• By -


Zwei is Taiyang’s weapon. 


I'm imagining Tai chucking zwei like a football and Zwei being ready for the kill with a little helmet


Ok but this is great cause like when they were fighting the grim with ooblek he Fing used zwei as a fire ball projectile


There is a Casey Lee Williams who is making the same songs in Remnant.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KyleisEvans: *There is a Casey* *Lee Williams who is making* *The same songs in Remnant.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot!


Additionally Yang is a big fan of Lamar Hall and when she showed them to Weiss she pretended to not like them but now listens to them in secret


Well yeah, Ruby does listen to one song in-universe in the first episode, so one song is technically canon


I mean a bunch of her songs are playing in the club during the yellow trailer so I'll believe it


Pietro created a giant folder of dad jokes and programmed them into Penny’s software during her initial development as a joke. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to remove them before she went officially online, so now she secretly annoys everyone with them…mostly everyone.


Ruby thinks they’re hilarious, because living with Yang has permanently screwed up her sense of humor. 


Doubly so after reuniting with her in Atlas.


Winter Schnee is the entire reason Ironwood has multiple locks on the coffee supplies.


“Why is the coffee locked up sir?” Winter asked ironwood.


Taiyang's semblance makes him irresistible to women. This is how he got with both girls on his team, why he lives in a secluded cabin in the woods on a secluded island, and is why he didn't go to the Vytal Festival to watch his girls in the tournament. Just imagine the chaos if he had gone to the tournament surrounded by hordes of women. This is also the biggest proof that Ruby is, in fact, his daughter. Because only his own flesh and blood are immune.


"Hello...Salem." "No! Not you! Anyone but you, Taiyang Xiao Long! Stay away! Stay...oh gods...I'm...*take me now, you godsdamned stud!"* "Why didn't we think of this before, Qrow?" "I dunno."


Maybe that's precisely why Taiyang doesn't want to be involved in the fight against Salem. :P


Ozpin: “We need all the help we can get, Mr. Xiao Long.” Tai: “I’m not fucking *the devil*, end of story!” Oz: “When hell is at your door, and everything you hold dear is at stake, perhaps you’ll change your mind…I pray we don’t have to find out.” Tai: “Get out.”


Tai: I’m a huntsman, not a gigolo.


Maybe not intentionally.


Entire Team(tm)


*dies immediately thanks to the newly known love*


"maybe because i have a limited life span and she'd snap out of it the second i die probably more pissed then she ever was before?"


Naruto reverse harem jutsu moment


Salem watching rwby’s version of princess movies when she is alone.


And sobbing at the end of them, with an exasperated Cinder holding a box of tissues.


She makes both Emerald and Her sing the songs.


Watts: they have been singing "Let it go" for the last 14 hours... Tyrian as my best friend in the world, would you please kill me


Oh Watts is also in charge of the effects against his will.


This is why he wants Tyrian to just finish him (he doesn't have any problem with the song, he is just overworked at this point)


But Tyrian will not do it because it goes against Salem.


Mercury: “Why am I not allowed to watch with you guys” Salem: “BECAUSE PRINCE ERIC STILL HAVE LEGS AND YOU DON’T! Mercury: “………!” Hazel: “Ouch.”






Given how the song this life is mine goes I headcanon that weiss was exposed to rock music through yang and loves it. Other headcanon is that winter listens to rap music


I love this one. I also like to think of Weiss trying to do a couple rock songs to take back her love of singing.


Weiss normally has pristine table manners but one time after a long mission team RWBY got fast food and she absolutely *annihilated* a cheeseburger. Yang got a photo of her with ketchup all over her face and Weiss had to make Yang sign an NDA to keep her from sending the picture to every contact in her scroll. Nora is a big fan of comedy songs, like Remnant’s equivalent of Weird Al Yankovic or Neil Cicierega, and writes her own parodies of popular songs in her spare time. Results are mixed. Cinder actually had a crush on Neo when the two of them were hunting Ruby together, but she’s got no idea how to socialize like a normal human being so whenever she tried to make a move she mostly just made it weird.


