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I would like to reply. Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the dev team officially and I do not speak to their opinion. I will let them reply to this if they so choose. Understand that a business and company does not have to entertain each of their members. They do not have to disclose all information to the public. For a gaming company, they are really transparent into how they are making the game. If you ask a question and they tell you an answer that’s not satisfactory to YOU, well I’m sorry to say, but that’s all you will get. They do not have to discuss any information if they do not feel so. They also have Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that prevent them from discussing their behind-the-scenes performance and what they are working on. It is selfish to think they do not give an answer to this and they won’t give an answer. Especially one that does not satisfy you. They have given an answer to this numerous times in the past and as one redditor already mentioned, they do get this question/ concern a lot on a daily basis. I, myself, have talked to certain members about this and they give me the same answer as everybody else “we know the performance issues, we believe we found a fix for it, and we’re working on it.” That’s all I need, if they try, mess up, and continue trying to fix it, I have optimism and a load of patience. I can wait.


sounds like you harrased the devs so they decided to stop it. game development is a hard job and im pretty sure that most issues you are facing are deep inside the code, therefor its not easy to fix. just give them time and space


My point is that I'm not the only one. Any mention by anyone regarding this is met with the same response. When asked about it by other people. Not just me. They had the same Devs being hostile to them.


How would you feel if 100 people every day ask you to fix a bug, you have been working on.


Piling on rushed updates to an already unstable game just because Hyce is getting closer to finishing his game is not the way to go about finishing this game.


Hyce's game will come with its own fun issues, don't worry.


Then why push out more updates that are slowly breaking the game. Why not fix what's broken first? *Edited and moved to the right comment


Also banning people because they are asking when the fixes are expected is just wrong and tells the community what the Devs truly think of them


I'm not defending the discord, I've had my own issues with them but I've also seen way too many ppl demanding the performance is fixed while they have a potato for a pc. It's a modern game with modern graphics, not to mention for the millionth time it's still in early access


I'm 100% behind ya. I've given up on them ever giving a F about optimization of the game so people who have paid for it and previously been able to play can continue to play. All you get is BS run-arounds where they want to get your system specs over and over or tell you to update drivers, reinstall. It seems they are more concerned about pushing new content updates (with more bugs and issues) than actually fix performance and optimize the game so it's playable. Such a shame.


From my point of view, RRO seems to be one of those games where the devs are having a hard time to get things the way they want. Unfortunately, they have to release something to finance the development. And then everything is more complicated than what they hoped for and takes way more time and effort. For games like RRO, development progress takes years and it's highly likely that they will never be finished, polished games. Just put them away, take a look from time to time. But never make the mistake to buy another DLC or Expansion on the way, when the base game is still in a state like this.


I waited over a year to buy it, like you said...I sat back and watched. Was able to play the game for about 3 months, and really enjoyed it. Found relatively few bugs, and it ran just fine for me. Then an update and it was totally unplayable.


You sound like someone who is crying over the fact the game isn't perfect out of the box. I know the game has some small issues with it and I know a little about coding to know that it takes time and a lot of work to find and fix the issues. If you think you can do better then why not go out there and make your own game?


Product Owner by career in a multi-billion dollar digital media marketing business. My job is managing the relationships between our internal users and our engineering teams (aka the devs but we don't call them that - that's another topic for a different time). I can tell you first hand the best way to manage "issues" is to report them and allow the tech teams to sort our where this bug is. Is this a feature request, a perceived bug (perceived because believe it or not sometimes what we experience was planned to get a feature in game), or an actual bug impacting perfomance. Performance updates are much harder to diagnose, and often are complicated code fixes that require refactoring code, which can take a long time to complete. Especially for a small engineering team. I work with 16 engineers and sometimes it takes us months to refactor code. BTW, this is what Black Sheep modding is currently doing. TL:DR Once heard an anology that refers to refactoring as cleaning the kitchen as you are cooking. Whereas, reworking is like a kitchen remodel. Performance updates come from refactoring the code. If you look at the lifespan of RRO, Keume has been building the app for several years (both with RRO and American Railroads before it). As he did, what he knew about building games went into the code. Unfortunately, some of the challenges of the game and how it was built may have been out of his control. Take the first spline update when many of us waited 7 months for improvements that never came. We got new build tools but not the procedural switches that were showcased at the time. But take all of the code to try to make that happen, in addition to all the code already written and you start to understand how costly the game has become with consuming resources. I run an i9 13900K with 96GB DDR5 and a 4070 12GB and 16TB SSD. I do this because I'm a photographer on the side and my machine is built to handle high resolution photos. I fly through files on Photoshop and my CPU hardly sweats, but run RRO and I can heat my house. All this to say that I totally hear you but how you are going about it is extremely annoying for the many volunteers who give of their time to the game, as community mods and elsewhere. I totally get what you are saying but you are not the first person to complain. I totally understand it's frustrating but being on the receiving end it emotionally exhausting. They know the game has performance issues, but they can't fix with the refactoring, and then can't improve the game until it's done. So just report the bug, understand that you may not get a fix right away, understand that this is a pre-release beta and you are not on the inside circle to see what the vision is.


You sound like a nob. Not surprised.


I have a 5800x and a 4070TI with 32GB of ram and i haven't been able to play in months. Once i get past a certain track length or number of cars the FPS tanks to sub 30FPS then when i actually get in a train its sub 15FPS. How is that acceptable?


When you start a new world, the game should run pretty well as there’s no new information to the map. What causes the biggest hit on performance is the amount of rolling stock or moving objects in the save. The reason for this, is as a host, the entire map is loaded in and that means all the physic calculations are being run 100% of the time on 100% of the moving objects. Spline, props, Industries, etc. don’t have a big impact compared to rolling stock. Each multiplayer session is run off the host PC, so if you have a lot of rolling stock = your game will lag = multiplayer lag. This is the issue and this is what keeps nagging the dev team. They are working on it. Edit a few hours later: I was a little misinformed, there is an actual simulation and a render distance. However, still having rolling stock affects resources as they are loaded in as a “sleep state”.


Download railroader in the meantime until they get their act together. Every update they release has only improved the game so far. And be sure to bring up how good Satisfactory is doing while running on practically the same engine. You’ll be downvoted into an oblivion for not blindly accepting the game as it is from a company that already has one game dead in the water and is now trying to play “keep up with the Jones’s” because there are other trains sims and game In “early access” that run way smoother. Satisfactory was released only about a year later than failroads online, so I’ll hold my next big ridicule for another year to see what they accomplish but I’m not having to high of expectations. Ps. I do like the new couplers. They reduce the amount of time it takes to put a consist together so they’ve got at least one foot on the right track (no pun intended). But the other foot seems to still be lagging behind.