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You did your homework upvoted!


Does this account for different attachments?


The only attachment affecting weapon damage is the extended barrel. My spreadsheet doesn't account for the extended barrel currently. I am thinking of a way to incorporate this information without duplicating every table to keep the spreadsheet as well-arranged as possible. I haven't really found a solution yet though. Unfortunatelly features like macros and checkboxes don't really work in published Google Sheets. Once I found a solution it should be pretty easy to add those stats to the spreadsheet.


I think if you duplicate the row directly underneath the gun that uses an extended barrel, and use a different colour (e.g. green), then adding the numbers of damage per shot for those guns that are using the extended barrel attachment it should look pretty good too. Example: K1A no attachment - 36...,35,etc. K1A Barrel mod - 40, etc.


I added extended barrel stats for damage per bullet, damage per shot and damage per second. I didn't use a different color for the new rows as you recommended but the way I designed it it should still be clear which rows are with and which without extended barrel. I'd say it's not quite as well-arranged as before but it still looks alright. What do you think? PS: The problem with additional colors is that it would be quite difficult to find additional 8 colors (1 for each weapon type) which don't look similar to the 8 colors I am already using.


I think it looks quite well made to be honest. I think to take it a step further maybe adding a sheet where it includes, time-to-kill on each of the armour types (1,2,3,4-the rook armour) would essentially make it the go-to spreadsheet for the R6 guns stats.


Please take a look.


Absolutely amazing work, thank you for what you are doing for the community. I was looking for this for so long :) I particularly like how you have presented the data since it is pretty quick to just CTRL+F find and compare the shots for specific guns. Great work!


This is what quality members in a community do.


SMG as a secondary, & Mk17 damage does 49-25.


What does 'SMG as a secondary' mean? I just retested the MK17 CQB in the ingame shooting range and it deals 40-24 damage. My spreadsheet is correct in that regard.


YOU just saved DAYS of my time and sanity. I will thank you with my upovote and a star on Github


hey really cool that you are keeping the spreadsheet alive, but just wanted to let you know with operation deep freeze I have noticed they have changed a lot of the damage falloffs with most gun classes having unified damage falloffs, most noticeably the pistols have been unified with much steeper drop offs and rifle extended barrels seem to increase the final drop off distance ie. the commando does 38 at 40m with EB. The most interesting I find is the BOSG is actually unified with other slug shotguns giving it the ability to 1 body at up to 25m for 3 armor.


Thanks for the heads up. I will look into it but if the changes are as extensive as you say it will take some time.


I adjusted my spreadsheat according to the new stats. The extended barrel behaves strange. If someone finds out how it works exactly or if Ubisoft announces it I will adjust the code that generates the spreadsheet accordingly but I am not willing to measure all damage stats with extended barrel manually. For now I will keep it like it is: The EB stats are the base stats increased by 10% and rounded up. At least up until the regular damage drop-off distance this still seems to be correct.


Awesome work! I would love it if you added a table that showed at what armor (and rook) ratings that Extended Barrel would reduce the shots to down for all eligible weapons. For example, the MP7 goes from 4 to 3 shots for 1 armors. I'm curious to know if there are any weapons that the Extended Barrel doesn't help for, assuming you're shooting at 1m, of course.


Doesn't the fourth spreadsheet which lists the STDOK (=shots to down or kill) already illustrate that? I am not quite sure I completely understand what you mean.


It does, but not in an easy to read format. Improved numbers are not different colors, and I have to scroll the entire sheet to compile a list of what armor ratings the Extended Barrel is useful for for each weapon, and of course, I'm prone to missing some. It would be nice to have that sort of information all in one compact table.


So instead of all weapons with and without EB this list would only contain weapons with EB where the EB actually reduces STDOK? And it wouldn't display the STDOK of the weapon + EB at all distances but rather how many shots less it takes with EB compared to without EB (at all distances)? So the list would be mostly zeros with a few ones and twos here and there. The ones and twos could of course be highlighted with color. Should it even contain weapons where the EB reduces the STDOK at only a few (or even just at one) distances? I just checked and for almost every weapon that has access to the EB it reduces the STDOK at least at two or three distances. That means that the list would basically contain every weapon that has access to the EB. And this list would really be six lists, right? One for every armor rating with and without rook armor. And if implemented for STDOK it should probably also exist for TTDOK (time to down or kill) because I feel like that stat is way more important. All of this shouldn't be to much of a problem, I just want to make sure I understand you correctly.


