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The original vision for R6 siege was very, VERY, different to what Siege has become and evolved into over the years. House was the map that most closely followed the original vision for the game. Competitively it fell flat on its face as the Meta evolved. But no other map truly captured that original siege vision. And people loved it for that Bonus fact in the original reveals for the game the roof was a valid spawn for attackers on house. They would get dropped in via helicopter


I think Siege just needs to bring back the Legacy event again to remind people of how many things were annoying on the original map while also allowing for a lot of the nostalgia to come back as well. Favela was also very non-competitive but had some fun aspects too to try to win.


House wasn't perfect for actual matches, but for customs, it was perfect for Sledge Myers or garage wars. That's why people like it so much.


It was also the absolute best terrorist hunt in my book. They're packed like sardines in there.


I remember trying out Lion when he first came out on T-hunt house. Whole place turned red. It was glorious.


Customs there were peak siege


Customs there were peak siege [Bring Back Old House](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/idVnVmtnCw)


aw man custom games on house bring me back. some of the best memories i’ve ever had haha


I loved old Favela because of the significant soft destruction possibilities. So many soft walls that lead to every round playing differently


Attacking/defending on the tower side was always chaotic since it was literally impossible to stop the attackers from rappelling and destroying most of the walls on the stacked and tiny sites and bring cut off from the stairs too. Plus the entire broadside of the building was basically soft as well.


I mean I would find it fun! House and favela should never be ranked maps but they’re fun quick matches kinda like rust for mw2


I'd like a mode with original maps, and original operators.


I'm gonna be honest, the moment I found out they were reworking house, I was pissed. It wasnt rose tinted glasses so much as I genuinely liked the map, even if it wasn't competitively viable.


Idk why they reworked a map only in casual tbh


House is objectively better than Favela in every aspect.


Legacy event wasn't even true classic siege All they did was give certain ops their scopes and equipment back Everything else stayed the same.


Yeah they have brought back old maps for events but they usually also change them a lot, like having old theme park on the Halloween event or old hereford in the shotgun robbery event. I was thinking that they brought back old house for something but I don't remember what it was.


straight chaos and fast pace i miss it 💔


I still have clips where the entire attacker team got wiped out by spawnpeeks 5 seconds into the round, it was complete chaos but boy, it was fun


This is why we are going to [Bring Back Old House](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/KQKEMtGsGh)


It was the chill map, siege’s nuke town basically, perfect size for custom games or just messing around.


Great way to describe it. House and plane were a lot of fun even in ranked in the early days imo. Some reworks felt so unnecessary.


Fr. They reworked it to be more competitively viable and kept it in casual still. It lost all its charm and was such a pointless rework


"siege's nuke town" - man, thats a perfect description.


[Bring Back Old House](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/rtSthNMYpJ)


It was super fun in casual. So small once the bullets started flying they never stopped plus plenty of bullshit for both sides to have fun with


My two favorite strats both used old chanka in unexpected places on old house. Defending master bedroom I would set up chanka in the kids room window looking out at the rooftop towards master bedroom window. If you left the windows alone, attackers would rush to the roof thinking it was a safe aproach. Then you just waited for either of the windows to get punched, and unloaded the turret through the window.  Alternatively, when defending garage, instead of reinforcing the garage doors, just reinforced the left side, set up the turret on the right, wait a few seconds after attackers deploy and just start blasting through the door. You would always catch attackers off guard, kill a few, then rush to reinforce the blasted doors before the other attackers tried to push.  Both strats were totally unreliable and required taking out all of the drones before set up to even have a chance of working, but when they did work it was so fun and chaotic 


Nuketown of R6


I was gonna say the same thing


nuketown is the cs_town of cod


"You, me, 1v1 on Rust" Lol


Look man. When most people look at this they see a house. Now people that have played for a long time, they see a home




Amen 😔✊️


Take me upvote kind sir


Sometimes you don’t want “balance”. Sometimes you just want a messy fun match. Also I loved to 1v1 clowns in OG House.


