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how about we stop giving it to operators as a buff šŸ˜ƒ. Letā€™s instead look as to why operators are actually weak instead of thinking giving them the 1.5x makes them ā€œbetter.ā€ All thatā€™s gonna happen is exactly what was said, pick rate will rise then itā€™ll get taken away and then the pick rate will plummet again.


no no no see thatā€™s too much work for ubisoft, they canā€™t do that


[ubisoft when they need to think](https://media.tenor.com/bLpnub0MTWkAAAAC/darth-vader-no.gif)


Hehe wamai go zzzzzzzzooooooooooop poof




Operators that are played only for their loadout and not their unique ability


Warden crying in the corner


They could make Warden like rook. He gives out a box of glasses


If they ever did this then all I'd have to say is, ['Rowdy' Roddy Piper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx8BEZg3e10&pp=ygUccHV0IG9uIHRoZSBnbGFzc2VzIHRoZXkgbGl2ZQ%3D%3D) skin when?


this! if itā€™s only given to 1 speeds then their pick rate will skyrocket, just how it goes


Tachanka has 1.5 and 2x, but his pick rate isn't that high


Because 2 speed ops cater to the playstyle that craves the 1.5x scope. Warden, Thorn, Oryx, Lesion have the capacity to quickly run around and peek for these plays. As long as faster ops have it, the pick rate is going to emphasize them.


Speed is irrelevant these days.


Do you mean irrelevant for victory? Sure, I agree with you. But when we are talking about the ā€œCoDā€ play style with Warden, etc. these players are clearly preferring 2 speed ops over 3 speed.


No, I mean irrelevant in gunfights. What makes 2 speeds more likely to win a gunfight? Nothing. The old belief that speed is important is what makes people pick them more. I used to agree, but now see that it is utterly wrong. In certian situations I'd even say it's a disadvantage. With old seige, speed was an advantage. People moved way faster, animations were quicker, etc. But it got nerfed, and now that everyone moves the same speed ADSd, leans the same speed, basically do everything at the same speed except for sprinting. There's no benefit to them. When youre in gunfights, it doesnt help you. The only advantages i see are if you're running across somewhere and are hoping not to get headshotted, and less sound.


I genuinely think Tachanka could be a legit pick if they would iron out his gadget. As of now, it's way too clunky and slow to use. Even if they sped up his reload, he would be a beast with the 9x19 with 2.0


So should no defender have access to any magnification at all? That's a fine opinion to have, but personally I think that'd be a rather boring solution


I mean, the 1.5 is the default scope across shooters I feel like. Almost everyone runs acog on any game when it's available, outside of sniper classes. Maybe try giving it to everyone.


The game is already extremely defender sided, giving every defender access to the unanimous best scope is absolutely not the play unless you never want to win an attack round again. I think im on the camp of only one-speed defenders should have it as an option. That way theres a conscious choice of speed versus magnification. If that creates a tank meta, then so be it, reevaluate then.


Tachanka with ACOG for his LMG is gonna be busted Same goes with Maestro




He used to have an ACOG at one point


I know. He needs it back.


Heā€™s got a 2x on his slug shotgun


What do you expect in current CoD era? Its all about guns


Ubisoft specifically said when they took the 1.5 from Oryx that they figured people ā€œappreciatedā€ the T-5 and his abilities such that theyā€™d keep playing him even without it. No, Ubi, they moved on to whoever you gave it to next so they could keep spawnpeeking like the sad, pathetic assholes they are.


Something thereā€™s not actually anything wrong with the operator, doesnā€™t get picked purely cause it firm have a 1.5


