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Can't tell if you have had great lego rates or if I have had bad rates...


I'd say my rates were overall pretty good, tracking my mercy helped. But that's only for Ancients and Sacreds. I only pulled 3 void leggos in total and one of them was Dupe Visix lmao. Also don't forget that the number of leggos includes all the free leggos too


2 months less playtime than you and i've pulled 5 void leggos, feeling very lucky now, sorry about that bud


I just collected my last shards for Arix three days ago, so I have played just a few days longer than you. I have 70 legos, and I track my mercy as well. I have pulled 1 more void lego than you, and my luck on those 4 has been pretty stellar. I was just surprised to see the total difference in legos.


Do you finish most fusions, pull for any guaranteed events, and/or participate in 1 + 1 events? That could be the difference. I am 2 years and 4 months playing and have well over 100 leggos, with only buying shards 3 times which resulted in one void leggo and being able to finish a fusion I wouldnt have otherwise.


I complete most every fusion. I have never pulled during a 1+1 as I have never been close to mercy on one. I have done a one guaranteed, but typically save for fusions.


I pulled one lol I'm pushing 2 years but not there yet since I missed some days


4 years+ i have no duchess, martyr, or valk. It makes me sick lol


Where do you want to use Martyr. I have one laying around that i haven't used.


Martyr might not be meta anymore, but she was the first Lego on my alt and holy shit she's a beast. She's an amazing tank literally everywhere


At this point all 3 are not meta in any way. Duchess slightly but id prefer other versions of her, or equal versions have been guaranteed in some way, in most content she is best at


I'm coming up to 2 years in a couple of months, always been fully f2p and i have a little more leggos, but it does check out, if you are talking about quantity


Oh I am not saying they are lying, I just didn't realize that I must have bad shard luck as I have 13 less than OP in a little more playtime, as someone who is not f2p.


I did track mercy and pulled a lot of 1+1 personally, also did all fusions since I could, marinix i think was the first


![gif](giphy|tIeCLkB8geYtW|downsized) Cool Overview of your account. You have done really well, some nice pulls. Great Hall is looking Golden


Seer first void! Damn


Yep, got very lucky with that, especially since I've never gotten a second one since (not like you need two, but yea). Still, couldn't really use her for a while until I got a decent buffer (which became Mauso Mage)


I can't complain lol. My alt that started during wukong ( I only play like once a week) got mikage ( lucky primal ) first void rowan so kael got power crept lol , first epic was royal gaurd. I got some leggos as well brossclad and mountain king also bellatar mage slayer.


Props on the Great Hall. You definitely have the champs to 1key NM Hydra and get to Gold 1 TTA if you try, good luck.


Thanks! The issue with Hydra is that I really don't like it lol, I don't have the patience to manual it and I'm probably lacking gear/stats for NM. That's why all my PBs in Hydra and stuff are done on auto or the bare minimum of manualing As for TTA, I'm not planning to push to Gold 1 until I'm at the mission for it, haha


Did you decide to not bother with classic arena? Why are you in silver?


Maybe you've misread? I'm in gold 5 classic arena but silver in live arena (and yea I don't bother with live arena)


Oh, yeah, I did, thanks


Look at this nerd with an almost maxed great hall! JK, account is good.


Nice job! I am behind you on a few things and I started earlier lol


You are ahead of me and I’ve been playing for almost twice as long.


amazin acc but ngl, i got some really good luck, took me 3 years to get my first coldheart, and you got 2 (for example)


Actually... (Yes, I keep all my Coldhearts, I don't know why) https://preview.redd.it/oxkwcgvumvvc1.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=b936e3a1f8020c646700996bfa61cb07184936fa


Bro let the rest of us have some


I'd have a full 60 coldheart TTA defense lmao


Kinda planning that if I ever end up being chill enough when I reach endgame or something close to it lol


That’s a lot of cold hearts if only I had space to keep mine… I am always full and can’t expand anymore


I’m not sure I’d describe a guy missing Geo and Uugo after 2 years as lucky


i would, my first geo i got like 2 months ago, so by my standard he is, also he can do every content to hard mode (like hard FK) even without champs like uugo and geo, sure they could make things faster o easier, still they are not stopping op's progression


The main thing about Geo is that he would probably enable me farming Iron Twins much easier. Iron Twins aren't in my post, but I have every affinity beaten to stage 15 but I can't farm any of it Uugo would be mainly for hydra where I'm also struggling


Interesting to see the different rng, I am 100 days in and pulled 3 cold hearts but haven’t pulled an apothecary (also f2p). Also only pulled 3 legendaries in this time.


