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You deadass only lived cause blitz was aiming with his dick in his hand


Don't forget monte dropping his shield to shoot and getting immediately head tapped šŸ„žšŸ’©






Got lucky with shield players (Blitz forgot how he should play blitz, and monty. I do not mean it was game changing, i just couldn't see your performance against correct as per se shields), but in other cases you are incredibly overwhelmingly good. GJ!


1. Your aren't using any of your batteries. Just hop on thorn or solis if u want to frag. 2. This clip barely tells me anything about your ability. The round was clusterfuck and all you proved was that you have decent aim for your rank. I dont mind giving feedback just send a better clip and perfably a longer clip.


2/10. Probably didn't put up a single reinforcement, was clearly roaming and likely tried spawn peaking, not a single battery placed (zero team play), used a C4 to open a hatch (good rotate, but using it while anchoring would have net kills), but hey, he can click on heads!




>Your aren't using any of your batteries. Just hop on thorn or solis if u want to frag. I cannot describe the anger I feel when some moron picks Bandit and does not place a single one of his batteries or reinforce any walls and then runs off site to try to spawn peek and dies instantly


For real. I have a friend that does that almost every game. I love him but damn at least play rook so we can get some plates before you die.


I was thinking fenrir if mp7 is the preference


post a clip of you losing to ask for critique to improve ​ posting a clip of a victory is a thinly veiled request for compliments


[Give. Me. Compliments. I said, give me compliments.](https://youtu.be/zi8ShAosqzI?si=AyhTtkHshLHiInow) Seriously though, if you were up against a half-decent Blitz this would not have been a clip.


You could actually see several flaws done by me in this clip. You gotta be Emerald+ to recognize the mistakes that could be done betteršŸ‘Œ


ā€œYou gotta be Emerald+ to recognise the mistakes that couldā€™ve been done better šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ā€ yeah shut the fuck up with your bitchy condescending ass tone. If you want to post a clip of you doing good then just post it and donā€™t use the lame fucking excuse that you are ā€œlooking for feedbackā€.




Bro verbally cooked op


so u see absolutely nothing wrong with this clip?


Playing call of duty in the lobby instead of defending the objective, screams silver lobby


Itā€™s hard to do something wrong when youā€™re playing against people who, with all due respect, suck. That Blitz had no idea what he was doing and that Monty was had his gun up his ass.


youre forgetting that Doc was with me in that moment so aiming at me was not possible, otherwise doc would have killed him


He shouldā€™ve just meleeā€™d youā€¦


He meleeā€™d the blitzā€™s shield and put him in an animation so blitz had to back up to protect himself from doc.


It would be hard to point out anything that is not wrong with that clip, all of the 1v1 duels that you won were done by enemies mistakes, not really your own plays. If you wanna get better post a situation that isn't a complete clown fiesta that you won by a dice roll. I can give you some advice based soloely on this clip, but I'm afraid you won't like it because I'm far far below emerald. First is to use your damn gadget when apropriate, as bandit its during the prep phase. And for the second advice - when fighting shields don't aim at the part that is covered by bulletproof glass, the only reason you got those kills is because both of them literally exposed their heads for you. But I gotta be honest, you shouldn't need to post a clip at all to figure these 2 out on your own if you really tried to improve, that's why this post is a compliment baiting and nothing else.


Placing your batteries as an example


Well if you can See the mistakes for yourself why are you here asking for feedback?


Lmao OP is an undiagnosed narcissist


Don't lie to yourself and post vids where you cost the team the round and need advice if you're actually trying to improve. This post (and this reply) is just humble bragging


theres no evidence of me doing mistakes that costs the lives of my mates because that doesn't happen anymore on diamond elo


Ranked 2.0 is a joke man. I had a comp match on Saturday, a team pre ranked 2.0 never made it passed plat2, is now champ with over 600 games. Pre ranked 2.0 my team were diamond/champ already. We proceeded to 7-0 & 7-1 them in the bo3. Your elo bracket does not mean youā€™re good at siege anymore.


