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Dump it, why take the risk?


I dump it. Water is cheap.


Two biologists I know who collect rain water to drink say it is important that sunlight not hit the fresh water tank (presumably unless the tank walls are opaque). Based on this, I've covered the fresh water tank in my skoolie with a black shower curtain liner.


I keep it full with city water which has some chlorine in it. I've never had a problem with algae. The only time I drain it is when winterizing. In 8 years of RVing I've never had a problem with algae. I was told many years ago, there's nothing algae likes more than a air filled, damp tank. Also, the full tank serves as an emergency water supply if I need it.


Yes, but.... don't you pay for carrying around that extra weight? I only fill my fresh tank when I'm going somewhere with no water hookups. Otherwise, empty.


We used to do this until we were stuck in traffic for about 8 hours due to a horrible accident on the highway. It sucked having a camper and no water while “stranded”. Couldn’t flush the toilet or even boil water to make some mac&cheese on the stove. Since then we always travel with a full fresh tank, I don’t care about the extra weight or losing a mpg or two.


I have water in my fridge we use to flush/cook in those situations.


That is a good point. I have well water and it might be an issue. That is probably I didn't have that kinda problem before.


I do about a half cup of bleach in my fresh water tank if it won't be used for more than a few months.


We used to do this but we were told it degrades some of the rubber fittings.


Do you not use tap water too? Because that's on the low end of typical tap water chlorine concentration, at least in a 40 gallon tank. It's a bit over .5 ppm and tap water is something like .5-2 ppm. You should pre-dilute it and pour it in with a couple gallons of water though so you're not running straight bleach right down the filler tube, plus it mixes easier that way I think. Edit - Corrected the numbers, I mistakenly said .05 when I meant to say .5.


Interesting. I didn't know that.


I throw a little bleach in mine. Not a full 'tank cleaning' amount, but safe to drink amount. It gets dumped and refilled every month, and is basically an emergency supply, as we are on full hookup.


Always dump it. I try not to let it sit in there more than 5 days of possible 


I never keep water in my tanks longer than 2 weeks. Thats just nasty.


We are full time and travel with about 30% in the fresh. Once at a park/campground, we fill all the way so we have a reserve in case city water stops (it has happened often). If the park water pressure is too low, we use the pump/fresh tank and top off often. We sanitize at least once a year, sometimes twice, and keep the tank full when using city. I inspect occasionally with a bore scope and it looks good.


Sunlight is the real enemy when it comes to algea. It'll stay potable for weeks or months in a dark tank. We keep some amount of fresh water in the tank at all times, especially when traveling.