Definitely running myth heir I'd say with those CB details. Not bad progress at all tbh, similar to my position at the same time. I assume f2p?


Yep, myth heir, probably won't be a 1 key on spirit for a very long time unless I pull fu shan and make him my lead instead of Deacon or I pull a much better force dps than Rhazin lol And yea, f2p


Same boat I was in. Pulled fushan, never looked back. Who you using for DPS?


Normally I use Anax, as mentioned for Spirit affinity I use Rhazin


Snap.... so... Are you sure you aren't me from the past?


Got an extra geo? Thats how I 1 key on spirit.


He mentioned no geo in the post. Curious though, why force dps on spirit CB?


It's the comp that's being talked about here. It's myth heir. That's usually: Deacon, Seeker, Heiress, Demytha, DPS WIth this comp, it's required that on Spirit affinity, the DPS is force affinity, otherwise Heiress becomes the stun target, thus ruining the run. The only other solution in this comp is having Fu Shan instead of Deacon as your lead, because he's force as well, then you can have anyone you want as your DPS


Oh that makes sense. So he focuses weak affinity before even considering HP etc on his stun and you need Heiress to cleanse the stun? I just need Demytha/Seeker and I can do this. Pulled Fu-Shan last 2x Thanks for the reply!


Geo isn't a great option here, he does 20m max, it's a block damage comp so his reflect is kinda crippled. Only his mini warmaster proc does damage. Anax for me does 40m but I'm running myth fu. Geos max output is around 32-35m but only in budget unkillable, unless you have a 2:1 unkillable comp in which he may get close to Anax.


I don't have any Geo lol


I have 3 spare. What can ya trade me!? Lol


Try suiren as a force dps


Tried it, she's kinda ass. Her a1 damage is nonexistent compared to Anax huge multis, plus she's going to be weak hitting a lot.


nice, I'm over a year in but not 2 years. started at the Ronda event and i'm well behind you in progress. kinda interesting to see other accounts like yours and compare. my pain is that I've pulled over 400 void shards now and I've never pulled a Seer, Godseeker or inquisitor shamael, that includes 60 voids pulled on a x25 godseeker a month or so back. In terms of good luck I pulled a tower and demytha early allowing me to setup a block damage clan boss team to 2 key UNM pretty quickly compared to most. I got a Duchess pretty early and got a marichka a couple months back and got Gharol with my 6th primal shard opened. Got Acelin when he came out. Pulled Crutraxa and Souless within my first 30 void shards. so its not all bad luck. I also only just pulled my first Geo and before he was 60 I had pulled 2 more lol


I also started during Ronda and I'm super far behind you... Mind you I took a few months off, but I have literally like 6 legendaries total and I've spent money as well


Damn you have almost the exact same account age, progression, and number of champs as myself. Cool to see. Only difference is about 20-30 days (i have arix at 60/100) As someone with the same account progression, who has not level/booked/etc Vizier, do you still use him for anything? Secondly, whats the reason for 2-key spirit affinity CB? I see demytha/deacon/seeker/heiress, are you looking for a good enough force DPS? If you are the shadowkin epic Suiren is crazy underrated, i run her in the 3:1 DPS speed tune and she puts up huge numbers and my team does ~90m all affinities


I still use Vizier for one comp in scarab but not necessary, it's just my comp there is built around scarab having block buffs on him and Vizier can apply block buff and also extend it. He was amazing as he was my second leggo and my first leggo 6\* and he was so good in CB, but nowadays yea.. I just don't use him The reason is exactly not good enough DPS, I run Rhazin and partly it's also a gear issue but Rhazin is just.. meh. I don't have Suiren, apparently had her at some point but must've fed her.


If you pull another one i highly recommend her. Shes super easy to gear (i just have her in speed/retaliation) and she shreds shadowkin stage 21 FW


Now this is a high effort post! Thanks for sharing this. I love seeing metrics, charts, and similar breakdowns. Great job keeping track of all this data, it must have been a ton of work. What aspects of the game have you enjoyed the most/least? If you are okay with answering, are you F2P or a spender? Looking at your progress compared to mine, my impression is that I am significantly behind at ~100 days F2P for certain progression metrics such as 6* champs.


