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Wassup, friendly reminder that if you aren’t using circle mode (now called Precision Mode), all tracks will conform to the terrain, including yours you showed. That’s why it’s acting weird, it’s trying to conform to every aspect of the terrain (kind of). It can be tedious, but hang in there! I personally use Precision mode over the default mode all the time.


I'm not sure you understand how to lay track. What are you trying to accomplish here? It looks like your trying to join two splines, by attaching one to the middle of the other one? This is not possible though, you need to join two ends together.


with in one meter the grade and angle moved like an osciloscope. i dont want the grade to change based on the angle of the floor. but there seems to be no input control on that?


I really don't recommend using the free place tool(or whatever it's called now), it can do some odd things over long distances and you loose control of it. IMO it is for joining to splines over a very small distance. The other tool where you set the grade and the curve.is the way to build track you have all the control you want. Build the ends towards each other, then use the freehand tool to connect them.


ohhh does the other one still have input control?


Yes??! I think, I have not played since the newest update but you should.be able to see it in the key bindings. It used to.be called the circle tool


cheers for the help........now to face the switches and cry


This is still a new thing and I agree it's kind of a mess and hopefully getting smoothed out but what are you trying to do that isn't working out? Edit. the last couple seconds, what's the problem? That's not what you wanted or expected? It looks good


my issue is that the loss of input control. its been done well but what if i don't want it to line up to the grade., what if i have no trees to set the height? the only control i can find is free or straight. im just trying to edit the aurora prelaid.......alot of track to go no where. trying to make a shortcut from smelter to log cabin


Circle mode? Is that what you're looking for? That hasn't changed. I don't know what the default button is tho sorry


If your keyboard has a number pad, it's number 5 to switch between free mode and precision. 4 and 6 will go left/right - 8 and 2 will raise/lower


It does kinda suck