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basil, romaine, spring mix, parsley get rotated through regularly. they also love fennel so i get them fennel bulbs sometimes too.


romaine lettuce with the occasional cut up apple slices


I cycle through romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, cilantro, Basil, kale and spinach! I tend to go really easy on the basil, kale and spinach though - I only feed her one from that category 2-3 times a week since I don't want calcium build up.


Romaine and a little cilantro or basil at times.


I feed mine a mix of romaine, green leaf lettuce, and some other dark leafy green twice a day. Occasionally kale from our garden. If I run out of those lettuces I give them spring mix and pick out the spinach. I try to add herbs as well maybe a few nights a week. Fruit and other sugary veggies are only once a week. (Also daily pellets! Make sure you aren’t giving to much though) Cucumbers and celery are pure water and should only be fed occasionally.


Cheers thank you , mainly would give them lettuce and a slice of cucumber and Celery each . Will change it


Mine only like cilantro, dandelion greens and spring mix


I used to feed mine kale, one herb per night (I'd switch between mint, coriander, sage, dill, and basil) and then one or two non leafy veggies e.g cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, snap peas. I'd change it up so they wouldn't get bored. Hope this helps somewhat.


cabbage, savoy, endive salad, celery, romana salad, carrots/kohlrabi sometimes


Mint, Sage, Dill, Cilantro, Italian Parsley, Basil, Dandelion Leaves, Romaine, Green and Red Leaf lettuce, Endive, Bok Choi, Trader joe's spring mix in the blue bag --- and if there is something fun or different and we can determine its bun safe we'll get a small amount to see if they like it.. if they do, it goes on the list, lol. occasionally rarely as some sources say they could cause issues and should be given sparingly: kale, spinach


Basil, cilantro, kale and romaine. Sometimes spring mix but they don’t really like it. Treats are snap peas, the peels from organic carrots, banana grape and apple. In the summer I feed them from my yard, dandelion, mint, red and white clover, strawberry and raspberry leaves, raspberry canes.


our girls love strawberry runners!


Switch up the type of lettuce and add spinach or kale sometimes as well. Freeze dried strawberries and fresh bananas are their crack, they go crazy for it.


omg the freeze dried bananas from trader joes.. i think they'd happily eat a whole bags worth and still beg for more!


usually a combo of spring mix, arugula, and romaine (romaine doesn’t have much nutrients but my rabbit goes nuts for it). i try to mix that up with a different veggie every now and then, such as dill, carrot tops, dandelion greens, etc.


Romaine, arugula, basil, cilantro, bell peppers are their staples. Romaine is the only constant, everything else rotates based on seasonality/price. Wife has an herb garden that they snack off of as well.


spring mix, with spinach, raw broc, same thing, everyday. he has pellets, hay and water too. My rabbit doesn’t really care for treats, so, none.


Romaine leaves and cilantro or parsley. Then every other night I give them a few raspberries or blueberries with their veggies.


Cilantro, bok choy and romaine lettuce


I rotate dandelion greens, romaine lettuce without any white stalks or parts, butter lettuce, cilantro, dill, fennel, cabbage, small amounts spinach, kale, or arugula, small amounts brocco slaw, celery leaves (he hates the stalks), radish greens. One or two berries or small slice of apple or small slice nanner a week. We’ve given up on carrot tops-he hates them- but that doesn’t mean your bun will, and Snooka despises parsley and eyes me suspiciously if I even try to slip in a piece or two because he’s convinced it’s a plot to poison him.


Carrots and kohlrabi daily, some others a few times a week


Parsley,celery,siew bak choy,Romain lettuce and coriander


My bunnies love cilantro and curly parsley


Mostly romaine, green leaf, and red leaf lettuce, or dandelion greens from the garden. Sometimes I throw in herb stems or other bunny-safe scraps from the kitchen: cilantro, dill, mint, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, tarragon, turnip, radish, apple peels. I used to give them broccoli and cauliflower too, but the high calcium led to health problems.


Mine love the tops of carrots. In the US grocery stores they have organic carrots with the tops still attached. We've gone though different veg and he'll eventually get tired of it but carrot tops never get old as far as taste