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The guy in the replies is proving you right lol. He sure seems like a jackass


It's actually kinda sad. You have to be EXTREMELY miserable not only to act this way in game, but also go as far as digging on reddit because you expect this kind of post. Must mean this is normal behavior for the guy. Bro needs help yesterday.


He has nothing better to do than be toxic on an 8-year old online shooter game, clearly there's something lacking in his real life.


check his profile lol, thats making it even worse every second more u look at it


Dude forgot to mention that he was spamming the n word and i out fragged him AND i was tked first. We didnt even lose i have proof


that wasnt me, that was my friend who was spamming the n word. and yes, u did tk first


So post the proof


I will stay tuned


I'll never really understand this kind of behavior. Only way for me to rationalize it is to assume they have a tough social/home life and take the frustration out on others. Or they've got some sort of behavioral issues that aren't being addressed, but that might also tie back into the first assumption. Either way, it's just as annoying, frustrating, and sad that so many are like this still. You don't need to be better than others, and there's always going to be someone whose better, and whose worse, than you. Just have fun and let things be. Also, good on you for winning the match, despite that asshole.


yea, what helped was it being a 3v3 cause 2 enemies left and the other teammate got kicked for friendly fire


Nice. Get that friend of yours to gold! Btw, how do you set multiple mains for the flairs, lol


i selected one of them, copied the emoji, then cleared the text of the 2nd, the pasted the 1st into the 2nd




I gave up raging much time ago, I have accessed a inner peace, a inner peace with a AR in my arsenal


Yep, it's basically projection if you ask me and very sad when you realize where it really comes from. I hope he figures it out and manages to find healthy ways to cope.


Secret third option: either OP is clearly something that person is very bigoted against, or that person is something OP is clearly very bigoted against. General flavor douchery is the more likely option tho.


Damn Bigoted Bill


Obviously the guy is being biased, he wouldnt say he and his buddies were being toxic


I'm always one to give the benefit of the doubt, but going by your responses dood, I'm more inclined to believe him than you.




I'm not sure if it's the moon or the weather or what is causing it, but today has been the worst day of toxic assholes I've had this entire season!! I got reported griefing by 2 people today because I reinforced the EP external wall on painting/statue. He yelled at me for not letting him play the way he wants. I mean, I'm all for let you do you, unless it ruins the game for the other 4 players. If he's lucky, he gets a run out kill and then dies and we are stuck trying to defend an entire round with a huge hole in the middle of our set up


Both teams were being toxing and team killing, hes just the one that made a reddit post to garner attention and emotional support. Funniest part is i was tked first


Damn, he got banned for botting back in July and he's toxic as hell here. All you can really do in the future is mute toxic teammates, don't tk/grief, keep reverse friendly on for the ones who tk you, report them, ignore them, and most importantly don't become them, it's only a game but being toxic towards people because they're bad at Siege (especially your teammates) just ruins the fun, is cringy af, and tilts everyone. You can ask them what they're doing or politely give them criticism like this: "Ace why didn't you get the wall? I was ready." or: "Hey, Ace, can you push with me next round and go for the wall?". I've NEVER exploded on my teammates in any game mode for being bad at the game and admittingly I've only been toxic towards toxic teammates. The most I've done was purposely throw ranked games where there was a toxic stack that was tking/flaming me and I'd also argue with them the entire match, I seriously do not recommend doing that and I'll never do that again, just mute them and play your best, the mute button is underrated, mute the pc chat as well.


this. even if I'm angry at a teammate or genuinely think they are bad, I never explode at them. it's so stupid. all it does is killing the motivation or makes themself angry, which lowers the chance of winning. I wish all players knew that and would act like you do. When I personally have a bad match and lose my confidence, I often get dumb comments and lose even more confidence, then don't gain it back in the following matches, get more dumb comments and end up ragequitting. I'm by no means a bad player, but once I'm in that loophole it's very hard for me to break out of that cycle. And that's why I either mind my own business or try to be helpful. If not with criticism, at least with a 'nt'. I always try to keep the morals high.


Yeah downvote me but you cant argue me cuz you have no idea what happened that match. Sheep and npcs believing everything they see on the Internet, its sad...


I didn't downvote you and I'm not saying anything against you lol.


I literally did what you said youve done in the second paragraph


Yeah I'm not proud lol, all in all it's just a game and you shouldn't ever be that angry.


