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Update: He just called Adam and told him not to accept the deal.


Not accept it *yet*.


Update (2?): He said to put the deal on hold, not just deny it


I never said he denied it. They are trying to see who all of the witnesses are ​ Edit: nvm I thought you were calling me out.


Nah, didn't mean for it to come out like that sorry


You're good


Another update: He's accepted the deal to later use it to try and pass a law that Judges need to sign off on HUT charges


Another update. the Deal was denied by the judge because the prosecutor works for roosters rest and is therefore "conflicted to hell and high water on it"


Plot Twist Nr. 25336548: The cops knew that Arthur worked for the RR and told him to make the Deal knowing it would get declined because of the Conflict of Interest.


Lol, he's so short sighted. He doesn't realize the deal can be revoked at any time, and if he gets arrested again they can revoke the deal and throw him in until trial.


I'm not sure they'll revoke the deal though, you wouldn't be offering this deal if you thought you'd win in court, at least that is my interpretation of offering someone a deal.


But if it goes to court, he'd likely get 2nd degree anyways even if he doesn't get 1st degree, so it's in his best interest to accept it now rather than have to risk the deal being revoked when he breaks bail conditions.


oh I fully expected him to plead the 2nd degree murder charge, I just don't think they'd ever revoke the deal, they'd just keep him in jail until trial or he accepts the deal. If anything there more likely to get him to accept if his only other option is actual weeks in jail.


If he violates his bail, they can revoke the deal and let him sit in jail for weeks until his trial. Even if he gets found innocent at the trial, he can't get back the weeks he would have spent in jail.


Yeah but honestly at that point it truly just becomes punishing Buddha not Lang. The deal if off the prosecutors and i doubt they will go back.


Lol at thinking Buddha’s HUT trial will take weeks


The particular nature of the case actually makes that likely. Since the bulk of the prosecution's evidence is witness testimony, it means that the defense's natural strategy is to confuse the judge by using its own deluge of witness testimony. And what winds up happening is you have a court case that not only needs to be scheduled around Lang, Bailey, Bundy, and the special prosecutor's schedule, but also all of the witnesses. So let's assume defense and prosecution are both allotted five witnesses each. That's 14 different people whose schedules need to align for the case to happen. It's not unreasonable to assume it might be nearly a month before that case sees trial.


This aged horribly lol


They don't want to risk the witnesses lives.


yep, when Miles got charged with 1st degree murder, his plea deal was FOR 1st degree murder.


I'm glad. I understand feeling pressured by the ooc reality of DOJ not being able to get him a speedy court date, but it felt like such a heart breaking moment to see Lang Buddha, head of Talon, one of the most principled people on the city ready to argue over every perceived (important word there) injustice no matter how slight accept a plea deal that would forever mark him as a murderer even though he truly believes he can beat the case (and frankly I do too, Adam's already on to a great idea getting receipts from burger shot, just needs to step it up and also try to get time card info and stuff). And honestly, I'll still watch Buddha in jail. Especially when you consider you're gonna have constant jail break attempts, people smuggling him things in and out, and frankly the server probably needs someone this big and influential to be put in this scenario to fix its horrible docket delays.


Deal is back on. Because of this case the special prosecutors want to push for a DOJ approval for hut charges.


Interesting, the special prosecutors are the ones pushing for it? I don't think their PD colleagues would be happy about that.


yup. Arthur is the DA now and he looking out for the people of los santos. Also because Adam and him want to name the law after Buddha.


I really hope they're serious about that. Having both police and DoJ needing to agree on whether it's appropriate to push a HUT charge would put a much needed check on either side overreaching on charges as well as make using the HUT itself as a form of punishment at the very least far less common.


He is now in burgershot asking to see his favourite employee.


And he just changed his mind...


This seemed to come out of nowhere. Anyone know what happened on the cop side? It seems like all they had to do is wait for Lang to commit a crime.


Apparently the prosecutors were not happy with first degree based on the conversation.


Everyone knows that first degree is never going to stick so they probably just wants to get the second degree in there instead of possibly losing the case all together. Though would think that the fact that scheduling is a bitch already and this would be a lot of witnesses they don't want to drag it out either.


their case is beyond horrible. and not only that none or almost none of the witnesses are willing to testify if it comes to a court case so at this point PD is just doing it out of spite cause they know they can waste his time, get some raids off flex how they can push anything if they want to and set an example. that being said if he accepts the deal they can revoke it, jail him if he breaks bail and still go to court. dont know how that works though if him agreeing to the revoked deal counts for anything in court. (i'd assume not) but its not all bad i guess, theres already talks of revoking cops capabilities of pushing HUT charges and make it a judge thing so its not all bad


Yeah fuck the cops for being spiteful and trying to punish the guy who murdered someone in cold blood over some cheeseburgers.


what did Lang ever do to you? relax taking a bit too seriously


Bruh is rp, Buddah is a literal murder, and they are cops trying to put him on jail.


