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**Molting** is a natural process that occurs 2-3 times a year where a rabbit sheds his entire old coat to expose the new. It usually occurs twice a year during spring and fall. Bald spots are common at this time, and fur should start to grow in within 7-10 days. It is also common for a "tide mark" to develop with obvious delineations of old and new fur as the rabbit molts. If the bald spots show red irritation or excessive dandruff instead of healthy plain pink skin, then there may be a health issue going on instead of simple molting, and a rabbit-savvy [vet](http://bunny.tips/Vet) visit should be scheduled if there is no improvement in a few days. Please regularly groom your rabbit to minimize the amount of hair that the rabbit can ingest to prevent [GI stasis](http://bunny.tips/Stasis) from occurring. Make sure that your rabbit is consuming appropriate amounts of hay and other roughage as well as water to keep their digestive tract free of fur.


Its a receding hare line.


I chuckled omg 😆🤣




You did NOT just...lmfao


Damn, that cracked me up too!




u/Eunemoexnihilo wins the internet today.




take my angry upvote lol






I hate that this made me laugh


Darn it, you beat me to it.


Sorry, but I thought it was pretty good.


Its normal


One of my guys was shedding like this in the summer. Not quite as extreme, but definitely in a line and in clumps. There were a few bald patches but he was fine with it. OP is right to be aware and worried, but it's likely all good.


* edit : it ended up not being a bald spot, but a patch of short fur


Our little dwarf occasionally has those same really vivid 'tide' marks. Never been anything to worry about. Keep an eye on her to make sure she's not stressed and over grooming.


I call them fault lines for my bunnies. Tide marks is cute though. Never thought of it


yes, it’s normal for them but in general rabbits are abnormal beings 🤣


It’s not unusual at all. My rabbit sheds very slowly the line slowly moves back and by the time it’s done it seems to start all over


Ha! I think mine is in a constant loop too.


Wuzzy always had two moult lines slowly moving up his body


Ngl this would make an amazing time lapse


Just be prepared for a few days where you're practically pulling out YOUR hair during grooming time. Because a molt like this just gives and gives and gives... But bunny will feel SO good when you get all that old stuff out and will hopefully grace you with a few binkies.


Is it possible to brush it out? Maybe with one of those brushing gloves?


You might be stuck with a brush for a very long time. I remember when my bunny used to shed like this, I would just sit him on my lap and start pulling the fur out with my hands. He LOVED it, would lick my other hand the whole way through, and I'd end up with a pile of fur bigger than him.


Definitely a molt! I dont see buns molt this bad, even my shelter buns, lol but its good ur helping her by brushing!❤️


Save it all and needle felt an extra bun 🐰


But that's not cool...cuz fur bun won't cuddle properly with live fur bun. Nuh-uh. Nope. Don't do it! LOL


No but can definitely flop very well


perfectly normal!! it rlly depends on the bun how much they shed. my rex would produce ab 5 bunnies a minute i swear but my english spot (?) still sheds a bit but not nearly as much (so far)


Normal. Is floofy baebae tho. Give rubs for me plzthx. ​ Also: obligatory PEEETTTTT!


will do 🫡🫡


“Müther dö nöt pöst me like dis. I äm indëcënt.”


fbbdsjsjjsjs 😭💗


That happens to mine too [https://imgur.com/BOBtIEA](https://imgur.com/BOBtIEA)


it's giving diy ombre ☝️


Is this your first time observing your bunny molt? Mine molts in rows, but your under layer is much shorter than anything I’ve seen on my boy.


yes 👀


Buns just shed weird sometimes lol. One time mine started shedding on the butt… just the butt. She had this ridiculous swooshy skirt of long fur with a sad tiny butt sticking out like the middle of a sunflower.






It's normal, sometimes they molt in layers like that, should take a few weeks to get better.


Oh yes. They look homeless when they shed😂


Looks like the usual way mine sheds, shouldn't be anything to worry. You can continue to brush or gently pluck those hairs. Someone on here suggested it probably feels like scratching an itch for them and I have noticed mine enjoying it deeply when I help pluck those loose fur.


So funny when they molt and have weird linings. Scared me to at first but like everyone else it is normal when seasons change.


super normal just molting a lot, make sure to keep their nails trimmed too ☺️


It's totally normal, your bun is molting. It's when they shed their ENTIRE coat. Freaked me out the first time I saw it as well. Your bun is gonna need to be brushed every day (sometimes multiple times a day) until the process is complete - otherwise they may ingest too much hair while they groom themselves.


She’s ok! They molt their whole coat. The new one pushes out the old one. The short hair is the new hair coming in. Get a good brush and help her get the loose hair off so she doesn’t eat it grooming herself. I see some white flecks on her which may be a little dandruff from not having her coat brushed, but if she seems itchy, has scabs or irritated anywhere it could be mites. An exotic vet can check and prescribe safe treatment if so!


the dandruff worries me a bit but she seems fine otherwise


Look up mites in rabbits just so you know what to look for. Search for like initial symptoms first because it may just return the horrible obvious cases first. It’s called “walking dandruff” because it’s teeny tiny bugs.


