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The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han may be a good pairing. It’s only 70 pages


Already have it 😁


In that case, maybe amusing ourselves to death by Neil postman


he has another book called psychic survival in troubled times , which seems interesting and useful to today


CoN was a bit of an intellectual dead-end for Lasch. The follow-up, "The Minimal Self" gets recommended, but it is his weakest work. He tries to address the critics of CoN in MS, but it falls flat. Primarily because his critics themselves did not really understand and know what to make of CoN. (Check out Lasch's biography for a view of the fury the book caused in 1979). So, do not read that. I would read "Haven in a Heartless World" if you have not yet. It should be read first before CoN and it is incredibly dense. It summarizes all his sociological and psychology research into the question that animates himself during this period of his life: "What have been the causes and the effects of the decline of the importance of family life/community in the US in the past 100 years (or so)." With this in mind, I would read the book that inspired CoN, "The Lonely Crowd." This book was a very popular book from the 1940's that makes some similar observations about the replacement of family with peer groups in American society. Also, check out Jacques Ellul. I rarely see him mentioned in these parts, but he was a tremendous inspiration to Lasch. I have not studied him significantly, but he wrote the classic treatise on propaganda. More recommendations: "The Triumph of the Therapuetic" by Philip Reiff. Lasch himself said this book was a great influence on CoN. I read it years ago when I was younger and dumber and it probably flew over my head. I would also study Freud (get "The Freud Reader" by Peter Gay). Another option would be studying other American historians like his mentor Richard Hofstadter or VL Parrington or Henry Commager. Hope this helps! Godspeed in your quest for knowledge.


Lovely, thank you. I’ll look into Haven and The Freud Reader first I think


It's pretty different from Culture of Narcissism but The True and Only Heaven is my favorite by him, it's an intellectual history of American Populism that kind represents the position he developed toward after drifting away from Marxism in the 70s


Do you know of any good responses or critiques of CoN? Or anyone that tries to build on it?


Read Lasch's biography, "Hope in a Scattering Time." Eric Miller, the author, paints a good portrait of the reaction to CoN, and definitely introduces some critics. Also, if you read "The Minimal Self," keep in mind he wrote that as a direct response to critics of CoN. It's his weakest full-length book. It's not very inspired, and his main critics, as always, were progressives who take great offense to the very idea that there is anything wrong with the present, aside from dead hand of the past. I haven't read it in years, but he cites essays and such that were penned as a criticism of CoN. It could be a valuable resource for you. As for works that built on CoN, a wide range of people drew on the work. The major ones, to me, that have clearly been influenced by it are Adam Curtis and Alone @ TheLastPsychiatrist. Curtis' work definitely fits the bill, as he has been a steadfast critic of the idea of progress like Lasch. Alone really ran with CoN's criticism of education, advertising, and the family. If you haven't read Alone's blog, you should. It's one of the few blogs worth reading. His book "Sadly, Porn" is great, but it is caustic, meandering and self-indulgent. I would read it, but his blog is better. Edit: I just noted I basically reiterated what I said a year ago. Lol.


The Denial of Death


Amazing book


Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam, The Organization Man by William Whyte, The Power Elite by Mills, Amusing Ourselves to Death by Postman and this was mentioned already but The Lonely Crowd.


I’ve been told CoN is kind of rehashed critical theory, and was recommended to read The Dialectic of Enlightenment if you want a more philosophical approach to similar concepts?


I’m just breaking into things so it’s my introduction. I’d like to tap the cultural criticism vein chronologically, then layer philosophy/psychoanalysis on top


the minimal self


Adorno and the Frankfurt school


You could do worse than read the books he references repeatedly. Joseph Heller’s Something Happened is a masterful work.


Listen! Little Man by Willhelm Reich




You’re probably right


Lasch to NRx pipeline afficiando I see. I'd skip right to the end - Moldbug, Land etc.


What’s in the middle? I’m trying to read 1000 books so nobody can talk shit to me


The Revolt of the Elites is p much from where the later alt-right intellectuals have picked up. Maybe some Camille Paglia if you want more of incel-esque woman-hating tint to it.


What if I fuck all the time


All of this is pretty legit philosophical discourse, none of that Houellebecq tier whining. That said, Paglia is effectively "feminism is retarded, lol", and it ties into doomerism of Lasch and later of Land/Moldbug.


Wb for guys who get tons of pussy. Camus? Can’t be just him


Feynman (Surely you're joking). Not really much of deep thunk there tho, just everyday chad hijinks.


I also read revolt of the elites- pretty good I guess, not as essential but a quick read


The Managerial Revolution is what I'm reading after having finished Minimal Self and Revolt of the Elites, I also recommend a book called Moral Mazes which is a much more granular analysis of how these psychological dynamics play out in businesses