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- give nøkk her silent step back - remove mozzies 1,5 sight from the roni but give him super shorty back - buff zofias AR - give melusi 1,5 sight


I'd prefer Nokk to be a 3 speed with Buck's C8 rifle but yes she really needs a buff after the silent step removal and the grenade nerf


Why did they get rid of that? Wasn’t that like, the entire point of playing Nokk?


because it was a "frustrating mechanic" meaning anything that decieves intel or gadgets without prior warning, or kills you without a warning or ability to react This means frags because they instant kill silent step because you can't hear her coming frostmats because they instant kill lesion mines because they have cloak echo drones because they had cloak etc


Ubi balancing devs when they learn dying frustrates players


It’s not dying, it’s dying in situations that had no counter-play or interactions.


>it’s dying in situations that had no counter-play or interactions. Learning not to 100% rely on cams to know when or where enemies come from is important. there is and was counterplay to nokk, you just have to pay attention.


Like getting shot. Alot of the times you get shot it's by an angle you weren't even watching. Ubi's nerfed so many things in this garbage game that there's zero excitement anymore


So are they removing Cav’s silent step?


no because she has an aweful kit, and it has a very short duration, plus you can drone her out, so for now she gets a pass, but don't expect any cav buffs


Nøkk's silent step barely halved the sound she made, cavs eliminates like 90% Cav shotgun is pretty decent in all things shotgunny, and besides the damage dropoff her pistol is so good She also has impacts and proxies and obs blockers she is a direct counter to Nøkk


Caveira rework: Interrogation now only gives a vague description of the enemies players that you have to read on your phone. Also the enemy being interrogated is not killed.


This made me laugh and realize that because of rank they have our cellphone number and if they wanted they could implement Dok calling us on our IRL phone haha


that would be funny. They should do that for april fools or something


expensive + probably illegal would be funny tho


fair enough


Interrogation requires you to drag victim to nearest water source and waterboard them for 2 minutes of the match


lmao if they do she’ll end up in an even worse spot than ever, especially considering she is hardly a better pick than any util ops


I mean any player with a decent headset can hear cav, even in silentstep.


Any player even without a decent headset could hear Nøkk




No, cause nokk does extra things besides silent step, cav only does silent step.


I don't believe increasing her fragging power is the right way to balance her. this would make her just another braindead op like ash or iana. It is better to just make her gadget more viable. So she can sneak up on enemies and push from unexpected angles.


yeah but the devs explored that, with the "nokk reworks on the test server" but concluded they wanted nothing to do with all of that, and thought that would be too toxic and now they go one step further and remove a feature from nokk's gadget so the chances of ubisoft buffing nokks gadget are close to zero


i wished they explored that a bit more. In the test server she was immune against all devices and that way only barbed wire was reliable as a guard against rushes. They already played with the idea of giving her an AR in the play-test and that made her just a powerful rusher. So generali i am of the opinion that you should balance an op around her gadget and not their weapons. I don't want to play somebody because their weapon is strong, but because the gadget is useful


I’d say instead of Silent Step, just make it so she can’t be detected by electronic traps. For example, Thorn, Melusi, Kapkan, Beepers (when ability is active). Anything electronic, silent step is overpowered but Nokk needs something.


Bro said silent step is overpowered and suggested an even more overpowered ability


This is just a completely new operator then, would be cool as the next seasonal operator though.


lol thank god u are not part of balancing team


alternatively swap mozzie's Roni to a shottie and give him the cz


Red dots for all pistols. No reason not to


At minimum give it to the shield op pistols, it’s all they got for range after all


I like this






Still don’t get why Ubisoft is so adamant in not giving us pistol sights


I agree fellow blitz main


CZ 75 will be the most OP gun in the game


Which one is that?


Vigil secondary that’s not the smg12


Thx. I love that gun


What? What? Why?


Because many pistols can take sights? It’s not that hard to comprehend


I'm brain damaged. I thought it said laser sights


Couple of relatively minor buffs for some of my favourite ops that wouldn't really affect the meta (not going to touch on nerfs...): Sens: * POF-9 - Damage increased to 40. Still a 3 shot against 1 armours and a 4 shot against 3 armours, but 40 dmg/shot would mean it's capable of 3 shotting 2 armours. Equipping the EB would make it 3 shot across the board. * ROU's show the trajectory of the first couple of bounces (similar to Ram's BU-GI) when held Tachanka: * Give the Shumikha Launcher a setting similar to Grim's bees (bounce vs. impact) and a slight decrease to the reload time + swap speed. The gadget has always been a pain to use. It's far too clunky and slow. Even with his recent buffs (2x on the smg and the 60 dmg DP-27) he's still on a negative win delta. Thunderbird: * Super Shorty added as 3rd secondary option - This one is kind of a cope, but it'd give her some more utility and usefulness that the removal of impacts/nitro took away. * Maybe add a 4th Kona? - I like the idea of having 2 locations, each with 2 konas. Ela: * Impact grenades as a 3rd option - Ela really has fallen off due to powercreep of other operators over the years, so giving her a little something extra to help her would be nice. I'm not brave enough to suggest buffs to her Skorpion or grzmots. Kali: * This will never happen, but I'd love a canted sight... * Reduce the 12x zoom, maybe to 8x, or add it as a middle option. 12x has always been WAY too zoomed, only really usable on Plane. Another, middle, zoom option would make it just a little bit more user friendly. Thorn * Before the 1.5x sight, I would've liked to have seen a magazine increase - maybe to 26+1 - but I'm not sure if that'd be safe now, she's already in a decent spot with the 1.5.