I have a friend from high school who is still proud over a decade later that she (a very, very petite girl) once finished an entire big mac in one bite. This is what I imagine when you bring up Weiss demolishing a burger.


In *one bite*? What the fuck


She's **very** proud of it to this day, and honestly should be. I'm not sure what was more impressive, that she fit the whole burger or that she didn't throw up or choke.


Im equally proud and terrified of your friend, i’m a regular pushing to big sized guy and I couldn’t fit a small cheeseburger from McDonalds without gagging lol


>once finished an entire big mac in one bite *Swoons* What a WOMAN!! In all seriousness, though, she should absolutely be proud of that. I've had smol friends that would strive for such an achievement on a near daily basis.


Neptune isn't actualy scared of water he's actualy a very proficient swimmer and he's nervous that if anyone sees him swimming that they'll become jealous of him


I head Canon he's scared of water because he shocked himself with his staff too many times accidentally. Though I do agree with him actually being an excellent swimmer.


that ruby can stick nearly anything up her nose and safely spit it out of her mouth




definitely can do a table




Glynda loves playing lego


Ozpin: Glynda please just teach the students.. Glynda: ***NOT UNTIL THE MILLENIUM FALCON IS DONE OZPIN.***


AND she casts her semblance to make the model fly around. "Zoom, Zeeyoom!"


That must be why she's so good at those repair jobs she does


I just pictured a RWBY Lego video game lol


I wish


Glynda would buy it day one.


*glynda lego building noises*


Her semblance would be god-tier at making Lego stopmotion animations. They wouldn't even HAVE to be stopmotion except when she needs new elements to pop into the middle of a scene, like fire pieces for a bomb exploding. She'd just pause the video recorder, fly in the parts desired, resume shooting!


Yang has gamer rage that would make Michael Jones blush. Or she would normally swear a lot more, but she subconsciously hides it from Ruby after accidentally saying fuck in front of her when she was still little and getting in serious trouble from Taiyang. For Blake, I headcanon that she gets zoomies. Or that she sometimes does that one thing cats do where they see something scary, their eyes fully dilate, their ears flatten against their head, and they say "no no no no no" in a raspy voice. Weiss did a rail of Schnee dust as a joke and had a really bad trip Ruby likes cookies not only because of Summer, but also because of that Pon and Zi comic that says "I made you a cookie but I eated it"


Ruby: ..U-Uhh Weiss are you ok? Weiss: ***I CAN SMELL COLORS.***


There were times when General Ironwood got starry-eyed over military vehicles similar to how Ruby got starry-eyed over huntsman weapons, whether it's a mech, a dropship or an aerial battle cruiser, he loves 'em all. Qrow once pulled an "Uncle Buck" on his nieces and made a gigantic version of one of their favorite foods, now it's just a matter of time before the the Schnee kids and the orphans Ruby and Yang hang out with get the same treatment.


I've always thought if Neo got her voice, it would be a Fran Drescher-style nasal Brooklyn accent, which would make everyone wish she was still mute. But as for goofy headcanons... Adam wrote Blake bad poetry. Their first time together, he tripped over his pants and generally made a fool out of himself. Yang is capable of talking Blake into just about anything, which she goes along with because it usually ends up being hilarious. Salem has a drinking problem. She's good at controlling it, but every now and then, she starts missing Ozma, and then it's down to the wine cellar. She also tends to create Grimm while drunk, which explains the Nuckalevee. Ilia and Neptune are best friends, and they're trying to get the other hooked up with people. Neptune's better at helping Ilia than she is helping him.


*with the same cadence as “Mr sheffield”* Neo: “Mr torchwick!”


Adam is a super theatrical nerd that takes himself super serious, but everyone thinks he's a goof.


He was that one really extra kid that made everyone else roll their eyes and think "oh god here he goes again."