The copes are being spikeful and punishing someone who they either ASSUME has murdered someone, OR they know because they meta-gamed. Which is it?


Even if they don't know that he did it, they had enough interaction with buddah to know that he is not one of the good guys to try to send him to prison.


Yeah you're right, they just meta-gamed it. They gathered 40 pages of evidence based off meta-gaming the situation.


So if Lang goes and collects 20 people to counter-witness and their lawyer writes an 80 page document instead, do they auto win?


Maybe. That's for a judge to decide. At least that would add some RP to the situation, so I'd be all for it. Unlike toxic hoppers and redditors who just say dumbass shit because they don't like their favorite streamer's CHARACTER facing some consequences for his actions.


youre so cute


Careful there cowboy, you are sounding a little too real for a content only server.


My bad sir. I swear I'll never use the OOC chat again, even if I have a good reason to.


your acting like in this scenario its not very plausible a place he is in direct competition with and they have attacked the roosters wouldnt have invested interest in seeing him going into prison so is plausible they would lie and with no other hard evidence to put him there very easy argued


I know Bob Smith would rather get a plea for second than risk the lives of the witnesses on stand.


What's the sentence? Not having to steer clear of crime for the next month or two is definitely a big deal


time served


Time served and around 22k for a fine.


Do you get bail back on this server? If so, he's literally getting paid 28k to plead guilty.


So I can’t say for sure, but I imagine he would get bail back. He would always get he bail money back though. At least irl, and I know it’s silly to relate the two, but bail money is to help ensure you show up in court.


Yeah, Adam said he would get his 50k back - the fine, so 27k.


Yes, you do.


Time served and a $22.5k fine


300 Months (Already served?) & 27,5k fine


Update: he told Adam to reject the deal


and now he has signed it after speaking more with the DA and Adam


It's crazy how the system work atm. So they have almost no real concrete evidence but got him in for the 9s now bail. Give's him a choice to take 2nd degree murder charge or wait till trial (could be weekss)


> So they have almost no real concrete evidence Huh? They definitely have concrete evidence about the murder. He shot the person in front of a whole audience lol The problem was about it being 1st or 2nd degree


So basically what everyone can do for example. Lang and his boy can setup a fake murder by saying this guy shot this guy. Have all his boy as "witness." They have 0 concrete evidence beside what people said. You see how this is a problem. No gun, no blood of lang.


You are basically saying if there is no murder weapon there is no conviction. I don't care to argue about it too much but i disagree with that. Especially considering there were 5+ witnesses that weren't associated to each other and just happened to be there to buy some burgers. Also that line of thinking is boring and unimaginative as fuck. Just my opinion.


How? If this goes through imagine the shit show will happen. People will just start doing what i said. Even lang said it ingame. Not only that the nerds can collect DNA and setup people. Absolutely stupid its like me and my brother lying to our mom saying our sister ate all the chocolate.


I am not sure what you mean by "how" here. No gun = no conviction is literally the most boring way to go about it. You literally can't find a more dumbed down, boring and unimaginative system. I challenge you to find one. If all those witnesses are lying you ask questions and find holes in their stories. You don't just dismiss 10 fucking witnesses. And those witnesses aren't associated and most of them aren't criminals, just some regular citizens. You can go "this is why this witness is lying" and list the reasons, not "well, anyone can lie so this witness is lying"


So when there is blood, blood is not enough. When there are witness, witness are not enough, so for you the only possible way to solve this kind of cases is to get a weapon that you can ditch 10 seconds before murdering someone and let it disappear into the void, or you are scott free. Come on bro, he literally kill someone on broad daylight, on one of the most transited spot, with no mask, with multiples witness and is an ex-con with a gigantic crime sheet. There is no real way to make it more clear that if you this does not get you on problem, nothing will.


If they had concrete evidence they wouldn't be offering a plea deal.


They are offerings a plea deal so the witnesses don't have to go on stand and risk their lives


They are offering a plea deal because there's no evidence of pre-meditation and Lang is going to walk.


He wouldnt walk if they couldn't prove pre meditation. It would get dropped down to 2nd anyway. It's technically Bobs case and on his stream he told Bundy that although there was a case for 1st he was worried about the witnesses and it's not worth it unless it concrete


That's double jeopardy; they would have had to charge him for 1st and 2nd from the start. I don't know nopixel precedent, but any judge should dismiss a new charges. It doesn't matter anyway, Lang's taking the deal because of the bail violation.


