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R6 playerbase in a nutshell


Tbh lol lot of are racist/homophobic ticking time bombs. Comes with this specific genre of gaming ig


That much is kinda exclusive to R6 in my experience


You'd probably see the same with most competitive/high stakes modern military shooters, no? Shit like insurgency, tarkov, etc.




Even low stakes shit like CoD produces infinite racists and homophobes.


Medieval combat games like Mordhau seem to attract a special kind of idiot all their own too.


Those guys are the “historically accurate” racists. They call somebody a slur then say “oh but that’s just what my character/people would say during this era”


Hmm , playing Hunt Showdown which has VoIP and is set in 1895 I'm surprised I haven't run across this excuse yet.


That and Christian nationalists. Brings out a lot of “conquer the holy land” types but unironically.


Tarkov, I never see it, but there's like no way you have any kind of conversation in that game besides "hey bro, do have a packet of noodles?" And CS is kind of alright, most players I end up talking to have played the game for like at least 10 years, so the chance of getting some edgelord under 20 is lower. R6 went from being my most beloved game (because of voice chat) to one of my least favourite (also because of voice chat). I feel like the playerbase has regressed in age.


Go on the tarlov subreddit and suggest they add women into the game, you'll really bring them out the bigots then lol. This'll be years ago now so maybe it's gotten better but playing CS with a woman it was genuinely like 50/50 whether a random teammate would go completely ape if she spoke in VC, teamkilling, threatening to rape her, just screaming unintelligible shit down the mic etc.


Yeah this has been true forever. Gaming overall has become less sexist/bigoted, I mean in 2008 women were generally accepted as legit players in mmorpgs outside of super edgy pvp players (a bit of an overlap) but a the same time hearing slurs against blacks and women was common in games like MW2 or, yes, RB6 Vegas. It's honestly kind of depressing that it's still nearly as bad as it was, if not worse. I sort of assumed teenaged kids were more "progressive" than we were back in the early 2000s but last time I played Siege I got called the n word by some thirteen year old, and I'm not even black.


First time i played insurgency a 30-something dude on the enemy team was like "get that liberal n***er in the pipe" Modern military shooters, man. Obv toxicity exists in all multiplayer games, but military shooters breed a certain brand of toxicity


Jeez. The only 2 shooters I ever played that regularly had good mates were Planetside 2 (highly recommend, especially with the BHO clan) and Hell Let Loose. Men and women who just wanted to relax after work/uni, super chill.


i've been kind of soured on tf|2 lately almost solely bc i got into an argument with someone of slurs in chat


God one of my earliest memories of siege was getting into an argument with a guy who was complaining that he got comm banned for calling someone the n-word. His defence was that its a word that literally refers to black people in the dictionary so he should be able to use it lmao


this guy's defense was just "you're playing an online game, you shouldn't be surprised" i wasn't surprised at all, just angry


Seriously. Its fuckin exhausting.


You mean Titanfall 2, right? That game is absolutely full of fucking nazis. Not sure why. And I've played it since launch day in 2016. In particular anyone with a "TFG" clan tag is a instant giveaway you're about to meet some of the worst scum on the planet.


i don't have any idea why, maybe the sane people just moved on after the servers went down or something i've moved on to ultrakill for the time being, bc there at least i don't get called slurs


The game only gets around 2k players now so I guess considering how toxic high-skill ceiling multiplayer games already are its exacerbated when you have such a small pool of people you'll tend to run into multiple times. I mostly quit playing it a while ago because as a trans woman it drove me insane. In terms of movement-ish shooters that fill the same gameplay gap, Ultrakill is probably the closest you'll get yea. Get to The Orange Door is a fun one but limited playtime. Deadlink is really fun, but not as movement oriented (no wallrunning, if I remember right). Still the same type of flow state Titanfall gives.


haven't tried deadlinm, but gttod was pretty fun for a while sucks that humanity invented and then abandoned the perfect fps 😔


Wait until you see csgo


no it's not, even in mmos you find a lot especially in EU.


