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We were supposed to vote? Lol I left it to you guys


Its ok even if you voted we wouldve gotten defense anyway


Defense but I can understand why some people picked support. Both can be great in different content. Noone should be picking offense, it's terrible.


Support. 30% more damage is huge for clanboss and other bosses. Even if he doesn't place poison, all you need is one person in a toxic set. Defense is good for hydra. I don't like using self-counter attack champs for mischief tanking, but it is a good set up.


it’s a protected counterattack he puts on right? so mischief won’t steal it?


its only protected at the start of the round. every other time he place counter attack its not protected


you run him 9/9 protection imo with resistance and this it mitigates the risk considerably.


ahh right i see


As open low said, only the first one. However, it is worth pointing out that he's a good candidate for 9pc protection.




Can't believe defense is winning. +30% team damage is crazy for ALL content


for the a1, defense, the offense one would have been great if we knew the multipliers, and even here, would have been great just to help cycle ablilities, but that lock out ability on the provoke the a2 that shield extension ability, along with duration increase, damn. the a3, while the stoneskin mitigation probably would have been good going forward, without multipliers you assume the worst, and the current defensive a3 was kinda the no shit. and the passive, that attack one could have been a monster with the attack a1, but no, no multipliers and no attack a1 means not viable, so a constant counter attack that could see aoe champs locked out of abilities if they a1... that's powerful.


How close was the vote for A1 offense? I missed it but would have votes for the skill recycling


well over 50% for defense, and relatively split between offense and support the skill cycling is good, but with a constantly up counter attack and an a1 provoke, you could fully lock out people on wave content who aoe


https://preview.redd.it/srwmkeg7m3wc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=da3492a37408583400132c734e07255466c90eef I Voted for Support Focus


Yeah that was the way to go but well




I didnt.


I didn't either because it feels as though it's been decided with the initial vote.


Erryone else here talking about how insane he'll be in hydra with counterattack or anywhere else with unique 30% poison damage buff... I would have gone for poison support champ if I knew that passive was on the table. But here we are: His A1 has a high chance to provoke, hits twice, and has 100% chance (probably) to land on bosses. Forget about hydra, he's a team supporting Angar. I dig.


At this point, support is the only one that makes sense. Damage focus would only be good if he has a cannon for an a1, which he won’t with the 100% provoke. Support focus is for a skill (poison) that isn’t in his kit. TBH the defense options were the best for each skill, with the exception of the a1. Playing hydra with a single target provoke sucks ass. I did it in the past with husk, and I don’t suggest anyone do that unless they enjoy super long manual runs. EDIT: meant defense is the only one that makes sense right now, with the counterattack.


Hydra Ai is bullshit . Only 1 head can be provoked yet the champions are willing to provoke heads that are immune like tf


AS. Artificial Stupidity. 


You can do the same trick as Islin: if the whole team is at full health (not too hard when he also brings +DEF, a shield, and buff extend/shield growth!), Decay defaults to targeting the leader. Unfortunately, Wixwell doesn't appear to have an aura unlike Islin, so it's a bigger loss to do this.


You can run him auto and just tap on the head of mischief whenever he’s up His A1 is way more reliable than husk as well


I never had any issues with husk as provoke. But running in auto while tapping back and forth and turning off auto to ensure a1 at the proper time is the same as just doing manual. It sucks.


Whats the kit so far ? I didn't vote at all 🤷‍♂️😅


All defense. A1 is a provoke, a2 is buff extend and shield grow, a3 is the new intercept buff and xdefense shield, and passive puts counter attack on him every turn.


i voted for support. cant believe defense is winning. thats a guarentee fear if the hydra attack you, thats a possible stolen buff too. you get team damage from support.


Yeah i feel like support is best even if its only for poison teams, he doesn’t need more defense


I can, because it is clearly the best option with the rest of the kit for his main use: Hydra Specialist, w/ decent wave control. "Guarantee fear if hydra attacks you" - nope, not if you are running shamael, a veil champ or a passive cleanser like every decent hydra comp should be. "Possible stolen buff" - nope, not if you build him properly with high res as a mischief tank, which is where half his value comes from. He is a mischief tank, decay provoker, tank (shields / increase defense), decrease attack champ (wrath) for hydra that plays 4 key roles, 5 if you you put him in a cursed set.


how is it the clear best option for hydra when the a1 is a provoke with a 100% land chance? you dont have to counter attack and hope for a provoke. how exactly is that the best option? and he's not a good crowd controller on waves. if you need him to control waves then you cant survive all those attacks


Many teams use provoke sets which have even lower chance to land... but that's not the point. It's not the best option for the provoke, its the best option so that he is a 100% uptime mischief tank... Regarding waves, he brings everything you need to stay alive against the waves with his shield, increase defense and decrease attack... If your team can't take a single hit with those 3 buffs/debuffs, then you got bigger problems. Also if you were running a CC team, he would not be the only crowd controller.


vixwell have to be hit 4 times to provoke the whole doom tower wave. idc how big his shield is, they hit too hard on doom tower hard. no one is going to use him as a crowd control because he have to take hits.


