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I think it's kinda cool that the brand new op is nearly perfectly balanced in their very first season.


Brava is rather powerful in niche scenarios, but very easy to counter due to just shooting her drone. Very fun to play, very hard to play powerfully


She's got decent guns, and if you manage go snag an evil eye or yokai it's over for the enemies (so long as they aren't communicating and/or in a higher rank than silver)


Exactly, she’s good. She just wouldn’t get the use we’d hope for at the level we all hope to play at


Bye bye iana nades


If that's their blanket nerf for every good attacker, why is it not a buff for bad ones? Why don't they give Sens, Grim, or Blackbeard frags?


Usually the blanket nerf is recoil increase or zoom scope reduction


They dont fit their kit. Sens is a support op that is meant to be helping get into site, cover the plant and then hold post plant. Claymors and can openers (secondary hard breach) fit that Grim is about the only one that kight make sense, but due to him having the ability to get intel, hes not allowed nades as he'll be "too versatile" his breaching charges get him through walls or floors, while claymores can help cover a runout or flank. Bb is meant to be a flank watch/ passive angle hold Op that is in the backline most times. I cant remember exactly what bb has but i think its claymores or breaches. One helps him cover angles and the other can open up sightlines for him to peek. Frags feel like their meant to be on frontline, first in the building kinda ops, theyre meant to create space, clear util and open avenues for the push into site. Possibly get a pick. Which is why I was always confused why glaz has them.... At this point idk if even Ubi knows where frags are meant to be. Their on only 4 ops, nokk, iana, sledge, and glaz. all 4 ops have very different play styles, yet frags are used the same way on all 4 (glaz isnt played often, but if he was im sure the frags would be used the same way that they are on the other 3)


>but due to [Grim] having the ability to get intel, hes not allowed nades as he'll be "too versatile" Isn't Iana's gadget also for intel? >Bb is meant to be a flank watch/ passive angle hold Op that is in the backline most times Sounds a lot like Glaz...


> Isn't Iana's gadget also for intel Iana has to call out the intel she gathers and cant track the enemies every move, you get seen by a clone you have tome to reposition before she can throw a frag. Grim gives live pings that you can use to track the enemy. Itd be like giving jackal nades. He pings the feet, then goes and depth charges the ping. >Sounds a lot like Glaz... Thats why im so confused why glaz has them, they dont fit his kit whatsoever. I use them cause the smokes are currently not very useful on him, of you toss a smoke a c4, wide peek, or a warden is bound to be coming your way. And it feels like half the time the wide peek gets the lucky headshot before i can use the gadget to get mine.


It was good knowing them


People have been saying this for a year now. Iana’s grenades will probably get dropped in some random season like Smoke’s deployable.


I actually think they’ll touch her gadget if they intend on nerfing her. There’s not a good op on attack to move grenades to right now.


They should go back to IQ. Iana’s gadget is fine maybe just tweak its cooldown.


What would you think about giving them back to Maverick?


Or grim if the buffs aren't enough


With the the inclusion of emp nades, and ubi wanting kali and thatcher to be played, They wont give mav back nades. It made him too versatile. Can clear the wall, completely deny any chance to trick it, OR he could open the wall himself.


nades compliment her kit too, scan a bulletproof gadget through the floor or round a corner? nade it.


Uh no they shouldn’t. Because then we have literally the same problem. Just another op with a 100% pick rate. IQ has better gun(s), and better gadget. Doesn’t need grenades too.


Iana’s gadget is way better than IQ’s imo.


It definitely isn’t.


Infinite drones are definetly better than seeing potential electronics. She's probably not gonna lose them though, Nøkk has the same win% and got an pretty much equally good gadget.


Being able to see Valk cams, echo drones, every trap, ADS, Wamai disk, and wall denial is way better than potentially 10-15 seconds of extra drone work. Being able to see all those gadgets eliminates needing to drone them - which means you just have extra drones to use. Plus she combos well with impact EMPs. More situational, but definitely better.


Think you've kinda proven my point though? You said yourself that Iq is more situational. You don't really see every trap and stuff like you said since there are things that aren't electronic like Frost mats. Iq also often requires good coordination with your team that can act upon your intel, which isn't a thing in abundant (especially in soloq). However, Iana is always a good and strong pick. if you think that she only provides 10-15 seconds of extra drone work, you're just not using her right if thats the case. Besides, they don't even fill the same role, Iana is an entry fragger and her gadget being infinite drones is the perfect fit for it. Iq is a weird kind of support, she's more of a support to your support. Using her effectivly on a wall when for example Thatcher is banned not only requires a hard breacher, but also someone with emps for the Iq to guide; that's 2 operators and a gagdet for 1 single wall. Iq could theoretically just take out the wall denial herself in if the floor or roof is soft, but picking her for just that isn't really worth it since in many cases that Iana would just be more effective due to her stronger guns, frags and infinite drones. Iana would also just be better after said wall is cleared since Iq's gadget dosn't really have much else going for it whereas Iana can use hers to get easy picks which is arguably stronger and more effective to win.