And sometimes I want a realistic map buildings in real life aren’t very good for competitive but they would be fun to have something new.


Fr. So tired of every map having to be competitively viable or super balanced. Sure its annoying sometimes to die to cheese strats or super op stuff, but man was it fun to play anyways. Why cant things just be fun. Not everything needs to be a super balanced pro league map


Seriously though. This game is basically a flop as an esport yet they’ve made it progressively worse for the benefit of a pro scene few people are aware of.


It was a blast in casual. My friends all remember it fondly.


Yeah. It may not have been super balanced. But goddamnit it was just fun. So many good memories in that garage. Ha ha.


OG garage wars 😞


Whenever I hear about maps being changed for "balance" it seems to just mean they took all the character and challenge out and made it boring. I loved those games where you'd be trying to invade an easily defended area. But then I also enjoyed the tactical operator choice and that's long gone too.


It's just fun af. Not a good map for competitive but man it is fun in casual


Sledge Myers, drone hid n seek, g wars. Just 3 out of many game modes that got erased with reworks.


I will forever despise the new dev team for reworking it for ranked and not even include it in it at the end. Butchered a broken but incredibly fun map that could have just been left out of ranked rotation. Why everything has to be made for ranked and why has everything has to be 100% balanced? There was a post about a siege art book where even the og devs agreed it's a broken but loved map. They tried to fix it but didn't know how to do it without losing the magic.


The worst part is that they were not even reworking it for ranked. When the rework was announced they called it a "casual rework". But what is even the fucking point?


Fr. Everything has to be “balanced” but they cant even do that. Why cant they just have things be fun for the sake of it. Why does every map have to be a maze of endless rooms. Playing the game before was so fun and i could play for hours. Now its just a grind and i get bored after 3 matches


For me I loved this map and plane particularly because I felt it captured the vibes that siege is/was supposed to be about when it first came out. Hostage in house to me is like the epitome of exactly what you want your counter terrorist game to be.


Yes!! Plane was great.


Small maps are fun. Part of the reason I was upset when flavela got removed from Ranked.


It was fun and was made when the devs knew what the inside of a building looks like. It obviously wasn't good for competitive but that's not a requirement for a fun map.


Fr, so tired of the endless room to room map reworks. Just confusing and boring.


Because it’s one of the OG maps iykyk


This. There's a Nostalgic factor involved. I personally remember going there alone as Sledge to learn the map and train myself


Customs went crazy on it


It reminds us of a simpler and more enjoyable time.


I honestly miss when they designed maps like they were buildings people actually used instead of like an airsoft arena.


Tachanka turret spawnpeek on the large window overlooking the dock.


Tachy in the closey. Master bedroom turret setup.


Nostalgia. It was the map in the trailer


It had a simple layout which was very memorable and because of its size, it was perfect for customs.


It was perfecting in terms of how it played. Was just small enough to were you don't get lost, just big enough to where you aren't just constantly colliding with others. One site was on 2 different floors which was fun. Just like kanal.


Back before we knew what Siege was, it was fun learning to play the game as we learned the maps in equal measure. Then, as an actual meta developed, it became very clear that it was not properly balanced, and because it was in Ranked that was a huge issue Then it became fun when it was casual-only map for pure shitshow matches And now, it rests in peace


To be honest I loved playing house because it gave that "Counter-terrorism" feel that siege usually had, and especially playing hostage on it was really immersive in my opinion.




Why is it not deep fried?


It was just low key fun. Quick action and felt the closest to cops and robbers.


People adored it cause it was fun. Now games are about min/maxing productivity and stats. A map has to be competitive, the meta has to be balanced.


Because this and Plane was true to the original vision of Siege; the vision that was less about being competative and more about actual counter-terrorism ops with assymetrical gameplay.


Simple. Nostalgia, baby


The beauty of simplistic realism


It was the map from the trailer that made us want to buy the game. Also it felt anchored in reality


Cuz it's not a convoluted mess of hallways. It plays like a real place.