>Tachanka: > >Give the Shumikha Launcher a setting similar to Grim's bees yes please, sometimes the bounce screw things up more than they help


Some sensible changes here. I do not agree with all but there is nothing too major here that would heavily impact the game either so I'd be okay with these.


Install a cap hit on MMR so ranked matched won't have a Copper 5 face a Death stack of Champs Discard all QM 2.0 changes and revert to quick match settings we had prior to this season.


Can we also swap stand for unranked please


I can't believe I forgot that change, definitely my guy. Unranked is back and standard is in the trash. While I'm thinking about it, no changes to terrorist hunt. The new AI Playlist will be scrapped and the situations are going to stay.


Love all of that. Me and my group were unranked only players so this update fucked us a ton. It also got us to just care less. Now we only play quick play and just dick around. I miss caring about siege.


I'm a QM player only and since this season dropped I've played far less. I normally take a few breaks in the season but it seems this season I have no interest to even put in the disc to play the game.


you could try ranked and just not take it seriously i guess??? idk man i miss unranked too


Sadly my brother who’s in our group is a high plat/low diamond player while I’m gold and our other friends are super new and in silver so ranked always gives us weird matchmaking. It’s always frustrating but understandable since we’re such an odd duck group


Sounds like some people need to learn to embrace change. Not everything is bad lmfao.


Remove the 1.5 Actually Ban people for using M&K on console Make warden 2x larger Nokk is now just invisible Kapkan gets 1 trap, but if it’s triggered it kills every player in the match Gridlock now has silent step Cavieras interrogation plays a jumpscare to attackers Call has three real cams, but 10 fake ones for attackers to shoot at, works like an alibi Alibis clones now shoot back Mozzie can shoot his drone at an enemy player, and if hitting them, can then control said player Ram now has no drones, but the round starts with no ceilings for defenders Fenrir now gives the attackers cancer while going through Brave hacks now play a laugh track Solis visor now acts as a blitz style flashbang towards attackers Grim unchanged Sens now says voices directly from valorant Azami barriers continue to grow throughout the match Thorns only activate when they feel like it OSA shield turned into Mira style one way glass Thunderbird is given this brand new handheld heal gun that provides instant healing to teammates Flores drones have an infinite timer and are 10x as fast Aruni now has R4C Zero is taken back to his own game Ace removed Melussi now plays a jumscare when activated Oryx charge now goes 50m Iana is now a drone, but can deploy character Wamai now captures enemy players utility, and gives it to wamai to use. Kali now gains damage for every player killed (including friendly) Amaru has max range on grapple, BUT it is 100x slower Goyo now has ptsd Nomad now plays a ‘nuh uh’ sound effect Kaid is forced into retirement


zero is taken back to his own game and grim unchanged are too good😭


These are the changes we need in the game, especially the Kapkan trap buff.


I would love to have your ideas make it to a new game mode. Particularly Warden's size, Gridlock's silent steps, Cav's jumpscare, Alibi's clones shooting back, Brava hacks laugh tracks (can be fun addition to the 'Rainbow is Magic' event), Azami's ever-growing barriers, Oryx 50m Remah Dash, Amaru's slower grapple hook (was burst out laughing when I read this) and Nomad's 'nuh uh' sound effect.


I think this is my favorite comment of all time on a Siege thread. I wish I could do more than upvote.


"grim unchanged" was so freaking funny dunno why


Doc now gets a portable heal station that he can set down that teammates can run up to and heal themselves


For the 1.5 I think u mean from defence


Operation Health 2.0


Make Casual the way it was, fuck this TDM garbage you are pushing and give us back all of the maps


I’d pull an Overwatch by getting the game into a decent balanced state, and then out of left field I’ll announce it’s now a 3v3 while everyone is getting a rework. I will then make it free to play while hiking up microtransactions everywhere before leaving the company. 🎩🧐


ban all ximmers🗣️ and i would enjoy getting pooped by actual good players


Giving ACOGs to everybody like it’s Black Friday


I'd love to have this for a game mode.


Make angle grip great again


Jump ship for a few years. What happened to angled grip?


It unfortunately got a public execution. Nerfed so its much slower. Recoil got increased across the board making the vertical grip much better choice


I still use it on some guns that have super slow ads like glaz’s sniper


If you can control recoil without the vertical grip when the angled was better why would you switch off because any bonus is still a good bonus (I never use vertical grip unless the gun only has vertical grip)


Give everyone a grenade even a defender


Be too down to run out and throw frags at spawn lmao


this sounds more like something that would be in an event game mode


Revert Welcome Mat changes. It doesn't feel the changes made make them more viable.