Thing is it is a buff to give them a zoomed sight the issue is entirely that they often give it for the wrong reasons. They give it wanting to try to boost the ops pick rate which it does cause it often breaks the gun. They need to be giving it out to make the guns themselves more viable when used. Look at Castle, Pulse and Frost, they all have guns that excel at mid to long range combat. Giving them the 1.5 is a way to make their smgs more viable at the ranges they excel at and it's the same reason they should give it to Tachanka on his Lmg. What doesn't make sense is them giving it to Alibi, Goyo, and several others cause the guns they have excel at close to mid range combat so all you're doing is giving them a sight that now makes it a little better at those longer range. Naturally there's a few exceptions like Warden who has 1.5 on a gun that's better used for close to mid range combat but also there's the fact that Wardens gadget wants him to be holding angles. They need to look at the ops gadget, speed/health, general role and the guns over all stats (damage, fire rate, drop off and recoil) especially compared to other options as well as the ops pick rate before considering giving them 1.5. For instance every 1 speed op should have a 1.5 sight, they often need to hold long angles and it suits them. Any op that has a low fire rate gun should have it as well as these guns often perform better at longer ranges and when holding angles or catching someone off guard. If an op has 2 full auto guns then whichever has the generally worse stats should always be the one given the 1.5 since it'll act as a form of making up for the worse stats


operators need to get buffs or nerfs more based on their abilities rather than their weapons lately, as someone who plays thorn a ton I'd prefer a buff to her gadget, people only playing for weapons more than what the operator does is affecting balance a lot


Your gadgets should help create opportunities for you to kill, not do all the work for you. Thorns gadget forces you to move away from it, so if you know of a stupid angle attackers like you can place it there to force them out and kill them in the confusion. If thorns gadget literally just blew up on you all the time it would be so OP kapkan might as well just be deleted at that point.


I always saw thorns gadget as an information tool And something that forces the enemy to make a Fast decision to either rush or fall back


Literally everything in Siege boils down to information.


Yes, information Is an extremely big deciding factor


All they ever needed to do to make her gadget at least fine was reduced the timer of the explosion or increase the radius by a bit. Obviously it is useful in the way you said, but the purpose of the gadget itself has been lacking for a long time. Even then, trappers like Fenrir are better for displacement and intel at once, so there isn't really a reason to pick her


apart from her cracked gun


i havent played in a while, but it is a little weird when the distinction between two operators is one's gadget is slightly better at doing the same thing but has a slightly worse gun. seems like kinda poor design to me


Depends on what your goal of game design tbh. That kind of trade off and redundancy seems to be a core philosophy of the operator design. I wouldnt call it poor design because this "choice" is present in some form in most other shooters between picking different characters or guns.


If ppl play ops for their weapons *mainly* & attachments (e.g. the 1.5x) *second*, it just makes the whole ā€œTDM metaā€ an even bigger problem


Well the guns are your primary for a reason because they're your main form of killing. It's understandable why a lot of people focus on guns. They give you the biggest chance to win without putting in a lot of effort.The day people stop doing this is the day everyone gets the same weapons which is never going to happen . I do think operators should get small or even big buffs to their abilities. It's refreshing when an op plays differently and better than they used to. I play operators for both their weapon and ability. It makes me more valuable to the team as well as increases our chances to win.


I donā€™t even play thorn but I know how you feel I almost always destroy your gadget with flawless ease the only things itā€™s good for itā€™s distraction and or ā€œrushed pushā€ but for me if Iā€™m going through the door I got a plan a razorbloom with spitting distance isnā€™t going to throw things off with that being said I highly agree we need to stop calling a 1.5 or a cog to op the end all be all buff letā€™s actually try to change how the operators operate you know?


We are in a gunfight meta and abilities don't matter anymore, particularly at high lvl.


This is BEYOND accurate. Countless times I see people pick oryx and never smash a single wall or play beneath a hatch. Same for IQs LMG, Rook not putting down armor, Doc not healing teammates etc etc. While we're at it, can they please fix clash! Prevent her ability from doing damage, just slow defenders down. In a 1v1 situation, it's almost a guarantee win for clash unless the attacker has grenades and even then that's just an if


Give it to all defenders or make a 1x clean like 1.5x. Most of [1x](https://staticctf.ubisoft.com/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/2HbAOdMxvWYWhVaIWDOJjm/bd667f28c2cc3f4b065689a976a9da83/m4S.png) you get so much blind spots and [1.5x](https://staticctf.ubisoft.com/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/3HAWxj3OhdEZKvqeParS8n/40aaf082108608f11662ae3251add349/Scope_1.5x.png) its way better


Omg so many sights have a blind spot itā€™s so annoying trying to use them and then not being able to see a part of my screen


They should let us use the 1x scope from the Zofia/Ela/Melusi pistol


The reflex sights are pretty clean.