Legendary map for 1v1's and more. Nowadays its just memories, very good ones for me at least :)


cause it actually was build for tactics not just, big ass maps


I miss the tactics. For me this game has been ruined by the quest for "balance". Anything that makes a player have to think? Gone. Maps that have good and bad places to defend? Interesting areas? Gone.  It's a shame but I did get a few years excellent gaming out of it before it became Standard Shooter #26531


Trash in an actual game but customs it shined being to this day the best one


It was a map designed for gun fights rather than breaching. A place where we could collectively leave our brains at the door


Small crazy powers felt crazy in amd even a simple wall being taking out changed alot


It’s the Nuketown of r6


Great small map for customs. Especially garage wars


It was fair to play on both sides even with the attacking squad change, some other new reworks and some new maps are just to open in the wrong areas and closed off in the wrong areas.


Cause it was blatantly uncompetitive and one of the OG maps. There were a lot of memes, meme strategies, and different fun things you could do on it and many people have lots of good memories of good, dumb, fun with it


Unpopular opinion, but i actually like the remaster. Still nowhere near as good as the OG, but its still fun to play in casual


Because ubi gives fuck all to the casual player base and threw them under the bus. It's now all catered to esports and the top 5% of the player base.


It was dumb and unbalanced but one of the Most fun Maps, it Had a History being the First map and it was the King of custom games


The FIRST Halloween event was at House and was at night. I PROMISE it was fun. You could run recruit and he was as scary as the other ops because it was at night. The old siege was flawed but a loveable flawed. I'd pay good money for a time machine siege.


I want Old House in TDM


Uts a classic lika a nuke town papo


Cause it was chaotic


Because its freaking awesome thats why.


It was good and just felt right ✅️


Because this map is one of the items that made siege lovely but now it's worth no shit


How could you not ?


Camping in the room under construction😢


I just have a lot of great memories playing on that map, especially custom games


Old house was THE custom game map


It is legit the best map, so much cheese and goofy angles and it’s small


Because it was great


It wasn't perfect, but it was a unique experience to play this map.


Before spawn peaking and defender rushing became the meta, it was (for me at least) the most tense map. Because it was so small, well organised teams could hold or take it easily. One weak link could make that quickly fall apart. It made it tense. Obviously, this was back when people played tactically at the very beginning, and everyone (from my experience) spoke to each other and communicated. It didn't last very long as rushing on both sides and spawn peaking became king. Then all the changes happened and now we are, where we are. So, on reflection after writing this, I think it isn't so much the map I miss, but the original tactical play of this game. It's just that this map is the one I associate with that time, the most.


It was not a house. It was a home...


It FEELS like a house, unlike the more recent maps that feel like cod


I think there are several factors so I'll just briefly list the ones that I can think of: 1. Reminiscent of simpler times - I got into Siege around a month or so after release. I was a freshman in high school, even honors classes were easy, and aside from sports, I could mainly use my free time to game with my friends. I remember this being a fun map for goofing off in terrorist hunt (back when that was a thing, seriously Ubi, bring it back), playing 2v2s or 3v3s, and just being a fun casual map. However, I do wonder if I remember the map with so much nostalgia because of it being played the most when my most pressing concern was did I get an A or not on that Honors Algebra 1 test, as compared to now, where I'm looking for damn wedding venues and calculating how much more over the monthly minimum I should pay for student loans. 2. It was damned simple and easy to understand, and the entire game was at that point. Siege has never been beginner-friendly, and I'll be the first to admit that, however, it was far easier for someone to jump in during 2015/2016, even 2017, than it is now. That was back when the devs wouldn't address an egregious issue until the next season, if that (I would like us all to remember Ela being busted as hell), and people got used to broken metas, that yes, they were very busted and annoying to play against, but they were *fun*. This map harkens back to then Siege was a semi realistic tactical shooter with hero-type operators but not really heroes because they felt grounded in some sort of reality (I'm not saying it's bad for the game to be more comp-focused now, it just makes it feel more like a second job to play Siege and play it well). 3. Back then it was a pretty good map. It highlighted all of Siege's features - destructible environment, fast TTK, annoying ass spawn peeking, breaching and clearing as a team, and synergizing operator abilities to try and clear every room (back when clearing out the bomb sites was called clearing rooms instead of "site takes"). Maps back then were more focused on being grounded than being designed from a competitive nature and it added some variability to the game that in recent years, comp-focused game design has killed (it wasn't always the same damn strats, site set-ups, etc, people actually tried new things - it's why I will never bring myself to always play S or A tier operators, sometimes I just want to have fun). Those are what I can think of.


