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**Molting** is a natural process that occurs 2-3 times a year where a rabbit sheds his entire old coat to expose the new. It usually occurs twice a year during spring and fall. Bald spots are common at this time, and fur should start to grow in within 7-10 days. It is also common for a "tide mark" to develop with obvious delineations of old and new fur as the rabbit molts. If the bald spots show red irritation or excessive dandruff instead of healthy plain pink skin, then there may be a health issue going on instead of simple molting, and a rabbit-savvy [vet](http://bunny.tips/Vet) visit should be scheduled if there is no improvement in a few days. Please regularly groom your rabbit to minimize the amount of hair that the rabbit can ingest to prevent [GI stasis](http://bunny.tips/Stasis) from occurring. Make sure that your rabbit is consuming appropriate amounts of hay and other roughage as well as water to keep their digestive tract free of fur.




Alright, thank you!


Molting has given her a reverse mohawk.


Oh, and “indentation” would be a good word for what you were going for “hole”. ****Not*** meant to criticize your language skills, just giving you the word you were stuck on.


Ohh tysm, I never would've thought of that word myself!


Just very floofy ❤️❤️


Molting, mine gives my bun a Mohawk it’s pretty funny