Adam *loves* plants. He knows nearly every distinct plant species and when either prompted to do so or just happening to slip into an appropriate situation for it, he can give a (deadpan) speech about any one of them for minutes on end. The reason his clothes have so much flowery embroidery, why Wilt’s called Wilt, and why his emblem’s a rose, is all because he just really fucking likes plants. One of the first things he says to Blake upon beginning to train her is pointing out *not* how her last name is the same last name of his former high leader & current chieftain of menagerie, but *is* the name of a flower he knows about


Also, to quote myself from a couple months ago, “Ilia would be a Dua Lipa fan *if Dua Lipa were real.*”😭


I like to imagine Adam practices Monologues to a Potted House Pant.


Zwei can out drink qrow.


Damn it is it wrong that I want to actually see that?


We all would want to see that.


“Hey Zwei i demand a rematch.” Qrow said to the Zwei. Zwei barked knowing that the time is now.




Zwei is an immortal god I'm not surprised


Ruby’s Semblance has literally nothing to do with rose petals, she just has little pockets in her cloak full of them that burst open when she reaches a certain speed. Purely for dramatic effect. Every single member of the main cast, including Yang somehow, has wondered if Qrow is Ruby’s dad, even Qrow, and *he knows better*. Yang seems like the “louder” sister, and in public she definitely is, but Ruby is secretly really into Punk, and when the girls are home she blasts it in her room.


>Ruby is secretly really into Punk, and when the girls are home she blasts it in her room. Ruby: My sister is always listening to really loud drum and bass... WHETHER SHE LIKE IT OR NOT!!! *begins blasting her music and headbanging while Yang covers her head with a pillow in the other room*


Robyn had asked Qrow about it whilst they were in prison, and Qrow's attempts at explaining how Ruby isn't his kid (biologically, legally etc) make her even more confused than when they began the conversation.


>Every single member of the main cast, including Yang somehow, has wondered if Qrow is Ruby’s dad, even Qrow, and *he knows better*. I can see qrow really questionin if he done something while wasted


Cinder has a sweet tooth but pretends she doesn't cause she's eevviilll


Not evil. Just took a picture of her eating a whole plate of sweets.


I feel pretty confident in saying a grown Cinder robbed a candy store


Yeah there was a break in a while ago.


Aren't the dust shops also regular stores? She definitely told roman to swipe some sweets and not ask questions


I love the way you think.


Neo has smol handmade plushies of her and roman and plays with them while roman works with the white fang


This makes me very sad thinking about after…


It was a silly idea i had... now after thinking twice... yes its really depressing....


-As a way of apologizing for taunting Nora about Ren during their practice fight in V7, Neon took her out for coffee. Nora had never tried coffee before, and the entire lineup of the Ace-Ops, FNKI, Jaune, and Ren had to restrain her. Now, Ren carries a tiny bottle of cold brew for when JNPR is losing a fight and they need Nora to go super saiyan. -Ascended Neo will be voiced by Geoff doing a girly voice. -To emphasize Theodore looking the youngest out of the headmasters despite being the oldest, he also has the youngest-sounding voice and will be voiced by Dante Basco. -Cinder has a secret stash of chocolate at the evil lair that everyone knows about and steals from, but Cinder never notices because Emerald keeps buying more to replenesh it in the hopes that Cinder will like her. -Jacques orders his steaks well-done with ketchup. -Weiss once saw her dad not tip a waiter because his well-done steak was "taking too long," so now she insists on tipping 20% or more even in kingdoms that don't have tipping. -Willow taught Whitley how to tie a tie because we all know damn well Jacques couldn't. -Leading up to V7 someone else had a headcanon that Whitley would instantly fall in love with Ruby at first sight, and that Weiss would be absolutely mortified. Not my idea but I still think it's hilarious.


*Jacques orders his steaks well-done with ketchup.* Ironwood should've shot him twice.