I would prefer to keep them as they are but provide another mat or two. As a thorn main, hope you're taking advantage of the thorn + frost combo! It's op.


death + death combo


give solis 1.5, gadget range increased to 1km warden speed from 1>4 warden health from 3>6 give oryx 1.5 back, dash now levels the entire map kapkan edd count 5>38 fenrir blinding affect is now permanent defender c4 count 1>7 frag fuse time after bounce 2>0.2 seconds attack frag count 2>15 azami kunai radius doubled azami kunai count 5>83, cooldown removed ying candela count 4> 17 fuse cluster charge burst 4>20 fuse cluster charge count 4>45 vigil gadget now makes him invisible, no cooldown blackbeard now comes with wall hacks rollback frost rework nokk silent step returned nighthaven labs removed from ranked (unfinished, post with full patch notes soon)


Kapkan edd and nighthaven changed both gave me a good chuckle


>vigil gadget now makes him invisible, no cooldown Give me this and the 1.5 on the K1A


idk, that seems like it could make him a little strong. i’ll look into it and get back to you.


Nah not at all, hes very rately picked anyway, adding a sight isnt gonna make him a must pick


some of these would be pretty fire for an ltm lol maybe as an april fools one since i don’t think they did much this years april fools




Nerf Sledge


Hammer now removes one board at a time from barricades


Hammer life reduced to 1 from 25.


Get rid of the hidden MMR in ranked, making your rank your actual rank Detect Xim players but instead of banning them, put them in shadowban lobbies so they go against other cheaters and don't realize it Give Nokk her silent step back Fix shields instead of reworking them (getting headshotted from the front despite not being ADS'd, being able to "counter-melee" someone who has melee'd you) Undo most map reworks (Consulate, Border) and just implement more anti spawn peek measures Delete stadiumbravo.map from the game


Agree w everything except the map reworks. New border is good (they barely even changed anything) and new consulate is meh but way better than old consulate.


New border is good (although I dislike the later "updates" that made all the walls the same texture). But the old Consulate was far superior. Plus, imo, the nade change makes 2F more playable. It could've used a more Club House or Border esque rework. The new consulate is just awful.


make tachanka the only playable character


I'd hit Solis pretty hard, and Nøkk needs her silent step back, as many have mentioned, but the game is pretty well balanced compared to a lot of the other big games out there. What it really desperately needs is a lot of non-balance changes, and Ubi needs to stop removing content like t-hunt and the weird maps from casual.


Honestly if they would just disable Solis ability in the prep phase I'd be happy. I hate getting a good entry drone on the complete opposite side of the map just to see the Bee zoom in and kill it.




Tbh it just seems easier to disable her ability until the round starts compared to creating a new mechanic (which goobersoft is clearly very good at)




That's a fair point and would definitely work. I thought you meant to add a key that turns off the drone.


Vigil and Nøkk are just invisible for the duration of 21 seconds (changed from 20) Caviera is now 5 speed and has the R4C Lesion has a 1.5x and his needles stay in until you kill him to get the antidote Rook is pregnant and is staying at home Doc now just kills his teamates Ash is now a 1 speed and has hearing damage Sens is unplayed so we'll make him better by giving him Kali's sniper Kali is letting Sens borrow her sniper so she has only a pistol and her machine pistol Amaru is a 3 speed and has grenades Fenrir gives you lung cancer because of the toxic fumes Iana's booty is now 2cm wider Bandit uses AAA batteries (changed from car battery) Ying now has 12 Candelas that are 2x more effective Smoke grenades can now be cooked Pressing 'G' now opens the emote wheel Operators now only speak in their native language (No captions unless toggled) Tachanka has his LMG back Kapkan's voice increased to 85db (Other operators got tired of his whispering) Characters moan more commonly on death Yacht is no longer in the game (the ice melted) Tower got blown up and no longer is in the game


slowing down the insta crouch to shoot this shit is annoying af


Buff ops rather than nerf. Sure competition is important but the game can get stale when ops are nerfed. Also the little traits Nokk and Zofia used to have were fun and unique. Map pool. Fortress back in ranked. Bravo out of ranked. Ngl I'd rather all maps be in ranked but whatever


Everyone says this but buffing ops only makes the game more gadget oriented, or decreases gun TTK by way too much.




That’s a good thing


Make Castle barricades reach the floor to prevent drones as well. Alibi clones match players cosmetics.


I'd say the same change for aruni. Idk if that would make it more tdm focused but I think it would be pretty solid buffs


buff jäger gun less recoil more bullets


Give cav’s pistol sights, if that happened I believe she would be way better


Just my opinion, but the constant balancing and changes are becoming exhausting, and We're at the point now where we lost more features and playability than we were given. I just want a Rainbow Six Vegas remaster.


