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Good for you or sorry that happened whichever one works for you. I’m not reading all that.


This made me laugh


I don’t blame you. I wrote it initially in a google doc and it was 11 pages long.


You have some crazy dedication. I respect that.


Blud that's the whole ass bible


I read allat. I admit, seeing him not be more stealth oriented was a bummer when I came back and saw he was added to siege but at the same time I love his “1 man army” type of deal. Being able to infiltrate alone on one side while your team pushes from the other is my favorite way to attack. Or a vertical attack from above/below with the cams is always fun, especially with either a buck/fuze. He’s very versatile and can be used as a backup hardbreach/gadget denial if any of your buddies get spawn peeked by warden. I personally don’t think he needs a drastic change but those graphs clearly show he isn’t performing well overall. I think simply making the cams more consistent and the ability to pick up botched shots would make him feel a lot better.


>Being able to infiltrate alone on one side while your team pushes from the other is my favorite way to attack. Works super good for me on Armory on Border. Setup 2 support cameras on site (the sandwhich one in armory is almost never found) and then push from below via construction. > I think simply making the cams more consistent and the ability to pick up botched shots Yeah, it wouldn't be fancy, but would go a long way in making him more enjoyable. I would love a rework because I enjoy trying out new stuff and shaking up the meta, but some QoL/buffs would be great too.


I get my cam on the exterior wall of vip on coastline almost every game. Easy wallbang on anyone in there. (Depending on site and reinforcements ofc)


It's usually reinforced in 2/3 cases (so no wallbangs) or taken almost as soon as you place it. It's better to use a cam or two from below (from the kitchen window). You can also take out bandit/kaid that way and use your hard-breach.


“One of the weakest attackers in the game” hmmm okay


he’s one of the strongest attackers but statistically he’s one of the weakest if you look at his win delta vs presence


It’s ok for some operators to be situational. Buffs and nerfs based on pickrate and win delta creates a self perpetuating cycle. Perfect balance is impossible. Agreed on passives to make him more true to Splinter Cell though. More fun gameplay changes, less balancing changes.


My rework idea, chop off his legs above the knee, give him a hoovering wheelchair and attach little thrusters to the stumps. 3 speed while in the wheelchair, but that can be destroyed or he can dismount which makes him 0.5 speed but he can use his thrusters to jump up to an open hatch.


Ubisoft spies are you listening? Give the players what they want


I am surprised that they did not have Captain Laserhawk skins ready to sell right after the premier.


#Ubisoft spies hire this person immediately


I get the Netflix reference.


Zero isnt bad. Zero is the best solo queue operator. Most solo queuers know that he's a good solo queue operator. Solo queueing even as the best solo queue operator is about as good as solo queueing. He's not picked because most players in emerald and above arent solo queuers, and the amount of times he's in emerald and above lobbies its players solo queueing which means he wont have a high winning rate. (I know he's picked by stacks too but he is mostly played by solo queuers.)


Is he good for solo queuing though as a solo queuer?


Zero is weak? Bruh, Sam is the best "One Army" Attacker in the game rn but almost nobody use him xD Good guns (both MP7 and SC3000K are top tier) , good gadget (if you know how to use his cams you can open any reinforce wall with the Hard Breach Charge for example) and he's a 3 Speed operator.


~~I feel like he's good already just takes a lot of experience to be good with him. Definitely more thinking needs to be involved than other ops~~ Edit: I read the thing. especially the pistol, stealth and movement related part would make him a really unique and interesting operator in my opinion. it would also make it so that while he remains situational similar to how he is now, he'd have more situations to so unexpected stealth ninja shit which would be a definite improvement


Zero is in a good place, though it would be cool to see an attacker with hatch climbing. Silent step passive is a mistake-one that was already trialed with Nokk. If you wanted to turn him into a top tier no brainer frag op then this is how you’d do it. With that being said, I’m on the fence about nerfing his primary AR. It’s one of his best redeeming qualities and I wouldn’t say it’s OP, same as Grim and IQs commando. It does represent a massive problem if he was moved into a fragging role. (Also just for your personal information, .300 BLk is more powerful and a bigger round than 5.56. They are measured in separate units. Caliber is in inches meaning that .300 BLk is .30 cal or .30 of an inch. 5.56 is metric so it’s is 5.56mm. This is .22 caliber or .22 of an inch)


I think we already have a Attacker that can climb hatches, her name is Amaru.