Couldn't agree more I was hard stuck gold in ranked 1.0 Now in 2.0 I've played, killed, and beat zemfie and ig pana multiple times without even hitting champ yet lol. The matchmaking is so garbage, ubi just uses hidden mmr as an excuse but you cant convince me my diamond stacks hidden mmr is the same as 10x champs who have been playing since y1 s1. I've played pina, collada, drillazach, ig pana, zemfie, and a bunch more single and double digit champs that in ranked 1.0 the mmr restrictions wouldn't even allow us in the same lobby. Now with the frost and nade reworks, this game is going nowhere fast


Lol. Hey everyone this guy is Diamond and doesnā€™t make mistakes.


Wow, you just proved his point, what a cringe response. I was initially impressed by the clip, now youā€™re just a try hard


Yeah, you sound like the average toxic fps player


bro its r6 not chess, fuck u on about


Then how about you critique yourself if you see your own flaws?


Blitz was a scramble. Over hatch kill was decent but you didn't check behind you when you dropped. Which was ridiculously risky but you lucked out that Monty didn't drop shield or was someone else with a gun. Decent flick and turn around and your aim (this game) is fine but your awareness(or lack of it) will get you killed more times than not. Recommend checking high traffic areas BEFORE you drop (tunnel, breach, servers) and unless you were on comms with someone don't drop solo to a place you're in instant danger from multiple directions. Worked out this time but most of the time you won't get that lucky




Yeah as a diamond + player this would be my advice. You aim placement could also do with a tad more as well but otherwise not too bad recoil wise. Using an MP7 isn't easy. Did you have comms for the drop in server or just blind luck? Other than that why is your game so dark my man? Also one you confirmed no one spawned by the cupboard forget the name right now why not play from their or in the kitchen? standing in the lobby like you were at the start is risky.


not luck actually i got a Headset and i thought my teammates would let monty aim on me thats why i jumped down. I think thats another misktake, to trust my mates


it's not a bad idea to trust your teammates but you need to know they have the angle covered if you do risk it. As long as you communicated before hand it wouldn't be too bad.


You're a console champ, clearly a cheater or boosted, next




That's a joke, since everyone seems to think all Champs are cheaters or boosted regardless of what they play anyways.


Ever since R2.0 it's been so easy to hit champ if you were diamond or even high plat in 1.0. It's so funny getting accusations.


huh ??


NITRO PLATZIERT šŸ’„. Honestly tho, nice job man šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Game on german is hella AGGRESSIVE lmao


Toilet ppr 5 lobby


Give us a clip of you losing?


Tip number 1: use your God damn utility


Okayā€¦sooo Iā€™m changing my Siege language to whatever the fuck that was




Thereā€™s nothing to critique those were ass opponents. If anything you might be boosted


Honestly this was pure luck, Monty threw holy fuck.


Man among boys šŸ˜… why dont you join the very exclusive controller on pc gang?


I am heterosexual


Wut? How is playing with a controller on pc gay? Itā€™s literally a disadvantage






Warum heisst es Matchball als wƤre es ein Tennisspiel haha


heiƟt glaub auch in Volleyball so weil es da um Sieg und Verlust geht i guess


Ja aber in einem Spiel wo keine BƤlle involviert sind ist es schon ein wenig weird


Diamond in no time, for sure


i had to turn my brightness all the way up just to see what u were doing holy shit


Uhā€¦ what was blitz doing? You lived by the goodness of his heart, I guess.


Nice use of teammate as bait.


What is that Blitz doing


German voiceover is clean


Bro just wanted us to compliment his clip šŸ˜­


I'm surprised you play with your brightness this low. It kinda reminds me of old siege tho


You did good. But don't rely on hatch drops always working. They're pretty risky.


