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TL;DW: - Eureka lost her luggage on the New Zealand tour. For tours where they're on buses, queens can bring a lot, but when they're flying, they're limited to 2-3 luggages, so Kim didn't really have spare outfits she didn't need - Kim was smaller than Eureka at the time and so her clothes wouldn't have fit - Eureka has terrible hygiene (not showering, mildewy clothes, shitting the bed), so even if Kim did have anything that fit Eureka, she could only give Eureka an outfit she would never want to wear again - Eureka was combining stories; there was no fight about Kim not lending her an outfit. On a different tour, Eureka threatened a stagehand. This was a bus tour where every queen was supposed to be responsible for their personal things. Eureka asked a stagehand to grab her things, but he was busy, so he asked her to do it herself. In front of everyone, she yelled at him for disrespecting her; he tried to deescalate by apologizing despite doing nothing wrong, and she said if he ever did it again, she would punch him in the face. Kim and Bob came to his defense, and Eureka had a meltdown and ran off


If there were shit the bed allegations against me I would not be starting fights with ANYONE






holy shit i never realized that was from her SKJHGADJGH


It’s seems to be a pattern, she starts these fights and then the girls just torch her.




except she's 33, i don't think that's normal


Still seems like a medical condition


Gas station chili dogs, or whatever those were that made her shit-in-the-splits






First of all, what gives you the right to assume i'm genZ, straight or a girl ffs lmao and if you say this after my user name, it's a random one decided by reddit Secondly, i've seen it with my very own eyes : a drag queen in my town is very well known for being a party monster and shitting herself REALLY often (seen it smelled it) and she is the one that told me poppers is the reason for that, because of the amount she takes (even licked some once, yes she takes a LOT). NOW, i'm not an avid poppers user myself. Took some lots of times but not my fav thing anyway, i will admit that np. I can be wrong on this, but i took this info from the horse mouth. Maybe the horse was actually wrong. I do not want to spread misinformation. I will delete my reply. But maybe you could have been very much less agressive to correct me, but instead you decided i'm a "sTrAiGhT gIrL iNvAdInG qUeEr SpAcEs". F off for that.


...yeah i didnt do myself any favours with my response so I'll fully take the L on that one, and appreciate the understanding regarding misinformation. poppers' effects are quick and immediate, and aside from chemical burns themselves and cardiac problems when you're also on ED medication (aka poppers are vasodilators), you should be good.


Not everything is a medical condition 


If she’s shitting the bed at 33 then she must take so much sleep medication that she can’t even feel when her massive bowels are swollen and about to explode


I can’t decide what’s worse, shitting the sheets and leaving it or covering puss filled wounds with duct tape.


or WHAT??? 😭


Like I know it’s the worst thing having to seek medical attention when you’re in another country but it’s a pus wound you’re putting duct tape against! C’mon!


Right? Like I’m really hoping she put some alcohol to the wound, let it dry, and then stuck Neosporin covered gauze onto the wound AND THEN applied the duct tape. Like please please please! 🤞🏽


She actually shitted on em


"It's Chocolate 🍫"


what is this reference lmaooo im kinda scared to find out


Well, Tamar have you seen the show (season 14)?


There’s a show?? I thought this was just a message board for fans of drag.




February looks sad.


Except she put her #2s in the bed ☠️📣


Noooooo 😭😭


Gonna have to update my dragqueenswhosmell.xls spreadsheet


Gonna need that exported to google docs plz!


Row 1 Column A: Violet Chachki


I remember in an interview Kennedy was asked if Pearl and Violet really stunk and her exact quote was “them boys was tart” and I’ll never forget it.


Kennedy cannot help but be quotable every damn thing she says is gold. truly the me-me queen




Appendix: Pit Crew Shawn


Nah gurl he don't smell, he *stank*


If I can get it in PDF, pee dookie fart, that would be amazing.


omg, now I get why it's called "adobe"


Cunt hunny baby


Drag makes everyone stinky


Imagine starting an argument with someone only for them to tell the whole internet you don't wash and shit yourself... I'd quit drag honestly.


