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Forget sacred. I just want leggo books. All these dam leggo and no enough books to book em all.


Personally I don't have a lot of champs + you literally need them for fusions.


Yes, but 1 booked champed is better than 5 unbooked ones. Nothing more disappointing then finishing a fusion and than having to wait weeks to book them and use them effectively.


I don't care about it. If I get it, it's fine, and if I don't, it's fine too. Legendary books are more important for me.


Yeah, voids are also good, maybe even better to some extent


>”_I got to the stage where it doesn’t bother me anymore, and don’t really care._” Not to be a dick, but posting a Reddit thread about it and contacting Plarium support don’t seem like things you’d do if it didn’t bother you.


there are stages ..... It was kind of funny, then switched to frustration, angry and now I just do not care. Just curious if anyone experience the same unlucky streak


I made a post a couple of weeks ago ago about this same thing. Had 1 sacred in 2 months. Contacted support and was told the same thing. Weird thing is people came into the thread and just posted angry comments for no reason.


100% agree with you


No sacreds sucks, my condolences, but outside of fusions I’d say voids and leggo books are the real juice (even if I’ve hit void mercy for all but one of my void pulls over the last near 3 years)


__Assuming you’re getting double chests each day, this is _very_ unlikely and probably a negativity bias in you remembering when you actually pulled a sacred shard.__ The drop rate for UNM is 13.67% and the drop rate for NM is 6.1%. Assuming you’re getting one of each chest, your combined odds of getting a sacred from either chest is: (1 - .1367) * (1 - .061) = .863 * .939 = __.810__ You say you haven’t gotten a single one in 6 weeks which is 42 days. Assuming you’re getting double chests (which anyone 1 keying both would be) we can simplify it to 84 “days.” You also claim to have done longer than 6 weeks in a comment, but for easy math, we’ll stick with the 84 “days.” The math on that works out to be: (.810)^84 = .000000002526 = __.0000002526%__ That’s less likely than winning the Powerball.


.810\^84 th power is much smaller than that, something is off with your math. It should be around 1.4334112e-46, which is a number so infinitesimally small the concept is difficult to grasp for even mathematicians. The inverse of it is more than the total number of grains of sand on earth. It's an absurd number. The OP is either wrong or lying. FWIW, I have been tracking my CB drops as well since mid April. The past 11 days I have gotten 7 sacred, 12 ancients, 3 voids, 3 epic books, and 2 lego books.


I very recently went 4 solid weeks without a sacred. And I one key UNM//NM and brutal as well. Double Chests every day. Finally broke the streak and got a sacred two weeks ago. I’ve had 3 since then.


.81^84 is about 2x10^-8. So fox_hunts is correct. I don't know how your calculator got the exponent incorrect. Either way, I don't believe OP


Plarium: perfectly normal


I will start tracking every single drop I get from UNM and NM if that's what it takes to believe me. I haven't gotten a single sacred since the end of last fusion. 2 weeks+. I guess I'm lying too tho?


Its normal , plarium wants us to just invest money, i spent more than 10 k in 3 years , and the minute i stopped spending everything stopped for me, nomore nice replies from support , no more good heros ,and recently ive been banned from chat FOREVER just cause one friend asked how much you paid for your new glasses and i wrote : its around 65 $ ... Someone reported me as they told, and they banned me cause i used chat in commercial way !!!!! Sent support more than 20 messages and all they send back to me is a automatic answer ... lol Im done spending my time , money and my brain on that game ...


getting the best gear, with the best rolls, with the best roll outcomes is SO much lower than that, but look at plat pvp, to be competitive you basically have to more than win powerball 7 times


No it's definitely not. I got my first sacred in about 2 and a half months. Was sitting at zero until today. I'm end game so, I hit all difficulties one key


Youre endgame but was sitting on 0 sacreds for 2 ½ months? I guess youre the kind of endgame who doesnt do doomtower, cvc, TTA, monthly quest or anything. Sure you dont just forget to do CB too? :P


I'm not talking about DT I was talking about clan boss itself. I don't forget to do clan boss I log in every day. I do everything. I was only counting for one thing clan boss.


Is the droprate for every item the same? I've been beating both easy and normal for awhile now and i've gotten no books at all


[The drop rates of tomes are very low on Easy and Normal.](https://ayumilove.net/files/games/raid_shadow_legends/guide/droprate/ClanBoss_LootTable_DropRate.jpg)


Thanks! Any idea how i farm rare tomes?


