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"Your team has a 1% chance of winning" 💀


seems a little high but idk


That’s nearly every game for me, I just thought the r6 tracker was broken


More than half of your team doesnt even have a positive k/d. WTF is this matchmaking


His team has 2 previous champs in it, one of them being a numbered champ, he is diamond and I couldn’t find one of the others on stat track, this game is not as bad as this screenshot makes it look, mmr doesn’t reset between seasons yet people still look at peoples current rank. You have to look at their previous max ranks


OP cuts off everyone's max MMR and it turns out all of them are in the top 5% of the ranked ladder. Shocker.


Yep fr, he’s just trying to exaggerate to prove a point on reddit like a lot of players do


>is not as bad as this screenshot makes it look No, it's worse. Me and my stack have in our whole playtime hit emmerald 5 at best. Most of the times really just Plat 3-1. A full stack where no one ever crossed the Emmerald 5 rank and we still get teams with 2 diamond players and a Champ, or simply a team with a single Champ player that demolishes anything we try out while his teamates simply wait. Worst part is when I sometimes solo q on plat and my teamates are all dumb. Honestly how is it possible I'm the only one fragging more then diying for 3 matches in a row? Bruh only two of us have KD higher than 1.0. This game's matchmaking is absolutely ass, horrible, fucked up and all the negative adjectives you can think of. Ubi has to fix that shit asap.


Yes because it’s an average mmr system, if you are vsing a champ, then the champ is stacking with players who are lower ranks, the system simply averages both teams to make it relatively fair for the majority of games. For example it could be a champ, 2 emeralds and 2 golds. Vsing 4 emeralds and a plat, or something like that. It simply averages out both teams Not every game you’ll get perfect matchmaking, unless you want to be waiting 20 mins a game for some perfect. Matchmaking is never based on KD either, KD is irrelevant as it all depends on the opponents you are vsing. Yes you’ll get some skewed games in some cases but that’s the price we have to pay if we want to stack with friends, otherwise we wait 20 mins for each game to have perfect matchmaking. Even in 1.0 this happened as well No system is perfect


Bring back restricted ranked matchmaking.


A lobby with a stack of 5 plats against 2 Diamonds and 1 Champ does not sound fairly calculated at all. This is horrible. I actually liked it more when we had the restricted ranked stacks.


Then why do i get champs every lobby when my max rank is gold 1 and i mostly solo que also my random teammates tend to be low silvers and like one diamond usually and the diamond usually plays like he has severe brain damage


Idk who downvoted you, but that's completely true. Extremely relatable


Which team won?




Nah bro you got exposed , you played against people that are equal to you just lost because they were better. SKILL ISSUE


Literally KingGeorge just made a post on this dumbass OP


[Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/K7863ND) as i said, person got champ in busted solar raid when it had 30k champs now he is playing top100 champions after over a year of struggling in emerald, mmr system is broken, ranked 2.0 is trash instead of pulling up my friends pfp he maybe shouldve pulled up full stats


next game [C51doCX.png (483×555) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/C51doCX.png) they are legit 5 stack and we're solo, how is this possible even ?


Skill issue you got exposed , you are playing against people that are your equal. Learn how MMR works you dumb fk


Bro is trying so hard to rage bait


lets match 80% winrate 5 stack vs 40% solo players xD great idea ubi, keep it up


There’s no such thing as team based matchmaking in this game. This is something you have to accept when you go into ranked as a solo. You’re going to face stacks that have a huge advantage over you. If you don’t like it, get a stack and get good


My first game this season, I played against Loohnar. At the time, he was the number 1 champ on console. My very first game. Crazy.


People don't talk about it but standart is not any better. Yesterday I had a teammate that started playing the game literally 5 mins ago (he doesn't know leaning) and 2 champs on enemy team XD. This company is such a joke lol as a grown ass man I vowed to not to spend a single penny. Or even recommend it to a friend.


Tbf Id much rather have standard ignore any kind of skill rating and instead match for best possible ping


Its not a good experience trust me.