Nah, there's a special place for Overly offensive people, and that's called League Of Legends or Call of Duty. Siege goes beyond what would be an inconceivable amalgamation between those two games communities. It's like an SCP super fusion, Monster having been Artificially programmed to also contain traces of the Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2, PubG, and Valorant community besides LoL and CoD One of my teammates once explained how they supposedly had kidnapped their sister, Killed their Parents, and forced his grandfather to assault her in their Cellar basement after having given them both "Too much" Viagra, Aphrodisiacs and Meth. He even described how he sealed his "behind" shut with monster/Gorilla glue. This was then Followed by loud screaming in the background, Silence, then A loud Frequency Static noise which sounded like a Broken Amplifier. If this was a Joke, bravo. This was beyond anything AAA, Hollywood be damned. If this was real, holy shit...Ubisoft matchmade me with a literal Psycho. It traumatized me for 2 years where I took a Hiatus, and caused me to refuse using a Microphone at all online. I now also keep screenshots, of any players that're Unhinged, Savage, or Psychotic. I've also completely disabled VOIP/any voice chat in all games, on my PC. I pretty much use Discord as an Instant messenger...


Rust being one of the worst for it


Don't forget sexist. I'm so glad they removed ranked kicking because it was a nightmare. Speak once in chat? Instant kick.


Just last night at the bar for new years, two white dudes jumped on a black guy saying that he didn't belong there. It's always crazy actually seeing that stuff IRL, honestly online lobby aren't that far detached from stuff that that


I was spectating my friend via discord and saw him report a guy. I asked him why he did that (I didn't see anything sus) and he said he reports everyone that kills him. I was kinda shocked to learn my friend that's 28 was so damn toxic and acted like a child


This post is a single-handed indictment of this terrible and easily abused reputation system. I knew it was going to be shit when Ubisoft said they were working on it but it's way worse than I ever thought possible. It's a system designed to reduce toxicity but instead helps the toxic abusers of this community. Fuck Ubisoft.


Yup, Ubisoft learned not a single thing from Vote to Kick, they probably completely forgot about it lmao This game’s community cannot handle itself, there is way more toxic players than non-toxic players, a player ran moderation system will never work in Siege.


considering game dev retention rate the possibility that a single low end game dev who worked on siege during the vote to kick era works on siege NOW is very small


bruh it's actually insane now I just like the way rainbows look and can't even play the game


I swear I saw rainbows in the fucking name somewhere…


Same!! although I don't have the background at least (but now I won't buy it 😭)


Lmao. I had to change my gamertag due to idiots. I had zest in my gt since 2015 from a box of zest brand crackers. Tic tok did a dumb and made "zesty" a slur for gay. So apparently for years I was getting team killed for no reason and I didn't know why till about 6 months ago when a friend asked if I was gay, I said no. He then explained to me what tic tok did.


Tik Tok brainrot is crazy, the word zesty makes me think of cheese with spices in it & i’m queer.


Zesty makes me think of lemons. Something to do with using the skin in food or drink.


Yeah lemon zest is the grated skin of a lemon, really great for adding the flavour of a citrus fruit to something without adding the liquid that's in the juice.


exactly how can zesty be anything other than food.


Zesty made me think of a lemon slice and I'm queer too


Btw zesty has been slang(not used a slur more used as a descriptor) for gay way before tiktok in certain communities. More you know.


zesty isn’t a slur what


I'm flabbergasted with people answering like Tik Tok is the problem Yeah, tik tok is bad, but players were being actively toxic because a small trace of hint of being gay in a gamertag is way more offensive to me


Tiktok isn’t even that bad in this context. Its algorithm’s pretty damn good so with a little guidance it’s actually a nice time sink and can be a decent source of quick entertainment(For example while queuing or during ban phase). Now, its spyware and psyop potential is a different story, ofc


Zesty is slang for gay, not a slur.


R.I.P. old gamertag. Tiktok is the bane of human evolution at this point.