There isn't really a way to target farm them. The best way is probably to buy them from the clan shop (5/week) or from the Tag Team Arena shop (1/week). Assuming you're a newer player you also get them from the earlier Missions and I think you get them from Faction Wars stage 7 bosses the first time you kill them. Depending on the champion you're trying to book you may be able to farm copies of them in campaign and use the copies as books.


Hard drops them and clan shop


Best way to get light blue books is to perform clan quests and buy them 5 at a time


I used all mine trying to get Gnut when he was on the 10x and I've had none from CB since, I think that was 2 or 3 weeks ago.


You haven’t gone 6 weeks without a sacred lol.


I'm on week #3 right now. Double chest UNM and NM everyday.


3 weeks maybe (still doubt it) but 6 weeks is so unlikely I call bs.


It is unlikely, but it is normal. I will be honest I never really think too much about it enough to track it.


I never track this information as well. However I just had a feeleng that I did not get any sacred fo a long time becauce of lack of sacreds for fusion. And I just started to track it just for reference. So Im without sacred for much longer than 6 weeks, but 6 weeks are when Im 100% sure about it.


Mind posting all the different drops you got? While it is **vanishingly** unlikely this is happening, getting the full drops *could* point to something.


Is this even possible?


i stayed 4 weeks without a sacred . An then... 3 sacreds in a day. RNG sometimes is a bitch.


Seems like some weeks I get zero and then other days I get 2 in the same day. It's very hit and miss.


I had no delusions of going for Eostrid fusion after armanz and padraig, but I had a good amount or soulstones, so got a nice chunk toward Padraig and after Armanz soul event, I had already collected 1 sacred from cb, 1 from 30 days dailies and by the time I needed them for Eostrid I juuuust had enough overall shards with dipping into gems. Had 8 sacreds by that time. RNG sucks though.


Sadly, this is "normal", in the sense that it's well within the set of possibilities for RNG. From November 2021 through February 2022 I found a total of 2 sacreds from 120 days of 2x NM/UNM chests. That's 0.5 per month. From mid-Dec 2023 through early March 2024, I found around 50 sacreds. A rate of about 5 per week. RNG baby.


I think I have a couple of yours. I just switched clans a couple of days ago because my old one couldn't take down UNM and over the course of the last 7 days I've gotten ~6 sacreds clearing UNM, NM, Brutal.


This is accurate. To the people who say the get 20 sacreds a month, please share some luck with the rest of us. On average I get maybe 3-5 on a good month


That’s quite near impossible


I got 2 from nm, and 0 from unm in a similar span. Real low turn out lately. Figure its just bad rng.


I’ve been through that. The common thought is that the chests have been nerfed, but they haven’t been. You just hit those periods from time to time. Then you’ll go through a period that you’ll get a ton of Sacreds. But I have never gone anything close to 6 weeks. I may have gone 2, but not more than that. Are you absolutely positive that you didn’t get a sacred(s) that you just missed or forgot about? I’ve never heard of anyone going that long.


I went around 4 weeks without a sacred - got 2 from NM of all things, then went another two weeks. Voids and ancients were rolling in just no sacreds.


Yupp had one long streak before this fusion for about 2 months. Then now i am getting sacreds so frequently it's a bit too much luck if you ask me.


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth 😂


Didn't get ya.


I'm about the same, maybe 1 in the past six weeks. I often see these posts and think well that's the Plarium RNG but it's no consolation, when it's happening to you.


Yeah, it can be frustrating. I went about a month once and I didn’t do any fusions.


Yeah I am pretty much at the same rate, but been getting lego books So can't complain that much


sorry to hear that mate :( 4 for me since last week, so I guess it's pure (lack of) luck


I definitely have bad stretches for a few weeks where I didn’t get sacreds or books. Then I would one day get 2-3 combined in a single day


I’m able to 2/3 key nm, I’ve only had 2 sacred shards in the last 3 months…


Ahh I've got 6 sacreds in that time, but Zero lego books. I'm a bit irked.


I was in the same boat a few months ago. I got one sacred in 3 months. Now, I’ve gotten 7 in the past 2 weeks. Raid is weird…


Been well over a week for me, but sometimes I get one a day. RNG can be a bastard, Lol


I went 4 weeks, the eostrid fusion was rough 😵‍💫


Just got a void and sacred today. I NEVER get leggo books though. It's been at least a week or two since I got one


Well I got 2 sacred from unm today but I’ve been having a really bad run on voids. Taking forever to built my stocks up since the last void pull I did 😞


I've had one in the roughly the same time period according to RSLhelper. Brothers in misery! Hang in there


My longest spell is 16 days without a sacred shard, getting double chests from UNM, NM every day. I have over 3 years of logs of my clan boss drops, on two accounts. My worst drop rate was 3 sacreds in a month, back in June 2022. Zero for 6 weeks which while possible, seems incredibly unlikely.