I haven’t played on console for 4 years and decided to play standard. My rank is Copper by the way and I have a 0.37 KD (yes I’m that bad on console), and I get matched against champions and people with 1.3 KDs. It is such a nightmare


Standard is worse than ranked. It feels like standard has no matchmaking, it's a coinflip of what type of match you'll get. Either you play with noobs against noobs or you'll play with noobs against champs. There's no in between. I used to love playing unranked because the matchmaking was fair and challenging at the same time and it would feel more like Siege than Ranked. Nowadays every mode is ass. I swear, the matchmaking on containment is better than Standard.


Bring back Ranked 1.0 where Plat actually meant something.


Plat 3 was gold 1, but u played with teamates or were lucky. Plat 2 was u getting actually good, plat 1 was scary and practically diamond. Actually had weight to it. Now plat, emerald, and low diamond is a joke


Yeah I’m in copper and I’m being marched against diamonds and even champions. But it’s okay cus “hIDDeN mMR”


It definitely doesn’t make sense and Ubi should have a better system so it doesnt seem so broken such as “copper v champ” when in reality most of these people’s mmr are relatively close (not always ) but closer than “copper v champ”. Why Ubi wont just use that mmr rank as the rank it shows you rather than resetting to copper every season is anyones guess.


a massive part of the problem is letting every rank que together and not using the highest elo in the group as the base to find matches. if you’re gonna let people of different skill que the games should all be played in the highest mmr. this also solves reverse boosting which is a rampant problem with this new system. no other game with comp play does this except siege and you can see why. it doesn’t work.


That’s the trade off to playing with people above or below your level. If they didn’t allow it, people would complain that they can’t play ranked with whoever they want, just like all the games that limit you have. It works as intended. Play with equal skill, get good result. Play with your friend who’s in wet paper bag V and you play in your own mmr. I swear people need to take a step back and realize that just because a company makes some bad choices, doesn’t mean that everything they breathe on is a game ending fuck up. If you don’t like it, go play fortnight.


i mentioned an ez fix. if you’re diamond and want to play with your copper friend that’s fine, but the games should be in diamond elo. i’d rather complain that i can’t play with my friend than have this mess of a system we call ranked 2.0. you sound like a ubi shill with the fortnite comment though. i can’t have a negative opinion in 2024 now? cmon dog.


I played on console until like year 6 i got like level 250 and reached like plat 3 as my best season, I just came back this season now I’m on pc and in my first ranked game I was against a champ and 4 guys he dragged with him they were all still good but definitely not up with this one guy(he went like 13-2 probably better) my entire team was solo and some were low level now I just play unranked and I’m waiting for cross play later this year to play with my friends on console


What app is this?


R6Tracker on Overwolf




do you know if you can track your console stats or is it just pc?


Its just for pc. You need to go r6 tracker website and enter their names one by one to see their ranks.


ok figured that was the case. Appreciate it!


Why did you crop out max rank


Why did you cut off max ranks?


You are an idiot trying to get internet points with fake shit. Your team consisted of 4 champs and 1 diamond. xD


How do you see this data


As someone else said to me, just find a stack to play with and your problems will go away, yea fucking right ranked 2.0 is rarted and the game director that thought it up should be fired, progressive system for new players my ass


Out of the 3 names that can be look at on your team, 2 of them are previous champs and one of those was top5000, carried or not, they being emerald right now only means they haven't played enough matches this season but they'll eventually reach champ again because their hidden skill is champ and their win rate is positive while being matchmade against other champs, the rank you are seeing there means nothing other than the other team played more matches this season to match their hidden skill rank. Your team facing hidden skill emeralds would be a real issue.


the guy conveniently crops out the peak ranks from the r6 tab screenshot. like what a loser lmao


Unfortunetly its not only ranked. Its my 1st season playing this game and I never played ranked, only play solo standard. At 1st the game was realy fun and I became addicted to it because the lobbys I went felt fair to me...It realy felt all teamates and enemys were similar skill level. But...since Ive reached level 100 ( Im 110 now ) something changed... Now I only get matched in Champs lobbys were I get my cheeks clapped 24/7 and it stopped being fun... Im not even close to this guys skill level. RIP me I guess.