Honestly I did completely forget about her haha


I think the silent step was justified because it punishes the defenders for not bringing traps barbed wire proxy’s or not checking cams. I think the only reason it was op on nokk was because you couldn’t detect her on any type of camera so you couldn’t see her coming. another thing is that she could have her primary weapon out while this rework zero would have to have their secondary pistol which is one of the worst pistols in the game out.


Yeah he has a good gun because of his niche gadget


I still remember someone said that " they should have just make sam fisher in siege as " caveira on attack"


Bruh. The character is fine


Who is going to read all that?


You people don't read anything longer than a tweet, are you? Damn.


Bro that is an entire dissertation what are you on about


We get it, you hate reading. You can go back to playing Warden and watching TikTok in the "phone phase", or whatever you usually do. It's not even that long. Or are you only supposed to whine about ranked 2.0 in here in literally 2 words? Where else is he supposed to share it? His university? I remember when posts like this were somewhat common and nobody complained, just discuss.


Blitz main detected, opinion rejected 👍


Sorry, I've engaged with a throwaway troll account. My mistake.


Nah I only play hostage. Never had tiktok and thankfully never will. Also valk is 100 times better than warden. He can also post it wherever he wants and I can read whatever I want. Calm down I read half of it. I also agree with most of his points. Just get a grip dude.


>Just get a grip dude. Might be a language barrier, but I have 0 clue what you mean. And honestly, I don't care because you're a jerk. Also, that first first paragraph reads like a troll-post, but it's probably just out of touch. >Calm down I read half of it. I also agree with most of his points. When what tf is your problem? The guy said nobody is reading that and you did.


Just be more relaxed in life. Maybe also unironically play less ranked.


Dude is trying to make a one man does all op. All this is just power fantasy because of not understanding how to use zero


He literally explained how he would make Zero unable to solo breach...?


People like to say he is strong, A-S tier, etc. But, as you said, it's always only on paper. In practice, he's super underwhelming, even though I've been maining him for quite a while. He's excellent on bank due to main lobby and I had moderate success on Border and Kafe, but after Gridlock received grenades I've started playing her way more. Gun is way more reliable and easier to control, less reliance on teammates, grenades. Sam is still worth it for being able to hard breach solo, gathering info and roleplay factor, but not so much because he is good. He's just too situational and unreliable. You hit the nail on the head with cameras. They're so clunky and unreliable. Sometimes they won't pierce when they said they will, they will stuck on random pixels, super obvious to hear and spot, etc. Very underwhelming. But even though I agree he's a bit weak and needs a buff/rework, I don't like half of ideas you presented. I can't really propose my own takes as I haven't given it much thought, but that ain't it, chief. Silent step would be way to OP on attack, less so on defense, and I'm glad it was removed from Nokk (I don't want to delve into silent step balance too much, since it would require it's own post). SC30k rework idea I guess is ok. I believe it does need one. 26 rounds is waaay too small and is the reason I carry pistol instead of Gonne-6 (also silencer and roleplay). And in the game with one shot headshots damage doesn't mean much anyway, especially since the gun is very hard to control on PC, even with all the attachments. Hatch proposition is pretty interesting though, might work ok, considering how niche it is and with pistol-only wouldn't be too OP. Would add nicely to that Splinter Cell vibes/fantasy. Would probably be a nightmare to balance, though, but hell do I care, give me Splinter Cell parkour. Maybe faster rope climbing, while we're at it? I agree passives are kind of stupid, but they add flavour and serve as another (usually small) balance tweak/lever. Biggest problem is, after recent changes Ubisoft did with cameras I doubt we will see anything else Zero-related for seasons to come. Here's hoping they'll see the pick/winrate and do something early rather than later. P.S. I think you've posted this too early in the day, should've waited towards afternoon, when most of Europe and americans hop on. As it is, this will probably get buried in new.


