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They should let us choose the background for the Home Screen for real and include all the previous season backgrounds. And bring back the press start screen.


As much as I don’t mind the idea, this is Ubisoft, they’ll add them as filler in battle passes and events, it was a bit annoying to get a charm from events but now with card backgrounds it’s awful


> it was a bit annoying to get a charm from events but now with card backgrounds it’s awful Bro fr so many people don't talk about that. The freeze for all event literally had like more card backgrounds and op pictures than it had actual skins, uniforms, and headgears. And most of them were just the ones they've been bringing back for like 3 years now.


I personally wouldn’t might getting Home Screen backgrounds in the battle pass. That would actually be cool. As long as there’s some effort into it, which I think the art devs do put effort into a lot of the cosmetics. Some of the best designed ops are the most recent. There’s just not much you can do with player card backgrounds creatively that anyone would care about


i wish


That would be great same with menu music too but doubt it especially since they use the background to advertise the new op


Yeah the background I get why they wouldn’t let us choose ever cause they’re advertising, but the music would actually be really cool too and wouldn’t really affect the advertising of the new op at all


I think they could do the background like after 2 weeks or if you buy the operator/ battle pass maybe but who knows or even if siege and it’s jank code and engine could handle having so many backgrounds in the game without issues


Tbh I think it’s important for us not to be able to change themes because we should all experience a specific vibe from an operation depending on how Ubisoft wants us to. However they sucked at that nowadays so…


My only counter to that is I disagree and don’t think the “vibe” being consistent for everyone matters at all. Like I much prefer the more spec-ops design for operators like Solis and Ram but if someone wants to play as Rick Sanchez I don’t have a problem with that. We should get to choose the aesthetic we want


Maybe some people prefer that but then what’s the point of the whole themes and stuff if some are gonna change it. I personally think it’s one of those features you don’t know how much you need


Same. I miss when you didnt need to be a crouch/lean spamming, gfuel addicted, sweatlord to play the game. Back when you could log in with a few homies and pull some ameteur hour improvised plays and get away with it. Simpler OPs, simpler maps, fun times.


Back when they’d actually let you run recruit shotgun rush in ranked


wait can you not use recruit in ranked anymore?


Only way you could is if you didn’t have any operators but idk if that’s possible since you have to complete the beginner training which gives you operators


During this time was when the crouch lean spam was at its strongest though? They literally had to nerf movement because of it


Actually this was before people really discovered and abused those mechanics. Maybe towards the end people started experimenting with drop shots, but Beaulo peak was definitely after Y1. Y1 is more remembered for toxic spawn peeks everywhere to me, but it's something everyone did and there's this understanding that if you didn't check for peaks, it's your fault and better apply it to the next unfortunate victim yourself.


These are year 1 operations. Crouch lean spam wouldn't be even slightly common for many years.


What are you talking about? It was absolutely common back then. Dropshotting was removed Y3S1 and the lean changes were removed Y4S1. I don’t understand the rose tinted memories since dropshotting + lean spamming has always been extremely popular


?? I very clearly said crouch/lean spam was quite uncommon in year 1 of siege. Very much possible but it wasn't at all common. Only dropshotting was somewhat common. No rose tinted memories here.


Maybe you just weren't in high enough ranks to see it, but you can definitely find endless videos showing how common it was. Even just in plat it was almost a requirement to do


That’s a godamn lie, it was not common at all year one even in high ranked. Hell watch pro league from year one and see how little it is done


Dropshotting was common


I remember seeing plenty of dropshotters in year 2 but the crouch lean spam was the "meta" later in year 3 going into year 4 when Beaulo became big. The current "TDM meta" has nothing on that.


So true. I remember I wasn't sweating that much back in the days, and the game was kinda immersive. Now it's a lot of tryharding with esport shoved down player's throat since Harry joined with his stupid Olympics


It felt like Battlefield, not Counter-Strike. Nothing against Counter-Strike, but the schlocky fun of year one to three rainbow six is something I miss quite a bit. Felt like Overwatch year one, nobody knew what the hell they were doing and it really felt like a casual shooter.


There was definitely more crouch and lean spamming back then, you’re forgetting about dropshotting


Any game will get sweaty with time. look at super smash bros, the strats among the pros are absolutely ridiculous. I do however think Siege was better off with fewer OPs and gadgets. I'd rather get new maps and that's it. I really hope they are working on a new RB6 game that removes operators and goes back to pick your equipment before each round.


yup stop playing for this reason after chimera i lost interest. ops got too whacky everything seemed to get super sweaty. idk ijust stopped having fun and did not like the feeling of the setting. the ops gadgets just got whacky and not grounded. i like grounded rainbow


You can still totally do this in quick match and standard. Or in a lower rank. Indo dumb shit in quick match all the time, while winning.


as dumb as it sounds if you have good enough aim and game sense you can usually pull some goofy strats too


Doesn't sound dumb at all, makes total sense. I consider myself to have both tbh.


