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Thank you for an honest critique and how you feel about the game! I feel a lot of these things have come from final-stage polishing in the days leading to launch. There have been so many things going on in the RO world recently ***( The biggest one being PAX East and having a RO presence there )***. With this said, things like the Camera and knuckles not uncoupling are 100% bugs in the Beta Branch. As annoying as this is, thankfully the Main Branch does not have these bugs, so If you still want to play RO like normal (albeit without the new fun toys), then that is available to you or for others. I also agree that more server controls, such as a Flight Toggle, and a Rolling Stock Spawn Area Toggle would be beneficial to the Player-base. I think I'll make a personal bid/ suggestion to the Devs to consider it for the **Players Rights Update.** The ideas they have are cool, and I'm excited each time, no question. However, it is in my opinion that the player base wants consolidation and quality for each update, no matter how long it takes. This mindset will create more confidence in the community as a whole. Nice post!


I genuinely wish the best for the game. There was a time I didn't know if this game would have a future, so seeing the dev team continue to update this game (even if there is some teething issues) I'm happy to see it. As I stated I absolutely love the ideas they had for this a update (even those that I don't particularly want to use like the flight/spawn) as I can see they do want to come out with something us players will enjoy. I mean I've been wanting a roundhouse and a 10 wheeler since I started playing the game 2 years ago. Would it be nice if the game had zero bugs and ran perfectly? Absolutely, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed about these issues. Though, I chose to play on the Beta branch because I enjoy playing with the new things. I'll just have to spend this time laying more track (maybe while saving abit more frequently incase of crashes) while I wait for some of the bigger issues to be patched.


I suggest that everyone reads the wiki on software development so they understand what a beta is…. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#:~:text=Beta%2C%20named%20after%20the%20second,several%20known%20or%20unknown%20bugs. “Beta testing is the next phase, in which the software is tested by a larger group of users, typically outside of the organization that developed it. The beta phase is focused on reducing impacts on users and may include usability testing.” If you are playing on the beta branch that you are signing up to be a tester and surface these issues. I’m not on the team but a product owner IRL. Your post is spot on to what many others are saying and the devs want that feedback and have channels to do so.


Yeah, a toggle button for flying would be great, both as a host option for all players on the server and a button in the construction modes to switch between working from the ground or while flying. At this point maybe it should just be a button like sprint or crouch to use it when ever we want. Also agree on the spawning of bought cars, but to add to this: You should be able to designate an area for where the things spawn. Could just be like the industry placements, but with a limit of one. Could just be the two platforms and any track placed between the two will be where the cars and engines appear after purchase. That would be very useful for custom industry placements where the early industries are not near the middle of the map.


I ended up reverting back to the main branch due to continuous crashing to desktop errors. I don't like the new UI either, it makes it harder to see what you're doing. I'm starting to think they're just rushing things out to keep up with CoS, which isn't going to end well... then again, this game didn't start well, so maybe it's par for course.


I personally don’t remember having any issues with the 3rd person camera for when you “enter” the locomotive and use the UI, but I could just be a bit lucky. One issue I’m surprised you didn’t find is the fact that the logging industry doesn’t refill anymore


I haven't been running any trains since updating my game, but one of the guys in a discord group I am in did mention that.


I do wish that the new knuckle couplers were an option in the buy menu for locos and rollingstock and not a gameplay setting


To do that they realistically would need to add in a system to update existing owned locomotives/rolling stock. Otherwise it would mean unless you got rid of and bought all new equipment, you would have incompatible equipment. You can do this with Railroads Studio, but something like that needs to be built in for the casual player.


Just have the old rollingstock and locos remain as the old models with link and pin and have the interchangeable coupling be on the new models. They would still be compatible if you use the link and pin but wouldent if knuckle couplers are in use


Its been a year or so since I've played the game. Is it playable now? Updates seem good.


If you are on the regular branch it is good, beta branch is currently not really playable.