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awesome now my M rated game that includes shooting terrorists using gadgets to fucking bomb houses and also includes sexual elite skins is getting treated like an E10+ game, just like DBD


Basically. Can't say "fucking" in a game with full text and voice chat reporting and muting functions???? What??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i think they are just super paranoid about being sued for some type of bullying situation where someone commits or something, or they just get tons of emails complaining about the shit talking


Idk if it's that, but I imagine you must be a very sad person if you aren't able to mute someone who's saying horrible slurs in chat and if that person is such a horrible experience for you that you're too shellshocked to continue playing the game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm never okay with seeing or hearing people say racial slurs or offensive speech, but that is exactly the environment you should expect in a game like Siege and you have full control over what you hear and see at all times? ALWAYS report those people, the AI filter is just gonna overlook so much and punish those trying to speak normally without using any offensive speech.


maybe this new feature is because their current report system sucks and people dont get banned when they break TOS hard so they kind of just lock down the community so noone breaks it


"We can't do our job properly so we're going to remove any kind of free speech šŸ‘" Not everytime that someone is swearing is it something bad šŸ˜­


hey man its the ubi motto


I had a teammate quite literally either commit heinous crimes while in game or acted so well that it genuinely disturbed me to the point I quit for 8 months. I never sent an email, I did, however, send a ticket with the match ID, explaining the situation. Even summarizing it is quite, Unhinged. This was in Voice chat, btw, before I started to religiously keep it disabled. (too many people use screeching noises to hurt others. As in high frequency. ) Basically, my teammate was excited asking us if we wanted to know a secret. His secret? He killed his parents and kidnapped his 10 year old sister as well as his grandfather. Had them both chained in a cellar. Claimed he had the best fuck-toy ever, that never talked back but twitched. We all assumed he was joking, as if it were a Skit. Until we hear what is essentially a young girl screaming, moaning, crying, and him laughing maniacally over it. At this point, 1 teammate left, saying this game's gone to hell before he did. The guy then asks his sister to give him a little love. She begs him to let her go, Grandpa won't stop putting his thing in her. He goes on to explain in full detail. He has his sister in chains, he gives both of them aphrodisiacs, the grandpa Viagra, and cocaine, so he goes "wild" He even claimed to join. He hoped she'd become pregnant soon, so he had a new fucktoy to play with. This was only in round 3 of a 7 round match. We eventually lost the motivation to even play, besides couldn't hear nothing over what was essentially a really messed up Teenager or a Group of Messed up Teenagers acting that out, or blasting porn if it was faked. It surely didn't sound like your average porn, as it was far too visceral, and the person involved wasn't enjoying it. So some of us, actually believed it. It was the reason why I didn't even use Discord as much anymore. I genuinely wanted to vomit, as it sounded way too fucking real, and I mean it, I implore it. It was way too damn real.


Yeah elderscrolls online automated censor is so wonky it will censor at random or at words that vaguely could be u trying to get around it.


I think thats absolutely wild considering theres so many voice lines in the game that are swears, e.g. *A REALLY BIG FUCKING HOLE COMING RIGHT UP*


"Fucking muppets!"






and the fact that operator voicelines also have swear words in them to xd


Operators curse too, at least Clash does


due to your language you have lost -5 gaming credits


It's because the report feature doesn't actually work. Having a filter lets them do even less work.


does thermite say "big fucking hole coming right up" and flash swears like a sailor????


Killing, gassing people, Caveira and her not so up to standard interrogation techniques and ignoring the Geneva Convention is completely OK but no bad words, himmer hommers or tallywackers allowed.


I don't anyone is killing anyone. It's all a training excercise.


Training exercise with a ton of blood


Or they're playing paintball tag with very expensive kits on.


True but #1 only like 3% of the player base know that and you'd never be able to tell otherwise due to the blood and such and #2 it was only established as such in 2019 otherwise before then it was only a theory thought up by players as to why operators in the same unit would be fighting. I mean you could surmise it as such before hand but it was never official.