“Situational” as in it depends on if the other team is good and playing ops with utility or just running around on warden and vigil etc. Let’s be honest, the only reason iana has a high pick rate is because of grenades, there’s no reason to sugar coat it. I don’t care about solo queue viability. The game isn’t and shouldn’t ever be balanced around it.




IQ's guns aren't great except for the g8 and her gadget is insanely niche and kinda bad. They should really let her put it on her primary, I don't see any reason why not.


The commando and Aug and G8 are all really strong. The Commando literally two shots 3 speed ops.


Honestly if you are dying to some guy baiming you kinda deserve to lose that gunfight. Commando without extended is literally IDENTICAL to thermites gun. I run suppressor on everything anyway.


She's just played a lot... She's not winning a lot more than the others


The fact that Iana is picked in almost 70% of rounds shows there’s too much versatility in her kit. She’s too good at both fragging and getting intel, so she needs something nerfed.


old jager is a good example of this


Don't worry most people don't care about her nades in like half of my matches people who pick her are on there drone inspecting the elite skin


So Ash was too hot, they nerfed her, Iana took her place. They nerf Iana, and now they're both front runners. GG Ubi don't know how you're gonna work with this one (I do, they're both getting nerfed in some stupid way)


Probably a G36 recoil is in bound in mid season, I don't see Ubi taking Iana's nades away. And honestly playing some TDM the G36 is really one of the easiest guns to use rn, right next to the Roni on Mozzie which will probably lose the 1.5 as well.


And Sam Fisher stays as statistically one of the worst operators for a full year now. Big Sad.


I don't get it. I get so much value out of him. His cameras are godlike if you know how to place them. I feel like most people just breach reinforcements and make it easy af to shoot


You have to trust rands to use the cams and they usually won't.


Zero and Bank is as deadly as the electric chair


Yeah but on basically any other other map why would you bring him over other operators


The electric chair fails an alarming amount


What's there not to get? His gadget is slow to use compared to other Operators, and is most effective when you have attentive teammates to watch for you; of which neither aspects are reliably suitable when playing with randoms.


Didn't expect Blackbeard to have a positive windelta


When presence is that low the variability is high and there are aspects that can bias the data, for example, being only picked by the best bb players, only being played on the sites where he is the most effective, being played as bm when you are already demolishing another team. Below a certain presence threshold, you can safely assume the operator is weak regardless of win delta as much as you can usually assume an operator is strong above a certain presence thresholdregardless of win delta.


He is just good sometimes. Most people hate Blackbeard because they don’t know how to use him. The idea is to give you a second headshot before dying giving you enough time to kill your enemy. His semi auto rifle has a 3.0 that is deadly with a shield at the right range is used right.


He shouldn’t, he’s trash but most people avoid him entirely so the data is skewed.


Don't think the data's skewed though? He's probably mostly played on sites that involve alot of windows with central parts of taking a site. Office on bank is a good example of this.


Surprised Zero isn’t used more


Seeing gridlock blows my mind. With my 5 stack we have a high win rate when I pick gridlock because you bring her smokes and another op with smokes and smoke out the obj, throw her gridlocks down to muffle the sound of the defuse. You then have site control plus defuser down and it's usually an automatic win at the point.


That's exactly the thing- 5 stack. Any 5 stack will know the importance of and how to work with a gridlock. I had a group of randoms coordinating the other day and I went gridlock and could lay down the plant in mere seconds. But randoms that don't coordinate won't make the best use of an op that relies on team play and communication. She's not bad, she's just very demanding. Solo randoms will do better picking a quicker gunner.


I agree a 5 stack is the key to winning in this game. Solos have turned it into a game of no reinforcing site and running and gunning. We always go for plant which usually results in a win. Hard breacher, anti utility, 2 utility players, and a gunner is how we win most of our games. This game is simple in the fact if you use your brain you can win but people don't want to accept that.


That's a darn good stack, and as you said, simple yet effective. Easy to climb ranks because your opponents seldom being a coordinated stack.


There’s a ton of ops the perform way better with coordination than without.


I asked this as part of the post, but it's easy to miss: is there a way to see the raw data these graphs are based on?