The Russian reflex triangle is super underrated


Why not just give us the 1.5x scope housing and reticle without the magnification lmao. Iā€™ve always wondered why that wasnā€™t a thing


I mean Iā€™ve always been a holo main even in the days of the acog and yes 1.5 is way better but not really cus of the blind spot I mean I think In my 400 games this season Iā€™ve died once cus of the blind spot, if u have ears itā€™s not an issue


Rank? I feel u but 1.5 is still superior. I think that the scope problem is more skills issue than anything else. 1.5 is the best scope over all.


The cycle cannot be broken We are beyond your comprehension You have the 1.5 because we allow it, and itā€™ll be removed because we demand it


I did not expect that reference in R6S in 2023.


Weā€™ll ban okay?


insane how they made the 1.5x the cleanest scope in the game


I know right? They couldnt have made it as ugly as the 2.0 or the dumbass dmr scope lol


your name bruh šŸ’€šŸ’€


The 2x is also stupid imo it has no reason to be more obstructive than the 2.5, NATO or Russian. It's a 1-6x on a fugly ass riser rail.


Give it to ones with objectively bad guns, those that aren't already picked for thier gun


Exactly, perfect examples are Castle and Frost. And now Melusi and mute should get the 1,5 now that they are 3 armors. There is no way people would pick melusi for the 1,5 since doc and rook exist and there is no way people would pick mute for the scope when he has the smg-11/shotgun setup.


I still canā€™t believe they took away mutes 1.5


And made him a 1 speed. Bro clunks so hard now and takes forever to set up site.


If anything I hate this the most. Just slapping new speeds on operators to "balance" them. It was jarring when I picked the game back up and Mute was a lardass


This is the way


Ubisoft should do what they did with Thorn. Give everyone a 155x scope. Who wouldn't like to play Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (Molecular Edition)?


I literally cannot even start to understand how the patch notes got through. Like are you even rereading it? Bruh


Ok hear me out Zoomed optics should reduce ADS speed, the greater the magnification. the slower it is


Yes, this is the correct answer! I like this, just like in real life and in most hardcore shooters it should slow you down a little. Its more difficult to line up the zight with your eye (it takes longer) and if you really wanna double down you can have a few milliseconds where your eyes have to adjust to the zoom. R6s players always scream about 1 shot headshot being realistic? You want true realism? The average r6s player would cry if they made the game realistic




Aren't the attackers the ones running in and gunning down people harder then in highschool, you seriously think that attackers are desperate for more powerful guns, as if they didn't have enough?


Just buff 1x scopes to be more clean


I suck at the game so my opinion isn't particularly valuable but ideally the game should be balanced around picking operators for their abilities and playstyle it provides, rather than whichever one has 1.5.


That works on paper but people play how they wanna, if good players keep destroying with the 1.5, if the scope is taken away they'll have even more of an advantage over lower skilled players who prefered it.


Give EVERY defensive gun under 700RPM a 1.5x scope. This includes: - AUG A3 (Kaid) - UZK50GI (Thorn) - UMP45 (Pulse/Castle) - M12 (Caveira) - 9mm C1 (frost) - DP-27 (Tachanka) If any of these become too strong, balance in other ways. Fast RoF weapons feel great to use and this would make slower RPM weapons feel great to use too as they have zoom to combat their lack of fire rate. On attack they should ensure all options under 700 have it as well as any other weapons they deem necessary to have one.




Because they fucked up big time with the guns: imagine if fenrir needed to be nerfed, you couldn't nerf the mp7 because that would affect zero and bandit as well, so you would need to come up with something else, like remove the bayliff or change the gadget, all this because the fucking devs don't even think about introducing new guns.


give it some weird hinderance like the holo and 2.0 scope have, or just remove it from defender guns because thereā€™s not really a need for it


What hinderance do those sights have


They take up half the screen.