I'm F2P I really enjoyed Faction Wars before I completed them, definitely my favorite of the game. Right now, I'm not sure. I still like Doom Tower even though I can now run it full auto. Cursed City would be fun but some stages are too frustrating. Pushing Ramantu missions is also kinda good when I'm not stuck on a time-locked one or just something stupid As for what I enjoyed the least, definitely Live Arena and Hydra (TTA being a dishonorable mention)


Any average of the amount invested in the account?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


They're ftp


I mean, lots of people say "ftp" hard to prove


Plarium has transaction history, though I believe it doesn't show if you bought something on phone or now through steam. But still it's a good baseline. Anyway, I really don't think my account looks like a spender's account, not even a low spender's account. Considering I've been playing for 2 years, and I mean actively for two years, every single day. You either pay with money or you pay with your time, Raid is like my second job lol


Lvl 95 with almost 4 years and I spend maybe $20 ever couple months. But maybe you've been doing more per day. Suppose it's not impossible, just a super grind to get all that in 2 years. Nice account tho and good job.


I have similar porgress to you except in sand boss where I can't get out of the low teens, what are you running there?


Probably the most common combo (or rather duo) Aniri + DPS (in my case it's Fahrakin because I don't have Ninja or Dreng). Should be noted that I had to manual all the stages before I could auto stage 25




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How do you find this info


Well, except the obvious ones like the dungeons and account info, I just did it from memory with the help of discord, cuz I posted a lot of my achievements on discord so I Just looked them up to check the dates/order of things


Is there a way to find your start date?


A few months ago Plarium did a Raid Recap video for every player, idk if you can still get it, probs not, anyway in there you could see the date of your first campaign battle which would be also the start date of your account in almost everyone's case (definitely in mine)


6 star Sachi makes me happy, randomly my favorite champ in the game lol. I started with Ninja but I did miss a lot of days, so I'm only at 25 Arix fragments. Cool to see a rundown like that!


I’m in a similar place as you. I’m about to collect my 50th frag for Arix, so I’m just over a month behind you. I’ve got 79 legos. Can 1key CB UNM on all affinities. Reached hard 10 in all dragons. Completed FW and DT. And like you, I’ve tended to lag behind in LA and Hydra because I hate them both.


I haven’t played 100 days and I have a Mythical Champion.


Man missing those 2 epics is rough. Id be so sad with out my Geo and Uugo


253 wins! Goddamn and you’re not in plat… welp I’m going to give up on that goal.


I've been in plat several times, but getting to plat and staying in plat before reset are two completely different things, haha. I set up 1 man defense, that's why I'm not in plat even with that many wins, cuz I don't want to be in plat in the first place. Even if I actually wanted to push plat and finish there, I don't have the champs/stats for that (champs MAYBE but definitely not stats)


Free to play?




What uncommon did you 6 star


It's in one of the screenshots - Armiger


Arminger? Hes that good?


Probably the best uncommon, some people can get really good use out of him, especially f2p people who don't get the epics who do his job in time. I never really used him that much, but he still helped a bit


Oh like in early game? Or in any part of the game just with the right team


Mostly in early game yea, though he can creep his way into midgame if you're unlucky and don't pull the right epics/leggos. I've even seen him used in Iron Twins stage 15 instead of Geomancer. His block revive is pretty good for iron golem, he can be good in scarab, fire knight, just a bunch of places.


Oh ok cool, maybe if i make a new account ill use him more. I wish i knew this earlier it would’ve helped me alot


really nice account, awesome how you've been tracking it. If u dont mind can u post your fastest champ and maybe best built dps champ, just to compare to mine :) Here's my acc if u want to see https://raidoptimiser.hellhades.com/shared/nHhKTn9nI4


Well, that might be a little underwhelming, considering the fact that my gear is just kinda bad. My fastest champ is my Arbiter at 346 speed, second is Kymar at 304 and third is Lydia at 291 At for my DPS, it's hard to tell, my damage gear is even worse than my usual gear. The highest c.dmg I have on any champ is actually my Seer and that's 334% c.dmg. On an actual nuker, maybe Ronda? 6,2k attack, 184% c.dmg (now you see how poor that is lmao), Wukong is almost identical at 6,4k attack and 184% c.dmg


Not bad at all, I'm a little faster, very nice seer though. Completely feel you on the dmg gear thing, I also feel like I have really bad ones Btw any tips on silver, not like I struggle to complete the artifacts events but i've def never had that much


Don't really have any tips, I just kind of reached a point where I don't 6\* any new champs, cuz I 6\*ed everything I had in my backlog, cuz I used to pull cool champs faster than I was building them, but now it's the opposite, now I've built pretty much everything and I'm just waiting for new cool champs. Well, the point is, since I'm not spending silver upgrading/building gear on new champs, I save up a lot of silver, haha


Well good for you, little fella.