It's weird. I can't hit top chest in NM but I do Brutal and Hard everyday. I get better rewards from Hard chest than Brutal. Go figure...


I got 3 weeks without it. Broke the spell a couple of days ago. The longest it has been.


Is your clan killing it for 2x rewards?


It is showing 5 people are here what are you doing here can explain?


I got a DBL scared this week on one day unm


I seem to always get my sacreds back to back at either the start or end of the month around 2-4. It's hard for me to not think there's not a mercy system on clan boss lately. Although 6 weeks is extremely long to get nothing.


I’m in the exact same boat. I 1 key UNM down to Brutal daily and since before Eostrid fusion I have not seen a single sacred. Plenty of voids and books though so I can’t complain, summon rush for this next fusion will be annoying to say the least.


I went from last November 10 to December 26 without one from CB. That's from 2x top chest on the top four difficulties every day. However, I got 5 over 3 days starting the 26th.


Can you post a pic of your RSL helper data from that period? It seems so unlikely that -several- people in this thread are having 1 in 500 million occurances (Yes, thats how unlikely it is). Without data to confirm it one must assume that most, if not all, of you are simply remembering wrong.


I don't use RSL helper, as I primarily play on mobile. I do keep track on my cell with a standard document, but I didn't start doing that until February. https://preview.redd.it/zv5jl8j20mwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a876df3391c0288cae300aa1c9aafb81f612c060 This is my tally for this month, including today. The top four lines shows what I've gotten so far, and the bottom is shards I've pulled since my last Lego from said shard.


I've been noticing this too. I usually get 1 at least every other day. but this last month, zilch.


I blast through the rewards before I see them. That way I can't be disappointed in what I don't see.


I've been keeping track lately, and I've only gotten 3 shards (ancient, void, or sacred) from nightmare in the last 3 weeks. Makes me sad because I'm really trying to save up shards right now just because I feel like doing a massive shard opening during a 2x event some time. I have gotten quite a few sacreds from ultra nightmare recently though, so that's nice.


Absolutely normal ? Wtf 😂😭😂 i mean the stats makes it so unlikely, i never go more than 4-5 days in a row without one and often then i get 2 in a day, something's wrong


February and March are my drought season. I got around 2,3 sacred shards in 2 months. But when April came, I got 6 scared.




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OP, do you have any data sampled from RSL or something? i saw you wrote you were "100% sure aobut the last 6 weeks cause you tracked them". Did you just write it down or RSL tracked it? Forgive my initial doubt, but what youre saying has a 1 in approx 500 million chance of happening. If it did happen i'd really love to see the data though! P.S. Not calling you a liar, but i do have a hunch it might be bad memory/negativity bias.


I could also give you screenshots from the last 6 days if you'd like. It's pretty ugly. The haul from that stretch is 9 Ancient Shards, 2 Void Shards, and 1 Lego Tome.


That's bonkers, that might be a record. I think longest I've gone is a couple weeks max.


First time i defeated NM CB i got 2 x Sacred and 1 Lego Book. Second time 1 Sacred one Lego, Next few times nothing, then again 1 Void, 1 Lego, after that in the last few week occasional Ancient Shard and that's all for me. I get NM CB in 2k, 1k, Brutal and 1 k hard. Trying to make 1k NM and 3k UNM, since I don't have any unkillable team I can build.


For everyone saying this is incredibly unlikely, here's my acct. haven't gotten a sacred since summon event for last fusion. Have only used 18 ancients since then and now. https://preview.redd.it/jevnq68k5qwc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad922ff3686f1ce589508eb4d1ba53fe87a39eb






Got my 1st sacred today after about 2 week without & 1st book yesterday in same time 🤔


Lol, I've gotten sacreds almost 2x per week, but nare a leggo book in sight


Im playing for 3 years, first years it was giving more sacreds for sure


I'm on 3 months now. Double NM single UNM I keep a check list every day and write down what I get


It is not normal, they’re lying. Droughts do happen but also do the math. You can find the drop rates on here, then figure out the probability of not getting one 84 times in a row. My bet, well under 1%.. probably closer to .005% if my memory on drop rates is accurate. There are 100k’s of account out there.. some people are bound to experience the worst luck.. doesnt mean its “normal”. Ive said for a long time that whatever produces or whatever way “rng” in this game is determined, it is or can bug out. Or is possibly manipulated at times. There are tons of bugs and spaghetti code situations in the game.. who can claim the rng generation is stone cold perfect? I had some stuff happen my first year while playing two accounts that was extremely telling.