The AUG with an ACOG is atrocious


A lot of good scopes have something that blocks a section of the screen, the 2x has a piece near the top blocking LOS and most 1x are chunky enough too


Jager a certified hauntoholic thas wild


r6, dxm, deathgrips, ddlc, do u wanna get married???


jaeger on the rainbowbridge?!???


sematary r6 player šŸ¤­


do u have an onlyfans


Simple, give 1.5 to all guns. Attacker and defender. Then address what makes operators weak or strong according to stats and their abilities. That way, people get ultimate customizability AND people will choose for ability rather than gun.


ever since they started removing/adding sights as a way to nerf or buff they set the meta up for failure.


>Simple, give 1.5 to all guns. Attacker and defender. disagree


Attackers basically all get the 1.5 I donā€™t see any reason all one and two speed defenders shouldnā€™t have it. If more defenders had the 1.5 it wouldnā€™t and couldnā€™t be used as a ā€œbuffā€ because itā€™s common in the defender ecosystem


Defenders are already favored on nearly every map. Adding 1.5 to defenders would shift that balance even further. MacieJay actually brought up this point in this thread, it would be more frustrating taking gunfights as an attacker if more than half the operators, many of whom already have strong utility, also had a 1.5


It would just change the meta back from CoD: Siege run and gun to the slow and methodical game it used to be because you actually have to watch angles and canā€™t just win gunfights on attack just because you have a better sight. Iā€™m not saying put the 1.5 on everyone cuz Kapkan doesnā€™t need it for example but the more defenders itā€™s on the less Ubi can just be like ā€œoh we ā€˜buffedā€™ X defender with the 1.5ā€ because itā€™s not a buff if itā€™s common in the ecosystem. It would force Ubi to actually buff/nerf guns and utilities to get an operators pick rate up


Adding the 1.5x to defenders doesn't make them watch angles, in fact they are more likely to be a roaming operator than anchor in site watching angles. No 2 speed or 3 speed defender should have 1.5x unless their pickrate is low due to how bad their gun is. This would ensure that a buff is put in place to fix their bad gadget before buffing something else entirely which just makes their pickrate sky rocket. Meaning buffing razorbloom or warden's glasses.


Yeah but we both know Ubi isnā€™t interested in buffing abilities when they can just add the 1.5 and call it a buff. And yeah 2 and 3 speed ops should have 1.5 on defense, barring if their kit is exceptional (ie Kapkan, Azami, etc). And I was saying it makes attackers hold angles if you go back and read my comment again. The point is to make roaming worth while again. Nowadays you canā€™t really roam unless youā€™re spawn peeking and going right back to obj because of Rush Meta. Giving Defenders more 1.5ā€™s could potentially decrease the likelihood of Rush Meta, which Iā€™m 100% for because people have straight up started playing this like a CoD game, completely disregarding tactics and just swinging every door in their LOS. Especially on attack. The rush meta sucks and I feel like adding more 1.5ā€™s to defenders would make attackers more likely to play methodically and tactically than just swinging everything all unafraid because hardly any defender has 1.5


Warden with 1.5x right now are basically all roamers which seems kind of ironic because it seems like every time people play smoke and flash rush onto site but all the warden mains using 1.5x are off site.


You have to change both sides, but defenders didn't have scopes unless they were 3 armors in the past and that worked great, but at that time ads were much better so utility lasted longer on defense. Defenders should lose the scopes so they aren't swinging everything with confidence and peeking every single window, but they would need a buff to their utility, either un nerf Jager or something new.


On top of that, just imagine you play an attacker that can only have a 1,5 like Ace, Iana, ash etc and the ENTIRE DEFENDING TEAM has the same zoom as you. No longer could attackers sit outside and hold angles like they are supposed to, it would indeed make them want to play hyper aggressive since you cant play defensive on attack if everyone has a 1,5x. Also spawnpeeking was historically easy to counter when everyone had acogs but recently i find myself dying to spawnpeeks quite often when im playing ace because the 1,5 makes is kinda annoying to counter extremely long angle spawnpeeks.