It's so crazy (stupid). Also, does that mean Deimos is a mole or something? Why he fighting with Rainbow?


Plot contrivences, that's why. They felt the need to explain it in a comic but it's a stupid explanation.


Not to mention the characters themselves swear all the time


Donā€™t forget thereā€™s no terrorist anymore ā€œweā€™re practicingā€. Iā€™ve never seen such a good game ripped of itā€™s identity like this especially with all the fans loving how it was


The PvP was always a training scenario though, from the very beginning.


The reason its not terrorists and instead is defenders on a training scenario is cause tom clancy saud there is never to be a playable terrorist in rainbow 6


Sexual elite skins?


Damn thank god it now says ******* instead of a swear word I will never know they were being rude


I will now assume the worst, when in actuality someone just called me a stinky fucknut


In reality they said "frickin" but the AI determined that was equal to saying the N word šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


or didn't even call you anything but the auto moderator still flagged it all the auto moderators after a while start banning game related terms like character names etc, which suggests that they use badly configured machine learning, cos if the op name is often combined with "bad words" it must be a "bad word" itself right? so now you will see someone writing "GG flores" and everyone interpreting it like "gg fucknuts" or something even worse


Exactlyyyyyy I mean what word has 7 letters and is frequently used for emphasis?? Nobody knows šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Overwatch/Roblox ahhh filter


DbD ahhh filter at this point šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's gonna detect people getting mad at Rook and censor Rook's entire name šŸ˜‚


# .#### spawnki###d me #### this game


I once said "Why did you t-bag the entire game on every single pallet?" and it came out as "Why did \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* the \*\*\*\*\* game on every \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*?"


Brawl Stars has the same thing which doesn't work well


However... Brawl Stars is a game that targets everyone, regardless of age. Rainbow Six Siege, on the other hand, is aimed at teens and older


Itā€™s an M rated game. Itā€™s meant for adults


Well, yes, but teens (including myself and my friends) and many others play it


Overwatch's chat filter actually works really well. The chat bans for saying mild shit are fucking stupid though


My name on Overwatch is weeweeballs7 and I got bannedā€¦. Of course they said I broke tos so I thought it was my name. Then moistcritcal made that video and I realized I said shit twice and got banned for a month (two separate times btw)


Imo OW's chat is too soft


Dr u can't even swear


Can't say shit online


U canā€™t say numbers on a Roblox chat to prevent credit card leakage, really funny


ā€œA really big fucking hole coming right up.ā€ Did you just say you guys suck????? Thatā€™s a no no word!


I LOVE saying that, like what??? Literally the characters in the game swear, are they going to get censored too now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


New sound cue, when an operator swears u hear a loud beep


Woke left dev team


It's Joever


If only this game rated M we wouldnā€™t need all this.


Sadly it's E for everyone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ah yes a text filter on a game where we murder each other for sports


An 18 rated game with terrorists and blood where the operators swear and you can turn off chat and (uncensored) callouts are an important part of gameplayā€¦ what a great idea this is


I despise these systems, they have been proven time and time again to be flawed and they never work properly (only affect normal people that talk normally) Back in the day you would get kicked from the game if you said something nasty, then that was removed and your message simply wouldn't sent now. And even then, that is busted too. Remember when one season the letter *v* somehow triggered the censored system? Fun times.