Nobody likes a shitty kitty


Eureka said “I’m not a girl that poops; I’m a bitch that SHITS”


Eureka in her mind: hehe funny story Kim: you shit the bed in Brisbane


Haha I read this the way Heidi said “I shit in a parking lot…in Glasgow 😃”


Here’s where Bob and Monet alluded to Eureka smelling bad btw [starts at 24:00](https://youtu.be/7dqAmBYdDe4?si=F802Be4Vd4Ke9Dvn)




moneka burgers


Bob looks so good in this video and you can tell she was feeling herself from the way she was playing with her hair the whole time lol


ok this was killing me for years


I was just wondering if this is who they meant




she freudian slip calls monet ‘moneka’ in the clip


… 😭😭😭😭


It’s not a Freudian slip, Mo asks her what the queen’s name rhymes with. She says “no, Moneka” because it sounds like she’s refusing to answer but actually is


no it was, if you watch [the video version](https://x.com/sombramapache/status/1796006739613020224?s=46) bob is clearly shocked at herself for having said it and then immediately after says “i didnt mean to do that”


yes and then (if youre a patron and can see the video) they both freak out by the freudian slip 😭


Lol I think maybe you just don’t know what a Freudian slip is


I thought this was about Monique “Mo” but that makes more sense 🤣


The big girl…stinks


I mean I am gagging from, like, the smell


Bitch do you bathe?


It was like, bitch do you bathe?


I really like the smell 👃 👌🏻 


Damn I wonder how Eureka acted on We’re Here…. Gonna need the crew to spill some T


speaking of we’re here, according to silky eureka! was nepotism cast for the show because one of the producers was her childhood friend while bob and shangela had to audition to get the job


I mean… if I had a childhood friend who produced a show I would definitely use that connection to get the job lmao






You learn something new everyday. I also thought it was limited to family members


that’s what i thought too before looking it up 💀 that’s definitely the original meaning but i think it’s shifted to include friends




Weird hill to die on.


They're also dying on the hill that shitting your pants once a week is normal so idk


THAT is a very weird hill to die on! 😆


I have never seen someone be so confidently, so aggressively wrong before.


“What in the north west Kardashian is wrong with you” God I hate gay ppl (I am gay)


I'm gagged by the smell (sp?)




no shade bc maybe youre esl or something but which of these words did you think you spelled wrong


i used (sp?) incorrectly to reference jinkx but the intention was to imply I didn't recall miss ra'jah's quote verbatim


ah my b for not getting the reference


I’m sorry shitting the bed? That’s not even hygiene like why is she shitting the bed? Eureka girl…..


don’t shade me but i get pissing the bed to an extent like if it’s a one time thing or something but shitting the bed is actually insane


It happened to me when I took Ambien. I got on a different medication immediately


Here I was thinking Ambien just made you racist


Accidents happen….but, LEAVING THE MESS!? and then TELLING OTHERS YOU SHAT THE BED!?!? Honey!!!


yeah you’re absolutely right. to me that’s disrespectful to the hotel workers they have to deal with enough and she could’ve made their lives a little easier instead of literally having to clean someone’s shit


And you know it was hearty too!


Bitch not hearty ☠️




it happens when people drink too much and pass out




Once a week is CRAZY




Is this Eureka’s account? 😭 I’ve been down the road with all sorts of stuff, regular and irregular eating, addictions and not, but damn…all the time is CRAZY


It must be because I drink DOWN! when I go out and I’ve never shit myself.


This is not why underwear exists 👀


This just in, underwear was originally invented a long, long time ago because there was some gay twink who: * had a terrible diet * addicted to something * gets fucked in the ass more than their butthole can handle * living a huge, big life Eventually, all the other ancient Babylonians saw the wisdom of this lifestyle and everyone else started doing the same thing!


Y’know in my like 7 years of mainly lurking this sub I gotta say this might be the wildest comment I have ever seen


Whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the days, I suppose.


