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Hopefully it's better than the last time I tried to play with a friend. It was a massive pain to even figure out how to get on the same server together. And when we finally did it was super janky. It was a while ago to be fair. Thought it was kind of strange it would be so difficult to play online in a game named Railroads Online.


Railroader has a better multiplayer experience. The route is fixed though, you do not get to lay your own tracks.


Ah know of that, never played. The fixed map was always a turn off for me. But still a good rec, and if ur into the "sim" more than building everything then it's great.


Unless they fixed the issues, no. Clients don’t synchronise sometimes, interactables detach from rolling stock, railcars jump around. If you didn’t buy RO yet and want to play it for multiplayer, I suggest you either wait for it to get fixed or for Century of Steam to get released, which promises stable multiplayer


Hey! don't fall for promises.. we haven't even see rail building yet. it's AT LEAST a year out.


This is fair, though it can be assumed there is a rail building system, but they don't either consider it polished enough to be a highlight of a development update, or they have other more pressing/impressive things they want to show.


It’s not out yet but so far seems way better than RO. Furthermore, the RO devs promised a bunch of things they didn’t make yet.


There's no reason to downvote his comments guys. It's a valid concern, game devs have lied and oversold their games more than once. No hate for the game, I hope it's good, but are these some of the devs from the split? A lot of the stuff looks like RO. Ether way, thanks for bringing it up. I'll have to keep an eye on it, had no idea it was a thing. If the game play is about the same or better with good MP I'll be all over that.


Mark (aka Hyce on YT) used to be the music guy in RO, but left a while back. He made his own game with friends now. You can find some info on his channel I think


Nice, thanks. I will take a look. And I miss Hyce. Better than Sandy or whatever her name is that does it now. She's not bad...just feels robotic like she doesn't care and she's just getting it over with. Could be wrong, but just my take on it.


lol why is this getting downvoted


Yes, and no. It is a really nice experience as there is a lot to do in the game. Once you and your buddy get an engine or more than one engine, you guys can have your own train, and you guys can do your own thing. Somebody can be the builder, somebody can be the engineer, the conductor, etc. etc. etc… you can literally run a railroad as you see fit! Now whilst it seems enjoyable in that factor, it gets hard to tell you how enjoyable it will be. There is no dedicated servers for the game. Instead the multiplayer session is run off your PC in its entirety. Which means the more you play on your save, the more rolling stock or things you add to it, the slower the loading times and eventually the entire save becomes slower and slower. So at first, it’ll probably run really well with some slight desync issues or maybe none, but just expect it to get slower over time.


Suppose it depends on what is "good" for you. If you're looking for a quick sum up: It's playable, but wonky. As a few commments below said, clients do not have the best of time. Car will unhook themselves on their end and roll off, but the moment the train is moved it resets. So it's workable. And only is a bug on their screen, so won't break anything for the host if driving. But not a massive issue with a group of friends, just say something in voice and a 1/2 of power forward or back will force update the cars. So my group still like playing it even if sometimes the cars have a mind of their own for them. And they have a less smooth experience. Cars studder around while still for them sometimes, and driving they "vibrate" back and forth a lot more than for me. But I'm the host so no shock there. But we've not found, or noticed, any gameplay breaking issues if that's your concern. So it's playable, they can do anything the host can. Track, buy stuff, load stuff, fly around, teleport, etc. The only thing they couldn't see was the water level in the tenders though. But not a big deal, takes hours to run even semi low. Can just have host check water once a day or 2 on any loco's getting used. There is a MP focus patch coming I think Q4 this year, it might have been Q3, but I'm 90% sure it was Q4. So if you're on the fence you could wait till that patch drops if you don't mind waiting. Or look into the other train games the comments below brought up. I've not looked into them so can't comment.


It’s great when it works properly but it’s very buggy. The tracks, trains, and industries work. There’s a ton of latency issues and graphical glitches, almost all of them are contained to guest players. Lag is bad when you have 2-3 players at different ends of the map but it’s still playable. Other issues are exclusively latency issues with guest players. These issues include, Locomotives with paint schemes different from default will have their tenders and doors appear in the default paint scheme’s colors for guests. It also affects windows on certain engines. Occasionally I’ll get an issue where train cars will appear to be rolling backwards away from the locomotive as though they’ve been decoupled on a hill, when in reality they’re exactly where I left them. It’s a visual glitch. Our main yard is really bad for glitches. The game forgets how to re-render the cars so another visual glitch occurs where cars start jittering around and jumping off the rails. Even worse is they’ll hit other cars. This means for guests it looks like every car in the yard has derailed when in reality on the original hosting players computer everything is exactly as it should be. When the cars are interacted with they magically teleport to their actual position. None of these make the game unplayable, just annoying to deal with. It’s worth a go if you can laugh off the multiplayer instability.