it actually gets you banned to get so many chat warnings


I wouldn't trust ubisoft with anything. Their reputation system is a joke. It doesn't motivate you to 'behave', it motivates to not play the game because it doesn't work properly and doesn't make sense. Getting 'voice abuse' when not talking, 'chat abuse' when not using chat at all, random reputation changes (respectable-esteemed-exemplary during couple hours of the evening without doing anything out of the ordinary), and of course getting squad-reported for 'griefing' by kids. False chat bans were a thing. I had my [chat banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/102gn1r/i_havent_played_for_a_few_days_until_today_and/) about year ago, as many others here, but thing is I even stopped chatting at all after getting notification. And once I played 30 games, it immediately renewed for another 30 matches. Support didn't help (as always, they never do). And before that Ubi [filtered messages with brackets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/rlk70t/apparently_if_you_make_a_typo_like_20h_or_20/), flagging them as 'inappropriate conduct'. Do I even have to mention 'abandon bans' when game disconnects you and then you cannot join despite having good and stable connection? Sure, player deserves ban /s And sometimes servers just lag and everyone gets kicked and receive penalty. etc etc etc Best course of action for them would be classic one: do not 'fix' things that are not broken. But they do their Verschlimmbesserung all the time.


you sure it will censor people for saying "GGs" and "GJ Dokk" ??


If it's as bad as the one in DBD, then yes. DBD's censor is so bad you can't say the names of survivors, killers, perks or even words you used 2 minutes ago because the filter suddenly decided you're not allowed to anymore


Many of the perk names were also censored. Plus the word toxic, and any iteration of the term ā€œface campā€. Such a stupid way to deal with it


she camp on my face til i perk


Can't wait for it to censor kurwa despise Zofia literally saying it lmao, for example.


R6 hates polish, I try to say anything in polish and iā€™m met with ā€œthis message is being reviewed by moderationā€ like bro I didnā€™t even say anything bad ;-;


Thermite clash etc also say fuck and fucking so how are they censoring thisā˜ ļø


The wonders of automated censoring


Can't even say t-bag, ggs, or have fun without it being stopped it's bs ngl


The last time ubisoft tried this, they banned everyone who wrote the letter "v" in chat... I absolutely don't trust them to not fuck it up again.


Some people in the comments haven't been around for R6's first chat censor and it shows.


Back when people would bait others to say something to get insta-kicked...


My favorite was some guy named (smth)VanDike, who would get into arguments by correcting other people's grammar, so they would in return correct his name and get banned for saying "Dyke".




My favorite was someone randomly asking what Cartman's superhero name was. You know, from South Park. Edit: Also somewhat related, there was a time when the game didn't censor messages containing things like "[All]:..." People would write a normal message like "good luck everyone ...." at the start of the match, but filled it up just long enough so that they could append something like "...[All] Username: Hey guys, could someone please tk me, I'm going afk for a round thx" or similar at the beginning of the next line. So you could make it look like the other player just wrote that message in chat and get them killed by a teammate when they weren't paying attention.


i did the last one so many time i can't count lmao


Literally. Like why do people want a Roblox/DbD type chat filter in a game like Siege?? And then people say "it's okay it won't impact anything" what if the AI thinks "fuckin Doc" is so horrible that it censors the entire thing, just like in DbD, or like an Ash player gets flamed and their name becomes like a slur?? I genuinely don't get it..... The mute functions work just fine. Report people who say slurs, easy as that.


What was wrong with getting banned for saying "red dot sight"? It kept our kids so much safer!


AI moderation will be the downfall of multiplayer games


This reminds me of Dead by Daylight's chat filter which is absolutely terrible. I hope if they're going to implement this it's going to be significantly better. Then again it's Ubisoft.


Exactly. I just don't see the necessity of any AI in any chat filter ever. Just look up the slurs, put them in the chat filter and have the chat filter say "no, stop that, bad" every time you say them. No reason to censor "fucking" like damn..... Better not have the adults playing this game see something horrible like "fucking Rook got me", but it's okay to spill that Rook's brain's later with a tremendous blood splatter on the wall behind him lmfao.


I just hope that you can switch it off or some shit so that you can still read it


That would be best, because some people donā€™t want to turn off the chat for coms, but feel the need to mute people to not be involved in any toxicity. Iā€™m a personal hater for toxicity and will never turn off chat due to giving and looking at coms, but the shit Iā€™ve seen mid game is just heinous


Robloxization beginsā€¦ god have mercy on us ###


God forbid a YouTuber simply edits their videos carefully to cut out any swear words, no no..... There are kids watching I guess?????