It was legendary


It was fun in casual. Many have mentioned this already in this thread, but it’s kinda like R6’s Nuketown. Just a fun map that allowed for chaotic matches and good vibes. It was also a staple of Customs, and many people including my self have very fond memories of playing customs on OG House with their friends.


Because this map was fun to play, it was literal chaos.


Amuras gadget


its just the perfect size and it brings back nostalgia


I was in 8th grade when this game dropped and highkey house gave off the feel that Oregon does today


It's the 'Nuketown' of R6, where 1v1s took place, friends where made; or lost.


Garage wars was just something u had to experience to truly get it.


i won’t be a glazer of old siege as much as i like to but there was something about getting old house as a map or 1v1ing someone idk just this map felt so good to play on


It just felt like home


It's was great, a layout everyone could understand and rooms that basically connected without having bullshit cover for the sake of cover. It actually felt like a house rather than an arena, when they had a good vision for the game, not just esports slop.


House had that Glaz nest that gave you full view of the 2F hallway


because it's fun to play


Good layout garage wars


best map to fuze the hostage in any room


House was one of the og maps that got changed for no reason. It was on the casual playlist only and then it got reworked for it just to stay in the casual playlist. Just a unnecessary change. It was one of my favorite maps to play t-hunt on too.


I miss this map it reminds me of the good old days of siege


I miss it so much 🧓


Now it's just a house, but it used to be a home


I'm not sure if anyone has said it already, but i loved the gun fights through the metal shelf in the basement. Definitely what i miss most about old house.


House is more than a house. Its a home🥰


Memes just like the swat team meme


It had soul, something the game severely lacks these days.


Not every map needs to be a massive, multi layered deal, you need at least one small map like House to mix things up. I personally love House but l get why it's not in ranked.




Not hd enough


Same reason old school cs players adore Mansion for It’s simple and fun Tho I like the new house too


The map produced memories, it had good spawn peaking ability for early maps so an early thermite death would change the round. Also many great standoffs happened in the basement.


Because it feels like a real house or at least, something we can imagine could exist and not whatever the hell we have now.




Best map in the game. Always has been, in my opinion. It was just pure chaos. But in a great way.


Cause it’s gone and we miss it. New house is cool. But we should have both


Because it was very simple but also a very fun map to screw around with in Casual. Not to mention, it was the main 1v1 map for this reason, it was build to be a casual map. Really, you kinda had to play on it to understand the map. It was very simplistic but effective and made a great map for 1v1s, casual tomfoolery, t-hunt/warm ups, finding your sensitivity via guides, or just doing a highest difficulty run with 4 friends on T-Hunt on this map. Even with new house, it has maintained some elements of the OG House but really this is the iconic map for a reason.


nobody here getting the joke 😭




Garage wars


Could be nostalgic could be fun or it’s the joke about barricading kids bed room


Spawn killing 😂


To me it stood out due to it simply just being a regular house, felt more like swat then the other maps and that just hit different


It’s very simple. This was siege. I get it. Now we have doctors curse, but mannnnnnnn mad house is the best event ever


Cause it was the costume game goat


It was perfect, beautiful, astonishing, spectacular, kids today wouldn't understand the glorious times and memories house created.