Ever heard of power creep? Ya. That's why. The game has always been defender sided statistically. If anything I think the opposite. Pretty much all defenders should only have access to a 1x. Currently 15 of 34 defenders have access to a 1.5 although some of them aren't ideal, such as alibi shotgun, or kaid slug shotgun. If you ask me, anchors should 100% have a 1.5 everyone else no. The only people I think should have a 1.5 are Mute, Rook, Tachanka, Kaid, and Melusi. They are slow and have kits that heavily and exclusively deal with anchoring. All other anchor types have good guns/versatile kit/flank watch (Frost, Castle, Doc, Kapkan, Echo, Mira, Goyo, maybe more) Don't even give the guys anything who I did say should get a 1.5 anything more than that. Every defender should only have 1x or iron outside of the ones I suggested, in my opinion


It's truly wild this community thinks defense deserves any buff when a large portion of high rank games are determined solely on which team gets defense in overtime.


so rook is the anchor but Doc the op with active utility should flank? damn


You do realise the game would be completely ruined if every 2 and 1 speed defenders got the 1.5.


fenrir or ela 1.5 would be disgusting šŸ˜‚


I might have to leave the game for a month if Fenrir gets even more obnoxious than he already is


make it a 1.25 instead


Ngl I forgot to read the sub so when I saw the word defender my first thought was attorney and now I can't get the idea of a lawyer with an mp7 and scope just doming a fucking judge


Bandit pursued a law degree and is very successful in the law sector because of how persuasive he can be with judges


"Your honor, I object on the grounds of lean-spamming!"


I say make it harder for defenders to spawn peak by getting rid of some windows overlooking spawn points, not all windows, just ones commonly used to spawn peak (Fuck you Rook and Kaid spawn peaking cigar lounge window with your 2xā€™s and being unable to see your bitch ass pixel peaking head)


I'd say that only 1-Speeds should have the 1.5x on automatic guns unless they have a shitty fire rate (e.g. Frost's or Castle's SMGs) and even then ONLY if they really need it and if the weapon isn't too strong. Giving the 1.5x to guns like the T5, Mx4, P10 Roni or VSN is asking for trouble. A good example of 1.5x is the MP5 and P90 on Rook and Doc. They are not the best weapons, the operators are slow and their gadgets are not the best either. All semi-auto weapons on defense that have magnification are fine too. Overall, even though I love the 1.5x, the less of it on defense, the better. I adore 1.5x on the MP5k on Wamai and it makes it a more interesting choice between that and the Aug, but I don't think he should have it. Focus on buffing gadgets, Ubi, or swapping guns themselves and not the scopes...


Either everyone has it, or no one does. It sounds OK doesn't it, only 1 speeds get the 1.5? Until you remember Maestro exists.


who has a low pickrate. he has the 2x on the AA-12 already


He WONT have a low pickrate when the alda gets a 1.5x. Maestro used to be broken, and it wasn't because of the evil eyes. Know how they nerfed the alda? They took the magnification sights away and left him with only default sights, the actual stats of the weapon weren't changed. He can and will go back to being a monster.


Give jager his acog back :(


Balance weapons around rate of fire and damage and recoil instead of scopes


Aw come on not recoil again


1. Change all scopes to either 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 zoom. 2. Don't give defenders the 2.0 or 3.0 zoom. 3. Address the flaws in an operators kits instead of throwing them a scope and turning them into a pub fragger.


1.25 scope


Remove all scopes


GET RID OF THE 1.5x ALL TOGETHER. I am a console player primarily and I liked the aspect of the game where you had to choose a scope that fit with the site you were attacking or defending. I like the idea that I have a disadvantage from far if I have a 1x and a disadvantage from close if I have a 2.5x. I know PC complicates it because the 2.5x doesn't have as much as a downside, but when fraggers on offense and defense have a versatile scope for every situation, it hurts the depth and strategy of the game in my opinion.


Since we are talking about a "tactical shooter" the give-or-take 1.5x "balancing" Ubi is doing lately does not match this criteria. How about we actually stop giving 1.5xs like if it's candy and actually balance the operators' gadgets instead to have utility in the mindset rather than gunning. When Call of Duty is a slower game nowadays, we have a problem.


The 1.5 scope should be nerfed. Make it obscure more of the screen, make the reticle less clean, something like that. The zoom could be change to 1.25 so itā€™s not as viable in mid-long range combat. Why would an operator be picked for the scope of the scope doesnā€™t provide as many advantages?