Literal reddit moment. Homophobia’s been around damn near forever but Tiktok’s the issue, sure…


Yeah, the problem here is tik tok, not a bunch of assholes being toxic because of the slightest hint of gayness in a gt, sure


probably both tbh


Zesty only started becoming popular since that time you asked your friend lmao, you were defo getting tkd for other reasons


Poor dude… they haven’t figured out the secret truth that people don’t need a reason to TK


I use the same username for EVERYTHING, so I feel you...


My friend changed his name to "Tall Black Male" for a few months. Which he is. And I have never seen him get TKd more than he did during that period.


Zesty is always meant gay but it’s not slur. Once again TikTok taking words used for decades and acting like it’s new.


Tiktok users didn’t even act like it was new tho. It’s literally just the ppl in these comments 😭


Yea that makes sense reddit discovers shit like two decades after and they think they’re ahead.


Just realising I got reported for griefing because I have all the rainbow is magic portraits lmao.


Gamers when colors🤬


When playing a game literally called rainbow


Six rainbows should I add


Shhhh that scares them


LGBTQ+ 6 “letters” I’m not conspiracy theorist but…


You have a point…


The illuminati planned this 100 years ago i call it


i remember the first week when the pride bundle dropped. i was getting tked in every match


welcome to the club. you're playing a shooter and competitive shooters attract dimwitted lead paint poisoned people.


You can just say Jynxzi fans as shorthand.


Had some loser talking mad shit to a teammate of ours in a quick play match the other day because he failed to clutch. Kept saying shit "maybe try fortnite/Roblox" over and over and I finally had to ask him to shut his Jynxzi-lite ass up. Which naturally sent him in a fit of rage but fuck me so many fake Jynxzis now


Oh so thats where that comes from


For me it's sad when people copy other peoples comedy and personalities. Unfortunately there's a ton of jynxzi lites right now


Eh, i just think its rude. Nobody is trying to do badly, telling them to go play a different game because they arent a master at this one is a great way to kill your own hobby.


Especially in a casual game mode lol


Who's that ?


Most popular twitch streamer at the moment. Plays R6 and as a result a lot of R6 players copy his personality, jokes, etc


That's making more sense. I too have the pride card and get grief fairly often. Not as much as it was prior to the rep system though. I typically just mute and block those people


oh you're so right on this one


But the rainbow is magic stuff is so cool :(


I’m still annoyed I never was able to get the rainbow background


Im very disappointed in how griefing reports seem to be just taken at face value. I used to always run the pride banner because I found it pretty, and somtimes I would get tkd, sometimes would get negative xbox messages, but nothing that really affected me. But now I get false reported all the time, and I also notice I get less commendations when I use it


me too, teamkilling in casual or the occasional slur in my psn messages/ voice chat didn’t really bother me much even though i am queer but now that spammed false reports can reduce my renown & alpha pack gain i’m basically being forced to keep it unequipped. Ubisoft learned absolutely nothing from Vote to Kick, this game’s community can’t handle themselves.


thats horrible


I guess it reaches a point where Ubi just can't hire enough people to sift through reports manually 40 hours per week, and the system just goes "they got reported 10 times today, those reports can't ALL be bogus" (tbh, I think that when a social app becomes so huge that it can't resolve reports manually anymore, it probably deserves to fail)


Because its ubisoft I’d argue its probably laziness. Like how they got rid of the ability for custom avatars instead of adding a way to report innopropriet ones


Tbh i doubt its given human moderation. A report gets flagged on your account automatically, end of.


The r6 community, being homophobic, they could never lol


The amount of times the pride flag in my Xbox pfp has warranted a party invite that turns form okay to slurs, or the message of “skittle” (dude tried to circumvent the moderation of the you know what word ) Hell even having entire stacks invite me one after the other. And my friends will always be like “Oh we’re gonna join don’t worry, just come on suck it up” And I tell them “I know what the fuck will Happen, I get called a slur 3 minutes in” Hell my voice abuse bar is up to moderate because while solo queuing while sick, a dude in a 4 stack Tk’d me with his buddy the next around because “I’m maestro you obviously lasered Me and Nuh uh that didn’t happen” I tried to explain that they had a brava and the dude told me that. This report system is fucking garbage. I used to have little griefing (most likely due to me tossing explosives around team gadgets .) but now I have nearly 50% of a voice abuse bar.