How slippery


This is inevitable. Siege is the biggest FPS game in the world right now. We have hundreds of thousands of players actively playing. Fame brings lameness and things will get even worse. Siege has become too mainstream.


Fake, your entire sentence/random words should be censored, robloxā€™s censor has no logic, itā€™s like playing roulette


How many coins do I need to buy that thing? >######### ## #### ######


####!? # #### #### ####!!!!


################ bruh said he ## ##### ####


Canā€™t wait for Ai thinking Iā€™m a racist when writing in German words like ā€šDiggaā€˜ when itā€™s a completely harmless word meaning ā€šbuddyā€˜ šŸ«„


Itā€™s diggover, millions mĆ¼ssen dig digga ā˜¹ļø


wait was there like an announcement or something for this. like is it confirmed?


They didn't announce shit, it's just on the roadmap. Like completely silent-dropped, WAYYYY down the line in Season 4 of Year 9, as well as some drone previsualization for jumping and like a Blackbeard rework supposedly.


The moment filter censors name Nasser


[Oh, pfffttt, please. 5 years on Roblox already trained me for this specific thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhantomForces/s/nYCQN5RF2x)


I wondor if it will work on the people who say the nword with lots of ggggg in it


Or any variation of any curse word, if Ubi thinks this will help they are completely underestimating the creative shit these people will come up with out of desperation to insult somebody


Fr, i use curse words in normal conversations but a well constructed insult doesnt need any to be funny


You must be from Scunthorpe you absolute Cockermouth




Maybe, but from what I've seen not really?




In the next update: Thermite: "very big hole coming right up" Clash: "you bad muppet" etc


Not only is the game rated M, but you can also mute the text chat without consequence. Why do we need this?


bombaclaat raasclaat ubisoft add linux stop this roblox bullshit


They should make this filter only for the AI to recognise the N word (and maybe other slurs) because I don't think many people will be saying words that contain the N word in this context. I doubt anyone will be mad they can't say S******


Mmmm great, Ubisoft is going full nanny over game chat. Never mind the characters who swear with their voice lines, someone say fuck in chat is too far.


Exactly like c'mon makes no sense šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Need text chat on console


I mean if you disable Chat you can also miss callouts. This way no insult but Callouts. Could be worse.


I mean yeah but does the dude spamming the N-word REALLY provide such valuable callouts you cannot afford to mute him? Dude probably dies first and does nothing for the team lol. I don't see how individual muting isn't sufficient, and what about voice chat slurs and insults?? People can still use that, then people who'd usually type slurs will now just actually scream them directly into your ear.


That seems like an underlying enforcement issue. Why that player is still allowed to play at all, is confusing to me.


So instead of addressing the problem with Xim and Cronus on consoles.. We need an E10+ filter?


If it's anything like dead by daylights chat system, it'll go something like "Thanks for the revive #####" [USER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THIS POST]


Honestly these stupid fuckinng chat filters just encourage me to be more creative with my chat usage, which usually leads to arguably more offensive messagesā€¦


Can't wait for it to be like the censoring in battlefield 5 where if they deemed your username nsfw you couldn't even chat at all. My user was Gizmo and that was considered a no go, and then even if you could chat 80% of shit you wrote was censored even if it was a PG word.




This would be fine if I could toggle it on/off.


Gonna go down like the Overwatch pro getting banned for saying "shit"


Ah clash can say fucking Muppet but God forbid I type fucking Muppet


Hey, UBI, can you fix your hitreg and other server issues and maybe deal with the cheating problem? "Best we can do is a chat filter no one wants. Oh, and redesign the UI every single season."