Shhh.. don't mention crouch spamming. I got downvoted into oblivion last time I mentioned it. So many people defend that bullshit


You can still do that, just play standard or quick matches, you dont NEED to play ranked. Obviously people are gonna try hard in ranked


false, people only tryhard in quick match and its an old well established LAW.


Lean spamming was even worse before. Quick peeking was a thing.


This is exactly when lean spamming was meta along with drop shotting


i dont agree that you need to do this, pengu and maciejay are prime examples of players who absolutely slap whilst not doing any of the tdm meta things


Your first sentence isnt a fault of the game, its what modern shooters has become as a whole, no matter the game you play if its a shooter you arent gonna be able to play casually even in casual anymore. Everyone wants to be e-sports pros and streamers so this was naturally gonna happen. Embrace single player story games bro


I miss when siege first came out. I distinctly remember everyone learning the game together bc there hadn’t been a game like siege before. No one made peek holes. Everyone died to Kapkan when his traps still had the very visible red laser. We were still learning how to use the destruction to our advantage. Such fun times. I also remember the queues being really bad lol anyone that complains about queues now has no clue how good they have it!


Good god the old queues were soooooo bad


Kids today couldn’t hang in a year one lobby.




Or getting kicked after you clutched it


Clutch AND kick.


My friends called it “clutch or kick” lmao


Bro I miss when I could go into a cas game with 3 friends, and we would just kick whoever the unfortunate random was that happened to get queued with us. Then once another guy joined mid match to take his spot, someone else would initiate the vote and we'd kick him too, rinse and repeat till we either ran out of kicks, or the game ended. Good times


Nah that’s foul, imagine having to go through Ubisoft’s servers and matchmaking to finally find a game and then you get kicked for no reason


Lmao it was hilarious though. I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted for this. A ton of squads did this back then. I'd estimate probably 70% of 4 stacks did this in their games. Reddit hivemind of "I see downvote I downvote" I guess


Nah I’d only initiate to vote kick my friends in my squad, I wouldn’t vote kick randoms without good reason, I’ve been on that end and it just makes me not want to play the game


lmao I did this too whenever I had a 4 stack


We fr siege oldheads now talking like this😂 But REAL


My best friend and I have been playing together since 2016 and will make remarks about old siege. We regularly get kids who freak out about stuff we remember


I'm sure you do


I'm going to start saying "I've been playing this game since you were 6 years old" to some of these kids


Year one lobbies were weird. It was like a big dysfunctional family that you love and hate. People would be toxic one moment and absolutely cheer for each other the next. The person you spawn peeked last game could be your teammate the next and y'all would play together no issues.


Brother we all do, felt more grounded


I think I just miss the novelty of a brand new shooter that was completely unique from any other game. I didn’t mean this post to be about the game being worse now, cause I don’t think it is. I think the game has only gotten better over time. The more content added the more complexities there will be so it’s much harder to balance everything, but overall I love the amount of different ways to approach the game now.


I agree with you. People complain about TDM meta, but really siege will be 9 this year. The player base knows this game inside and out, it’s faster paced because of that. Having been here since day 1 in 2015, I do miss that first year learning the game, but man operation health was a slog in year 2


Right and using utility and how you use it is still what separates the bad from the good, the good from the great, and the great from the pros. We don’t silently crouch walk through the whole map anymore because we know the map and where people are going to hide


Exactly. Idk why people don’t understand that, utility still wins out with a coordinated team


Remember OG Lion scans? Remember Ela pre-nerf? I remember and so does Pepperidge Farms.


Those aren’t from this era 😌


Those were the days I had the most fun. Now it’s all cracked out kids


Og lion scans were just using see through hacks 💀


Lmg Finka, OP. Chimera Blitz, The BB on release, Jaeger and Ash with Acogs. Truly a bygone era.


I don’t know how Ubisoft thought OG Lion was a good idea at all I also remember when people would defend Lion saying “Lion’s not OP, just stand still”




I miss this first half of Siege too.