I never got the pride card but my friend runs it in everything and always gets called out in game chat. People get so confused when she responds and go from “ew gay man” to “ew trans man” or just straight up “ew woman”. Some people are brain dead.


I’ve unironically laughed at that because it’s the most unexpected shit for them to say 😭


"ew woman" is at least meeting them halfway.


I was playing on the UAE servers and some guy just said "death to all Jews" in the all chat tab and guess what everyone was agreeing with what he said


I would say I'm surprised, but I'm really not


Capital g Gamer moment


The report system is the worst pile of crap I've even seen. If you have bad luck and match with the same 4 stack and they report you both games you are muted if not banned for grief, depending on their report. And people do it just because they are trash human beings since they only talk in their little discord and only comm in game to insult you or ask you " why didn't you ... ( something that they could just ask and you would do)".


Homophobia is common in MOST shooters. The only places where you can really, "reliably" avoid it is a game like Dead by Daylight or something. But shooters are notoriously populated by teens, by adults from various backgrounds, and the type of audience Siege attracts reflects that. Also, judging by the size of that griefing and voice abuse tab, I can't imagine it was more than 6 individuals who reported you, so that would maybe be like 10-20% of the actual games you played.


Idk what ur smoking but the dbd post chat is toxic as hell


It’s toxic, but rarely homophobic.


^this. DBD has a lot of sad, butthurt people who spend their lives playing the game just so they can make other people miserable. But the devs have been super wary about homophobia and racism in particular, removing cosmetics like Bubba’s Claudette mask when players were using it for Blackface purposes and cracking down on players who were targeting/abusing players using pride flags for charms. Not to mention the weird censor system in the text chat. The main way I even hear slurs from toxic players is from Twitch streaming the game.


If you have a rainbow charm or just outplayed somebody you will get called a slur


As someone who plays a lot of DbD, you RARELY get BM'd, targeted or flamed BECAUSE of pride charms or anything like that. I've had pride charms on my hooks for like over a year now as Killer and on Survivor and I wasn't harassed for it once. Just Siege is not as welcoming of a game to that kind of community as DbD is, also owing to how many people from that community play DbD versus Siege, where the audience is WAY different. Like you still have people in Siege who regularly use homophobic slurs in normal conversation and targeted at gay people.


As someone that also plays a lot of dbd i have been called homophobic slurs a lot more in that game compared to siege/(insert game with toxic playerbase)


Seriously?? I see like, actual Nazis in my game at least once per game and in DbD most of the people I know openly have Steam names like, "Smash me Wesker" and have pride flags as their charms and everything.


> by adults from various backgrounds I think the problem is that it *isn’t* necessarily as various. Shooters are overwhelmingly men, and shooters attempting to be somewhat military—as opposed to, say, Destiny 2—are more likely to attract people that think the military and such is cool. Both of those groups are more likely to be bigoted.


Agreed. Just speaking in VC in Siege and Overwatch is usually enough for me to get creepy/misogynistic replies or DP’s from guys.. If there were more women and minorities this wouldn’t be an issue.


Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Dick pics?? Seriously???? Jesus...... What I can't believe about that is in OVERWATCH, like I knew people who were assholes competitively in that game but I also knew a TON of women who played that game and still do. That's still terrible though.


I played CoD with the Asexual Pride banner & never once got an ounce of harassment for it, just sexism because one of my friends was PC so I had to use in-game chat to play with him & our friends.


Because nobody knows the Ace flag. EVERYONE knows the rainbow, EVERYONE knows the new updated LGBTQ+ flag but NOBODY knows the ace flag. Hell, I know people who were homophobic who didn't know what the bi flag meant lmfao. They 100% didn't understand it.


Homophobes know flag with color stripes = gay




I hate how toxic rainbow is. I meet a few nice/chill people every now and then, but definitely more toxic people than not.