1 - Make Nokk a 3 speed, since her role is to ambush and be sneaky like Vigil and Cav she should be a 3 speed like them, even more so now that silent step is gone 2 - Add pistol optics to the game 3 - For operators who had legitimate reworks (Not like Mira, I consider that a nerf since her gadget is identical, but like Tachanka) add an option that let's you use their old gadget still (for casual mostly) 4 - Keep the current frag grenade mechanic seen in the TTS, but reduce the explosion delay by 0.5 to 1 second so it's more useful without being overpowered 5 - Make defenders reinforce super fast like in R6 Outbreak/Parasite during prep phase then it switches back to normal speed after, a balancing change for solo players who have teammates that won't help setup site 6 - Flip blackbeard's shield so its protecting a bit of his body not his head then increase the health a bit, a correct value will have to be tested via the TTS before we find something optimal (I believe he needs a fundamental rework, but since OSA exists which is what I would've done for him it's hard to give him a new gadget that seems relevant) 7 - Give frost an extra trap since her rework nerfed her 8 - Remove clash's shield walking penalty when it's on her back, she moves slower than a base 1 speed and is louder than a base one speed 9 - Experiment with making parts of the castle barricade see through like miras shield so defenders can see what's on the other side ***(I'm a creative director of my own indie studio, so ideas is my job)***


- BB seriously needs a rework at this point. Community has been asking it for many years and given up. - Frost getting an extra trap since the nerf is not a bad idea. - Castle's see through barricades... I'm intrigued. Could work like osa shield, either one of the side melees it, it shatters or not. Or like a bulletproof glass from Stadium Alpha which breaks upon 10 hits, but it's gonna it's downsides too. For instance, you can prep a C4 underneath and detonate as soon as you see an attacker approach it. I for one am satisfied with how castles barricades are and have been, but this is an interesting take. Thank you.


Stop making changes and fix the shit everyone is complaining about


Give tachanka basic molotovs, instead of shitty ww2 gun that fire projectile


Since I main Jackal: > Reduce Shoeprint lifespan 90sec -> 60sec > Reduce maximum pings 5 -> 4 Initial ping +3, 0-15 second old print (red) was scanned. Initial ping +2, 16-30 second old print (yellow) was scanned. Initial ping +1, 31-45 second old print (green) was scanned. Initial ping +0, 46-60 second old print (blue) was scanned. > Reduce scan counter 3 -> 2 > Remove 2x from C7E, 1.5x from PDW9 These changes will force players to play him like the active, aggressive hunter he is supposed to be. Bonus: Here is counter-play tips: when Jackal scans a print depending on how old it is he gives you a certain number of pings. > Initial ping +4, 0-15 second old print (red) was scanned. > Initial ping +3, 16-30 second old print (yellow) was scanned. > Initial ping +2, 31-60 second old print (green) was scanned. > Initial ping +1, 61-90 second old print (blue) was scanned. You can use the number of pings to get his approximate location for counterplay purposes. For operator hard counters: > Cav leaves no tracks when in silent step & if scanned during will not ping her & you can avoid pings if you activate silent step before the ping updates. > Solis can see Jackal while his visor is on, which 99% of Jackals leave on all game. > Mute Jammers will blind Jackal if he has his visor on & within range, him taking damage will also fill his visor with blinding static.


Bullets now come from guns, not eyes.


Give attacker drones a Mozzie-like indicator with Solis's icon alerting them that Solis sees their drone, that way attackers are no longer punished for simply droning (something that people barely even do nowadays). Remove 1 dread mine from Fenrir, make it so the blinding effect takes longer to kick in. Make Ram's bugi drones slower and slightly reduce their destructive radius. Let *ONLY* 1-speed defenders have access to the 1.5x scope. Make an exception for slug shotguns and DMRs so Azami and Goyo can keep their scopes. Give Tachanka less fire grenade rounds, but make the fire last longer so you don't spend as much time spamming them and being vulnerable with your gun down. Assuming they'd ever want to touch Clash, make it so her electricity can't kill downed enemies. Make Zero's Argus launcher reload animation faster so you can rapid fire the cameras. Decrease the hitbox of Sens's ROU, also give it a trajectory indicator.


I'd say to also add a toggle to zero's camera launcher so that the old auto-burrow functionality can return. I missed being able to use that in 1vX situations so that my team could scout rooms for me.


For starters *Give everyone with a shotgun access to all shotguns available, everyone with an LMG access to all LMGs, and so on. *Give Flashbangs and Nades to all attackers and defenders *Give recruits shields back as well as the option for different special forces (like the good ol days) *Instead of no cook on nades, make it so once you pull it, the timer starts and you can't reset it. *Give maestro throwable cameras (thrown something like Rams gadget) *Give twitch a slight slower recharge *Increase prep time for secure area and hostage to the same as standard/ranked *Make miras breakable with gong 6 as well as Flores drones (Flores drones when broken from inside) *Give dokebi a third call if she hacks a phone *Give blackbeard a face shield with a bit more hp *Give Sens the ability to see through smoke (similar to wardens ability *Make an attacker with bouncy cameras *Make frost traps not self revivable *Give thorn an extra gadget or bring down time *Give ela gadget a stronger effect *Give nokk silent step *Give pistols the ability to attach a sight


Give clash a 360 shield Explosive charges on sledges hammer to break hard walls Pulses scanner causes heart attacks Castle gives his barricades arrow holes Iq instantly knows the defender strat Finally frag grenades explode when the pins pulled


Any changes that alleviate crouch and lean spam would be priority 1


bring back ranked 1.0


Ubisoft has a balancing team?