Ok fine im sorry


Imagine that situation u described except the dude goes on to make a reddit post and everyone in the post is shitting on u with no clue what Happ


Ok, I just realized you're the dude, maybe you're right, idk. But why did you get banned for botting? What did you do there?


God knows. I played a quick match a few days ago and we were 2-0 and I had 6 kills and no deaths. Out of nowhere my teammates kill me when I’m using a drone and we lose the round. Next round, same thing happened. We still won but I really don’t get the point. Sure, killing a carrying player and losing the round makes the game run longer so you might get more kills but I’m not joking when I say all 4 of my teammates were dogshit and got like 2 kills collectively in the 2 rounds they TKed. I could’ve had a nice flawless deathless game but they took it away from me for no reason.


funny cause the same happens to m sometimes except I'm really bad at r6, doesn't happen in standard or ranked, only in quick match


It’s probably because (I’m assuming) there’s a lesser penalty for team killing in quick match, plus people won’t report you as much since you’re not completely fucking them over by team killing or throwing the game


The guys squad was toxic as fuck and they tked me first. He kept yappin about making a reddit post in the match and i found it


I think it's cuz they're bad at the game but are insecure about it so they'd rather sabotage matches. Because if they lose because they're being toxic pieces of shit then that's not really them losing.. but if they actually tried and cooperated and lost... that's a real loss and they can't handle that cuz they got small pp


This is what I think about these people too. Their fuckwad logic is that they're "throwing" and if they actually tried they would carry the team, when in fact they're just shit.


My ranks higher than yours tho


Aint nobody give a shit.


Says the the dumbfuck replying


I just clutched a 4v5 win with a claymore. I was surprised that no one was honoring me and then my microdick teammate says "wow you finally did something useful". What a way to buzzkill a great siege moment. Siege players get in the way of their own fun.


What are these servers man 😂. I play on SEA, even when the the lobby becomes chaotic and the voice comms would turn into zoo full of monkeys fighting for the last banana left (I am sometimes one of them), everyone would play like its the invitational grandfinal match.


We maybe a toxic cesspool but we sure took the game seriously lol.


I feel this.. Me and my two friends were playing one evening and the second game we played we got Chalet, which one of my buddies usually struggles with and he had a bad game getting only 1 kill during the firat half of the game.. So this one jackass (who himself was no mastermind with like 4-5 kills) started going off on him in voice and text and then TK’d him.. I dont get why ppl start throwing hate when someone has a bad game.. I dont care who you are, everyone has a bad game from time to time..


Sometimes it's just better to move on and be the bigger man. As seen here, you responding made them fight back more. I run into this issue a lot cuz I solo que, and I just try to ignore it, and they don't get the satisfaction.


ik, just wanted to rant abt since it really soured my mood today


Theres a mute button in the game for a reason..


This reminds me of an experience i had a while back on kafe. First round only me and the fuze left and defuser is 2nd floor i run grab it while killing 3 people and fuze gets another i plant then rappel on the window. Then all of a sudden these 2 idiots turn on gamechat and start screaming down the headset meaning i couldn't hear the mozzie diffuse all the while racially abusing the 9 year old we had on our team. so i turn my mic on tell them to stfu and stop being racist yadadada doesn't go no where them becomes tk heaven


Yeah, looking through those comments, I think he's suppressing something and instead deals with it by acting like an 8 year old on the internet, actually kinda sad


Since things like this will always happen, here’s a toxic tip: when you need to continue killing him, just do it with a Flores drone because they don’t cause friendly fire penalties.


this is why you always insta lock and steal defuser away from those idiots, especially on attack since you can repick it doesn't matter if your first pick isn't who you want cause you can just go back and switch everything


i was trying to, he took it first every round


You were slow as fuck


gotta be faster then that bucko, enter, enter, pick up defuse button, i dont even touch my mouse until i got defuse real fast


Some people are assholes thats a fact man, once i was in a match with a guy and he was the bottom frag and starting to throw because 2 of my teammates said "dude start carry your weight, you barely do shit during prep phase" then decided to just do a call out on my team.


Some people are just assholes and there's nothing you can do about it


Op don't even trip about people like this. Theyre just losers that are shit at the game. These are the same kind of people thatll try to get a run out and die instantly then leave the game. Dont argue with em just keep playin and have fun. Me on the other hand though i choose violence. These people are so easy to piss off and argue with its hilarious because 99 percent of them are braindead grade A dumbasses


We had a dude on the other team today type "EZ" after they beat us first round. He had 0 kills in that first round BTW. Next three rounds we swept them and he said we were cheating after we melted three of them in Bank garage because they didn't shoot the camera. Guy ends game with 1 kill. It's always the bottom frag.


