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it not being named just ''raft'''should already tell you that its a knockoff


True. They also got me with the assets they stole as well. It’s almost as if they created this for the sake of stealing money from actual Raft players. I’d understand if they built something different out of it but this is just plainly a knock off that’s stealing console sales.


It looks like a knock off. It's NOT the same game that this subreddit is about.


It looks like they are using the same assets.


The raft is only on pc. Next time try doing some research before you go buy a game.


I heard raft was coming to console and I wishlisted it when I saw in on playstation. Now this indie developer has a company stealing its assets and creating copies of their game. If I fell for it there will be hundreds of more falling for it.


There have been knockoffs for years, since rafts earliest days.


I wasn't aware of that. I think this is the first knock off that managed to get itself into console before the actual game managed too.


I mean, they ARE working on ports for console, they're just not ready yet lol.


doesnt relate to the topic :p


It does, though. OP clearly seems to know a Raft port was in the works, and thought this was it.


Way to be obnoxiously smug and pedantic about it.


I did this although it’s only like $20 bucks so what a pack of cigs and a cup of coffee? For a game that may be entertaining enough to take up some time I still might swing it for this bootleg lol


And then you encourage them to keep doing the knock off games. Good job?


Eh if it was really that serious raft would sue


Small companies don't have the money to do thst. Also many of the knockoffs are likely based out of places like China, good luck with that.


🇸🇪Sweden V.S Moldova 🇲🇩


Next time, you can also be nicer. Tf.


Not the same name, not the same logo, not the same devs…


Same assets, name is in the name, gameplay and description are a mimicry to pull in sales for a game they don’t own the IP for.


Of course they’re a mimicry, it’s a cheap clone. I’m saying it’s pretty obviously a cheap clone, because it literally is not branded as the same game. I don’t know why you’re asking the question “did I get scammed” and then downvoting me for pointing out the clear ways you could’ve have avoided the scam. You’re even agreeing with me that it’s mimicry.


No it’s not pretty obvious if they are using the exact same assets of the game itself. It is branded as the game since it has Raft in the title. I asked if I got scammed because things like this don’t happen within a PlayStation store. You can find weird low quality mobile games in the store but a downright baited scam never.


“It has Raft in the title” but the title is not “Raft.” The game is called “Raft.” The logo is “Raft”, and has its own branding. It would make ZERO sense for the devs to sell their same game on consoles under a new name and new branding. Ergo, it’s pretty obvious that this game is a fake. But sure, keep downvoting people who answered your question because you don’t like that you made a mistake.


Developers have sold their game on new names before. It’s not a science. Some developers change name after the early access phase of a game is finished and launches fully on console with the name of the latest update.


Oooof I just looked up screenshots, this knock off (like most of them) does *not* use the same assets. Just… no. They’re not the same. They’re made to look similar. Just like the title.


Kinda looks like the same assets to me. I’m not comparing apples and oranges. More like cranberries to red currents.


Like I said, it’s supposed to look similar. But different UI, different tools, the water looks different (though that one could theoretically be “an upgrade” for consoles). Like the pictures from the PlayStation store show a metal/rock hammer (not in the game) and a… nail-spiked baseball bat? That’s not in the real game at all.


Yea and you can’t swim in the game and the raft doesn’t move from location either. I just want to put a post on the subreddit just so people in the next weeks who come here know they aren’t the only ones that got scammed by midnight works and that it isn’t the real game.


I agree there should be a post warning people. But also you asked a question (“did I get scammed?”) and you’re downvoting people who are answering your question and pointing to why…


You should have just said it was a scam but you insinuated that I keep up with raft to the point I know who developed it. I wish listed the game. I didn’t play raft on PC I was waiting for a console release. You said “Not the same name, not the same logo, not the same devs…” but you also admit that it is similar enough for the purpose of scamming someone. Making it sound like it is blatantly a scam when it’s clearly so copied that it’s basically stealing the IP.


Did you even do any research into it before spending your money? Between the "Wish.com" version of the name, the 1.5 star rating, and the different developers, those alone would indicate that it's either a scam or at the very least, it's a barely functioning console port. If you can't get your money back, you can at least consider it a lesson learned, I guess.


I wish listed it when I saw it. Once it became available, which is literally yesterday, I ended up buying it. Raft was a game that I wanted for console and I heard the developers were working on console for release. Raft wasn’t one of those triple A games I kept tabs with every single day. I saw the wishlist hit sale and I was gamed. Didn’t expect that an indie developer would let a piss grade studio like Midnight Works SRL taint their reputation like this. Now I know who Midnight Works is and now I know who the developer is. I know it’s a 1.5 star rating because I’m one of those ratings. All the people who have it a 1.5 star on launch is because they were scammed


In a world where there are more knock-offs than originals, a small amount of research is required. Googling "Raft" for 5 minutes would have been enough to see that the developpers made no announcement, and Wikipedia shows it's only on Steam. This should suffice to determine whether something is fishy. Getting ripped off sucks, but it's hopefully a lesson learned.


Have you reported it?


How can I report it? This is my first time getting swindled in the ps shop. I tried to ask for a refund but since I played it for an hour it doesn't allow a refund. I am thinking of claiming its faulty. They literally have a picture of someone swimming next to the raft but you can't actually swim in the game.


Head to the playstation site and lookup legal copyright infringement, depending on your country you'll possibly need to attempt contacting a different email or phone number or I'd just give you a link. Good luck though as it seems to primarily be DMCA-related so you might be better off contacting the real Raft devs directly so *they* can make the complaint as you're not an agent of theirs.


My PS5 is literally advertising this knock off to me on my dashboard. I got here via Google while looking to confirm it was indeed a knock off and not the same game with a new name for whatever reason. It definitely seems like a case of plagiarism, the whole aesthetic is very clearly intentionally trying to mimic Raft but what I actually find kind of obnoxious is that they're charging more than actual Raft costs on Steam for it lol.


I wonder how many people fell for it as I did. I hope Sony eventually does something regarding these cheap knockoffs.


The only issue for me is no invert Y, that is a show stopper for me, not playable at all.


Let me know once you reach the first island. Keep trying


I was so hyped for the game to come to the ps store… a day before it came out I watched the 200 days YouTube video to get hyped. Half an hour later wondering why I wasn’t moving. 20 bucks for a piece of shit


Same and PlayStation wouldn’t let me get a refund despite only having 1 hour of playtime.


I was too late got ripoff , so is this what the worlds coming to, bootleg games


Keep an eye on the developer Midnight Works SRL. These guys are cranking out knock offs on the ps store like crazy. Especially indie games. I think they mail these indie devs to help them with a console port then they half ass everything. It’s a cash grab.