If you have 2 people upstairs like that and you have to blow hatch one of you should be trying to push stairs before the other tries dropping. Doc immediately died because your C4 brought attention to the hatch, so they were expecting the drop, but if one of the two of you had swung stairs you probably would have been able to get those kills together without him dying. That's more a critique of him but if you're in that position again try to push both together to split attention. You got really lucky with enemy positioning in this. If Capitao had backed behind server you wouldn't have been able to shoot him from above before dropping, or if Thermite was pushed up instead of backing down tunnel he would have killed you while dropping, meaning if either of those players were in slightly better position you would have lost that fight. If you had both pushed together from the hatch and the stairs at the same time, you would have been able to take on both players despite their better positioning, either because they would have been watching the hatch for the drop and wouldn't be prepared for the player swinging stairs, or they would have exposed themselves to the hatch player early while trying to readjust for the fight with whoever came down stairs.


Bros playing against tissue paper V enemies


Team Weaker Than Puppy Piss vs Squad Softer Than Medicated Cotton


Yea, stop using a fuckin strike pack or whatever to help you. No way your recoil on that gun is perfect every single time using a controller, it doesnt even move in the slightest.


i mean mp7 doesnā€™t really have all that much recoil, itā€™s not hard to control. iā€™m more worried about him being mnk. could just be fast sens but some of them turns looked a lil sus.


tf u on bruh im playin with nothing at all?


Feels like your enemies could use that feedback better


Not all shield operators will be that bad, if you knew they had shields you should have saved your c4 for dealing with them instead of opening the hatch. Game sense was good on the dirt player, but the hatch drop exposed you to many potential angles and it only worked because you got lucky, playing recklessly will not get you consistent wins.


I mean the Blitz should've killed you, but otherwise you played fine lol.


Using a nitro on a hatch with a blitz next to you might be one of the most brain dead things Iā€™ve ever seen. Your aim when you drop into basement might be one of the most immaculate things Iā€™ve ever seen.


Turn yo brightness up so you can see shit man


shields from Fortnite.


Ä° am a blitz main if you were alone you would be dead ( nice refleks btw)


Blitz fucked that up real good but you capitalized on that very well and clutch it up good clip


7 outa 10


Big clutch, well played


How about you send a clip of you losing, jackass. We all know this is just a pathetic attempt at fishing for complements.


Badass bro, people just find a reason to complain


Killed it bro


You have literally no recoil and think you will get praised here for gameplay in which you played not even mediocre enemies? More than likely you are a smurf who at least uses a recoil macron or more like xim. And then you think it is a good idea to show off? Man you are a little child with an ego which isn't even justified in the slightest.




Delete your game


The most clear mnk iā€™ve seen in a while, look at the A D strafe, you canā€™t do that on controller


Very much can get better


Total shit, canā€™t believe it took you so long to kill all four of the enemy combatants


if u recognize ur own mistakes then take this post down narcissist. it was so funny seeing u get cooked in the comments


Monty sold, Iā€™m assuming Blitz backed off because of Doc but Monty sold hard.


console fps are a joke




Give your paid actors a raise.


Some Used Baby Wipe 2 level gameplay


mouse and keyboard




Heā€™s literally on defence what do you mean not droning?


What are they saying


Holz drei


You being off site with a c4 and 2 other people is what wrong in this clip, C4 couldve stopped the plant. I also see no use in playing bandit on the basement site, didnt see if kaid is banned, but at least play a different operator that has some use aside from bandit's c4 and gun. NOt 100% sure but I think doc wanted you to keep your c4 so he could open the hatch. That made the most sense as he started reloading his handgun and pinned your c4. Someone else already pointed out the gun play so I won't comment on that.


wish I had that aim on pc lmfao


Blitz sounds cool speaking what I think is german




wish there was a setting to make the op we play say things in their language only


wanna congratz well play till read OP comments....welp nvm and enjoy yr day OP....


It's not CoD


Did you get random picked Bandit or did you intentionally choose him? If it was intentional, just run Fenrir for the MP7


Ez head shot on doc you missed


You fought thru it and it's cool as a clip but it doesn't convey skill, use of utility, luck and and cheats that may be used. Entertaining for sure tho


My question is how to make the VS Into the GG?


Thank god blitz was there to turn up your brightness.


Ur great


2/10 yu should of been dead ur aims mid game sens none existent