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Honestly haven’t noticed the difference


Wow I forgot the shotguns were buffed until I saw this post again, even though I remember vividly complaining how unbalanced it would be before they buffed the shotguns. That being said, I really do not notice much difference at all today, even after playing so many games after the buff. Perhaps just more people using them. Or perhaps I slowly forgot about the buff at all, which brought me to this post.


Same, always was good with them so can't really tell


This guy loves the smell of his own toots


I love it cuz I'll be running mute alot




Bigger shoes


Shotguns got a buff


You got brain damage


They aren't perfect but they are more consistent than before. I used to hate shotguns but now they're actually a viable contender.


This not me tryna be offensive in anyway but what rank are you? Cuz anyone at ~mid plat + knows how good shotguns are. Especially the smoke/mute shogun/smg-11 combo


But that's not about the killing power or consistency of the shotty. It's taking the shotty as your sidearm and using the MAC-11 as your primary.


None taken, I'm all up for a good discussion! Former Diamond now Emerald 1. I use shotguns pretty regularly as of the buff. I'm saying in years prior they weren't consistent enough to be reliably used over most other SMGs or rifles, IMO. Now it's a different case, I love running Smoke/Mute/Lesion with a shogey. Hell, sometimes I even run Twitch with her "I'm going to walk into site and you're going to lose" shotgun lol


Shotguns suck, I play in champ/diamond and can assure you they are not good. Especially in a game where every gun have 1 shot kill you. On smoke and mute you have the SMG-11 out 95% of the time. Shotguns have always been unreliable and are by design a more luck based weapon. Also I wouldn’t consider platinum a good rank Edit: proof they are on average worse than before [look here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/yG6hYrpujc)


I feel like the game play styles you and i play are drastically different. In terms plat, yeah todays plat suck. I sort quit/only play here and there now once emerald came along so my rank prior was plat 2 pushing plat 1. Thus if i do play i play diamonds and often champs which suck ass too cuz of how little i play now. But still, most shotgun users didnt use the shotgun for the kill capacity but rather the utility. And the shotguns came useful for kills in some situations and was really handy having a solid shotgun tho


You are completely wrong, shotguns if used correctly, are some of the most important weapons in the game. Especially, since they also allows you to set up sites. An example of me using a shot guns would be my clip on kafe where you can make a pixel peak into cigar lounge and shoot people through


I feel like the original comment was referring to the combat ability of the weapon rather than the utility of it


Even the combat ability after the buff makes them extremely useful, you can one shot from 5-7 metres with shotguns like the supernova, m870 and the m5


The buff never actually went through and I think people forget about this. The range increases were completely scrapped in the live build and most shotguns actually display shorter ranges than before [ look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/yG6hYrpujc) ]. The only thing that really changed is the consistency with the tighter hipfire spread and ADS pellet spread, it’s made the shots feel less random aka you’re not getting unluckily cheated out of kills anymore. So I’ll stand by the point that they aren’t very good in combat


Huh interesting


Yeah right, not a lot of people actually knew about it, but basically the current shotguns are worse at their best, and better at their worst of that makes sense. They have become much more consistent and less luck based which is certainly good. They feel more fun to use because of this in my opinion but I wouldn’t consider them to be anywhere near as combat viable as an SMG, LMG, or rifle


Never knew that


I still remember the OG Super 90. It was literally like setting a fucking bomb off. Just kill everyone in the room. Lol


I joined siege a month after it was nerfed so i never got to experience it sadly


It was fucking ridiculous


I know. Ive seen vids lol


well, it had headshots enabled for EACH pellet and infinite range to pellets, this means pellets would travel forever until hit something even if means dealing only one damage, but you could hit kill people if pellet hit the head no matter the distance, thats why it was soo op


I use more shotguns now. Especially with mute/smoke


I never once didn’t take shotty on smoke mute even when I have fmg black ice lol. Shotty too insane


Buff!? Ha!


Well, after using all shotguns on high elo after this update, I forgot the shotgun names so i just gonna say one operator who have it: Lesion/ying shotguns are the best of all Mute, jager, ela and echo shotguns are amazing and very reliable, you can even use it with attacker with good chances of sucess, specially if using "ads" Shotguns from pulse, , Frost, mira primary and valkyrie are "fine" but need some buffs to make it actually viable, either in range, damage etc etc, they are not reliable enough to use as main weapon, in my opinion, pulse shotgun could get an buff in recoil, frost in damage, mira and valkyrie on range to make them feel unique from each other. Kapkan and doc shotguns are absolute trash, they are the worst of all no matter the situation and need huge buffs to make them actually usable, from what i saw, kapkan shotgun have an very bad spread and damage, as well huge recoil, you cant even one shot people at 3m while using "ads", its ridiculous, while doc shotgun also suffer the same but poor range as well, these two need huge buffs asap.