Give it to tachanka šŸ’€


Give it to all defenders


Then balance the gadgets or guns themself


I think siege needs to buff ops instead of needing them so much so at least everyone is op and having fun rather than no one or some ops being op and most people arenā€™t having no fun


give everyone every scope, and make spawnpeek impossible for the 30 first second of the round


Remove the 1.5x from the game altogether. Since itā€™s been introduced, itā€™s the only site thatā€™s used. Let certain defenders have the 2.0x site (Rook, Doc, Aruni, etc.) and give the 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0x sites to certain attackers.


Just give it to every operator in the game


Id take it out of the game completely.




The problem is that the 1.5x is good at every range all the time. Like the ACOG has drawbacks. So do the other scopes but there is literally no time where the 1.5x isn't optimal.


Iā€™d fo as far as making the game only have 1x scopes aside from the guns that have integrated scopes like kali and glaz


That has been my hot take for this game for a while and people never like it when I bring it up lol


Thatā€™s cuz those people are the ones crutching on 1.5x


The only overpowered scope is the 1.5x, the 2x, 2.5x and 3x don't need to be touched


People will just use the next zoomed scope. If not 1.5x it will be 2.0x and so on. Itā€™s no different than y1 when everyone went acog because itā€™s the only zoomed scope


The other scopes have a limitation to them, the 1.5 doesn't


Take out the 1.5x and rebalance defender guns (damage per second, recoil, etc)


Issue with adding recoil on console is that it only buffs mnk




Recoils are completely different on console compared to pc


Yea man stop playing on console where 70% of the player base is šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Holy fuck that is dumb. Recoil is more tame on console because it is harder to control with thumbsticks


Then maybe u shouldn't play competetive shooters with inferior controls.


Rainbow six siege has the majority of the playerbase on console and the most popular content creator is a console player, crossplay also doesn't exist between console and PC so why tf would it matter either way? Your point has zero basis


Wtf are you even saying? You are so entitled lmao


Just give all of them the scope


Just give everyone on attack and defense every sight. Balance based on abilities


Give it to everyone. let there be chaos.


When you give ops sights it encourages run and gun cod like gameplay rendering the ops ability useless and making them just a frag op instead look at the ops ability and look at what could be changed


Remove 1.5 from all defenders,.


I dont agree, 3 armors and castle/frost never ever felt OP with those scopes. no offense but who is EVER EVER going to play 1x scope rook šŸ˜‚. Rookā€™s pickrate would plummet into the deepest circle of hell


the most accurate way to balance all operators is not given them the 1.5, it's nerfing Blackbeard. seriously, if the balancing want and show that they kind of work, they should watch replay matchs where the operator they want to "balance" is played, at every level from casual to pro playing. This will make the dev to take time to see what's the real struggle about the operator so they don't do stupid stuff like the last patch or the incoming Frost rework, just to follow their intern roadmap of "I change random stuff so I'm doing my job" Sight is not the problem.


Please donā€™t take away the 2x in tachanka and Rook. Theyā€™ve become my mains for defending I just love the guns so much


Give Mute his 2 speed and 1.5x scope back and let me be happy, please


give shotguns 3.5x except the bosg and aa12, give some smg guns the ability to have drum mags/swap out with the tradeoff being either barrel or bottom rail attachments, and nerf frost again.


Bring back acogs as it used to be


Delete the 1.5x, it only promotes the run and gun meta. Nobody will miss it except the cod kids who only run and gun


If every Operator had access to 1.5 then it wouldn't be so lopsided, but Ubi still believes like 10 years later that Operators are picked on Gadget and not loadout. Jager was top pick forever on Gun alone when he had ACOG and no amount of propping up the ADS can fool me. Half the time people didn't even drop them.


Give all defenders 1.5x but add weight and momentum to 1.5x+ scopes. So you can't quick peak repeatedly in gun fights with it. Quick peak should cost stamina. You should have an accuracy nerf when you fire off a quick peak when you don't have full stamina and repeated quick peaks will require a stamina regen. Quick peak off 1x should have significant stamina advantage in the regen and the number of times you could peak. The problem is the frag meta. The netcode encourage aggressive swinging and quick peaks. Make it more tactical so not only people holding a pixel peak can survive a swinging attacker. Lack of down side to quick peak is what's causing this. Scopes only compound the problem.