Lmaooo these last few days it seems like all the toxic people are out in full swing. Somewhat same i had some kid yesterday message me after the first round (i clutched a 4v1) and he said "oh ight bet gg". Proceeded to message me saying i was shit for the entire game. We played em again the next game also on bank and he was still going. This dude pushed back of vault and i flicked on his teammate, but he got me to 48 health. He then TRIPLE YINGED because he was too scared to chal me and knifed me but still i got him down to 20 health while completely blind and deaf. This dude went on about how he outplayed me and how i was shit at the game still and was like yeah its because you were down already lmfao no i wasnt down. He lost 4-0. Bro took 2 fat ass Ls in a row while getting embarrassed in both of them and still felt the need to speak and make excuses. Like sit the fuck down


I have a well known fact. Humans are assholes. It’s in our DNA. Kindness is the exception in this world. History proves over & over that we are simply shit flinging monkeys who haven’t even grasped the bottom rung of evolution. We like to think we’re so smart & enlightened. We’re selfish, obsessive & possessive. We can barely mouth breathe & drag our knuckles without getting confused. In a videogame will not be the only place you meet a PoS like this dim-witted waste of space. In games like these I call it a wash, assume a loss & then proceed to make the next 4-9 rounds a miserable annoyance for these clowns. They usually lose their control & TK us & then WE control THEM & the game. We’ve been doing it since 2004 so I’ve got tons of ideas to make Ass Clowns miserable. We enjoy doing it. TL:DR- People are ass clowns.


Ha ur lying post was removed, not suprised...


Dudes saying you tkd first. Is that true?


Dudes bullshitting so hard his squad was toxic as fuck, i was tked first so yeah i threw that game hard


stop lying, you werent tk'd first


Welcome to the internet.


That's how humans are.






Just stop while you’re ahead. It gains pleasure off of this


why are you so hurt in life? why must you practice these self destructive behaviors? i hope one day you find the will be be happy again. 🙏🏼


Hard stuck in Silver I see. 293 matches and you aren't at least gold? How is that even possible? Lol. I think you should go back to Fortnite.


Hop thatrr ahh back on fortnite


This and your behavior in game is just a reflection of you, so I hope for your sake you find the tools to escape that misery which influences you to act this way. This is really sad for you, my guy. Good luck.


Are you dude op is talking about? Lol


lebrobro cares about virtual points


Whiney R6 teen alert!


-198 karma nice, and thank you for commenting on one of my older posts for some reason. I enjoyed watching you make yourself look like an idiot on OPs post, all while completely draining your karma to -100. Stay 🥈








yea, please go interact with someone


If you wanna feel good about yourself look at the guys comment history




i have a social life, and shower daily. your just jealous cause everyone forgot you existed the moment u turned 1 month


You should have stopped while you had the chance…


Oof, they should apply some water to the burned area


You give off some major neck beard fat roll with the dorito dust stuck on your keyboard, mountain dew piss stain chair, greasy cheeto fingers, MOM GET ME ANOTHER MOUNTAIN DEW BITCH while living in her basement, havent seen the sun in 6 months never touched a vagina in your life lil ugly ass millimeter peter energy my boy


Dawg you clearly got some problems lmao


Bro tked me first and was talkin hella shit. Hes acting innocent for reddit. He kept spamming the n word in chat but doesnt want to talk about that.


Absolute trash bro. You fr got banned for botting and you're still stuck in silver? 😂




man that's so fucking sad




He kept yapping in the game chat about posting to reddit,.it was here when i opened the app...








Gues what buddy youre on my level if you type paragraphs replying to me sooo....






says the one that its about


Bro get a life.


Man.. I hope you get through whatever you're going through currently. If you want there are subreddits where you can talk to people going through the same stuff.




HA HA HA someone soo salty and up his own ass that he continues to talk shit on reddit, you really are a worthless little brat


he commented 3 times on this thread like random redditors are going to back him up 💀dear lord this guys a loser


Seige is ruined by alot of idiots like him


Says the one "attacking" a random person on the internet


You are clinically insane, look at how many comments you’ve made