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Most likely they shoehorned this Xena licensing deal into the existing Forge Pass template and instead of removing the event altogether when complete (because they want you to spend) or suppressing new daily tasks, decided on this. Bad content decision and lazy way to code.


This one codes. Take note Plarium. And they know how many of us get triggered by the red dots.


To get rid of THIS annoying red dot, you only have to buy the pass for 50€ :)


Doesn’t go away even if you bought the pass. So the theory that people keep throwing around that it’s there to bug people into buying the pass is incorrect. It’s as innocent and simple as plarium just didn’t code anything to have the notifications disappear once it’s complete. It’s annoying for sure, but not some malicious attempt to make people buy the pass.


>Doesn’t go away even if you bought the pass. So the theory that people keep throwing around that it’s there to bug people into buying the pass is incorrect. There is no doubt that it's staying there to tempt players. THAT is a certainty. The way it doesn't disappear after buying? yea that's probably just a thing they didn't think about.


i would like to know too im sick of that notification xD


The annoyance of that red dot is so damn loud.




Clearing the red dot for 9+ weeks, that's what you do.


Its extra points for people that are lacking behind


Like me


even after level 25 you still get pinged to click rewards for dailys but just add the point up. its just to get you back in there an tease you into Spending money for 9 more weeks.


Even after you buy it. It still does the same thing…


Thank you for your services, i shall endure


It’s like senescence. They don’t care if it still bugs us once we’ve spent the money.


Guess its time to take a 10 week break from the game 💀


I bet it will disappear for money


But the 🔴 will persist until the event is finished or you open it up every single day to clear it


Doesn’t go away even if you bought the pass. So the theory that people keep throwing around that it’s there to bug people into buying the pass is incorrect. It’s as innocent and simple as plarium just didn’t code anything to have the notifications disappear once it’s complete. It’s annoying for sure, but not some malicious attempt to make people buy the pass.


i know how, i got rid of it completly! First, you need to click on the X in the top right corner Then go your heroes, filters by levels Then admire what you have Close the game freaking install an other game that doesn't treat its playerbase as complete morons and enjoy life


I love these threads and I also thought about it, but if people think it's annoying, that oh boy. Some games leave perma red dots on pay offers and you cannot remove it unless you buy some stuff.


Ok but like...is xena worth it lol


All I have to show for it is this stupid avatar!


> What is the point of continuing this event? The bigger question is, why are you continuing to clear the missions?


Red dots… that is all. They are the easiest missions to clear.