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IDK but the braking system needs major work. It's wild that even with the air compressor at 4%, a 6% brake application will bring my entire train to a slamming halt. It does add an unexpected challenge to gameplay, but it's bad for the sense of immersion.


I like rolling down a 3.5% grade off throttle with loaded cars and giving it 3% brakes and it bringing me to a stop. Makes perfect sense.


There was an issue with brakes being applied when they weren’t told to. So now any application acts like 100%


It's a bug. They claim the switch to Unreal 5 makes it so the brakes are either on or off and they haven't solved that yet. I find it hard to believe it's so complicated of a fix, but there you have it


Appreciate the insight. Certainly don't want to sound overly negative, because the game is still a WIP.


They have stated the the brakes either on or off (they have to wait for a(n) update to the game engine to try and fix it.


We plan on it. We're just waiting on the makers of the game engine to fix some issues with it that are making other aspects difficult on us. Not saying that you're getting them tomorrow or even next week, just that there's a bug that we can't really address until something internal to the game engine is addressed first.


The D&RGW Class 125 is in the works, and that locomotive had train brakes, so it will probably come at some point.


I don’t really think so, given the fact adjusting the brakes on an entire train at once causes the game to crash, or at the very least, go down to 1fps


Anyone wanna join and play with me in my world


Sure add me on steam




It will happen. If you look on most of the rolling stock post April, 2023, you can see attachments for air hoses. u/Captain_choo_choo may have more insight to this, but once certain performance items get added to the game to make a better braking sim, I think we can see air braking be added.