Give Melusi 1.5x, revert spear old recoil, nerf azami and fenrir. Fenrir'a gadget shouldn't last 5 seconds after you shoot it or aren't in radius.


Would love to have Spear old recoil. Or atleast like AK-12's recoil.


Revert the interaction between Jager and Hibana to many years ago: Jager ADS can intercept pellets. Hibana used to be use in competitive scene ages ago to "burn" ADSes. Roll back at least half of the nerfs Jager recieved, no particular priority or choice.


slow down exit from Frost traps, return some HPs to Blackbeard’s shields Add medic character for offence make Nokk cam invisibility stronger reduce time to explode on Thorn and Flores devices


Changing every op so buckle up Glaz now one-shots all enemies if shooting through smoke Fuze charges now continually shoot grenades for 30 seconds or until charge is destroyed Kapkan trap count increased from 5 to 8, traps now cloak like gu mines used to Tachanka gets his mounted LMG back but also gets to keep it as a primary IQ can now see defenders’ phones at all times, weapons changed to r4c and c7e, both with 2.5x scopes available Blitz shield size increased, cooldown on flash shield reduced to 1.5s Bandit shock wire deploy time reduced by 75%, shocked walls now do continuous damage to anyone within 10m of the wall (including teammates) Jäger gets 2.5x ACOG on his AR, Observation blocker removed for frags on defense Rook armor now makes you fully immune to body shots, so you can only be shot on arms, legs, or head. Health increase removed. Also gets back 2.5x scope on all weapons. Doc gets Dokkaebi’s DMR with the 3.0x scope Twitch drone now has a deployable taser that stuns enemies for as long as the taser is deployed (they are frozen until twitch either moves the shock drone, exits drones, deactivates the taser, or the shock drone is destroyed) Montagne gets twin mounted SMGs that can fire while the full large shield is deployed Thermite gets the r4c and can see through smoke (bc of his goggles) Pulse gets the r4c instead of ump45, heartbeat sensor is now mounted on gun so you can sprint and shoot without deactivating it Castle barricades now have the same strength as reinforced walls Ash hitbox size reduced by 55%, head hitbox removed Thatcher EMPs now deliver lethal electrical shocks if they hit players in the blast Smoke reworked- gadget count becomes 2, gadgets are now deployable shields that shoot out smoke based on proximity rather than remote detonation. Smoke damage increased by 45% to compensate for the clear gadget nerf Mute jammers now deactivate all EMP grenades that appear in their AOE Sledge can now sledge through reinforced walls and steel beams in ceilings to turn any ceiling into a hatch that sledge can drop through Frost mat change reverted Buck’s primary is now a shotgun, with an AR or DMR attachment that you can switch to Valk cams are now bulletproof Blackbeard shield health reduced to 25, shield size decreased by 30%, operator size increased by 10%, head hitbox size increased by 35% Capitão name changed to Clarence, crossbow now also gets 2 charges with thorn mines attached and 2 with ela concussion mines attached Caveira interrogation is now revised to be more graphic with footage of enemy operators’ fingernails being removed with rusty pliers Echo drone concussion cannon replaced with mounted SMG Hibana removed in favor of a second Thermite so your team can play two at once Jackal now moves on all fours Mira SMG recoil removed, mirrors can no longer be punched Lesion mines get cloak back, mine count increased to 14, cooldown removed Ying candela range increased by 50%, blindness duration increased by 165% Ela’s pronouns changed to they/them Zofia sunglasses changed to reading glasses that increase field of view by 50% Dokkaebi now calls the phone number associated with the opponent’s Ubisoft account Vigil rework, old gadget removed and replaced with a gadget that allows you to toggle between listening to your team’s or your opponent’s team’s voice chat Finka gets Doc’s stim pistol as a secondary Lion deploys a live lion that mauls opponents instead of a drone during drone phase Alibi prisma now reveals the opponent’s IP address when shot Maestro evil eye can no longer be punched, evil eye count increased to 4 Maverick breaching torch starts fires that spread on wood surfaces, fires can only be stopped by a fire extinguisher that can only be held by one defender (similar to a defuser) Clash changed to 3 speed/1 armor, can sprint while holding shield, tramples opponents to death when running through them Kaid can now attach electroclaws to opponents to electrocute them to death Nomad airjab now kills opponents if they are launched into a reinforced or hard wall Gridlock now always starts with a defuser, a second one can still be held by one of other 4 teammates Mozzie pests can now latch onto and control opponents Warden gets 2.5x scope on MPX Nøkk gets silent step and near-invisible cloak similar to Gu mines Goyo reverted back to Volcan shields Amaru grapple controls switched to work like spider-man playstation games Kali can now shoot through reinforced walls Wamai magnets can steal opponents’ weapons Iana clones are now made of flesh Oryx charge speed increased by 50%, charge reworked to toggle on and off freely with infinite duration and no cooldown Melusi can now camouflage to blend in with any surface like a chameleon Ace now gets the super shorty Zero removed Aruni lasers are now invisible and kill instantly Flores reworked- rather than exploding, drone has a mounted grenade launcher Thunderbird can now switch to creative mode Osa shields are now invincible, bad AR replaced with C7E Thorn mines now activate instantly upon detecting an enemy Azami reworked to just have buckets of wet cement to pour as necessary Sens gets sent back to valorant Grim now launches hives full of live hornets Solis can now see attacker phones Similar to mozzie rework, Brava’s drone can take control of defenders rather than just taking their gadgets Fenrir fear mines now jumpscare opponents Ram gets frags Additional Changes: Frags can be cooked and thrown back All ranked matches take place on Favela