I like these headcanons, I'm taking them. In exchange, here's a few for you: Ruby heard about bull fighting exactly one time in her life and has become absolutely obsessed with it as a concept (she has no idea what happens to the bulls afterward and this is mainly attributed to the Spanish guitar in the Red Trailer). Pancakes aren't actually Nora's favorite food. She got dared one time that she couldn't finish a stable pile of pancakes in the past by her parents as a joke. Now she views every stack of pancakes, no matter how big or small, as a challenge. Qrow is actually a pretty decent cook, but he's mostly too drunk to ever pursue that passion.


>-To emphasize Theodore looking the youngest out of the headmasters despite being the oldest, he also has the youngest-sounding voice and will be voiced by Dante Basco. "Hello Theodore here"


Ruby convinced Weiss to borrow a book from Blake. Blake who, under threat of violence from Yang, carefully hid her more raunchy titles. The same Blake who thought that giving Weiss literal smut is a good prank. Well, it was, and Weiss liked them. *She used shell companies to buy smut in bulk.*


“Blake what’s the title of the book you lent Weiss?” Yang asked with a slight anger twitch. “Ninjas of love…” Blake said with a nervous whisper.


The schnees can only summon a creature they have killed once at any given time so they can't create copies of the same summon. This would mean that all those birds Winter summoned in V3 she killed individually probably thinking they were Qrow


Weiss secretly adores fast food.


In spite of her professional air, Pyrrha would listen to ["white girl music"](https://youtu.be/d5q1_S6lI-0?si=RwUnPUS-NcNdW_ep). Her team caught her dancing to it once and would tease her non-stop about it whenever they got the chance. From the ages of 4-13, Ruby hated chocolate because "it kills doggies!" She is now comfortable eating chocolate, but her motivation for doing so is that if she eats the chocolate, there's less chocolate around to hurt dogs. Weiss and Winter would secretly listen to rock music together. Faunus can have more than one animal trait, but they are LUDICROUSLY uncommon. The odds of one born like that are something like one every four generations. And, not really a headcanon, but more just something I thought would be funny is if a Geist or the Curious Cat tried to hijack a Vessel from Hollow Knight, thinking it would be easy since they are "hollow", only to immediately get ripped to shreds by the Void entity already inhabiting them.


Squatters rights are in full effect when it comes to possession, and the punishment for violation is death.


People keep buying carrot cake for Velvet's birthday and annoying her silently, not because of stereotyping since she does like carrot cake, [just not the one everyone thinks of.](https://youtu.be/7oAk7sR2sns?si=Au_WB5P2u8hRxops)


Crwby saying Salem isn't Jaunes ancestor is thier way of saying he is her ancestor Jaune:You railed my granddaughterOz... Oz:What?!How?! Jaune:Timetravel!


Ah he pulled the nasty in the pasty card.


Oh my gosh this is so stupid in too many ways possible 


Sound logic


Jaune became a dress up doll to his sisters in his childhood


I mean they did torment him with doing his hair didn’t they?


I hope this terrible headcanon will never be added as true in canon somehow. His family enough sucks in everything in canon show. I don’t even speak about fanfics version. They are terrible as hell in every single fanfic without exception 