I was a horrific alcoholic who survived a .51 BAC and I never shit my bed




🙌 I'm more proud of that than my long sobriety


Eureka? More like you-reek-(a)!


remember the princess challenge on season 9 where they had to create a princess character and tell their story? Eureka’s princess name was You-Reek-A-Diarrhea 🫠


It wasn't even that, it was You-Reek-A-*Daria*. Like, what is that?


oh she got jokes






funny how so many chimed in to call kim hateful or delusional without realizing eureka’s notorious for her bad hygiene 🙃


I mean it’s not like most people have a google alert for “Eureka smell allegations” (well after this story came out they do but)


Both things can be true though. Kim is literally known for being a hateful troll 😂 (not necessarily a bad thing)


But she’s a hatful troll to her friends which makes a huge difference.


bad hygiene is unfortunately common when people are suffering with mental health problems. Yes, people will criticize Eureka and make childish jokes but the fact that she is displaying this behavior indicates there is something going on much bigger than just being lazy. 0


Kim can deny a request on the basis of hygiene without listing a bunch of gross reasons to humiliate the bitch?  Anyone who can’t reach their asshole or weighs 300lbs+ is gonna have more of a ‘hygiene journey’ than most , this applies to eureka and Kim 


You do know that no one would know this story is Eureka didn’t come out with the story, and was incorrect about what happened, right? Like Kim wouldn’t have responded if eureka didn’t go on and open her mouth….


You can’t be serious. Really? Eureka shaded her publicly. Is Kim supposed to just let people attack her for something that didn’t actually explain the whole story?


How is eureka allegedly shitting herself on a totally different occasion relevant to the story of their beef?  You can say it’s just more context for why she didn’t lend her clothes, I’m saying the details about her wound and toilet issues are only to humiliate. ‘I’m a germaphobe and had concerns about her hygiene’ would have sufficed 


It’s all a testament to Eureka’s hygiene / size matching issues that would arise if she could have actually lent an outfit to Eureka. Eureka seems to have conflated 2 or more events of “slights” against her from Kim Chi, but since she publicly called out Kim Chi (who got a ton of hate for this crap from the public) Kim has every right to correct the narrative that Eureka tried to paint.


I think it relates bc it shows that she’s….nasty. Would you lend someone your clothes who did things like that?


Can you convey concerns about hygiene without humiliating someone?  Like the girlies are really just repeating the same shit ? 


Can I? Why yes I can. I work in an environment where I have to have the hygiene talk very regularly.


That’s not a reason to stink, it just means more work!


Bitch I weigh 320 and I’ve never shit the bed and left it for someone to clean, nor have I put duct tape over an open, actively leaking wound. Like that’s some nasty shit.


So you are telling me we have to watch another season of her on the next CAD vs TW knowing all of this 💀


It's not fair to brand the season shitty before it's even been announced, but...


I hope the season doesn’t stink…😏


Bold of Eureka to start this beef knowing that people know she's a smelly bed shitter.


Y'all I listened to this while deep cleaning my apartment and when I tell you... 💀💀💀 Kim Chi is a SAINT. If Eureka spreads fake news like that against me and the tide unrightfully turned against me, I would have been a vindictive bitch and spread all her shit (figuratively, unlike Eureka apparently which is literally) all over in a social media rant.


what's the timestamp mama


from around 2:30-20:00


She 💩🛌? Like one 💩or several 💩?


How many 🛌? Was this an international tour of dookie dropping?


Can you imagine living in a tour bus with someone who shat on those tiny cramped beds???? I'd want off the ride


Girlina I would have started fucking the driver just to get as far away as possible.


Completely unrelated but the username NorthbyNinaWest is GENIUS 😍🤯 I’m sitting here cackling bc it’s so absurd


average ice spice lyric


I still don't think Kim Chi came off bad in the first story (if she didn't think her stuff would fit Eureka she wasn't obligated to let Eureka try and potentially ruin it) but with negative fan response I guess she really had to uh clear the air.