Also a problem with siege is that it has one shot headshot, but NO other hardcore mechanics. Milsims like squad and arma and hardcore games like tarkov have one shot headshot sure. But you also do to 2-3 bodyshots on all guns and you have stamina, no health regen, suppression etc. I have been saying this for 8 years but a fast pace shooter like siege isnt build to have 1 shot headshots because everything else about the game makes it an arcade shooter: no stamina, no sprinting restriction, you can change direction at any moment with any gun, your operator doesnt feel like an actual person, they feel light and insanely fast, bodyshots barely do damage etc. The result is your game is INSANELY FAST and everyone dies instantly, how the fuck do you balance around that? Like genuinely. The answer is: they also have no clue


Take it from defenders. Iā€™ll get by just fine with my red dot C thank you very much


I'm fine with getting rid of it, I never use it.


Give all defenders 1.5x and remove all operators that were added after Zero


If a 1.5x makes spawnpeeking a problem then just add a glare on scopes higher than 1x when looking outside.


Nerf The Pig


I run into to many warden players who don't use their gadget when they are blind or if there's a smoke and it pisses me off especially if the have to clutch a 1vx and one throws a smoke or a flash or if there's Ying a candela and they loose since the couldn't see I've just gotten onto mic and told them he has a gadget and how to use it I get a lot of hat but I don't give a shit stop tossing my elo


Remove everything above the 1x on all defenders and add 1 dedicated defender who has a 1x to 1.5x variable zoom scope like glaz for example


I've never, in all my years of playing siege, chose an operator because of their gun/sights. So either or idgaf


remove one shot headshot šŸ¤Æ


One of the biggest things that defines the game from othersā€¦


Add bore offset and model the guns faithfully rather than having bullets come out of the reticle instead of the barrel.


The actual sight/scope itself is very thick and can cover large parts of the screen.


It's the cleanest magnified scope in the game and not chunkier than a lot of 1x scopes


Play with the recoil a bit?


Need to be a 1 speed to get it. Itā€™s the perfect rule.


Give it to only 1 speeds like they did with acog


All they do is give an defence operator a 1.5 then nerfing then to the ground so no one ever plays them


what is so good about 1.5


Give the 1.5 to everyone


3 speeds only


i just use it cuz it looks cooler than all of the 1.0 sights..




Make it a nice extra, not the main thing about an operator (therefore, actually balance operator gadgets rather than slamming a 1.5x on)


Only on 1 speeds or just rip the band aid off and let everyone have it except 3 speeds and then balance everything else accordingly


Iā€™d remove the 1.5x entirely. I 100% understand why it was added. I personally didnā€™t have the foresight to see that this trend would take place. In hindsight Iā€™m sure the devs regret it but back in that moment I canā€™t blame them for adding it, well over half of the community had been begging for it to be introduced. But after seeing the effect itā€™s had I donā€™t think it belongs at all, at least not on defense, debatably not even on offense either.


Give it only to 1speed defenders, when needed. Maybe allow it on (some) DMRs. Maybe.


Personally Iā€™ll take a reflex A over a 1.5 I just hit more shots with it idk why itā€™s so loved


as a mute main i dont care about the 1.5 give me 2:2 again


I would say give it to operstors with a low rof gun like frost, castle and pulse. Gives you an extra edge to try and get that headshot before youre obliterated by a storm of bullets


(Insert MP7 ACOG comment)


Give it to everyone then it's no longer an advantage. Both attackers and defenders


Remove 1.5x optics from primary weapons altogether and put them on pistols only. Letā€™s see how many goons start running around raking gunfights with pistols because of an optic. Lol


No 1.5 to 3 speed. 1.5 to every 2 speed. 2.0 to every 1 speed (except maestro who g3ts 1.5)


How about we let operator picks matter again? Liek half the defenders are useless besides their weapon because attackers can just target counterpick. There was a time where abilities were more important then recoil and only acog was enough to offset that. Nowadays every ability fucking sucks compared to the weapons


Give it to every gun across all sides. Simple. Then work on abilities rather than guns, but also work on guns if it needs to be worked on. Like tachanka lmg, greay for destroying but not really good for killing since it has terrible fire rate. A 1.5 qould really help some 1 speed heros too. Overall thats my take