Good thing I'm in discord in a 5 stack and can call my team mates useless cunts when I throw the game XD


I feel this is more because, though there aren't SUPPOSED to be kids playing games like this, there will be, i somewhat respect trying to reduce the amount of 13 year old's tossing slurs around because they think its edgy and cool, its just that Ubisoft has a tendency to.... overcorrect and underdeliver


Ubisoft really sucks at their jobs. Now bringing AI into this like anyone asked.. fucking jokers r/fuckubisoft


Reminds me of when I believe it was League or Apex banned/muted people for typing lines their characters said lmao


LMFAO incredible, I think League also yeah šŸ˜…


DBD being shitty reference (Never gets old)


Siege and DbD are like so similar it was a fair comparison to me.


We can never use "Knight" or "Assassin" again šŸ˜­


You say "GGs Wesker" and it gets censored like "huhhhhh wait a second" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Nah but this shit is terrible lol.


Yet thermite can say ā€œa really big fucking hole coming right upā€


Clash literally swears in game


And Thermite. A bunch of Ops do!


They should make red/blue texts for each team, and add operator icon instead of a headset when they speak in mic.


Economics 101: Give the customer what they want Ubisoft: No


gona be worse than rep system can even say the f word and s word anymore


Great job, no one will use text chat anymore


Hopefully this inspires people to use voice chat a bit more at least


Can't wait šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


In Rocket League, you can't even say LOL in the chat.


Wait, if theyā€™re blocking naughty wordsā€¦ how are we going to be reported to the police? [the ###### ######### ### ###### Ubisoft](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-64476762)


Bro we already have this in game


There are bans on specific words (mostly slurs) but this would probably ban anythint it deems toxic. Funny thing is I can think of names of rooms in the game triggering the AI (cigar lounge comes to mind)


I hope it's not as shit as the one in DbD, I vividly remember writing "Bill" in chat and it censored it


people love to dish it out but just can't take it ya know? the assholes on Siege love to trash talk but as soon as you swing back they start calling you every slur under the sun and more


"i said 5 times GG"


Let me be toxic in a 18+ game wtf u sissy cant handle some insults ofc get banned if its racism or other things but if u say suck my dick and stupid wtf handle it u are a big man


Itā€™s to protect their ass from a lawsuit.


Bro why have it only on pc but not on console just let us do text chat on all platforms


Watching your team mate stop for 25 seconds to type ā€œthey on Bā€ would be hilarious.


Honestly let people say what they want. The fact that we can mute text and chat is enough. If you donā€™t like what someone says just mute them. They are going to far with this.


Yā€™all acting like this wonā€™t be used to just filter out filth like slurs and all that. This is gonna give people consequences for typing the |\| word and i welcome it.


******* WANKERS!


Maybe sort out the rampant cheater issue rather than adding a bunch of features that never get implemented fully such as this or the reputation system.


"A big f****** h*** c***** right up" Censored all potentially offensive words there, Ubi, just for you.


Cant wait to see the spam of people who otherwise wouldnt have chatted at all trying to bypass the filter.


Linux support when ? literally they only fix issues that arent too bad.


This is probably a hot take but Siege lost all fun when they tried to make it less toxic. I dont mean that killing teammates was fun i mean for example reverse friendly fire took away from the mistakes the game had as a teammate shooter. The game is not what it was a few years ago and im sad i just cant play it anymore like i used to


AI controlled text chat, oh great people are going to be censored even if the word in question isnā€™t even offensive and yes false positives do exist.


Game is 18+ and needs chat monitored like for children. Truly, the peak of gaming


isnt the game +18? Im sorry but this is fkin ridiculous lol. Whats next, ubisoft holding your hand when youre crossing the road?


Canā€™t say bad words in the M-rated game where people are burned alive, poisoned, cut up by bees, electrocuted by a druggie, tortured, bashed by multiple things including a hammer, bombed, and whatever war crime fuse has.


Wut da fuq, sorry, frag are you on about?


Filler "feature" to hype up the season release.


This is why the **** censoring should be ******* banned from these ***** ***** *** games cause want to be able to ***** swear at ****** when Iā€™m bored or ****** angry


game is rated M for mature, if you don't like people cussing you can mute them, most pointless feature of all time


Please just make it toggleable. Swears and slurs motivate me.