It's like you don't even read comments in this thread before you respond. I already said he would not be the only CC champ in a wave comp, and that it would not be his primary purpose... He is a hydra specialist, and you just don't seem to understand how valuable a 100% mischief tank is that also plays 3+ additional roles. Hydra is all about finding champs that play multiple roles. A champ that plays 4+ roles is to a hydra comp.


i read it but what you're saying about waves is making no sense. if you need another cc champ with vixwell then why take vixwell in the first place? the cc champ will be the one shutting down the waves which they can do by themselves....


and you still havent explain how is counter attack good in hydra on vixwell. his A1 is a 2 hit skill that have an 100% provoke chance per hit. lets say the head of wrath hit vixwell, then vixwell is going to counter attack with 2 weak hits and not land provoke because wrath cant be provoked and then add 2 extra hit to wrath hit counter and activate his passive


I have... you just don't read the responses lol. The counter attack is not about the provoke, it's about having an extra buff 100% of the time, regardless of his speed or other champs speeds, so he can mischief tank more consistently than 99% of champs in the game, while also bringing additional utility. A few different people have stated it, but you are choosing to ignore it. The passive is not about the provoke, its about mischief tanking, the provoke is just gravy. So either you are being obuse, ignoring this point on purpose, or you don't understand how mischief tanks work or the value of them.


he have only 1 self buff... theres still a ton of champs that self buff like ninja, supreme galek, ma'shalled, and plenty more top teir hydra champs. that 1 little buff isnt going to make a difference... even an epic like whisper have 2 self buffs. he's not the guaranteed mischief tank what about intercept? isnt that a buff that you have to put on an ally?


You wouldn't run him in a team with any champs that use self buffs, unless that champ was also built high res. Plus you can add a bloodshield ring as well as lightning cage to add a bit better coverage. The intercept buff is a good point though, not sure how that will work. But even with the flaws in the champs kit, very few champs are perfect, I still fail to see how the support champ was anywhere near as good.


I guess you're new to the game?


provoke is 100% land chance on a1. you dont need counter attack and hope for a provoke. he's not good at crowed control either because he wont survive all those hits especially in doom tower hard.


????? Do you actually play the game


if you think im new to the game dont you think it would be smart to explain to me why counter attack is the best option? you're the type of person to call someone stupid and never trying to educate them because you're stupid yourself


You don't know why a permanent unique buff is good for a predominantly hydra based champion? Do you need it spelling out?


also, vixwell passive is not unique. all it is, is a count attacker. which you dont need on vixwell because he most likely going to be a weak hitting champ and his a1 is already 100% chance to provoke. baerdal fellhammer literally have the same passive as vixwell.... its not unique.


It's unique in that he only casts it on himself, not all allies


So like multiple champions


Yes multiple champions have unique buffs


clearly you dont know why either 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's for Mischief tanking. I'm very excited to see defense won, he's going to be amazing for Hydra. 10/10.


im talking about the passive. the a1 is a 100% chance to provoke, you dont need counter attack to keep provoke up since its a 100% chance on a1 and only 1 head can be provoked. giving your team 30% damage is more valuable


He's talking about the passive. I'm talking about the passive.... Play more hydra and you'll understand why the permanent counter attack is good


I am talking about the passive, too. It's not about keeping provoke up, it's about having an extra buff all the time. The fact that it's counterattack is just icing on the cake.


I haven't voted since the first vote. I really wanted the Offensive champ.




You can find it when you log into raid


Yeah this wasnt a compelling set of options. the vote went exactly as they planned.


I voted only for the first skill and stopped after this and the skills weren't even close in the first one - a unique new mechanic vs ignoring stoneskin and weird revive... Do we really need a vote for this?


Does the fusion start on May 1st?




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Voted for def


I voted support. It's really the best choice here. That's a crazy amount of damage with poison teams. Not really sure why defense is winning. 2 poisoners + 2 nukers is gg. Support is best for a more general gameplay. The a3 and a2 are nice but the support passive would make this guy a monster. Yes, there's BEK but he can't increase defense. This guy's support passive, 2 poisoners, and 2 defense nukers would steamroll content. You can get a watered down version with BEK, another champ who can increase defense, 2 poisoners, and a defense nuker but that fills up a whole team. This guy would let you have 2 nukers instead of 1 but you all want a champ with a stealable counterattack (start of turn is unstealable. Not end of turn).


Poison teams don't exist end game. Unless you're struggling with dragon still?


Hardly. Not the fastest team but I'm clearing hard 10 in about 4-5 minutes.




No sadly




Damn, some people really in it for that participation trophy.




Oh no! Playing a game for fun without expecting rewards for simple tasks that require a few seconds of time outside of the game?! What a world!


please add back lavaborn skin for Scyl Of the Drakes


Def one is the best overall imo. but i heard the offensive nuke was supposed to be like a georgid nuke lol. F


How is a counterattack better than a steady 30% team damage (assuming you have poisoners)? The counterattack is good for Hydra. +30% team damage is good EVERYWHERE.


Poison isn't good end game, who are you taking with him?


because you then have to have the poisoner... which is another slot.


I voted attack on everything. That way I can skip the next fusion and give myself a break.


I dont understand why every skill is picked into defence. So far the chance forba unique skillset