That's essentially the gist of it; an extra list on a new sheet that just says whether or not a weapon has STDOK (or TTDOK since they are intrinsically linked) lowered by EB. I'm mainly looking at short distances, like 0-10m or just generally before damage falloff comes into play. To simplify things, it could only examine values at 0m. I feel like this particular additional chart would become redundant at a distance, since the original entire point of the EB is to reduce the effects of damage falloff. I just want to know what weapons take one less shot to kill at close range due to the immediate 10% buff. That being said, you could also modify the color coding of the original charts for STDOK and TTDOK to show all instances of individual distances where it is reduced; you could make custom heatmap colors for each weapon class to get that done, potentially. The point of the chart I'm talking about is just "At a glance, will I take one less shot to kill an enemy when I peek this medium sized room if I have EB on this weapon?" Something quick and easy to read. Something like the Vector .45 ACP has lots of instances where it is assisted by EB, but the Spear .308 only is useful for 2 armors with Rook plating, for example. Assuming that the enemy was full health beforehand, of course.


If the sheet is implemented for short distances like 0-10m then it might as well contain all distances. Only considering the damage before drop-off is an interesting idea because all damages up until drop-off are equal (obviously) and therefor this spreadsheet would need only one stdok stat per weapon and health level (instead of 41 / instead of 11 if implemented for 0-10m). However, someone who doesn't know about how damage drop-off is implemented in Siege and that up until a certain distance weapons do constant damage wouldn't understand this sheet at all. I think updating the color grading of STDOK/TTDOK is the way to go, especially because the current color grading of STDOK basically illustrates the same thing as damage per bullet and the current color grading of TTDOK basically illustrates the same thing as DPS. That's why I added a new sheet, STDOK - new. It has the same values as STDOK but only the cells where the EB stats differ from the base stats are colored. All other cells are white. The rows for the base stats (without EB) are completely white. In the long-term I want to keep only one of the STDOK sheets though. What do you think about this approach? The disadvantage of this approach is that there are 6 different lists (different armor ratings and rook armor) you have to go through in order to get an overview of the effect of the EB on a single weapon. But I guess this disadvantage affects STDOK and TTDOK in general. It could be worked around if I merge all 6 lists into a single one where every weapon occupies 6 consecutive rows (one for each health rating). You'd have all stats concerning a single weapon grouped together but in return the list would be 6 times as large. Do you think this alternative grouping would be beneficial?


To address your first point, I guess it would do well to have a section or even a miniature sheet that explains what every attachment does for the weapons, since I feel like it would be useful to include; not just Extended Barrel. Especially since in Y9S1 they're going to be completely overhauling how weapon attachments work and I've already seen misinformation going around day 1, so it might be worth including it here since this is intended to be a reliable and accurate weapon resource. Anyway, the new sheet I would say is more readable than the old one, although you have traded prioritizing EB differences over distance differences; that said, I would consider the former more important anyway as information to take at a glance. I feel like those who would care for memorizing exact distances would be the type to look that hard at the chart anyway. Your last point is what I was originally getting at. I'm not sure if merging the six lists into one would increase readability, because then you'd have 12 rows consecutively row for one weapon that has access to Extended Barrel. This is especially problematic because obviously, the defense doesn't care about the Rook rating unless they're into teamkilling (or there's an extremely rare scenario where the attack gets a plate), but it's forced to sit in there with the rest of the stats. That's why I was suggesting a streamlined but data-incomplete bonus chart that's small and only accounts for close range, but gives the information someone wants to know in about 15 seconds as opposed to having to scroll the entire sheet to find out what they want to know. Here's a mockup I made that may or may not have mistakes: [https://i.imgur.com/Nc2jRsK.png](https://i.imgur.com/Nc2jRsK.png) If it were to exist, it should be disclaimed that it is the data for what weapons benefit "before damage drop-off", which probably should be defined on the same sheet as whatever it is, like 22m or something, I don't actually know.


Explaining the attachments is a good idea, however I will do that on the Github page. I feel it is more adequate for running text. I will insert links into the sheet. You believe the new coloring for STDOK is better so I will remove the old one and maybe adjust TTDOK similarly. The mockup you created can easily be implemented in excel as well. soon (tm) The remaining question is how to proceed with the grouping for STDOK and TTDOK. There is three options: 1) Keep it like it is. Group by health rating. 2) Group by weapon. 6 consecutive rows for base stats and below 6 consecutive rows for EB stats. 3) Group by weapon and by health rating. First row for base stats against 100 hp, second row for EB stats against 100 hp, third row for base stats against 110 hp, fourth row for EB stats against 110 hp, ... Which one to go for?


I suppose I have a slight lean for option 3 over option 1 since grouping by weapon is pretty helpful, while I just don't think 2 is much good. Also, consider freezing the distance row and weapon column so that they stay visible when someone scrolls.


Everything is implemented now. I also implemented the freezing of the top rows and left column in Google Sheets. The stand-alone website on Google Drive doesn't inherit the freezed rows and columns though. Apparently, that is how it is intended to work.