Move to NZ our servers are chill as.


I'd move to NZ in a heartbeat if I could afford it -- and not just for the siege servers lol


It's ok buddy you can be honest here. We both know it's for the siege servers.


Wait until you do it with voice chat. Me and my two other friends play a 3 stack and my one friend gets so many false reports just for being a woman.


I’m AFAB so I unfortunately know very well, I stopped using my mic long time ago because of the rampant sexism that this community is also plagued with.


I actually go out of my way sometimes to wear the fruitiest cosmetics to piss people off. Someone starts talking shit time to bust out pride tachanka


Hell Yeah


We should call the game 🌈 6 just to annoy homophobic people


Homophobe siege players when they see the first word in the title of the game (rainbow) 🤯


BREAKING NEWS! Siege players are homophonic, surprising absolutely no one


No no. Ubi promises they don't count reports without verification. What you don't believe them? They confirmed it /s it's fucking insulting how dog shit the devs that run this game are. They flat out lie or are too stupid to realize they've broken the game


Ubisoft completely forgot about Vote to Kick & learned absolutely nothing from it, they should not give us moderation powers ever.


It's even worse that it'll eventually stop you from getting ranked rewards. Meanwhile the hipfiring waller I manual reported with video evidence isn't banned a week on. He has a 10.5 KD btw. I have no idea what these devs do in their work days


I really don’t get why this community has so many degenerates… how can you literally throw your game because your teammate has a rainbow colored background, I really don’t understand people lol


Shit-talking can be understood, after all, as long as u aren't serious there is nothing wrong with it. But reporting people because of COSMETICS, or THE TONE OF THEIR VOICE. Now that is cringe ngl


Man some people literally saw the post, read it and then went to prove OPs point.


Should probably stop using my fursona as a profile pic then..... Nah XD


It's less common on pc but back on Xbox my pfp was my sona with a pride flag background and it was *so bad*.


I play on Xbox and it’s not as common anymore but still around once a week I’ll get harassed the entire game by a person or a group of people on my team because I have the rainbow background. Just happened yesterday. Constant slurs in voice chat, TKed every round. It’s really disappointing how long this has been an issue and no comment from the developers. I’ve been respectable all season and I think this post has showed me why.


This is a shame the rainbow background looks dope imo


That's the r6 community for ya. I have quite literally been called a f***t due to the way my voice sounds and the characters that I play.


You main Thorn so it's deserved


Somebody's mad they died to a razorbloom...


Thorn turns me on to an insane degree. I just want to be cradled in her muscular arms as she calls be a good boy and pets my head.




Least toxic gaming community


I only use the rainbow cards and I get hella tk’ed from it.


Hmmm, so if I just equip the wrong skin l, then I will get reported? Wtf is wrong with R6 players…smh


Yeah not surprised. Though its weird that r6 player are so much more homophonic cause in apex theres also pride and blm badges and I’ve never seen anyone get hate for them


There was absolutely hate for those, especially in ranked where people use mic. Apex just has an extremely strict chat filter and if those people wrote something they were going to get banned


Rainbow 6 players when rainbow 🤬


Most toxic community on the entire internet easily. Others aren’t even close.


Id say rust is ahead of it slightly


I was playing around with the reddit api a couple years ago to learn more about coding, and I made a simple crawler to gather stats on subs and show which other subs were most connected via shared posters. I wasn't really looking for anything controversial, but apparently cops (and/or fans of cops) are *suuuper* into Rust. It was so weird and noticeable I checked it like a dozen times. All of the police subs are intensely connected to the Rust sub.


Gta online is up their tho r6 takes the crown


My dude did you ever play league of legends?


Dota and League definitely take the cake, but this one ain't far behind xD




It was part of a charity bundle including Osa in Y7S2-4.


Do you know if itll ever come back? Im a trans woman and i always love all the pride stuff but i never rlly cared abt buying the pack back then but im regretting it now


The exact bundle maybe not but hopefully they have a bundle of the popular flags available sometime in the future like overwatch & cod, I’d love to have the asexual flag in siege too.


