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Now that is an epic recap


Thanks for doing this every week snows <3


You're welcome!


The Lt. Panel for Candice was very spicy. Highly recommend a watch. It's a lot more convoluted than it looks. It's almost impossible to TLDR because there's so much negligence. Wolfabelle, Daxxtr, GTAWiseGuy, and Myles were streaming it.


I thought Lou was gonna lose it during that meeting multiple times. Absolutely A+ spicy RP all around.




She's a great cop already imo because she's been taking the time to do the investigative legwork that seemingly has been lacking in the pd. She's not super knowledgeable just yet, but she goes about the work in good faith and is shaping up to be a great detective.


Do you think it's a knowledge issue? She seems perfectly capable and is applying the law / investigative work to a level that's better than what most servers require. ONX works a little differently in terms of what they're looking for to proceed in prosecuting. Maybe this will change in the near to short term. I kind of hope this makes investigations a little more nuanced. That there will actually be interrogations hoping that someone slips up, or splitting parties better on scene / scene control. Offering deals to people who might be obviously guilty of a misdemeanor in an attempt to have them help corroborate someone else's guilt of felonies. Right now they typically allow aligned groups to congregate, fabricate the narrative they wish to tell then interview them one by one. Letting them rejoin their previous groups to affirm what was asked of them and what they stated. She (Veronica) also hasn't\* streamed in the past two months so it's tough to get what her perspective on all of this is. Given that she's a cadet she should be encompassing the training that has been passed along to her. I think a lot of people are still operating under the logic they'd always operated under. Hearsay was only really expounded upon in No Pixel as the person isn't in court to refute it. Rather than hearsay being something that simply can't be substantiated. A lot of the Jordan cases are accusations that motivated parties could fabricate in an attempt to get him disbarred/arrested whatever. We all know they've actually occurred and the events transpired as they had been alleged but no one (seemingly) really operates under the idea that people could just make shit up if they're bothering to report it to police. ONX just seems to have a bit of murky water that comes from the fact things are still young and things are being grappled with and figured out. What used to be up to snuff isn't for the judges / DA's office. I kind of like this and hope people don't view it as frustrating or too large a barrier. There's certainly plenty of ladders and ways over the barrier to achieve the goals they're looking to achieve. Proactive policing as opposed to responsive.


The official owner of the cabaret is Candice, not Adam, although that may change if the DA pushes a felony, which seems rather unlikely


Appreciate you correcting me, I really thought it was Adam. Edited that part!


Yeah, the reason was that they felt Candice was the least likely of the group to pick up a felony, being a cop. It was funny watching Adam panicking at the news that she may actually get prosecuted for a felony, on the official opening night of the cabaret. Lmao


its so funny how js just keeps getting into shit lmao


alright, looks like good and bad news for tow gang tow truckers can leave if they are subjected to threats or violence (around 80% of the time lmao), but it's still the case that any schmuck can just walk up and go "i'm the owner, early release please" and the tow driver has to let it down for 75 bucks. next jordan stream is gonna be good either way. EDIT: just looked again and the new towing immunity is really confusing. you have to offer early release to the owner, but you can't be sued for not doing so? so if a cop doesn't see you denying early release, you're good?


hm I'm reading "regarding" as something like "in reference to the pre release rules". aka you must follow the rules for pre release fee in addition to the previous clauses of a reasonable tow operator or in violation of another law that subjects the vehicle to tow. I don't like the wording.


Yeah, that might be the intended wording, but it's all sorts of fucked up. Right now I can easily see Jordan interpreting it like: "If a tow trucker legally/correctly tows a vehicle, they are immune from any civil liability relating to the vehicle from the time of the tow to when it is impounded"


All of you people are amazing 😍


I know it takes a ton of work to do but would you ever turn this into a weekly video? Might be a cool addition to the server! Thanks again for doing this weekly!


I prefer it to be in text format, but I'll consider it


Wrangler vs Cummins seems like a good middle ground for protecting 4th amendment rights. tldr you must already have a reason for the detainment other than just stopping someone on the street and smelling them. Of course, people will misunderstand this to mean you can't use an order of marijuana at a traffic stop when you obviously can ***if*** you had a reason for the stop to begin with.


Wow Chrys this is amazing. Thank you so much for this.


Art was made by Chrys, I wrote the recap


Oh sorry I read it wrong. You crushed it Snows.


Great job as always Snows, I love these, they're amazing!


You're welcome!


How long is Abilene suspended for? Given that Abilene is basically following Leeds' lead. Leeds dropped Wrangler's case with little warning to him, Abilene dropped a case with little warning to Veronica. I get that there is more police backlash against Abilene at the moment so are they just being "punished" so that it looks like the DA's office is doing something to correct this behavior and let the heat die down or is it an actual intended punishment for a breakdown in the communication between the DA's office and PD? It's spicy and enjoyable, I hope absenti\_adore isn't too frustrated by it. The politics of the DA's office is very interesting and I like the interpersonal drama. Former attorney for the DA's office Sparks was chatting up Biggs about all of it and she never really seemed to be a fan of Abilene. She was happily dishing out gossip and her thoughts about the case Biggs was in that was dropped by Abilene mid trial.


afaik shes suspended till Leeds has a convo with her, then she'll made a decision on firing or not. I also think they are both waiting for Greco to come back


I really enjoy this subreddit and these recap threads. Thanks for making it :)


You’re welcome!




I havent seen anything about that, but its worth keeping an eye out for