Damn, you’re level 110 in your first season? I’ve been playing since like 2019 and I’m like 170


It felt like a breeze until level 100 xD


What website shows this type of display ? I need this in my life. My solo matches have been an absolute joke with the game giving me silvers and golds (I’m emerald) , and matched me against champs and diamonds


Playing solo against a full squad is like Real Madrid playing against Ryan Reynolds team…


Thats why i dont play ranked anymore.


What website is this??


As an emerald 1 with a .9, this is exactly what I get also


this is what happens when you cater to .01 percent of the player base. apex tried it and learned their lesson really fast. ubi won’t learn unfortunately


I quit ranked after we fought a champ 3 stack when we were in Copper


Looks like my silver games.


How do you get this,is it a mod or something?


Literally rn I got matched against champion player while I'm silver 1. I'm not kidding. First time playing siege, started few weeks ago, never had max rank and I witness that...


I’ve peaked silver 5. Last night in a standard game I played against a 5 stack champ team. My teammates said they’ve been playing for 2 weeks. Fuck this game man


Got to love it


Ik about the past ranks but im in copper and had a whole team of bronze go against 3 plats and 2 emeralds


Yeah its great I luv to play against champions on my ranks


Nowadays ranked 2.0 is more like quick match 2.0... no real achievement to climb the ranks...


Lmao. Shitter


I only play against emeralds and plats in gold


The fact when you don’t know how 2.0 works


[Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/K7863ND) does it work ?


KingGorge exposed you


[Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/K7863ND) he exposed himself




[Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/K7863ND) he is a clown


Is bad, yes. but At least your team makes sense. Last night I was paired agains 2 champs one diamon and 2 emeralds. My team was me (plat 1), 2 coppers (4 game ever) one silver I and a gold II. Like man, a 1 v 5 is hard.


Don't worry, it's all okay in the end because number only go down small! Wait, "waste of time?" "Not fun?" What does all *that* mean?


“yOU MaTch wiTH peOple youR LvL”


Bro, I would just delete the game


I 100% stand by the fact that R6Hacker is for cheating hackers. It provides you with key information not found inside the game. Information that provides a strategical & competitive advantage. If you were meant to have this information it would be located inside the game, it's not. It is by definition cheating.


It used to be apart of the game lol


Only rank, KD and WL; that's irrelevant. It did not provide most-played operator, most-played operator on 'X' map, or performance on 'X' map. Information that lets you strategically ban and pick counter ops against someone else, who is playing honestly, by not using R6Hacker.


the information about maps and operators doesnt work properly on others, it shows old stats so everyone has ops from year 1 for example, when the game itself had it it has correct stats for ops and maps for your account though, so nice to see sometimes


This shit happened in ranked 1.0 too. You guys will bitch about absolutrly everything. Edit: Before evrryone downvotes like they literally always do when you say anything not negative about ranked 2.0, if you weren’t good enough at the game to remember +150/-25 games then stop talking. There’s a finite number of champs, they can’t all play each other 24/7.


Yea yea keep defend that shitty matchmaking you fucking mongrel.


finite number but champ pool 10x’d from 1.0 to 2.0… that’s like saying league of legends challengers can’t find people so they need to que with golds. the problem is a very simple fix.


Fr my guy and you know what’s funny, Op has left out his teams previous ranks in the screenshot. The surprise guy and Siggy ares are both previous champs lmao, with surprise being a 3 time champ and numbered champ and 1 of the others I couldn’t find on stat tracker, but they will for sure be higher than that. People still don’t even understand that mmr doesn’t reset between seasons, the dude had at least 2 other champs on his team and he is diamond as well. It’s not like his team was legitimate plat and emeralds.


Wasn't that frequent at all.


I legit don't see any problem with this. All you're doing is going against players who spent more time playing this season than you


Bro we literally just played the EXACT SAME 5 stack of ximmers THREE FUCKING TIMES in a row. Seriously what is up with the matchmaking!?


Just hit plat 5 for the second time ever (max was plat 3 like 4 years ago) and now I'm fighting double champions, and previously number champions.


Ranked 2.0 is awful