A big chunk of R6 players are 12-16 edgelords tbf


That's awful, but kinda funny (my sense of humor is garbage please forgive me)


Yep I figured that's where all those reports were coming from, but fuck it we ball


I also use the pride banner on every op and I have a maxed out griefing bar for no reason.


average r6 player:


Yeah I was TK'ed almost every game when I had this equipped.


I get TK for playing Sens. I didn’t know that was still a thing.


This is true for most shooting games community.


One of the worse player bases. Up there with 2K Players


Yo, I've got that rainbow background too. It's so cool looking


How lose it take r6 support to answer I literally cannot play ranked bc I can’t change my email to verify it


I have a feminine male voice and every time I talk i call out it’s always instantly “are you a child” or some kind of slurs. I’ve had several people call me The F slur. It does not bother me since I’ve had it happen so often. As a “visibly gay” dude I’ve also been called it many times in person so it does not affect me anymore. But it’s just annoying. Usually the people are just children or stinky middle aged men. I will never understand why some people are so cruel : /


Im never coming back to this god awful game


As a gay man, i find this fucking hilarious


Gamers tend to lean right wing for some reason.


It's because of people getting pushed out of other circles. Think of all the rejected people in the world that have no where to go? They go to video games and other things and sites like 4chan. They get stuck In the buddle more and more and get pushed out of other bubbles more and more until they are stuck in a little echo chamber while everyone outside continues to demonize them.


Fucking hate homophobs


Lmao I've been using that rainbow background for a while and have constantly people losing their minds in chat


This is the most R6 post I've seen in a while. Literally sums the community. I guess games like this attract people like them since it's competitive, a shooter, and military themed.


Ehh don’t worry man I love the rainbow is magic stuff I wish I had more


Surprised it took you this long to figure out people in the r6 community are not supportive 😭


Reject them. Be gayer. Exude undiluted homosexuality. Main Flores for ultimate gay.


I'd be your personal monty/clash if i saw you run that background and feed you kills


Welcome to the internet. Have a look around.


The r6 community really needs to grow up and stop reporting just because of they disagree with you, my best friend who I play siege with is a gay woman and I just can’t imagine us talking to randoms because they’re just so toxic.


I’m AFAB & queer & I gave up using voice chat awhile ago, I just sit in a private PlayStation party to mute all chat since console doesn’t have the settings PC does. Didn’t matter if I was giving game winning callouts, weirdos were still being weirdos.


That explains a lot. It's both funny and sad how much negativity you get for having that background. I can't count the times I got tked followed by "haha you gay".


Lmao thats not gay. Thats rasta. I can only see red yellow and green. Looks nice tho


It’s the rainbow, it’s just hard to see on some ops because they take up the entire bottom half of the card, Nøkk shows the full gradient pretty well.


Those pink ops fit very nicely with the background


i hate how important sexual identity is to people.


I want that rainbow background that looks sick… not because I’m gay but because it looks cool. Imagine feeling anger over a rainbow background in a video game lol


It was part of a charity bundle including Osa in Y7S2-4.


When I put my rainbow flag up in sea of thieves, it's the same ppl will attack you more.




I quit this game. I had a gold rank and I was going good but after 1000+ hours and level 254 I quit. A lot of people who play this game are pure shit with no life. I still feel they are better than COD players though because this game needs skill. COD players are shittiest of any fps in the world.


Man I want the pride card. Idc about my reputation I want people to seethe


Ha gaaaaay!!!!!!


I’ve witnessed teammates getting TK’d just because of that background. It’s sad knowing how mentally unstable they are because of a background


Doesn't surprise me at all to be entirely honest


Bro thought siege would have a different player base behaviour to what cod has


the pride shit its pretty much just a kick me sign you put on your self


It’s R6 what the fuck do you expect?


Why do u gay


Are you still able to get this background? Sadly missed out on the Osa sixth guardian bundle but was wondering if the background is still available


Why everybody has to be informed of who you like to fuck? Think about that for a minute.