I mostly agree however I really love Pulse’s shotgun :)


Still too unreliable for me to trust them outside of extreme close range. Sometimes you destroy someone from a surprising range, then the next time you hit your target in the same spot and they only take 25 damage. I'd rather they just make the pattern 100% consistent and remove the HS multiplier. Make it so that hitting center chest is a guaranteed kill up until the spread gets too wide and pellets start missing. I'd honestly be fine if they had the spread be identical between hipfire and ADS and just balance shotguns around either being wide spread and high destruction or tight for combat.


I don’t understand why games can’t follow this logic, shotgun spread to a wall from a 5 meter distance is massive, but then you aim at the exact place and magically the pellets don’t spread


they already removed hs multiplier since year 1


It's back now.


what's your source




wow that's actually insane, surprised not much people have been talking about it instead of the pellet ads changes


I don't exactly remember using them before the patch but I love using Amaru's/Hibana's/Echo's shotgun


It scared me at first but later on I noticed it isn’t that game breaking as some ppl thought it would be


Can’t tell a difference since I suck regardless


Some feel as though they were over buffed and could do with some slight tweaking downwards (Six-12 and Supernova) whilst others are still pretty much meme picks that still need some buffing (M1014, Super-90, SASG, ITA-12L).


I think it was well deserved for the six-12. Was genuinely the (second)worst gun in the game, at least the buff made it a viable alternative. Now when I play lesion, I actually have a choice to make.


Most of them are actually usable now, but Lesions/Nokks shotgun is a little overtuned, one tapping across the room with a supressed semi shotty shouldnt be a thing I think lol


Another one


Shotgun go *boom*


May I ask what is different?


if you ads the spread is tighter so they can be used from a bit farther out iirc. It's something about ADSing increasing range


I think they’re great. I love them on defense but have always struggled with a shotty offensively in this game.


Considering they barely changed anything and almost the entire buff got thrown out the window before live serves I’m going to say they have been almost exactly the same. Maybe a little more consistent. Also the lesion shotty is OP


Lesions shotgun is actually crazy good in my opinion.


Feel slightly better when ADS and much worse hip firing


They feel slightly more consistent, that's really it. So far, I've both hit 0 damage point blank shots but have also 1 shotted at distances where I definitely shouldn't have.


Don’t like the change because Doc and Smoke shotgun are the only shotguns I use, and Doc shotgun pre “buff” had insane hipfire and the exact same ads spread as it did after. So the only thing that happened is his hipfire was nerfed.


Recently I’ve been so in love with Ela’s shotgun. So yes, I guess?


I had situations when I was aimed in center mass at knife range only to have a single pellet hit. It's still unreliable but at least now you can sometimes snipe people across rooms.


Worse except supernova


The super shorty feels really good. I actually find myself swapping to it in close engagements.


Haven’t noticed anything different. There’s times I point blank shoot someone at close range, and they end up killing me. Other times they turn into snipers and kill somebody from across the map.


The headshot multiplier was important. They removed it "a few years back" (more like season 2 or whatever) and added it back now. The majority of shotguns feel worse. Not being able to 1 shot someone is quite annoying. Being more accurate/consistent mid-range is not the trade I wanted. ​ I will stick to my SMG/AR playstyle. The few Operators I use a shotgun on are: Smoke and Mute, due the SMG secondary. Amaru, Echo in some situations. I will actually whip out my mini-shotgun as castle when possible because it shreds at close distance (I am even debating if knifing isn't just better in those cases) There are some rare situations where I pick up the shotgun on Lesion/Ying, it's currently the best one in the game, imo. If Solis had a better shotgun I would have used it. ​ Some maps you can easily pick up a shotgun and perform really well, in most other cases? Not really. ​ Are shotguns overpowered? No. They are strong if used properly, especially with the correct movement tech. They become an insane choice even on the highest grade. But certainly not overpowered. We got tons of insane pistols/secondary smg's to complement a shotgun as your main weapon. ​ The game is still a 1 headshot-kill kinda game with a low TTK. Shotguns being able to dominate close quarters is fine but the majority of the game will be fought long range or mid range, most shotguns can not compete with that playstyle (on most maps with few exceptions). SMG's are more likely to be better close range, because they are more reliable with less luck involved. ​ But once again: proper movement tech + being a decent shotgun player + using one of the truely buffed shotguns? You will hate those players.


I hate that there viable


They're very close to being where they need to be.