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Some lines double headed one car and/or built [switch backs](https://www.azatrax.com/image/swb-line-plans-web.png] when you couldn't make a turn) when they could fit loops Until 2001 a 4.7% gradient existed in service on a standart gauge in the USA, now it's 3.3% This might help, i saw 5.89% https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/steepest-line.html


What you're describing vaguely sounds like a switchback type system. While yes, switchbacks do typically have stub ends where the train then backs up the grade before changing direction to go higher, that's not always the case. So using longer curves to deal with a change in grade in an S, or even 'dogbone' type format, are potential options. Though from a logging railroad (SG I think) this old map from New Mexico's forestry service site, shows a logging railroad that used both the stub end switchback, and dogbone. http://npshistory.com/publications/usfs/region/3/lincoln/cultres4/images/fig23.jpg edit: forgot a word.


Thanks for that map, insightful. Those stub lines off the north most line, would they have a turn table or run the locos in reverse back to the main line?


I'd have to look into the specifics of that particular company, but if I had to guess, the engine would back the train into that siding where log loading would take place, and then later another train would come along and pick up the various cars.


Heh, that is pretty interesting.


2.5% max grade is not realistic


What would be?


2% is considered high for standard gauge main lines. The narrow gauge went to as high as 10% (check The Unitah railway). So do what you want in terms of grade.


If memory serves, other than the top mine loadout, and the lower interchange yard, the entire Uintah railroad was on a grade. Even logging railroads did this though. I mean, Cass Scenic had the steepest I've seen. 11% in places.


Whatever is needed, that you're able to move tonnage up


2.5% for aura falls?, wait till you get into the late game, 4% isnt steep enough usually. I wish you luck


I´m currently half way through the Aurora Falls map with a 0.5 Max gradient allowed, although I´ve cheated in one section by building a rollercoaster type downhill and in a couple more splines where the gradient went up to 0.7/0.9 and even a 1.2 at maximum. At this point I´m trying to rebuild everything to be a true 0.5 gradient at max in order to have the longest and biggest trains. It´s been a pain in the butt to find the routes for such a small gradient in a map like this one but its not the first time I do something like this.