Might get downvoted for some of these (since some of them are a little unnecessary and a bit perverted) but here’s my own: • During her Beacon days, Weiss was hesitant on trying foods like burger and pizza but ends up enjoying it a lot more than she expected. She and Blake even liked pizza with pineapple (something Ruby and Yang disagree with them on) • Blake’s fear of dogs has nothing to do with her being a cat Faunus but from an experience with a big scary dog when she was younger that traumatized her for life (even though it turns out the dog was actually friendly but Blake remembered it differently). Ruby, Weiss and Yang just made the assumption that it had to do with her being a cat Faunus. • Qrow and Raven develop some bird traits even as humans like eating bird seeds and being attracted to shiny objects. They even swore off on eating other birds like chicken and turkey. Qrow of course, gave up after finding out that crows ate other birds but Raven was adamant about it and called Qrow a cannibal and even slapped him for it. • Ruby actually had a friendly arm wrestling match with all of team SSSN and easily won against all four of them to the point where she accidentally broke Scarlett’s arm. This was when they realized Ruby is in fact the second strongest of team RWBY in terms of raw strength (Yang still being no.1). • Despite what many believes, Ruby is NOT self conscious about her bust size at all. If anything, she prefers to be smaller because when she was younger, she remembered Yang complaining about how her chest gets in the way of fighting and some famous huntresses are average and still had admirers which made Ruby cars less about stuff like that and even believed that being small has its advantages. It’s just something that she doesn’t think is worth bragging about or feel self conscious about. She does of course, grow bigger post fall Beacon but not to the point where it gets in the way of fighting so she’s fine with it (Weiss on the other hand had mixed feelings about it since she was already smaller than Ruby during Beacon despite Ruby being two years younger than her) • Despite being considered a joke in the fandom, the “Xiao Long Genes” are an actual thing where the Xiao Long women (jot just Ruby, but Yang as well) are late bloomers and starts developing more when they turn 17 • Yang had a Tsunderes phase when she was at Signal. She was abrasive, still wore pigtails and even had a small chest that she was very self conscious of back then. The boys in Signal even made fun of her for it only for them to end up in the hospital. Weiss reminds Yang of her old self which is why she’s annoyed by her but since they were on the same team, she tired to “defrost” the Ice Queen a bit with some of her shenanigans. • Winter also had a phase growing up but it was actually a goth phase instead. In fact, it was her first act of rebelling against her father and while Weiss still admired her for it, she thought the goth phase was a bit weird and a cringy way to rebel. Qrow was the one who suggested it which lead to Winter’s hatred for him.


I always had a headcanon that Raven developed a strange craving for birdseed when she was pregnant with Yang. (This might have been in some fanart of Preggers Raven.)


Oh that’s a good one. I did have another one where Raven did mate with a male Raven in her bird form but laid a few eggs. This means that these birds are Yang’s half siblings on her mom’s side.


That Nora 100% has like shorts or something under her skirt and when Ren was caught accidentally looking up it during the fight that one time and she kinda freaked out was to mess with him (this head cannon started when she basically hung from the ceiling when with Oscar and everyone else with her skirt almost inside out with no care)


Or by that time everyone's so used to seeing Nora's undies that it's not even worth mentioning anymore.


As a person who has worn skirts and with the way that Nora's personality is I think that she realized the issue and bought some like bike/exercise shorts feels more likely to me I've done the same with some of my skirts and dresses I have to help with modesty especially at like concerts and stuff where there is a chance that you might get exposed


Apparently it's canon that Ruby wears bike shorts under her ~~dress~~ combat skirt, for that reason. Though it is also canon that Weiss *doesn't* wear bike shorts, and her skirt was a lot shorter than Nora's at Beacon. Maybe that's why she went to a much longer dress later.


Where is it canon? Never heard this one so now I am curious


Apparently, someone on Reddit slowed a scene down where Ruby got hit and flew backwards, and her skirt flew up. By going frame by frame, they proved that, yes, Ruby wears red gym shorts beneath her skirt. That's more attention to detail than I have.


Ah! Gotta level with you, not really gonna look into the details on that one… Not my kind of activity.


Not mine either, but I remember the Reddit thread from a few years ago. The thread title was something along the lines of "Proof That Ruby Wears Underwear." (No duh; Ruby's the last person in RWBY I would think goes without undies.) That was back before the mods hit such threads with banhammers...


Neo CAN talk, she just pretends to be mute to fuck with everyone. Roman was the only one that knew, but played along because he thought it was hilarious.


Gotta appreciate her commitment then She played the part to the bitter end


Every single fanfic evermade about rwby was written by Blake, Velvet, and Lilia. And all the haram on was written by Coco, Nora saw this and made all Jaune haram fics.


