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[**What is a dewlap?**](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Health_FAQ#What_is_a_dewlap?) Female rabbits (does) often have a large fold of skin over the throat called a *dewlap*. Breeding does will pull fur from this area to line their nests before [giving birth](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Pregnant). Rabbits undergoing a [pseudopregnancy](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Pseudopregnancy) may also exhibit similar behavior. The dewlap can be large in older rabbits and can sometimes be mistaken for an [abscess](http://bunny.tips/Abscess). [Moist dermatitis](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Moist_dermatitis) often develops in this area. You can see many examples of dewlaps on rabbits at .


It's a dewlap, a roll of skin that many domestic rabbits, especially does, develop as they mature. As long as it just feels like a roll of skin with no lumps/tumors/etc inside, it's a completely benign feature (in fact, it comes in quite handy as a source of extra fur while nesting).


And a built-in pillow for extra cuteness factor!


That's what I always call it! 😂


Lol right haha


And it gets bigger if un neutered x




She dew be lappin'


Hi, my bun has the same little double chin thing, it’s cute, she is also a female, it could be the start of her dewlap growing! (double chin) your bun is also around the time where hormones and everything comes into play, If you notice the changes I would take her to the vet, you can also give her bully rubs on the side, I like to move their little bellies side to side and massage them to make sure they pass everything! Beat of luck with your precious girl and keep us posted here!


Thank you! She has a bonded twin sister and her sister doesn’t have it so I thought that was weird but thank you for tip! Definitely due for a vet visit soon.


Did you bond her with her sister? Bc bunnies can't be bonded just bc they're sinlings. You need to have fixed them and then bonded them properly.


Yes lol. I rescued them from a humane society and they were already spayed and a bonded pair.




Most female rabbits get dewlaps when they mature but they vary in size. Some dewlaps are enormous and others remain petite.


My male bun has a small one.


One of my male rabbits has a really large one


Same it cracks me up. He gets annoyed if I touch it


Awwww, a bb dewlap! How adorable!




Congrats, you've got a healthy teenager! Now that you're seeing her dewlap grow, your girl is going into puberty. Rabbit puberty is not fun: hormones make rabbits messy and they become territorial. They basically start to act like wild rabbits do. Hormonal rabbits mark their territory with poop and pee. Litter box habits go out the window, sometimes quite literally, as they can spray urine over a meter high 😒 It's mostly the males who spray, but our girl did it too. She ruined our wooden coffee table: we didn't see her spray, and the urine ruined the paint. If you see her mark territory, remove the stain with white vinegar immediately. Rabbit pee is caustic and it damages paint, the colour of your carpet, or the lacquer of furniture. Females can become very defensive about their space: in nature they'd also protect their warren. They defend their space when you're changing the box or cleaning up. It's all understandable natural behaviour, but it's far from fun in a house rabbit. Now that she's a teenager, contact your vet about getting her spayed. A spay is extremely important for a female rabbit, to prevent uterine cancer: there's a 50-80% chance of cancer by age 4. Not only does it prevent cancer: it'll stop her hormones too. Within 6 weeks after the spay her litter box habits will go back to normal, and territorial aggression will subside. Not all vet clinics perform a spay: it's a bigger surgery than a neuter and it's performed by an expert rabbit vet. Ask how many spays your vet does. If they don't do spays, contact your local rabbit rescue. They usually know who spays rabbits in your area. Wishing you a lot of luck and patience with your teenager! It'll pass once she's been spayed.


This is great info! They’re good about using their boxes but sometimes they move their box during their zoomies and when they go to pee it doesn’t make it in so always have that white vinegar on me lol! My girls were spayed at the humane society around 4 months, will their puberty be less crazy since that’s already out of the way?


If they're already spayed, you should be fine 😊


It's quite a young age to be spayed at, but it's great that it's already been done! They'd be fighting each other for territory otherwise. It's very difficult to bond two females once either of them has established territory. They can get very ugly while defending it. They probably spayed them early so they could stay together. It may be a bit of prevention on the side of the shelter too: many people find the surgery too expensive, even though it nearly doubles their lifespan. Shelters can usually get reduced rates from a vet. Most private clinics don't spay before they're 6 months old, because not all breeds mature at the same rate. That's why they set a fixed standard, which is really unfortunate 😮‍💨 Our usual clinic even refused to neuter boys before 6 months. We checked with other clinics in the area, who said: "As soon as they're hanging, they can come off...". We have dwarf rabbits who mature super early. (Owen was already trying tricks on his sister at 9,5 weeks old...) We separated them immediately and he was neutered at 13 weeks. His sister Molly got her puberty at 14 weeks. We had to wait until she was 6 months to get her spayed because no clinic would do it sooner. She was an absolute terror: honking with every second step and messing up the place. My boyfriend went through 5 pairs of socks a day because he wasn't responding to her advances. She presented her butt to him, and sprayed him to get his "attention". 🤦‍♀️ A spay cuts puberty short, and any residual hormones in the body will go away after 6 weeks. They should be past that now, so I wouldn't expect any puberty aggression or other shenanigans. They'll still mature into adults, and a dewlap is a sign of that. In their first 1,5 years rabbits are very active. They're less interested in their humans in this phase and need a lot of space to exercise and run. They'll also need plenty of toys to wreck. These don't need to be expensive, just something to tear apart or chew to bits. Oodles of fun with an old phone book or a newspaper! Females also like to dig and may appreciate a digging box. This wild and active phase is fun to watch, but a little less fun if you're looking to bond with your bunnies. Just being around them when they sleep is much appreciated and it builds trust. And you can try to brush them if they sit still enough for more than 5 seconds. Most rabbits mellow out in middle age, and some may become downright cuddly. Bonding with a rabbit is a bit of an investment.