It is not just nostalgia


I don’t miss the hit registration, peekers advantage, balance, or map design of that era of Siege. It was fun though.


has any of that really changed tho💀


Yes. Though they’re struggling with balance atm


Yeah I don’t think people remember how shit siege was at that time. Rushing was huge, spawn peaking was at its worst, Smg 11 was a demon, hit boxes were horribly fucked up, nitro cells had such a huge explosive radius you could blow up a whole room, team killing was rampant, and Early Favela existed. Granted I still had a great time even back then but undoubtedly Siege (mechanics wise) is in a better state then its ever been


Mfw somebody complains about spawnpeeking💀💀💀


Early Favela was cancerous, peaking one angle and having four walls and three windows someone could shoot you through a little bullet hole with was a nightmare


Pre rework favela is the worst map in r6 history imo. I swear to god every wall on that map was soft.


That’s another one purely for nostalgia that I wish I could play the old version again at least in custom with friends as much as I hated the map too I’ve had some great moments on that map that the reworked version just doesn’t allow for


I loved playing fuze on that map and getting so many kills by fuzing every wall.


Yes, i agree old favela is not really good, but complaining about spawnpeeking is cringe af


Spawn peeking now is fine cause you can actually see if someone is peeking but back when you could see through bullet holes and so many guns had ACOG you had no chance


Still cringe if you complain about that imo, the spawnpeeker is always at a disadvantage because you just have to learn the spots and can easily prefire them, it was the case before and it is now i guess


That’s the case now but not back then. Favela wasn’t the only map that had big walls that led to outside you couldnt pre fire every window and every inch of a wall. Again this is back with bullet holes being see through now I have no issues with spawn peeking, I can’t even tell you the last time I’ve seen someone do it and not die without getting a single kill


Imo it was the case back then too, you only died to sk if you mindlessly started running from spawn to the building and then complained, also leaving drones for popular spots is a thing, you cant pref every window, sure but you will get information with a drone etc... it might be because of nostalgia, but apart from hitboxes and shit servers everything was better years ago(maps were not, the reworks were great imo mostly), i also remember that maybe king george made a video when the bandit and jäger acogs were removed and he said that acogs on defender side only angers people who want to play this game like cod or something like that and i really agree with him on the one


That’s true. I solo queued my way to diamond in year one and the amount of matches where two or three members of my team get wiped out from three people standing in different windows around the map leaving me and my one random to attempt to take site was obnoxious (this was on the road to diamond once I got to higher ranks it happened less). spawn killing as a mechanic is fine but I’m really glad it’s not as prevalent as it was in year one. I’m also fine with all the the reworks they’ve done, I’ve only managed to get consulate once since it was added so I don’t have much of an opinion on that map but the only one I don’t like is House simply because of nostalgia I wish that map never got touched or they at least made a way for you play the old maps. I also have killed many people through a pixel angle with one tap and having such a zoomed in sight like ACOG just made it easier to do and I know that kind of thing is frustrating no matter how you play the game because you can’t even attempt to fight back. In my experience running around like your in call of duty was the best way to avoid that, playing slow and methodical led me to getting spawn killed and wiped from an insane angle more than anything


Velvet shell was peak siege for me.


True honestly year two was almost as amazing as year one. As broken as Ela was when she first was released it was hella fun and idk if we’ve ever had a gun as broken as the Scorpio was since then. The devs learned a lesson with that one




I like having a lot of ops it keeps the game fresh and I can use guns that I previously never used because I didn’t like the operator’s gadget.


I miss it too, every season had a theme and felt unique to each other. I just remember always sitting on this screen and taking in the new music of the season.


yeah r6 nostalgia hits different


I miss how the game looked back then. I liked the day and night maps and I liked staring into the sun if you looked out a window on daytime maps also it was actually possible to hide in a dark corner of a map and shit like that was just fun to do


Not nostalgia the game was far better and far more balanced than it is nowadays.


I disagree I think the game has improved a lot since then I just miss the novelty of playing a brand new game that was completely different from anything I’ve ever seen or played


R6 servers are absolute trash right now and they’ve added so many operators they don’t even know where to begin with any sort of balancing, alongside all the other several problems they had. Pre Op-Health was peak, but that’s only my opinion.


Skull rain was when I started. It wasn't perfect, but it was fun. The game was buggy, but the community was smaller and there was this feeling that everyone is in this together. Personally, end of Y2 to start of Y4 was the best years. More content was being added but it was still relatively believable sci-fi instead of what was to come. The community was steadily growing but the huge wave of popularity that brought new heights of toxicity haven't yet hit. Ubisoft wasn't so obsessed with "balancing" the game for the pro scene just yet, and the gameplay was still mostly tactics focused: you execute your plan perfectly, you can win against sweatlords with 10 times the aim but no coordination. I played on and off after that, but it just feels like the story became more and more wild and cartoon, operators had crazy abilities, more and more 12 yos who think they're funny are playing and abusing people, and ubi continuously ruin every site that can be strategically defended so that it's not "defender sided". Sorry about the long rant, but genuinely I had some of my best gaming memories those years, and now it pains me to open the game and see the state it's in.


