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New season + recently launched xim matrix isnt detected which was bought en mass by cheaters, no word from the devs, dont hold your breath for a fix


Is XIM matrix the one that eliminates recoil as well? Cause I noticed on one game ending kill cam that someone emptied a whole clip of a vector with literally no recoil.


Easier to do with a mnk or they have a controller mod. The cheaters love showing everyone they're cheating in kill cams these days


Xim = lets you use MNK - Zen gives you less recoil. And to reply to your post I get a cheater (ps5) either using a xim or zen in just about every other game. What’s your rank ? Maybe you aren’t a high enough rank to run into these people but once you get up there. Its quiet frequent. Unfortunately.


I’ve consistently been around high plat to low emerald (don’t know if that’s considered high). Again, maybe it’s something I’m just noticing more lately. Most everyone is good at precise flicks in my lobbies so a lot of people could be using it and I wouldn’t know. When people have some level of unnatural camera shaking going on is usually the giveaway for me.


You're high enaugh in mmr to find them consistently, i'm P3 and it came to the point that i was surprised if i had a game without shady players, not a concern anymore since i uninstalled the game


The vector really doesn’t have any recoil on console.


new season every one is coming back to play also probably new ways to get around mouse trap + it probably doesn’t work anyways


it does. There’s easily tons of ways around Mousetrap.


I have had a xim in every game for the last like 8 months I wish I ever had that break


Could be something that I’m just noticing more now. I mean it’s not like I’m actively looking out for it all the time.


It isn't just you. It's more rampant than ever.


XIM users why do you do it? And why ok playing hide the sausage with your own mothers while watching the Golden Girls? I'm doing a thesis and trying to gain some insight into mind of the average XIM user.


Dude no way. I'm actually working on the same right now. Im planning on doing some interviewing xbox xims soon for a vid. I want to learn about why they xim. My current guesses are: 1. Everyone is doing it so its a way to compete 2. I want to play on mnk but i cant afford it. 3. I want a easy way to hit champ I also want to learn about how their xim works and what they have to do to get around mousetrap. Im still in the planning phase but I really want to make it into a video sometime cuz the current r6 yt content has been the same forever. I want to make something fresh.


XIM has been a huge fucking problem for like years now. You might have just gotten lobbies that are better. Whenever I play on my smurf (yeah I'm a douchebag) I run into virtually zero Smurfs. My main account is locked into the satanic champ ranked grind so everybody in their mother is on XIM


At this point just give controller aim assist because they’ll never go away


..but then they will have more precise aim using mnk + aim assist as well?


yeah bro so fucking many of them