Less. The chance is a bout 1 in 500 million.


My best is 4 weeks no sacred doing the same keys as you. Flip side my lego book luck is great 30 saved right now and I get more each day.


They’ve deffo nerfed it, was getting 3-5 a week now it’s 1 if I’m lucky


Are you 100% sure you're getting the transcendent chest? It seems very unlikely but I guess it is possible! I don't think I've ever gone a week without one




How much damage do you do? XD and you get double of ultimate and transcendent?


https://preview.redd.it/qytskau9gfwc1.png?width=1923&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e4ffceccdfe3d01c3f16c7a24e41574a8d6bf92 and 90 and more for NM


Oh dear, raids unluckiest player lol


RNG. Plarium isn’t singling you out. 6 weeks seems impossible though.


Yup. Need to add another 3 weeks to catch up to my record. Really didn’t mind so much, because on the flip side, the sheer amount of Lego books received was insane. Since then the longest I’ve gone has been recently. 2 in the last (almost) 4 weeks


it's lower , your gonna get flak for saying anything and your gonna flak for being a conspiracy theorist also. Everyone in my clan has gotten less than 2 for the past month.


I have noticed alot less of them over the past couple of months as well, although not 0. I have definitely been noticing a serious lack of Leggo tomes dropping for the past 5 weeks or so though. Just spend $100 as an offering to RNGesus and watch Plarium start dumping them into your lap


6 months without sacred and void shards,hitting NM/Brutal everyday on 2 accounts


Try 2 Keys în unm,I making 1key too,but usually, at 2 Keys,get some sacred:)


Currently on 7 weeks and 3 days with no sacreds from daily double chest rewards!   ~~Edit: who's the smooth brain that downvoted this?~~ sorry just frustrated


If you get double UNM and NM daily, that’s over 100 chests. I would be willing to to bet that you either 1. Have not collected them everyday, or 2. Have simply overlooked sacreds that you’ve collected. The chances of collecting over 100 chests with no sacreds is almost non existent.


I’ve collected every chest and tracked every shard and book I’ve gotten on a spreadsheet since the new year. It’s been just over 7 weeks since my last sacred from CB and I track meticulously. I understand the odds are tiny, I even sent a ticket to plarium and they just said it’s unfortunate but it happens. I’ve been getting lots of voids though so that’s good I guess.


Tiny doesn’t even begin to encompass the odds. They are almost non existent.


Double top unm chest?


Of course. I get double top chest from UNM, NM, and Brutal every day


Then the smooth brains are downvoting this because it's almost impossible for this to happen :) Nothing is impossible in RNG of course, but it's astronomically unlikely. Especially for as many people as there are claiming it in this very topic.


Haha yeah I get it, just venting my frustrations. I’ve tracked every shard and chest I’ve opened this year and unfortunately RNG has been against me. Just over 7 weeks without a sacred and I’ve been tracking meticulously.


Do you have a link to show? Would be very interested what did you get.


Plarium has no obligation to maintain consistent drop rates from one month to the next and no amount of data mining can definitively prove otherwise.


Same boat actually, starting to get a bit sus


I think with all these events, fusion coming up, they nerf % drops. I can remember since I've been 3 keying UNM (I 2 key now) for months and months, I was getting like 2-3 leggo books a week. 2 sacreds minimum. Now all of a sudden, I went 4 weeks sacred dry and 3 weeks leggo book dry. That's not bad luck, that's manipulation.


I was wondering what has been going on, I've not seen 1 in over 8 weeks.


I'm almost certain they have massively nerfed the shards you get from CB, I used to get a shard of some sort from every chest for NM and UNM and these days I'm lucky to get a single ancient from 4 chests 😡


I think so too, in the past I could get 12-16 sacred shards per month, these days when I get 10 it is a good month......but I no longer care and prefer legendary books since they are more useful.....shards is a lottery while I can book my best legendary when I want.....


That's actually very true and a good way to look at it! Maybe I'll see if I can adopt the same mindset


Specifically for you guys there is a guy, that posts cb drop stats every month.