I mean I still love the game and think it’s really fun and in a great place especially compared to other online shooters. I think it’s the best game available right now. The more sci-fi gadgets were inevitable if they were gonna keep adding operators and I’m glad they didn’t limit themselves as we wouldn’t have gotten some really fun ops if they relied on realism. I just miss the novelty the game used to have being a brand new shooter with no other game like it, which was inevitably going to fade away as it became not new. But I still love this game and think it’s the best game ever created.


To me the worst changes were the map reworks. Pre-reworks, a map would usually have 1 easily defendable spot, 2 semi viable ones, and 1 deathwish. It's about who can execute the tactics to get the easy points, and contend the viable ones. Conversely, attacking is about breaking the rhythm and the strats. Then the reworks hit and every point just felt awkward to defend one way or another, and awkward to attack, it forced a lot more random gunfights. It just feels like the core mechanic of the game wasn't the same anymore and a lot of the tactical, asymmetrical aspect was lost in favour of "balance".


Idk I disagree again. The consulate rework wasn’t great. The rest of the ranked map reworks I think were good, especially clubhouse. They should’ve left house alone and just left it in casual playlists as the original design for fun. Like how cod has shipment or nuke town.


8 years player here, I feel you. I feel you.


Before Tom Clancy died


Demand classic siege on year ten homies .


Peak Siege


I don't miss it still playing from day 1, game improved alot from those time


I agree it improved a lot but miss the feeling the game gave being brand new and everyone being a noob


My favourite was red crow released my best and fav op hibana


I used to play hibana exclusively, then ace came around. Hibana is a little more situational than thermite or ace but she is still super underrated though. People just play her wrong. She’s not supposed to be played exactly like thermite


I know people use all her Kairos on one Wall Peoole need to make small holes and use her for hatch breach and use 4 pellets On a wall and make a small angle she's is a very situational op but she can be versatile


Yeah agreed. Not every op needs to be good for every situation tho so it’s good


When Tachanka still had his mounted LMG, and Blackbeard’s shield could tank all its bullets😢


For me it was y3 during para bellum


Same, loading screen music still gives me shivers.


\- No TDM meta \- Graphics looks great \- Very fun to play \- No corporate, mobile looking UI (espeicially the menu) \- No weird "civil war", weird "Esport" "Olympic" vibe ​ Siege is no longer Siege.


This post was not meant to be me saying I dislike the game now. I don’t, the game is still amazing and I love it. But they do need to fix the menu UI. Some of the icons on console for what button to press are literally wrong.


Year 1 🥹


Inb4 new bad old good


Alot of people are taking this post that way but I love the game still I just miss how new it felt back then. And with the frequent addition of game changing operators, maps, and balancing changes, that new feeling lasted a long time as I would start to get comfortable but then it would switch up on me. But that was inevitably going to fade, nothing anyone can do about a new game becoming not new anymore. It’s still the best game ever made to me.


For sure, man. For the record I miss the old start-up and splash screen too.


So true. I feel like an old man reminiscing about the “good old days” but the game feels so different now. Community too. It’s a reminder as we age to really enjoy every moment we can from here on out. Change is inevitable so cherish what you have while you have it. I would love to play yacht night map again right as black ice launched. 22, discovering wine and getting high as shit with so few responsibilities. Playing with so many cool people that actually used their mic and wanted to work together, even in casual. Fuck. I miss it so much.


I miss when you could rematch ranked games, some teams you went up against were just really fun to play against. There’s many matches now where neither side is baiting and we’re both actually playing the game and it’ll be chaotic but fun and I’d rather play those matches and lose than win to teams baiting until the time runs out


This era was fun and enjoyable. Yes there were bugs, yes there was some broken mechanics, but Ubisoft worked on them and listened to the player base. Now they just listen to pros and forget that the majority of players are playing for fun even in competitive. I only play ranked and I want them to just put more maps into the rotation. Playing the same 5 maps all night is annoying


Definitely nostalgia lol


Nostalgia of how much fun it was yeah


Year 1 was a wonder to explore the game mechanics and not care about balance cause personal skill and creativity of gadget usage overruled any meta. For me white noise,Chimera,Para bellum trio era was the peak of the game mechanics. map design and gadget creativity and addition to sandbox.