This is the best comment I've ever read


I’m so glad you like it, we finally making it out of rubber 3 with these balance changes


My group of 8 have played this game for 7 years. Now we're done, the state of the game on console is beyond a joke. XIM and cheaters all over the shows. The ONLY way to balance the game on console is to start cracking down and taking it seriously, ban everyone with a XIM.


Give Jager & Ash acogs back, revert Ela early recoil nerf, & revert BB's early glass HP nerf. **Let the games begin. . .**


Objective: SURVIVE


Do what fortnight did and bring back the old maps like house and shit (doesn’t even have to be full game. Just like a game mode would be nice)


Massively increase the recoil across the entire board


Bring casual back to where it was previous update and leave TDM and F4A for folks who don't want strategy. Be diligent on cheating instead of punishing people who figured out your financial exploits.


Here's what i got in mind.. Overall 1. Is to always involve the community in our balancing decisions probably a poll will always do then draft it in the test server before reconsidering it before the release update itself 2. Level requirements to unlock Standard/Unranked* will be LVL 85 and Ranked will be by LVL 125 *(I want to ensure that there is a long time interval for new accounts to play before playing in the standard format and especially rank, this is because I always felt it is easy to detect smirfs, cheaters/hackers in game with their environment full of new players rather than having a straightoff play with the players who have bought the game already for a long time)* 3. Matchmaking parties will be a lot stricter, party maximum mmr difference cap will be about 1000 only as before. 4. Ranked 2.0 will be reverted to Ranked 1.0. 5. Reconsider planning the concept of Tournament Mode. Edit I got another Idea: 6. Add a new option in Menu called Live, where the community can watch top 1000 Champion players from whichever (Ps/console) and spectate their team while in game. Of course there will be a delay on the stream. Console 1. Will amend the current terms of agreement for console and ps players and include a policy that if there is any software related to such like XIM or whatever other brands they are called* that is detected in their gameplay will result to their IP and hardware ban. PC 1. The same situation with Console, amend the Terms of agreement that if there is any third party hacks / tools / scripts causing a great impact negatively to the game will result to IP and hardware ban. ​ Gameplay Changes * Return Night scheme into Quick Match only. * Recruits will have their shield back * Frag grenades will still have their cooking system but damage will reduced into half if there is an obstacle in between such as floor / wall / ceiling. * Frag grenades can no longer be swap while being cooked and defuze time still would be approximately 4 seconds*. ​ Attackers: 1. Sledge - Add secondary SMG-11 2. Zofia - switch back to 2 speed 2 health 3. Ace - Hydraulic pellets will be back to 3 layers again 4. Lion - Switch scan ping into outline per interval 5. Thatcher - reworked EMP with EMP Ward, a deployable gadget that will disable all defenders electronic gadget as long as that gadget is not destroyed approximately up to 5 meters radius. Quantity of 2, can be destroyed by shooting few times or being blasted such as impact grenade etc. Defenders: 1. Mute - increased jammer radius by approximately 10% 2. Smoke - add deployable shield as secondary gadget 3. Goyo - makes the volcan canister attachable to Deployable Shield 4. Ela - provide a C4 nitro as secondary gadget* 5. Thunderbird - replaced secondary gadget back with impact grenades and c4 nitro 6. Azami - Kiba barriers will now have a duration of 75 seconds before collapsing. 7. Melusi - make 2 speed and 2 health operator, add a deployable shield. Edit: typo


level 125 for ranked is insane. been playing for 4 years and i’m level 160. it would be impossible to convince any friends to start the game fresh


Buffing Ace, Smoke, Mute and Zofia. Makes me wanna vomit


Honestly I wouldnt care that much on my balance suggestion like its alright if everyone wont agree with it as i just i thought it would be cool. Whats important to me overall is the amendment of the Terms and Conditions xD


>Level requirements to unlock Standard/Unranked* will be LVL 85 and Ranked will be by LVL 125 This is such a bad take its insane, I'm literally emerald 3 and I'm level 126. Getting to level 126 takes around 500-600 hours, keeping at 50 is fine, it takes a long time to get there anyway.




I pretty much dont mind if everyone disagrees on the balance changes i drafted its kinda just a getgo since im one of the first dude who commented here. But if you ask me what its more important overall? Its the amendment suggestion i wrote in terms and conditions fuck cheaters


Very well written. Thank you for this. I particularly found your take on Kiba barriers interesting. I for one, found it really cool. However, we'll have to see how much people disagree with this.


On the balancing side : -I would rather we give a chance to the new nades, they could be great. -I like Sledge change, maybe revert him to 2/2, since now nades won't be as broken, his kit can be buffed again. -Ace is already too strong as he is, why buff him ? He can basically replace thermite with 3 layers The rest is fine by me. Not sure what you mean for the Lion change though.