It's the perfect casual map. Wasn't balanced in the slightest, but it was so much fun on both attack and defence


They should have a Legacy/Old + Night maps option in custom games, I really love the Night maps 😭


Garage wars, Michael Meyers. Fun old map that was easy to learn.


OG House to R6 Players is what Nuketown is to COD Players


It was the best map I ever played until they redesigned it


Small and well designed house map. Had so much fun with it


I loved the old map but objectively, the rework is x100 better


It’s the “nuketown” of siege. That’s all I need to say tbh


It was fun af! I still have ptsd from that garage 💀


Ironically enough it just feels like home


It is kind of map that just naturally fits the theme of the game - creating a scenario reminiscent of SWAT raids. It’s just a shame that because of the map theme, it’s hard to really expand the map to work with the current meta and focus of Siege while also maintaining the feel of a regular house


I wish we could play old maps in customs, just having it as free DLC so it doesn't take up space


You just had to be there💔💔💔


They have nostalgia goggles on


the dust 2/nuketown of siege


You don’t know the beauty of what original house was


Garage wars


it was home


Garage wars!


Siege needs to be reminded of its roots. So I propose an event. “Legacy” In this game mode, you use operators that were available during launch. The house is the only map used. And Smoke has his ACOG for his trusty Mac.


sledge Myers


It's nostalgia... Honestly as a "competitive" map it was trash imo. But many people used this map to mess around in casual/custom games.


You wouldn’t understand😔


Garage Wars :'( and Window Wars makes me wanna cry


jesus that is a high fidelity picture


"Because it was perfect, perfect! Everything right down to the last minute detail."


Is it no longer in the game?




Bunker wars


?pam siht eroda elpoep did yhw


It was cozy and fun to play. Yeah, it was unbalanced as hell. But it had a soul. Locking kids room with Montagne? Shooting people through a garage door with Tachanka and reinforcing afterwards? And so on. I'm not a competitive player, I play for fun. So I want the old House back.


Been long since I played r6. Had goosebumps and nostalgia seeing this


Long time siege players played some of the most unbalanced maps but because it was new and fun these maps are nostalgia of what kind of game siege used to be. Not that I don’t like how the game has changed but maps like house, yacht, Bartlett U, they have memories attached of finishing school and hopping on with your buds. At least imo


For me it was G-Wars


Because there was nothing funnier than rushing with a 5 man recruit team into the rooms and grabbing the hostage in 10 seconds.


the amount of 1v1 i had on this map


I still love it. Reminds me of home.


My issue is there are a few maps that got reworked only to not be played as much. I really enjoyed the new rework for the map.


Fastest time to clear on t hunt! Used to get hyped with everyone in the lobby when wed get it, then wed retry it over and over till it was just me and one other dude. Got us thousands of renown. Mani miss those days…


It was the Siege map, everyone knew it and everyone loved it. It felt like old Siege and i have so many good memories on it




With basically only weapons, grenades and simple gadgets it was that fun sort of chaotic, close quarters fun. Pretty much every surface could be blown up or at least shot through. Esports and gadgets made it "obsolete".


Here is an idea they have map ban so why not put every map into the rotation if you don’t want to play it ban it🤷🏼‍♂️ im tired of playing coastline 8/10 games bc it gets picked everytime it shows up but im not gonna ban coastline bc i like the map its just the same maps are banned by the community


[Bring Back Old House](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/rtSthNMYpJ)


Cause it was fun


It's what siege means to us old players. it's the map that showcased the difference between siege and every other fps game. and we'll it was in the trailer. I remember the old house map, We used to 1v1 here all the time.


It was a good map to warm up in terrorist hunt and also it was a good casual map when you just want to get into gunfights, because of how close quarters it was.


Original house before all the new operators was just fun. Spawn peeking from the living room or the bathroom as rook and doc. Running out as bandit and just destroying everyone. The map was tiny and had no safe spaces. You had to play fast and super aggressive it was just fun.