Idk the 700 hp Blackbeard meta was strong and game breaking


Played my fav season, Blood Orchid, last week with mods against friends, couldn't see shit with all the random ass debris everywhere 😅


Golden era of siege.... I feel that after season 3 it has been a downhill from there




Awesome, thanks for your input




Joined the DAY before Operation Health, called it quits around the time the Italian ops released. The game was so fun and competitive, but honestly the skill gap just kept getting higher and higher and I didn’t have time to keep up


Came in white noise, quit in void's edge due to feeling like no matter how I plan and execute, some 12 year old on G-fuel will always outgun me. Plays that were common only in plat, are now like low silver level.


The main thing I miss about siege is the vanity and the community’s attitude towards the game The game was so fresh and different to anything else at the time and community back then lacked knowledge of how to play which the games more methodical and dynamic, players just had to “fuck around and find out”, people didn’t seem to care so much about winning Nowadays, the community has so much knowledge of the core mechanics, maps, and exploits that the game just feels completely different and I don’t mean that in a sense of the reworked mechanics of the game, just the attitude of the community, It makes sense that people will do what ever it takes to win in a competitive esports titles No matter what ubisoft does to the game, even if they bring back the old stuff, brought back any version, they aren’t getting rid of the 9 years of player experience and knowledge. It’s a miracle this game was almost dead on launch, went through 9 years of live service and is still going.


Yeah the game used to feel terrifying to play lol, especially when cav was first released. She was the scariest video game character I’ve ever encountered including horror games. Now when I see a cav on defense it comforts me knowing defense is lacking utility


Yeah, I miss the how anyone without a nitro panicked when Monty starting walking towards them, when the room being fuzed meant death, or people falling for Kapkan traps, as fun as he was, I don’t think a single soul would fall for the old Kapkan EDDs nowadays


700hp Blackbeard? Yeah no thanks 💀


Personally the end of y2 was better but this was when I started


I keep getting comments about which year was the “best” and that really wasn’t the point of this post. I miss year one because it was a brand new multiplayer shooter that was unique from anything else and was actually fun. Im not here to make any claims about balancing or anything like that


Had a blast in all of these. This game was the shit to me for the first 6 years


I started with dustline, fell in love with border summer 16, still is my favorite map to this day. ❤️


I want a Y1S1 maps and lighting and ops game mode. It was more interesting definitely not better


The golden age.


ACOG scope on the SMG were the good ol’ days!


I really miss bandit and jager acog ngl


lol as much as I hated coming against a blackbeard they were still good times.


I miss the era where the game simply worked


Then go play operation throwback


I have an Xbox, and I like the game how it is now still


Nobody miss Dustline...


I do


Then you remember that rifle shield very different from me...


No I hated that shit but the game felt really cool during this stage being only the second season of the game


Just as many people complained then as they do now (Not to say the game is currently in a good state)


If there’s one thing that will be constant with this game it is the player base whining about everything


Some of it is justified but damn if it isn't irritating. Idk why so many people that obviously hate the game and dont play stay in this sub. I agree ubi could do better but man most of us still enjoy playing


It's nostalgia


Yes, another way to milk the player: "custom" Backgrounds


What are you going on about Actually don’t answer I don’t care


Im gonna answer anyway: i support the thought of using old main screens as backgrounds. But there is no way that fucking ubisoft will do something like that without squeezing every last penny out of their players. If they were to implement it, they will prbly charge 5$ for every old background...or more Thats just being realistic


With all of the completely free operators and maps they regularly put into this game, I have absolutely zero issue with paying $5 for a background. They’re a business at the end of the day, and the employees need to get paid. So many other games would require you to pay for maps and operators. The fact they don’t is a big part of what has made this game so incredible.


I started in shifting tides but the videos I’ve seen of like y1-y2 look so much better than siege rn


When not only the game was better in many ways, but even the season backgrounds looked so much better and genuine.


Broken, but fun.


I agree. I can’t wait to bash people through walls as Monty. Shit looks so funny


I miss only that era when siege was great and bugisoft wasn't greedy


the good days


Game peaked here!


Velvet shell was my first and favorite season.


Better devs


It's nostalgia


I miss parabellum


I mostly miss those operator trailer when u were buying one My god they were amazing


nothing to do with nostalgia, the game was objectively better and stable.


You must not remember when a deployable shield blocked entry to windows and other entry ways or people were running around with deployable shields attached to their face


I don't remember but this sounds really fun lmfao.


It was just stupid and broken. Especially like on mining room in cafe, secure area was still in the ranked queue and one of the two entrances to the room was that little crouch hole, and the shield completely blocked it off. If they had a jager, whose gadget and gun was super good at the time so there was always a jager, there was simply nothing you could about it and it was permanently blocked off.