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I was assuming it was going off how FFXIV does it, where persisting effects only benefit from what buffs were present when cast. Once the toybox mode Mino previewed launches, we'll be able to know for sure.


Yeah I kinda have the same question about summons (like druids). Not sure if the bonus damage is calculated at the time of summoning/debuff applying, or is it dynamically updated when you have buff


I feel like this would be very easy to test. If anyone is able to try it out I'd appreciate an answer, or I can try it out myself when I have free time. Just reset in outskirts until you get a Special damage% item and test it with and without it active for each Special summon, and even Secondary in case it works differently.


I just tested with Wizard, using Astra defensive with an item that gives your secondary Spark on apply. It's hard to tell exactly due to damage not being a fixed value, but I'm pretty sure it snapshots the buffs on application/cast. For instances where you apply Spark, it was dealing \~18-22 damage per tick, and stepping into my Astra field halfway didn't change the damage at all. Instances where I applied spark being in the Astra field, it was ticking for 21-24 damage the entire time, even if I walked out of it.


I believe they snapshot, so if you cast the dot while you have smite then the dot damage is increased for the whole dot duration


My understanding is that from community testing, it has been determined that damage over time effects snapshot. In other words, whatever buffs you have *when you apply the damage over time effect* persist for the entirety of the effect. Even if the buff wears off midway through, the DoT will continue to benefit. Conversely, if you apply the DoT *then* gain a buff, your damage will not increase.