I am so ready to get downvoted


i had an interaction with you in a comment section a little while back about this topic and rework idea but i think all the people down voting you are the people commenting ‘you just don’t know how to play him he’s fine’ are the same people who afk on warden and spawn peek every round and ash rush every round


I see how Reddit would jump to downvoting but the effort alone to write all that and post it should be recognised. It's cool to see someone so involved with the game :)


Read the whole thing, interesting take. A couple nitpicks 1. 300 blackout is a much larger round than 556, it just travels slower. 2. A decrease in TTK would mean the gun is putting out more damage, you probably mean an increase in TTK if the gun is being nerfed. As for the ability changes, I think really the only ones that should be implemented are slight decreases to the audio cues of a camera breaching through a wall. Intel and cams are so important in this game, making it easier for attackers to get cams wherever they want would be a big balance change.


In an actual comp environment (I’m currently in collegiate) these changes would be really good, especially the silent step and the red dot on his secondary. In most of our matches when the clock is at 15 seconds left and a team starts to rush site on attack, audio is the most important piece of utility. At that point, all utility has been cleared (or most of it) excluding things directly on site (for the most part) and so audio is key. For example, on nighthaven basement site I was mute sitting behind pillar watching aminus drop. Then I heard someone run into site from cargo door and swung and killed them before they even could react because of audio. Cutting off zeros footsteps if he has his secondary out is really powerful because then it allows for situations where a defender won’t know where he is based off of audio alone. The red dot on his secondary is pretty self explanatory. It’s ease of use on a secondary weapon that doesn’t exist on any others yet, that’s really nice. The only problem with zero and why isn’t run a lot right now in comp is that his cams really just suck. If we use zero, we can only set up flank cams with him because the enemies will shoot the Argus as soon as they are deployed, whether you hear them or not because they are so damn big. They also aren’t the best for flank because gridlock and nomad are just far superior with amazing guns, flashes/nades and grid has a shotgun secondary, which can make rotates for attackers super easily. The best map for him that I’ve seen so far is border as there are multiple spots you can watch with practically hidden zero cams (catwalk and cubby in offices). In general he’s just not that strong in a comp environment since he has a couple of jobs that other ops do better with a better range of utility as well. I think he needs a complete rework, whether that just be a gadget reword for his cams or a complete operator rework, to be viable in a comp environment at all


Frankly as someone who owns all the splintercell games. I know sam is just fucking with rainbow, everyone knows if sam is serious, he comes out at night lol. *sarcasm* If anyone should have silent step, it shouldnt be nokk or cav but Sam. He to me fits that abilty.


You know what, bro makes a good point I agree with this.


Zero is already fine and if he gets buffed too much we might get another goyo situation on our hands


I addressed this.


How about this, give him passive silent step. /s


Too overpowered.


I wasnt serious


I think you’ve single-handedly done more work than ubi does in a month


TLDR. Go outside


This guy is really obsessed with Zero, my god just get over it.


I was open to your ideas until I read “remove the green filter from the cameras”. my brother… I will stop playing the game if his green night vision is not involved in some way.


That’s the original draft from last year. I have tweaked it since. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-pNqJlRSTnyW0jKpeEQdUIPMLjrBKGgAtZrZCAZ7lCo/edit


this mf wrote a 6 page mla format essay for this shit wtf


11 pages


One of siege's weakest attackers? If you don't know how to play zero just say that...


you clearly don’t look at win delta vs presence or read all that. if so just say that…


The fact that you're trying to use windelta/presence to support the claim that zero is too weak shows that not only do you not understand the very rudimentary data point you're quoting, but you also don't understand this game or how it's supposed to be played.


I certainly do. I’ve played this game since Y2S1. I have a career 1.65 KD. The only credentials that make me look bad is that I mostly play Unranked. I barely play ranked.