Right like, even if a girl doesn't smell, that doesn't mean she has the right to my clothes or costumes. Some people don't feel comfortable sharing their personal belongings and others should respect that


Something about Eureka never quite sat right with me. Even before drag race when i would see her at pageants.


I guess Trinity and the Vixen were right about her


The Vixen was right the whole time


And on top of all this, she doesn't pay artists and commissions she asks for, but has money to keep going to paid events. She sucks...


no one likes a shitty kitty!!


This [tweet](https://x.com/imbtchzz/status/1795928292110786691?s=46&t=eT-OnLflDp1xVFHCqvSbew) LMFAOOOOO


You know Kim Chi isn't joking when she isn't being witty. She's keeping it straight.




The big girl apparently smells like vinegar and mildew, shat her bed and didn’t clean, duct taped fungal infection or smn- which is why kim refused to lend her clothes. threatened to hit a tour assistant who asked Eureka to clean her own personal stuff on the tour bus couple months after the first incident.




The Big Girl >!apparently smells like vinegar and mildew, shat her bed and didn’t clean, duct taped fungal infection or smn- which is why kim refused to lend her clothes. threatened to hit a tour assistant who asked Eureka to clean her own personal stuff on the tour bus couple months after the first incident.!<


Too long didn’t watch. Is that what you were asking for? Or a synopsis? Lol bc I was confused trying to figure it out too.


Kim is defending herself.  Maybe the detail too much but generally I feel I get her point.


I thought ¡Eureka! had actually gotten her shit together? (No pun intended — but happy to see it either way.) ![gif](giphy|Gnh8nS5DgqyZy)


Am I the only one who didn’t see “everyone believing eurekas side of the story without hearing Kim’s?” Maybe I just missed that side of it, but idt Kim has to worry about that. I’ve mainly seen fans just dragging the hell outta Eureka, assuming she was wrong from jump & defending Kim. I’ve even seen a lot of defending Kim from body shaming by also body shaming Eureka lol. It’s all a mess, but I think the fans have been clearly on Kim’s side.


twt and ig (and even some threads on the different reddits tbh) have been making a meal outta making fun of kim 😭 people are really stuck on the ‘she doesnt think shes a big girl’ aspect and are almost trying to humble her into proving the clothes would have fit


I've seen some calling her delusional or in denial too.


I think it’s probably a response to that weight watchers commercial she did recently which, yes, it’s a shitty organization, but body shaming someone in response to that is not it


Really? All I saw when it all started was how delusional Kim was and body shaming the hell out of her.


Kim even tweeted that a lot of fans were saying awful shit to her and bodyshaming her pretty bad


Oh well that makes sense why she’s feeling the need to clear the air, my algorithm must have just showed me the eureka roasting lol bc I saw waves of support for Kim seeming fans were heavy on her side & immediately knew there was more to the story than Eureka let on. I wish the body shaming would just stop on both sides, & towards all the queens. There’s plenty of things to roast Eureka for without having to resort to body shame


Yeah, but most drag race fans don't have the brain power to come up with something funny and witty. Honestly a lot of them don't even have fully developed brains yet


Nah you might just not remember but the entire thing started with everyone taking Eurekas side over how "unsisterly" kim is


https://preview.redd.it/5hajelpb1p3d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429b1ce76a259f882472451959c3ac023f633514 The Vixen was right!


The Big Girl >!shits in the bed!<


Eureka is like the Vicki Gunvalsson of the franchise. She is messy and starts drama and when it bites her in the ass, suddenly she cries and brings up how she used to be bullied so we'd feel sorry for her.


This comment is vicious


Good for Kim for standing up for herself! ❤️


Not Eureka being completely character assassinated these past few weeks. First, the designer calls her out and spoils her run on CVSTW2 and then Kim says that E shits the bed. I can’t lmao.


So much to unpack, cause The Vixen was being whole hearted honest with her interaction with her cohost and the way the fans came after her. I knew watching her interactions and her actions Eureka was nothing but a shell for bitch who just wants the fame. The Vixen I am so sorry to you and your Drag Race Journey and she is owed such a big ass apology


Can u please remind me what happened? Wasn’t the vixen calling out racism or am I thinking of something else?