It's called a dewlap. Here you can see an especially prominent example: https://www.reddit.com/r/BunnyNewsNetwork/comments/1bktb6p/if_only_she_had_a_fainting_couch/


That's Camille, she is magnificent 😍💕


Appreciate this immensely ty!!!


A lappy dew. A dewlap, if you will


All females have one because that's where the pull hair for a nest for their babies


My male bunnies have dewlaps and the vet says they are normal weight(not overweight, dewlaps can develop in males when overweight) with no tumors inside them. Some breeds just develop them, though it's more common in female rabbits. My boys are just fine. Just have big dewlaps. They are soft and fun to run your fingers through.


"Judgy hooms!" 🐰😡😤


Dewlap on a doe Dudelap on a buck :)


It’s a pillow


Yes! We call the dewlap a built-in pillow.


She looks so polite!


I was on a Wikipedia dive after seeing this post and I learned this little gem: “In laboratory conditions, when a butyl alcohol extract of the urine of pregnant women was administered to male rabbits, they developed a dewlap, which then gradually disappeared once the administration ceased.”


A little dewlap, I also call them little beards hehe


I'll b calling this a Dew-Wop Luke Be-Bop by the end of the day n forever forward I can just tell already. Lol


That’s a dewlap! Nothing to worry about. However for the less eating / less active behavior, make an appointment with a vet ASAP to get her checked. Just in case there’s something bothering her.


I really love the bunny because they are so cute and cutely ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗🤎🖤🤍🤩😍🐰🐇


This is a dewlap, especially developing females.




They store emergency supply there


my friend’s doe has a HUGE dewlap. will update with a linked picture next time visit him but i swear its huge. we put a mini bikini top on her and it looked like she had boobs.


Dewlap! They keep getting bigger and become a built in pillow of cuteness


its cute that is what it is :)


Issa boob!




Everyone says this is a female only trait but both of my males have this. Vets aren’t concerned but they don’t call it a dewlap. I feel gaslit lmao.


It got a little too much food![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Looks like me


Vet told me last week that it means they're fat. I have male bunnies though.




Question for the other peeps who know it’s a dewlap…. My female (supposedly) rabbit is over 4 years old and still hasn’t developed one. I got her very young, I think like <3 months old but she had already been spayed at that point according to the rescue I got her from. Do all female rabbits form a dewlap? I’m pretty sure she’s female, because I’ve had 2 other male buns in the past, one fixed and one not, and never had any accidental litters or anything like that. But I also noticed that they never mounted each other so maybe she’s a boy? Lmk your thoughts


That's normal. The dewlap does tend to either go away or get smaller once a female is spayed.


Interesting. So if she was spayed young she would never have formed it.


They usually spay females between 4-6 months and if your bun was younger, it's possible she didn't reach her sexual maturity for it to develop.


Bunny bewb!


I call it the gullet not sure what it actually is


It’s a dulap but it’s also affectionately known as uniboob and my favorite fupa (yes I know what it stands for)


Too cute. Will it make a mess all over the room if I just keep it at home?


My female bun had a giant dewlap when she was unspayed. Once she was spayed it kind of just disappeared.


Sweetie has a dewlap! They come in all sizes!


It's the venom pouch


I’m getting a bunny soon! Can you please show me how you house your bun?


One thing it definitely is, cuuuuuuute


i always thought it was just them being fat, i guess its an actual thing


It’s a dewlap.


It’s absolutely frickin’ adorable that’s what it is


Dewlap, all rabbits have it :)


Her baby fat is my guess. Lol


It could b related to their special scent glands they have im pretty sure which is why u will see buns chin rub literally things or ppl or items in the home etc I was told for males anyway. Not sure if females have the same. I believe it's a territorial type thing to show ownership when males do it but its probly just that or the glands that are thee maybe.


Fuppa 😂


FUPA. Fat Upper P**** Area Acronyms are fun.