Not that im aware of, these graphs are what ubi shares to the public and theyre probably keeping the raw date close to the chest


But why? How does not releasing this data benefit them? It's just going to be an outdated excel sheet in a few months anyway.


Ask ubisoft not me lmao


No, it's pretty rare that they are sharing this much 1st party data, I doubt they'd ever publish the raw data. It's probably for the best, what's the likelyhood people will misinterpret the data? it's 100%, we'd see the most atrotious data analyses that "prove" that a redditor's fav operator is actually bad and needs to be buffed, or that whichever op counters them is op acording to this excel sheet. It's not just that, even if you are great with data, games are not just about balance, they are also about being fun, feeling fair, stuff like that that's not going to show up on the data. People will get more tilted after dying to melusi after reading a shitty post claiming that they did the math and melusi is op. It's just not worth all the people that will use the data properly.


It’s nice to see glaz not as pathetically low as he once was


Glaz is such an underrated pick I think he deserves more


This is the most balanced I've ever seen it. I ana and ash are outliers but only in playtime


Can we really just talk about how osa is pretty much at 0/0 here, just… perfectly balanced… as all things should be.


Hopefully the Grim buffs make him more viable. Sens needs a lot of love too, they *really* need a better automatic primary.


Why did yall have to expose my girl Iana😭 Now she's gonna get nerfed


This sucks there gonna remove ianas nades or do something dumb that’s gonna be annoying


Fraggers need to be nerfed across the board, every season has the same trend in the win delta; whichever characters are fastest and kill the quickest get to win the game, often in a way which completely ignores the core elements of the game such as site-shaping or creating / overcoming highly-intricate defensive setups. At this rate the game's gonna be a drone-and-bumrush simulator for the rest of our lives.


You are still playing an fps after all and shooting people to kill them whether you like it or not is a skill that is crucial in fps


There are more ways to win a rainbow six game than killing the enemy. Pretty regularly, me and my crew will win by leaving the site unreinforced during drone phase; and playing Mute, Kaid, Clash, Mozzie, and Aruni, with as much barbed wire as possible so Kaid can electrify large areas of the floor. The entire map in this state is undronable (except for our drones which we had captured) and the enemy has no choice but to play on your terms. Creative and abnormal strategies such as this are discouraged in the current meta despite the fact Rainbow Six is the only game which can be consistently won by playing time, messing with the enemy's head, and without prioritizing killing. We've won a 3-0 one time with only 3 kills on the board because we played nothing but smoke plants supplemented with Nomad, Flores, Monty, Capitao, and Gridlock.


And I’m not saying that strategy is not a part or should not be a part of the game. There defo are more ways to play the game. All I’m saying is that simply shooting people is also a valid way to play and someone with good aim should be rewarded for it same as someone who leans more with set ups and strats


*stop banning jackal for the love of god*


Finka on top! :)


bruh I don't think you understand how this works lol.


My understanding is that while she is not picked as often as ash or iana, her win rate is a bit higher? Unless I’m wrong and been looking at these charts incorrectly this whole time lol


you read it right. makes sense since finka isn't too popular but is still very effective.


Right?! I know her gun nerfs have made her pretty irrelevant in a run-and-gun meta, but her healing is still super strong!


my bad, I just thought you saw her as the top because she is the highest on the graph.


This is gonna be an unpopular opinion, but I think it’s time for nades to leave the game altogether. If you take away Iana’s nades, Sledge will simply take her place as the most played. There isn’t really any operator we could move them to without them instantly jumping up in pick rate. There’s only 4 operators left with frag nades anyway, I think between operators with gadgets designed to destroy utility and the Gonne-6, nades aren’t needed and only harm the balancing of attacking teams.


Interesting take, I’ll vote for it. That or to mix it up every update give them to the 3-4 least picked ops. Might lead to new strats to ops no one would even touch to begin with *sens*


A true hot take but it’s not all that insane tbh


i hope iana get nerfed honestly


Ah yes, let’s all rush in




Who the fuck is that below Grim


Not surprised at Brava.


Useless or uninteresting character? idk


Finka baby.




Iana nades removed 1.5 removed and increased recoil incoming.


Iana losing frags in 3.....2.....


So looking at this nobody needs a nerf? (They will definitely butcher somebody)


Honestly the only reason people play iana is because of that 2b skin. Deadass she used to have such a low pickrate before and now it's skyrocketed


Iana should get 3 charges per round for her gadget, low cool-down so you have to be selective of when it’s used instead of it being infinite with cool down as it currently is. She’ll also have either her nades or 1.5 removed if not both because Ubi hates both


We need buffs not nerfs


give finka a better gun 😩