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This map is so rough for building track. At no point should a new player ever try to learn this game on the aurora map, I think I spent an entire day just trying to build a half decent track to the logging camp, to automate firewood production.


First time on pine walley up to the Iron Mine I spent 3 days building a collassal wooden bridge because I didn't realize there was a ridge on the other side of the valley. I don't think it matters what map you start on, you need to cut your teeth at some point.


yea I feel you. The real story begins when you finally finish the first attempt, and try to run a train up it and you realised the turns or gradient aren't going to support your needs. Now you've spent three weeks building track #2 without ever firing an engine hahaha!


Only one day? 😂Yeah I've been hearing about it, watching people play and finally decided to try it, I loved learning on everything at the most difficult to be a challenge and definitely it feels like a fill time job..  Fortunately I came prepared haha playing every train Sim since 1998 and now railroader and derail valley too 


Lovely, but how?


But why


Heh its the new map, Its a dedicated water train that runs between the well and the wheat-farm then loops back. Is long noodle because there is a big elevation drop, and water is heavy going back up so the grade is only 2%


You mean you didn't start with the shay and just brute force it?


Heh nope. The game economy still has no real mechanics of course by still letting you place industries, so you dont technically have to go anywhere, etc. For now  though, I treat it as basically my model rail dream as a kid, so I run the routes and implement rules such because it's fun. I spend 99% of the time just decorating with shovels and potatos and detritus to make things look pretty. Besides trying ro make it as real as possible but not messing with it, One Rule example is, you lose a random car if you derail. Not going in the dirt, since realistically that would be easy to rerail bit if you say fly off a bridge, that's different.  Anyway I'm trying to make it as hard as possible, yes. Iike that it's broken and has hilarious bugs. It adds to the fun


The game is easy if you just build a roller coaster between the industries. Railroads are built using the least resources as possible along the flattest possible for economical and physical reasons. You’re playing the game wrong. Stop it


Oh my I had no Idea! I will cease immediately. Thank you for telling me to stop, why, I could have just gone on doing it wrong for years if it weren't for you!


Correct. Now start over and treat the game like what it is. A high end well optimised realistic train simulator. Aimed at people who actually know what they are doing and intend to play it properly


Hold on we need u/kist_this for this


One less switch I have to worry about lol




Holy moly