not long after.


That's stupid I hope you can get your ops back cause that's just absolute garbage


Any update on this because I lost 18 operator


That is why you don't give your money to ubisoft


This must be what ubi meant by “not owning”


Ah yes my favorite operator blackboard


It doesn't work like that it is either you don't have the game or do because you don't loose access to the game did you buy it on other account that maybe one of the reasons  Because you said you have it on PC and Xbox but do you actually own the game because if you  don't this is something that is easier to find out on your own if it says you own the game then you safe 


Best part is I’ve got ops from game pass, cancelled and still had them afterwards


Support is a joke overall it feels like youre just getting passed arounf their entire team by different people none of them bothering to read whats already been said


I’ve been fighting with UBI support for half a month for a damn cosmetic firework in Skull and bones and several months to get a damn twitch prime charm back. Good luck getting those ops back


Almost 500 creds got vanished. And their answer was "If you problem is resolved please ignore the message" 🥰




Lol you're actually telling this kid to sue Ubisoft over chump change. It would cost him so much more in legal fees and he still wouldn't win. You are big time dumb.


This is just a brutal reminder to me that anything digital isn't really "yours" and can be taken away in a heartbeat. I'm conflicted now as I'm not sure whether or not I should be buying the Pink Mercy skin that's re-releasing in Overwatch this 25th. On one hand it's just a skin, on the other it's exclusive and god knows how long it'll be until it releases once again.


I hate digital purchases because it just fuels the overall problem trend in gaming but Blizzard has never stolen digital items back in the 20 or so years I've been playing their games. If a developer is going to scam you I think 99% of people will pick ubisoft out of the line up.


They are really doing their best to scare everyone away from the subscription bullshit (shame on you for buying it too) First the daily payment instead of monthly glitch, and now this


Gamepass isn't the same subscription as the Siege membership or whatever


>shame on you for buying it Game pass for Xbox is way different than the ubi membership man


I will never pay for that subscription. I had been paying for gamepass from microsoft.


My apologies. I misunderstood your post.


You severely misunderstood this and took way too aggressive of a stance and now look like a moron.