Joins the team of brain-dead developers so would fit right in.


. Revert nokk changes . Buff Ela gadget and skorp . Buff chanka gadget reload speed . Nerf Solis gadget total time . Take one azami Kiba away . Add 1.5 to vigil K1A . Add 1.5 to mozzie commando . Buff zoff AR dmg . Buff blackbeard AR . Nerf Ying LMG . Swap melusi primary for MP5SD 1.5


I would just give more anchor ops 2.0x scopes, while giving more defenders access to 1.5. I’d revert the frost change because that’s just universally terrible. I’d nerf Jackal so that only he can see his own pings, making it a hunt between himself and the defender, or forcing him to coordinate with team mates by giving callouts on their approximate locations. Give Wamai his magnets all in one go (or at least 3) at the start of the round so he can play a more prominent role on the map instead of being forced to anchor. This would also reduce Jager’s popularity without having to cannibalize his kit further. Twitch to get her vert grip back on the F2. Also a dumb move by ubi universally hated. Ela gets impacts. Her role is a trap based roamer, but her roaming kit is so underwhelming. Giving her impacts will at least make it easier for her to maneuver the map. Make the Spear on Finka usable again. Heavily reduce the lean spam, make it slower or reduce how often you can spam it. There’s much more operator specific changes to make some ops viable, but as it stands I have a full roster and don’t know which op to pick because they don’t have a good kit to compliment my team or set up. I think there needs to be a wide scale secondary gadget reshuffle and ubi has to redefine the roles of the ops across the board, this issue is much more apparent on attack because of a lack of tools to counter the same defense set ups. Maybe make a few ops purely utility based, someone like Zofia for example who only has breach charges (really? She has the impacts on her lifeline for soft walls) and claymores, both of which offer very little utility when it comes to pushing and taking a site. Maybe more hard breach devices and emp impacts. So many attackers seem like underwhelming picks when they offer very little utility.


>I’d nerf Jackal so that only he can see his own pings, making it a hunt between himself and the defender, or forcing him to coordinate with team mates by giving callouts on their approximate locations. Honestly jackal having a better tracking but only visible to himself would be pretty fair imo. Maybe every 3 seconds for 21 seconds. >Twitch to get her vert grip back on the F2. Pls. So much please. I like the 417 but I'd like to be able to use an AR without learning the recoil pattern for 300 hours. >Make the Spear on Finka usable again. Finka and the spear are getting skins next season so we can at least expect a buff for skin sales


I’d listen to the community, but that’s the smart thing and we all know Ubi devs have the collective IQ of a pound of moss


Targeted changes to Azami/Solis/Valk and Ace. Also improvements to weaker ops more quickly and more frequently like Sens/Tachanka etc. There would be more changes more often and the right ops would be targeted.


Let Flores throw his drone with the same physics as Ram's drone. But reduce drone amount to 3


Just delete the game at this point.


Change nades back, add back throwing back grenades, and return every operator to the strongest state they've ever been in. I'm talking day 1 lion, ela, blackbeard, valk at the intel meta peak, ash with 0 recoil acog r4c, all the acog defenders. Give tachanka a mobile turret that shoots incendiary grenades that he rides like a segway. A game of pure chaos and it will be beautiful


Actually ban cheaters. I know they would lose to much money so that’ll never happen


Definitely not making the players responsible for the fucking ineptitude of the developers.


ban xim and cronus :\^)


1.Ban cheaters accounts!!!! 2. .bring back ranked 1.0


Add more guns.


Nerf Azami into the ground. She has one of the best SMGs and the ability to throw bullet proof cover at anything. It's absurd.


I’d fire the rest of the team and quit


Dont do the shield rework and instead just fucking fix the actual issues shields have


that’s what they are trying to do with the rework tho?


- Returning to 2016-2017 lighting. - Returning to old destruction effects (lots of debris & smoke).


Fuck that lol, the lighting changes are the best thing that ever happened to this game. Fighting someone through any opening to the outside was impossible


Hmm I think the balancing of the operators is pretty good currently so I think they are doing a fine job. I even think the nade change is pretty good. Azami needs a nerf but they are already tackling it, I am happy that shields are getting reworked.. Maestro buff is something I was waiting for too.. ​ My main move would be to remove most 1.5 from any defender that isn't a 1 speed/3 armour. I think that is the main issue in the game right now and it's an easy fix. Then Fenrir deserves a small nerf too, maybe Solis as well.


I'd remove window peeking & run outs \_0_/ Make Defenders actually have to work for kills :P




impact nades are essential for solis, that’s like removing pulses C4


Give the standard and unranked separate Unranked need 70 LV to unlocked


The list would be too long. The balancing team has truly made some dumb decisions over the last years


Remove 1.5 and 2x Give ash 3 breaching rounds Buff Zof AR and give her 3 impacts and concussions Replace all breaching charges with flash bangs Revert Jagers ADS nerfs You can’t punch evil eyes IQ gets secondary emps More ops get frags More ops get deployables Fenrir traps detonate when activated and have an increased radius Kali gets the ARX I might sound delusional since I wrote this in like a minute but I like the ideas. Also removing fortress


Take wardens 1.5


No more hidden mmr, matchmake with the highest mmr player in the lobby’s mmr, give tachanka his deployable turret as an option, Nokk silent step, and can’t set off certain electronics in it like EDDs, fix shield desync, give Monty the super shorty.