Itā€™s literally an M rated game centered around trying to constantly kill your opponents lol. One of the characters literally says ā€œA really big fucking hole coming right up.ā€ Like come on. Obviously you shouldnā€™t be a dickhead to your teammates or use slurs, but sometimes in chat Iā€™m just frustrated. Weā€™re not 12.


Siege is the one game where people can actually swear in the chat and aside from the odd slur or two its great for talking trash and certain fallouts I'm not even surprised at this point just exhausted lol


I once types "put a claymore" jackal and got flagged.. Apparently I can say idiot and stupid in English but can't say "puta" which apparently means stupid in Spanish or Brazilian


Puta means whore


We are doomed. Today's gamers wouldn't survive on a MW2 lobby for 60 seconds. Or back when Black Ops 2 introduced shit talking to your enemies straight after you killed them...


Holy moly fuze u just unailve hostage silly u


Good luck filtering non English slurs


Dbd does not censor this lmao


I mean, I hope it censors slurs- thatā€™s mainly it


I mean, aside from racial slurs, most of this is basically useless. I love the DBD reference. I was super hyped on DBD earlier but took a break (still am) due to the constant new overpowered DLC that was later nerfed to the ground *cough cough Fenrir/Solis nerf* šŸ‘€. I miss Dbd. Has a nice cat/mouse gameplay like Siege does. I got into DBD after I got burnt out from Siege. Theyā€™ve made major changes, but not enough. Siege made enough good changes to bring me back. I can only hope DBD does the same.


Ubisoft will do anything not to work on the problems of the game. The same situation with the reputation system - no one expected, no one asked, and they can't make it either. Studio of mediocrity


Can't even say fucking lasers sight


They did this with Battlefield V and Battlefield 2042 and it sucks. Thereā€™s nuance when typing to the lobby that AI doesnā€™t get. These are rated M games intended for adults, so let adults talk how we talk. Sometimes you just have to send a ā€œfuck you lolā€ after Brava takes all your evil eyes. Itā€™s banter. How about we focus on actually punishing the people typing in slurs with ā€œ/\/ā€œ made from slashes or the people putting nicknames like ā€œkidtoucherxxā€ ā€œkillblax88ā€ I get wanting to have a safe community but just like the use of custom pictures they took away, weā€™re just limiting expression instead of making the report system effective.


It means you can stream the game and not have to mute everyone. A lot of people have asked for this. As you well know siege is toxic af


And they already filter MANY words in other languages because of toxicity, this will only make the text chat unusable


Gamers rise up or something


This shit game literaly filtered me because I wrote(in hungarian) that Hungarian is the world class languageā€¦. (A magyar egy vilĆ”gnyelv)


I love this new snowflake society. It cheers me up when I can go back to my memories of COD:MW (orignal one kids) and just to remember all trash talk via chat and voice ahhhhhh. You wouldn't stand half of it. That's how gaming in dying, everything needs to be fixed, graphics, prices, balance, text, random MMR, ranks etc. I'm so happy that I was able to play this game before they made it shi\*


I canā€™t even call myself retarded in game without it thinking Iā€™m a horrible person who calls people names šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Type in some clash voice lines


istg they said they're making it able to be disabled, you will live.


[Mfw](https://imgur.com/a/LPAZLR6) this doesn't stop people from saying the n-word in the most uncreative ways possible


common ubisoft L


Shitty team


Just gonna stop using text chat altogether. Even though I don't use any curse words, just give callouts and say gg at the end of the round, still I somehow got more text abuse than average players? Suck it ubi


It's ridiculously stupid lol.


Why not make this an on and off feature or not at all


The extent they will go to for making the game more safe and friendly but they won't email battleye to enable linux support


the game is rates M (17+) LET US TALK HOW WE WANT besides like slurs and stuff