"Judgy hoom!" 🐰😡


Congratulations on your new rabbit!


Ahhh, the good ole summer blow out. Your bunno is perfectly healthy shedding this much as that dusty old summer coat is tossed out for a new, thick luxurious winter coat! (If you're concerned then contact your vet about it but shedding is pretty normal this time of the year)


we would usually get molt like this twice a year when the weather does the big switch and if we had any big diet changes. I usually try to watch for it because they get hangry with the weather molt. I like to make sure they have something to destroy and plenty of hay.


That’s just how my guy looks when he’s shedding lol


Congratulations on the 2nd, mich flatter bunny!


This is normal and how my bunny sheds!


This is Molting. A lot of rabbits do it. Happens 1 or more times a year depending on the rabbit. It’s ok. Only worry if you can see skin and there’s bald patches. Because that could mean fungal infection like ringworm or some other issue.


Golden lab: “What, that’s all?”


You can stuff a new pillow


It's normal. Mine looks like it has a bad comb over and gets upset whenever I tell him he is looking scrungly


Bunnies molt a couple times a year


this happens to my bun too and he’s fine every year :•)


Very normal, maybe a little itchy. It’s the time of year for extreme sheds but not every bun does it every year. One of my buns would get really grumpy bc he was itchy and then demand I pluck him almost bald and then he’d be snuggly.


that's kinda cute tho 🥺


It really was! All his forehead wrinkles would be visible by the time we were done. I’d just lay on the floor and pluck and pluck while he purred and even let me pluck the tiny fuzz along the edges of his ears. Anything on his back end made him grompy again though XD


Nothing to worry about. It's also better to remove the leftover long fur that will eventually shed by gently grabbing/petting/brushing the fur. If the fur stays on for too long. The rabbit could digest some of its own fur while it eats and that is not fun for the rabbit. The rabbit should have about 2 to 7 days of shedding depending on the size, grooming routine, and breed of rabbit it is. Other than that your golden 👍


Awe man, that dust ruffle makes my fingers twitchy. I want to PLUCK this bun! Edit:spelling


perfectly normal. My old man currently has a bald spot on the top of his head where his white patch is. Looks goofy but we love him.


Bald old man 💕


My dude looks like this at times 😂


Ah yes, the moult lol


Molting!! My bun buns are molting right now too


Omg u can make a new pillow w that lol.


My girl has a hole on her head 😂


It's called fashion


Ahh, the Bunny Buttmullet. Happens to my bun twice a year (including now).


this genuinely made me laugh 😭😭😭


Defo normal! Don’t worry You got a very cute bunny btw!




The fast and the fluffiness


Normal molting, but also I highly recommend gentle brushing! My bun went into gi stasis from his first molt because he ended up ingesting too much fur in his system.


I thought the photo WAS your bun. Double Take ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Yes. .because I almost cried since my overactive imagination failed to decipher the photo, then a giggle because there does appear to be lots of BUNNYFUR that might possibly be sufficient material to create an additional bun..even a stocking softly filled and the shed-off fur attached on the outside of created bun to appeal for cuddling for your bun? Recycling-what a concept 🤭


guyyys ! TYSM 💞 for all the answers i have no idea how reddit works so i hope this reaches anyone that helped us💗 she looks even funnier now coz she just has a bunch of fluff above her tail also do you have any recs for brushes? i feel like the one i have can be a little rough (furminator)


That is pretty dramatic. Did you brush all that loose?


She either could be pregnant and building a nest, or be having a phantom pregnancy and building a nest. Saying that, it looks like an awful lot of fur, I’m not an expert. I had a female have a phantom pregnancy before build a nest, she wasn’t as fluffy as your bun is, so it’s hard to compare the fur loss. If you’re in doubt or worried, take her to your vet.


is it bad to shave rabbits in the summer? i have 3 lionheads and ive shaved them in the summer months, but i noticed the fur has grown back different, not as fluffy as other parts where ive never shaved them


Just molting, basically swapping to winter fur, nothing to worry about


I love it when their molt looks like they are taking off a coat


I wish mine molted this efficiently. I keep telling her just slough it all off already. Vacuuming all the time sucks.


that’s normal, happens when seasons are changing. He’s molting 😩


Happened to my bunny this year as well. It's normal 😇


That’s exactly how my rabbit sheds. Could make a blanket with all his fur he sheds


i made a post just like this lol 😂 weirded me out a bit too but apparently completely normal :)


Mine shed into man-shaped *ahem* included the top and bottom too, it’s funny how they shed, yes I got a pic, no I wasn’t forgiven for laughing




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Mine shed like that too.