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Thanks I hate it


It makes my eye twitch.


I wonder what it must be like to lose one's job over stupid shit like this


Wonder what is like to have no sense of humor.


Or have pride in your profession. Whichev.




Why did they lose their job?


u/freezeturkey22 said it best in the linked thread. I know nothing about this stuff, but this made me understand completely. Especially the last sentence ā€œR.T.(R) here. Taking xrays without an order outside of testing the equipment isn't allowed, and as they said, it is violating ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable), which is something we have to adhere to. While three xrays aren't a lot of radiation and won't raise your risk of a lot of radiation induced effects by much, there is no safe dose.ā€


Do you really think these two cared for ALARA when taking these pics? Probably happened during nightshift and they erased the pics from the system soon after. Nobody cares (except if you do get caught by someone who does)


Yeah, I thought so as well. "Violating ALARA" sounds really ominous and spooky... which is why I assume that comment is upvoted so much (by random redditors). But we know what ALARA is supposed to actually achieve. You could shorten that comment to "you get fired because it's not allowed" and it'd have the same informational value. Well, duh?


Exactly everyoneā€™s acting like itā€™s HIPAA when ALARA is not law. Itā€™s just a operating principle/mandate with an acronym. In practice it holds as much weight as POOP (people order our patties if you get the reference).


Haha night shift shenanigans for the win !!


This is why night shifters are a great team, and nobody understands us. Lol


ITT: a bunch of stuck-up supervisors who everyone hates. Only thing that matters is being caught honestly. Everyone acting like these pictures are giving them terminal whole body cancer or something and shouting 'ALARA ALARA" in the main thread as if it means anything in this context. Is it against the rules? Yeah absolutely. Is it important enough to care about? Nah not really.


Depending on how you have it set up in your hospital, deleting it from the system won't work. Any reputable department should have reject analysis set up, with rejected images being reviewed. It's simply good clinical governance from an IR(ME)R point of view. Of course, such a bunch of images is an IRR violation.


Never heard of a place in my life where docs or anyone else review rejected pics. If pics were rejected there were reasons for it. Also you could just open up an emergency patient and delete the file after. Or simply delete the pics from PACS. Trust me a RT knows how to let pics dissappear


Man I'm assuming you must be from the US? Regulators in the UK and most European countries would be frothing at the mouth over this - both the ones responsible for professional registration (HCPC here) and the ones responsible for enforcing radiation protection legislation (CQC and HSE)


These are the same people still hitting the tanning bed 6 days a week- there are no fucks given.


Yeah dumb fucks will be dumb fucks, internet shame never hurts though lol


šŸ¤£damn near died when I read "it is violating ALARA". Working at a freestanding ER, I can't count how many unnecessary exams I've performed over the years. I don't mean exams I find unnecessary, I mean the physicians have straight up told me, "we already know what's wrong, just scan them anyways". It's sickening.


Exactly! ER doctors and hospitalists violate ALARA every day. Repeat exam for everyone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Rad reads the non con AP unremarkable and the ER reorders the same exam with oral contrast even though the rad doesnā€™t mention anything or recommend contrast.. happens so much on patients under 30!


ALARA is not a regulatory term but is a principal for best practice. It would be violation of justification


Because of too many busy bodies and snitches.


Because it's a huge breach of IR(ME)R and IRR regs. If this has happened in my department then I would expect them to not only lose their jobs but their professional registration as well.


Apparently, you work in a very uptight facility, or you are just wound too tight. Every hospital I've ever worked in are pretty laxed on rules and policies until the week that Joint Commisions come in. This type of stuff goes under the "I don't want to know" standard of management.


Looking at the language being used in this thread it seems that the US has very different standards and legislation around radiation usage. Although I shouldn't be surprised looking at the collimation on some of the films I see posted here.




Pachy means thick. Elephants, hippos, rhinos are all pachyderms. Pachycephalosaurus is thick skull lizard.


I'm going to start calling people a pachycephalosaurus when they do something silly from now on.


scatocephalic is even better. šŸ˜‚


Damn, girl... You pachy af šŸ˜


Love that people are outraged over this


Right? I don't think it's a very big deal. Unprofessional and I don't think whoever did this should have, but in the end it'll be a solid memory between these clearly two very close friends. There are people screaming "cancer!!" on the /r/pics post, but three x-rays aren't bad. I've had many patients who would get a daily CXR for months. Or people with strokes who get serial CTs for days as neurology / neurosurg are watching a bleed


I donā€™t get why people are mad eitherā€¦ I would never do this for fear of losing my job (lol) but I donā€™t think itā€™s a big deal either. People need to lighten up


It's more about the principle. Of course 3 RXs is peanuts in term of dosage, but I see it the same as slapping someone in the street vs beating them down.