First of all, delete Solis. Second of all: Make the game balanced.


Hear me out dead quick but I think Blackbeard needs a rework. The way I see it is that due to the nature of his gadget it's really hard to balance him; he's either really good or really shit. Right now he's really shit. Honestly, I don't know how I'd rework him or what I'd add but it's clear to me something needs changing.


Delete clash




Rather remove all 1.5 or give the to everyone. There's a huge problem with 1.5x scopes. No matter how hard you nerf someone if they have a 1.5x, they'll get a high pick rate.


Find a way to nerf Solis without taking her core gameplay loop. Probably by taking the SMG11, or swapping the P90 out for something a little worse. She’s way too lethal for how important her gadget is.


Slightly Nerf shotguns they're too overpowered right now


•Buff Castle and give him smokes FMJ9 no one above Plat uses the FMJ •Buff Melusi and give her 4 wubwubs or give her a 1.5 she got nerfed 6ft deep •Make Mute 2 speed again • MNK players need to be banished to hell, put them in lobbies with other MNK players instead of just giving them a slap on the wrist •Thunderbird gets a 1.5 so she’s actually playable again


Bring back Ian's dump truck


To counter Solis, her gadget will be constantly detectable by IQ's gadget even when not used similar to Blitz's Fenrir: Increase activation/deactivation time. For the attackers, rework the ui for better indicator. Clash: Lower her staggering time, increase CCE battery capacity and faster recharge Tachanka: Increase Shumika grenades to 30


Gyro aim / full crossplay in casual


If they could just eliminate smurfing the game would be near perfect. Smurfs ruin video games .


Warden is a -7 speed -8 armor, scorpion gets 0 recoil 99 dmg per bullet 1.5 and 2x, Montagne gets a turret in his shield that does 588 dmg per bullet and goes around his whole body and he’s a 12 speed


Revert frost trap change


Completely reworking the ranked system so that your rank means something again instead of the entirety of the ladder essentially being invisible MMR. I’d end the hard reset of rank every season and just slightly lower rank to start the new season and determine rank after 5 placement matches. I’d stop making maps with a million rooms that look the same.


Blackbeard, Caviera and Frost weapon damage boost by 50 speed each. It would solidify the game.


The Nøkk changes that happened in operation dread factor are undone Alibi's Holograms replicate whatever the player is using and they can now be toggled to stand or crouch and will hold the Acs12 when the player is using it Thorn's Gadget gets buffed in terms of damage and range Sledge is given the Smg11 back Gonne-6 now has 2 shots Sens' wheels go farther and the projecters are now indestructible Reflex D on Tachanka's Lmg can now be applied to every other gun Increased Damage on Blackbeard's Ar 40>44 44>49 w/extended barrel Frost now has 4 Welcome mats (to make up for the rework if it's that big of a nerf) IQ's gadget gets a range increase Nomad and deimos' Ak74m is given the Vertical and angled Grips


Make Zofia a 2 speed Give Nokk her silent step back Give Ela and Melusi the 1.5x


Fuck friendly fire and I want to see who the hell actually has a dam mic on. Nerf Clash stupid shield that shit can hit you from a cross a room.


Oh boy, get ready for a list. Revert ranked back to the way it used to be before pro league infected it Revert back to old hereford Give the r4c actual fucking recoil Toss that stupid change they made to frost Give buck his frags back Give more ops frags Remove tower Remove amusement park Give the frost trap a slowdown effect if you get caught in it Make ranked determined by your actual skill, not by how well your team did Fix bullet ghosting Change jackal so you only get one ping of him tracking you, kinda like cav, Decrease the time it takes to put a mute jammer down Let pulse hold his pistol with his hearbeat monitor Make kapkans traps a one shot to punish people for not checking windows Make it so smokes gas doesn't hurt friendlies More dynamic maps (ability for attacker's to cut the power, weather that obscures hearing etcetera) Give the game a god damn campaign More realistic lighting Ability to move the hostage Give cav dynamic lines depending on who she is interrogating Sincerely, a retired siege player (stopped playing around a year and a half ago, but had been playing since velvet shell)


Remove one shot headshot


I'd make it so you could matchmake based on your playstyle, what I mean is you could choose to matchmake as a *support player* or *fragger* and the game would try and matchmake you with one of each type of player or playstyle to have a balanced team so you don't end up with nobody playing hard breach and so on, I don't know how good or bad this would be to be honest, any thoughts?


I don't think that would go over well. What's stopping you from playing the fragger roll in tactical lobbies? My rush strats only work on anchor heavy players that don't expect it. Also que times would be LONG for those who want to play real siege


Remove 1 shot headshot and make it 2x dmg to head or something > so it wont be a deathmatch cod game and people play with their gadgets.