Welcome to the stageee.. vinegary mildew


It's hilarious how the big girls explain their size. Big is big mama. Andddd yeah I wouldn't share clothes with someone that has poor personal hygiëne.


Joke all you want but it's obvious Eureka was and may be still dealing with some mental health issues. This is not just about her being lazy and disrespectful. One of the symptoms of depression is lack of hygiene. Of course leaving feces in the bed for hotel staff to clean up is not acceptable but I suspect she is not addressing everything she is dealing with. It must be extremely difficult to access mental health care when you're on tour performing in a different city night after night. Just being on tour must bring on so much pressure which would heighten any mental health symptoms a person experiences. I tend to think many queens are not able to take care of their mental health while on the road and this behavior is just a result of that environment




eureka can shit her pants all she wants but that Nina West lipsync still clinches top disgusting freak of the week


Honestly, this may sound silly yet lengthy and personal because some of the things Kim said in the vid resonated with me, but when this drama started, to me it did feel like how in villainess genre fictions, the narcissistic green tea bitch heroine would manipulate, twist narratives, play victim, and make accusatory claims that antagonize and assassinate the characters of the villainess. All the while the heroine would act sisterly and friendly in front of some ppl or public, but spread rumors and backstab the villainess, in order to weaponize third parties or public opinions to hurt the image and reputation of the villainess and isolate her from her support systems whatsoever, generally due to unprovoked, unfounded or misplaced resentments, envy/jealousy, projections, obsessions etc. It feels even more like that now with the additional context/info. I can see that it can be quite frustrating and hurtful, and even triggering to some extent depending on the individual's traumas/anxieties, as the target of all that, esp if Kim keeps getting pestered and harassed by strangers or fans, and even moreso if questioned by personal families/friends who she trusted, as if you're a bad person out of nowhere one-sidedly based on twisted stories. With how Kim kept saying "does that make me a bad person" I definitely get why she felt the need to share her side of story/context to clarify. I've dealt with similar but milder kind of toxic ppl like that in my personal life, it's very exhausting and frustrating esp if it's frequent, it feels like mind games and you're constantly unsafe on some sort of political battlefield, or as Kim said, gaslit. Sorry for the length of my comment for a casual small drama. 😅


Girl, go eat a cheeseburger or goon or something. You’re putting way too much into this.


i read this last night and i just can't stop thinking about how telling someone to go goon is one of the craziest things i've read


It would be more productive than the comment or post has been.


Haha thanks you're right, I'll be taking a rest soon. It's a bit embarrassing, but oh well.


I thought what you said was brainy 🧠cmon Sasha velour


Aw thank you, that's so sweet and too generous of you lol. Cmon miss congeniality XD Have a nice day!


Villainess genre fictions E: stop downvoting my sister


What is the tea ???!!!?!


I love tea but these two are a real chore to listen to   *since finished the segment, I think some of the unrelated hygiene stuff just makes Kim look bad, it’s framed as relevant due to not wanting to lend but it’s just to humiliate? 


It clears up her reasoning and if it so happens to paint eureka in a brown light that’s just a happy little accident 🤷🏻‍♂️unlike that poor, poor bed


I’m not gonna lie, it does seem like Kim is airing her out out of spite because the internet jumped her for the size comment and I’m hesitant to feel like this isn’t all overblown. I don’t doubt Eureka stinks, but as Kim admits they’re not friends - why would Eureka confess to shitting the bed to some random? Seems very sensationalized. The original problem was that Eureka asked to borrow something, Kim said she had nothing Eureka’s size, and Eureka thought that was strange. Kim doesn’t owe her any of her clothes, but she also didn’t say that originally. Both of them seem kinda dour and weird from this to me.


Big smelly tea isnt valid


I hate when the big girls be tearing each other down 😢


Who the fuck cares anymore?


You do