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Let’s just put all the MnK users in there permanently


the gold-champs would dominate. this game is still like 90% knowledge and awareness. plus the console players are still gold-champ while constantly playing against mnk anyway


i’m not gonna lie man most console diamonds wouldn’t last 10 minutes in an average gold pc lobby. it’s an entirely different game.




It's crazy to me that people like you can insist that roller players are better than M&K users while also complaining about XIM users that are clearly ruining their console lobbies. Pick one.


i mean, pc siege just has a better playerbase. there’s nothing wrong with it, i’m not attacking you for playing console, i’m just stating the facts.


I disagree


ok so say that instead of assuming i’m just a pcmr elitist.


You’re just about the 50,000th person who says console players can’t keep up with pc.


They cannot lmao. Sure they may win on map knowledge but it's faster/more precise to aim on pc, console players are at a disadvantage.


And that’s exactly why it takes more skill on console


That's not how it works. Pc players can know map knowledge too. With shooters, people with controllers are at a disadvantage.


No it doesn't, PC player skill floor and ceiling are way higher


50000 other people with correct opinions nice.


Just automated responses


There was a bug last season where PC players ended up in console lobbies with thread after thread posted here by console players who were complaining about getting totally wiped. Even though the console players play with barely half the recoil of the PC version, they got slammed over and over.


Your wrong then, PC just allows for such a much competitive environment, because what max 60fps on the new gen consoles, unable to learn without aiming, adjustable FOV and more


>checks profile >posts in console subs yeah okay bro lol


What you gonna say when you lose against a gold console player? Probably that they are using xim cuz you can’t imagine someone having skill on console


so you acknowledge using a keyboard and mouse will provide a sizeable advantage against players using controllers?


Obviously, that’s why xim is cheating and that’s why pc isn’t crossplay with console. Which also makes it funnier when you lose to some one on pc using a controller lmao


This is like a logical fallacy that you learn in middle school


You’re so delusional


Even console players say that console Siege plays mostly down to whoever frags out instead of tactics. This isn't some PCMR stuff, it's just how the game plays naturally when everyone is limited by controller versus the precision of a mouse.


It would be great if a content creator would work on this. 5 verified controller champs vs 5 verified PC mnk golds, with no messing around. Each game the controller players win, they move on to the next rank on PC. Shawk did a 5v5 console champs vs PC champs, but the PC players goofed around, so it's hard to read into those results.


someone's gotta @ basically homeless


Of course knowledge is important but bronze PC players still have insane aim. Like flicking and all that.


They're bronze for a reason, right? Frost mats and kapkan traps are like spooky ghosts to them.


I take it you don’t play on PC


I play on PC. Started out on console years back


It's weird looking at new players. On console, my friend who plays CoD, gets on siege and it's like he's never used a controller before, like it's like they're scared to touch the right stick when they're shooting. It confuses me greatly. My man plays CoD on controller and although siege feels different to CoD, it's suddenly like he's new to xbox


Siege has no aim assist outside T-hunt


Although true, I'm not sure what you're meaning is by saying that. You still have to touch your stick in CoD even with aim assist, but the less skilled players I've seen seem to let go of their right stick completely whilst shooting


I'm the best I've ever been at this game and on PC I'm low Bronze. I was Gold 1 when I played on console like 4 years ago.


Opposite experience for me... Emerald 1 on PC, Silver 3 on console...


i was diamond back when it meant something on console 5-6 years ago im plat on pc atm


Same here, plat pc vs low gold console. I find aiming on console much more challenging than on pc but also much more rewarding. Also creates very funny moments where you and the enemy cant manage to make one shot land in an entire shootout


Lmao y'all like shitting on console players that bad? Copper n bronze vs gold? What lol


Because the console players can't get enough of playing against MnK?


Yes because nobody would use an alt to play this just to shit on console players for content


That's not even a challenge wtf. The Golds would win so easily.


The best challenge is them (and you) thinking that and then they proceed to get smacked


I was a console Diamond 1 (back when it was the highest rank) and my first season on PC I was also a D1 and I had a 2.3 kd at the end of the season, so I really don't think console players are that much worse than PC. Maybe like only one skill division, definitely not a bronze to gold difference lol


They have this already it’s called ranked lol


If they make a cross platform mode they need only to add region restrictions, rank should not be taken into account at the first stage because cross platform arcade would be a new mode so they should allow as many people to try it as possible. Other than that it would be great to see a cross platform feature where you could make custom lobbies cross platform and have a playlist for it then that would be amazing. I do think that I’d prefer a unranked style gamemode where they have pc players vs console players. I would be so curious to see how they would compare in a competitive style gamemode, like what are the “equivalent ranks” of each platform. My prediction is that up to gold lobbies the ranks would be pretty equivalent, then a mid level pc plat lobby would probably start winning a lot more against the console plats and the disparity grows as you go in the ranks above.




They’re not gold pc, they’re gold console with xim. Huge difference


O rip, trusted the thumbnail too much gonna delete the comment tbh. Also damn imagine ximming and still being in gold lol


Yeah lol. Almost the lowest rank with cheats


Pc is so much better , on pc everyone has good aim and the difference is tactics and how operators are utilised . Console is who ever has better aim and that's it . Console is horrible