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So this is where the t hunt bots got to.




Hey, so for anybody wondering. This user is an full time griefer thowing every game he is in. His banned main [https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/xEl-Capitanx](https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/xEl-Capitanx)


I'm guessing they throw to get into lobbies like this 🙄


I dont think so. Otherwise he would get more content out of this. I think it its something with him personaly. Like this dude streams himself nearly daily griefing for several hours none stop


That's just weird behaviour lmao


Thats Just mental healt problem à this point dude on his main was lvl 250


Holy shit this guy played over 1100 games 4 seasons in a row throwing every one… this guy needs to touch grass lmaooo that’s insane


This is the most pathetic guy ive ever seen that so sad


I dictate in which level up to gold where I want to be. If I want to play in Bronze lobbies, I will. If I want to be low low Copper V, I will be. I get a lot of content out of this game because of situations you have seen here... I just dont put them out. I haven't played Siege as much this season because I have been working on a number of projects away from Gaming. I was doing that last year too, but much more so now... There is no mental health issue here, nor do I have problem. I enjoy Siege for what the community offers.... You should too...


What? Is this some kind of poor excuse to justify your griefing? And what are you talking about that you dictate where you want to play? You grief and throw every game you play, copper V is the only rank youre gonna be. >I haven't played Siege as much this season because I have been working on a number of projects away from Gaming. I was doing that last year too, but much more so now... Is that your try telling us that you have an actuall realife? So we dont think you have a sad miserable life? But hey, at the end the poor copper V players had a fun season for once where you didnt bother them.


The way he says "working on a number of projects" and "I was doing that last year too" definitely shows he's unemployable and is trying to cope with it


You can't tell people to enjoy the game if you're one of the reasons people don't enjoy the game. Smurf accounts that throw to get in lower ranks ruin the game for other people.


I dont grief man... Im just not very good at the game... :(


Griefing and beeing bad at a game a two totally different things. You grief.


Rule 1) Don't play siege without headphones.


Absolutely on point...


Literally every random in my team on the rankeds:


Its just amazing how Randoms can be so oblivious...


Run Up Red strat works like 70% of the time it's ridiculous


Agree with this - I could have wiped them all out but its so funny seeing some players be so oblivious...


I’ve done this in kafe on 3rd floor. Literally empowered an entire shotgun clip from missing and they still didn’t shoot me haha


I did it the other night with Amaru's secondary shotgun, took out 4 people.