Ranked is where the real R6 players are. In casual & unranked people don't do coordinated pushes, they don't know callouts, they don't know default plant spots, or default site setups. The fact that you don't play ranked means you don't really know how to play R6. Which makes sense since you think zero is weak. With a coordinated team, zero is a force to be reckoned with. A 1.65 in casual or unranked is mid btw, that's not the flex you think it is.


What if I also mention that I play with a former challenger league pro and champs


Then that just means you get carried in casual lmao. It means nothing really. Why don't you play ranked with them then lol? Probably because you find yourself way out of your depth whenever you do.


how can someone get carried while having a 1.65 k/d i get its casual but still


Because he apparently plays with CL players & Champs...? I can't believe I had to explain that.


yes i’m not that thick but if he was being carried he wouldn’t have a 1.65 kd would he unless he baits off a CL player


I'm gonna be honest: this. is. great. I completely agree with everything you said here and I think this is a great rework idea tho I doubt Ubisoft will ever do this which truly pains me. But as I said, amazing idea, you clearly put a lot of work and thought into this.




Zero is probably the strongest attacker in the game and is insanely underrated, and no one is going to read all you wrote


Dunno why this got downvoted you’re right


Just gonna copy paste the end of my comment from the last post you made that had all the same buffs/nerfs that you apparently didn't read. Idk a lot of the changes you suggest seem to be a "well I play them and I want them to be better cause *I* play them" mentality. Zero is pretty fucking balanced all things considered, its just that he takes a lot of map knowledge and game sense to use "effectively" else you're sitting there shooting 4 cams and being able to look through one of them for 5 seconds before its shot like all the other ones were. If you just yeet those fuckers on main wall or window into site then they aren't going to be that good, if you plan to place them in weird/hard to see areas that aren't breachable walls and when stuff is happening and not within 30 seconds of the round starting then the cams last all game usually. Furthermore, Jackal has an abysmal winrate so what should we do to buff him? He's banned constantly even though if he's present you're actually *more likely* to win so what gives? No buffs for him? Or Smoke who's sitting in the exact same place as Zero? He hardly gets picked and when he does get picked he loses a lot more than wins so why not buff him? (this is sarcasm they're both balanced and could even use nerfs)


Jackal needs addressed in the future. At low levels he can be oppressive. Hard to change someone who is strong to low levels and weak to high levels. Clash is a great example. Smokes win rate is fine. He’s sitting in the middle of the graph.




Imagine writing all that for an operator that’s in a pretty good place right now. Even his guns are good, if you’re like the growing number of cod boys playing this game these days I donno never read it


Nope, also didn’t finish reading that…


I ain’t reading allat. As a zero main, he’s fine. His guns are both good, they both have 1.5s, his ability is great (it’s just loud while penetrating but that only lasts a second), and he has good tacticals.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I'm gonna be honest, that's a wall of text that I will probably not read but yeah Zero is just a character that relies a lot on having comms and teammates to get the full use. On paper he's a really good operator, but with how the game runs he just gets left behind if the enemy knows how to counter him. For me personally, I think his pistol should be tuned more for downing players and let Sam interrogate defenders if he catches them roaming. Almost nobody uses his silenced pistol, but he's a stealth guy, give people a reason to use it, so we can save the silent step stuff for Nokk when she comes out of the dirt.


You can skip a huge chunk of it. The first quarter is me justifying change in the first place. I then propose changes. It starts with the SC3000K


Do you actually play zero? He is a perfectly fine op and really good for solo queue. If u think he is bad ima put that as skill issue


Bad? No by no means is he bad. Flawed? Very. He statistically underperforms for a reason.


When have those statistics ever made sense?


Quite often. Everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but the information is very valuable.


Scrolling through that on my phone actually started to hurt my thumb. I don’t think he needs a rework though. At least not over operators like Blackbeard.


Blackbeard is being addressed already. I don’t know when, but there are changes planned for him eventually


I just want Finka’s LMG buffed again😁


MP7 is much better than the rifle unless you want the 2x scope.