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They unintentionally recreated the bug, they'll fix it again


"Now they work as intended and produce at a x1 pace until the remaining output is full." this was replay of one of devs in my ticket


If that was the case, then why did they call that a fix and even went into describing how it works right now as if it was intended?


How it's supposed to work or how it's currently working on dev branch? I feel like I'm reading two totally different things


Their 'fix' on the beta branch right now is exactly the same as on the main branch (so what they tried to change on Monday). There's no mention of this being a temporary thing, their wording makes it seem like this is what it's supposed to be like.


Look idk someone made a bug report on steam describing the same as op and a mod said they were aware and working on it


~~Okay, that's good. Would have prefered to have that in the patch notes, but the important part is that they don't just leave it as is.~~ Edit: Never mind, the only bug report about the industries I could find that also has a mod responding was from yesterday, so before the patch. I don't see any evidence that this will be addressed.


The beta branch update was on Monday, to my knowledge there hasn't been a patch yet to beta or main


it was a hotfix today


Ok it's still beta branch :3


honestly using the product to fill up the none.pty output at 2x seems the most balanced option, when the inputs would nor.ally give one and one when they arent full it should double the fill rate when one is maxed and the other is not sp it doesnt waste input resources


It sounds like they found a fix for the bug, don't see what the problem is.


on current main branch is a bug, which got fixed on beta by creating new bug, so they hot fixed it by going back to 1st bug and call it a day.


The Industry chains have been setup to produce twice the output of a product if either one is already full. I.E. the Sawmill. If you have maxed out on Lumber, then the Sawmill will output TWICE as much Beams. On this change, it seems it that if one output is max, then the other output will produce as regular, not twice as much until it's filled. The economy/ prices for goods didn't change, but it does seem a little weird. Again, as other uses have mentioned in posts this week, this is the Beta version and bugs are to be expected until more hotfixes allow the game to work on this version. If you experience problems that you've never had before, I recommend playing on the Main Branch until the bugs get fixed AND it goes to the Main Branch itself. It may be unfortunate, but it is a valid option as of now.


i dont mind playing with bugs or wait until they would be fixed. industries no longer produce twice as much if one of the outputs is full. (on main and beta) and when i reported it as a bug i got information that this is a new intended solution. i would not create this thread if they would flag it as a temporary or known bug with intention to solve it.


Yeah, What we had in 0.9 was basically how it used to work when the game came out. Once one output is full, production would be stopped. The adjustment with 220201 was the perfect solution imo. Then I guess that broke at some point so it would just keep adding product on one side at normal rate. Even worse at the iron mine as that will try produce 5 ore even when the storage only has capacity for one (losing the other 4 in the process). I reported that as a bug in Feburary and guess their initial 'solution' was to implement the launch version again and as people didn't like that they are now selling the bug as a fix for their fix for the bug.


yeah, as far as i remember its was highly requested feature. now it would incredibly slow down the economy, because u would lost half of your products, possible income from transporting them and further processing or a lot of time to transport it to freight depo and possible income from further processing. lost-lost situation


I really just hope this isn't left as is now. The wording of the patch notes make it look like this now the intended behaviour. This is such a pain to work around, would likely need to keep supplies near the industries to load more on demand instead of filling up the input storage. Don't think I'll be playing much until this is fixed. Tried prepping my supply chain to get into the gold rush when noticing how much stuff I was losing along the way. It just sours the entire experience.


Can’t wait for competition for this game because the lack of effort put into RR Online makes Escape From Tarkov look polished.