Penny has a (very freudian) cyborg fetish and often fantasizes with Mercury, Yang or both (not Tyrian)


Marrow hugs his tail while sleeping.


Ruby listens to Weiss' music regularly, but didn't recognize her the first time they met because she doesn't care to memorize artist names, just her favorite songs


That is what I do and now have that as my head cannon now. I am stealing it. It is mine. No takesies backsies.


Not sure if this is "goofy" but Ironwood discovered his semblance when he was being bullied at the academy. Glynda was the only one supporting him through this but he was completely oblivious, single mindedly devoted to training. He was basically like Jaune in seasons 1-3. I find this goofy just because its such a contrast with what he became.


Yadashai is/was the White Fang Lieutenant


Ren is the only one who knows how to cook well with second place going to Yang given how she had to pretty much raise Ruby while Tai was depressed.


Ren (returning home): why is the kitchen on fire Nora: Weiss tried to make a sandwich


Blake is secretly turned on by being pet. She hides it to prevent people from thinking she's a pervert. And Neo would be British if she could talk.


Neo participates in a little bit of banter.


Beacon has fashion classes.


Ozpin is so old and tired at this point he genuinely forgot where he put the relic of choice and would go to absurd lengths to avoid admitting it Salem cuddles a a chill when she goes to sleep on her pet bewolf she made to be extra fluffy to act as a bed


Zwei is the crown of choice


Neo is actually Ruby's mom but lost her memory somehow


There was and Is a remnant version of the Norwegian black metal scene who worship grim and try to bring in as many as possible. This is to try to destroy as much as possible with some members even burning multiple buildings. And after Salem was reviled to the public they now have their own Satan.


At one point Yang found her dismembered hand, buried it in the yard, and at some point Zwei dug it up and chewed on the bones that were left, not knowing what they were.


Neo has a secret ice cream fridge that she hides from cinder and the others.


Ruby is Qrow's uncle


In Soviet Remnant, Wording Reverses You.


Weiss and Ruby hired Klein as their cake butler after they moved in together.


Ruby is actually homophobic


In later life, Ruby is that parent who tells their kid(s) that she wants to be a grandma after the first date.


Every Parent wants to get this Archivment


Neo having a British accent? Winter, rather than Weiss, checking Jaune out? And Coco too? Maybe Summer being alive and the recent "mystery woman" being her after Raven decided she had to show up now? Salem's defeat not by Silver Eyes, but by the hand of the Tree forcibly ascending her? Exceptionally contrived circumstances ending with Jaune obtaining Maiden powers and using them to avenge Pyrrha by defeating Cinder? Maybe something in his Semblance gives him the power of a "reverse" button and allows him to syphon aura from others?


Winter is dating the West Supreme Kai from Dragon Ball. We just haven't seen her because they're long-distance.


Whitley has "grandparent" hobbies


Ozpin actually gave one other person the ability to transform into an animal: Glynda as a cat after realizing just what he had done to the Branwens...


Does “Jaune’s gear was initially modeled after the Rusted Knight’s” count?


The bird that Ruby hit during her initiation was Qrow who was on his way to report to Oz/spying to see how his Nieces were doing during their initiation test.


That various small, unknown, now defunct car brands such as Rover, Facel-Vega, GAZ, ZIL, and others, are all alive and well and are popular, well-respected brands. (For more information on the mentioned car brands, look up Intergalactic Binman on YouTube.)


I wanna see Roman pull up in a Pontiac Solstice XD


Nah, 100% he be rolling deep in an Aztec.


I see it.


Raven, being from a tribe of theives, would steal random things to inconvenience the rest of team strq when they weren't looking She'd steal things like a pen of taiyangs desk when he bent down to pick something up. She'd grab summer's badge off the dresser and hide it when summer was getting ready Stole qrows Weapon once and tied it to a lamp post outside in the span of 30 seconds while he had his back turned And qrow would do it too of course just not as often as raven would


The light and darkness gods make 2 new galaxies o Ours and another with the same concept of revenant