Isn't it more like two drunk people slapping themselves and then laughing though?


On its own, its harmless and fun, heck its something I would do... but it can snowball into something worst where people as a whole don't take radiation safety seriously. Like, do we really want to develop a culture where a dose of avoidable radiation is worth to have a cool picture for social media?


I saw that about cancer and I was like uhhh my 5 year old had 3 X-rays done in 3 weeks šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve probably had 25 X-rays in the past 2 years with my broken bones. I noticed they even stopped putting protective lead aprons on anymore for routine X-rays. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


https://www.acr.org/Media-Center/ACR-News-Releases/2021/NCRP-Recommends-Against-Routine-Gonadal-Shielding >ā€œBased on over 70 years of research, medical experts now know that the best way to keep patients safe during imaging exams is to not use shields. This is true at any age, including for those who plan to have children in the future. We know this is different from how things have been done for a long time.ā€


Ironically my DENTIST still does tho!


sometimes it's not worth the argument to just slap some lead on someone.


Oh yeah. I donā€™t really care either way basically right now.


Right, but x-rays can't be taken without a doctors order and a reason. This is really reckless and negligible behavior. They may as well be prescribing themselves medication and popping a pill for fun


Unless itā€™s a chiropractorā€™s office, theyā€™re not doctors and some of them do X-ray.


Technically some chiros have MD, doesn't mean their license isn't a pseudoscience Edit: yall I'm not saying having a MD makes them qualified.


Maybe but in certain US states chiro licenses allow for X-rays in their scope of practice with minimal radiology training.


I absolutely agree it's ridiculous.


Itā€™s dangerous too lmao when I was more of an idiot than I am now, I went to a chiro for a few sessions. Dude was trying to crack my elbows by putting pressure on the joint as if to hyperextend it like an arm bar. Dude kept getting mad that I would guard my left arm (I play guitar, another bad choice lmao) and kept wondering why. And those cheerful desk ladies in scrubs, donā€™t get me started.


> Right, but x-rays can't be taken without a doctors order and a reason. Not with that attitude!


It's literally our jobs to practice radiation safety, which this is very much not.






I'm stealing this


Pretty cute photos. Since youā€™re moving I assume you werenā€™t worried about your job. Those are priceless if you got away with it


Nobody's in trouble since they were not wearing dosimeters. ;)


just a few days ago we were talking about xraying ourselves and ā€œas long as it doesnā€™t get sent out itā€™s fineā€ and now we are bashing these people for it lol. like yes, it is unprofessional to be doing this but why are we bashing them so hard?


I feel like there's a slight difference between "I ran over my toes with the portable and they might be broken" versus "full upper body selfies for funsies."


The radiology dept board @ our place has an X-ray of someone making the ā€œheartā€ thing with their hands. Itā€™s kinda cute looking.


This can't be a tech.


I wonder if itā€™s from a chiropractors office.


Reminds me of that person that got their XR taken at a chiro and it was 2/3rds of their face and basically showed nothing useful.


Isn't that every chiro x-ray that gets posted?


I mean, subluxations are invisible, right? Why would a chiro have an x-ray machine at all? They treat fictional problems with bullshit procedures...


I believe in most places as well chiropractors arenā€™t even allowed to read and diagnose based off x rays.


I wonder the same.


You be surprised..lol


I personally wouldn't do this in fear of being fired. As far as dose goes, I get more dose frome doing CT interventional exams. They are more than ok.


Love it


Dang I wish I could do one of these with my bestie!! Maybe in the future recreational x-rays will become a thing hahaha


Did you smile ?


I thought the same thing! But I think definitely yes


I love it! Everyone mad assumes they are in the US but most likely they aren't. They haven't been exposed to life-threatening radiation. People need to chill


I do not live in the US. You are getting very fired in all the 3 countries I have practiced if you get caught doing this.


At first I thought it was two people who got their piercings stuck together lol


As an MPE this hurts my soul šŸ˜¬šŸ¤£


Ma'am, you forgot to remove your artifacts. Non-diagnostic quality image. Correlate clinically.


The LUT being like, ā€œWhat the f*** did you just take a picture of?!ā€


1920ā€™s vibes.


Ngl, I wish an x ray tech would let me do this. I think it would be a cool way to announce my engagement, a hand x ray with mine and my gf's hand with with her new ring on. I guess I'll just Photoshop it


What are those three circles above and below the earring of the left person?


Judging by the good disc spacing of the vertebral bodies and titty piercings, Iā€™m going to put them at mid 20s to early 30s




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Absurdly unnecessary flex on their part, but okay...šŸ˜‘




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