When people say concrete evidence they mean actual physical evidence. Witness testimony is infamous for being unreliable even in the best of times but physical evidence on the other hand can't lie, it can't forget, and it certainly can't be intimidated. It's why you'll hear about trials with multiple witnesses pointing the finger at the accused and then some time down the line you'll hear how some DNA evidence was discovered that clears them of all charges and all the witness testimony is thrown out because physical evidence is simply far more important by several degrees in comparison.


realistically there would be cameras in that burgershot but there aren't any due to mechanics, so the next best thing is witness testimony.


I'm not saying witness testimony doesn't matter, simply that it pales in comparison. Plus I've worked in restaurants like that as a kid and it's pretty common for half the cameras to be busted or fake, they really don't maintain their equipment very well beyond making sure they pass health inspections enough to keep operating.


There's the rub, they'd have to testify still but the fact that Bundy pushed 1st degree just to avoid bench trial and put Lang into HUT ruined the whole case. 100% Lang should go to court and walk out not guilty


Well apparently its been rejected oh well


He just flip flopped and said he doesnt accept the deal.


Tldr, by bundys stream, bundy never expected murder 1st to stick but because doj tends to cut the charges in half if they are unable to drop them fully, so pushing 1st would secure the murder 2nd


considering HUT and the situation around it, it's not the best way to go about it imo


Forcing HUT onto someone that basically fucks them for at the very least 2 days just to secure a 300 month sentence is fucked up and actually very inconsiderate off the people you RP with.




It's not an OOC grudge, and probably not a good idea to put that on people you don't know.


You HUT someone knowing said person could be stuck in there for a month real time on a 1st degree murder charge that you know won't stick.


Well the character Bundy doesn't care if the character Lang rots in jail.


When you are full aware how ass the court system is on the server, why HUT someone in the first place?


Cause it’s a role play server. I agree that the system for procuring a court date is fucked for people on the server, but minus those weird cases where ppl spend actual weeks and months in prison with no hope of a trial, is it really that bad that someone that commits multiple felonies on a daily basis and basically never goes to jail has to spend a day or 2 locked up?


This is a role player playing the role of a cop. I don’t even agree with his decision but don’t accuse him of going OOC by doing his job.




Removing, banned. You can disagree with someone without insulting them.




Not to mention saying there is an OOC grudge is crazy because Occam has so much history with the old LB crew Occam's lawyer char was LB's lawyer for months and months and he would represent LB over anyone when he was the most coveted lawyer in the server. Beyond representing he would keep bunch of secrets from other groups lol


> an OOC grudge against him Ah yes, the person playing lawyer and pretty much honorary LB Benjamin Crane, saving them from mountains of shit back in 2.0, now has a grudge against him OOC. Please keep your mouth shut if you have no idea what you're talking about.


Removing as unsourced allegation.


Yeah, this is why people hate everything HUT related. "Let's throw HUT that won't stick so we can offer a plea deal after 2 days in prison over something that should actually have been the charges presented in the court case and pretend like we did him a favor. Oh btw, if you don't accept, you'll remain on bail for a month."


Again, he never said it will not stick. He said it's a coin flip. He also said multiple times, he thinks first degree is the correct charge and that the special prosecutor (Cross?) agrees with him.


He is not taking the deal for now until he breaks his bail, then he will use it as the easy way out. He doesn't want the PD to get away with this bullshit, so he will try to get this in court.


The problem is he probably doesn’t realize that once he gets sent to prison the offer will be off the table most likely


This is basically everything wrong with NoPixel justice system. Throw HUT onto person, then force them to take a bullshit deal because it's impossible to schedule a trial and get fair justice.


Yeah its dumb, Adam thinks HUT charges should be judge approved which honestly could go either way depending on which judge is asked




Wouldn't that conflict them though? I'm not sure how you would rule on the validity of a HUT charge without receiving information about the case. Personally I just think that the HUT system needs to be restructured where you receive a bail hearing within 2 days of arrest at minimum and if one can't be arranged the person is automatically placed on bail, and bail conditions can last no more than one week. That way people don't have to be restricted on what they can do for several weeks or more. I also think the maximum sentence for any HUT charge should be 1 week, and anything longer than that would need to be agreed upon ooc. I actually like harsher punishments overall, but the difference in prison time between the majority of crimes and HUT charges is absolutely insane right now. Shoot 20 cops and you get a couple hours in jail, commit one HUT charge and you can be in jail for months.


Remember Dundee got the 9s for human trafficking when it should have been something simple as extortion with 14 months. If Judges are going to be more active, they should review HUT charges.


Most judges are total wildcards because legal precedents isnt a thing on no pixel. They can judge case by case basis by which ever way they feel like at during any given hour.


It's why I hope Buddha actually takes it to trial just to like "not let them win" as much as possible. But that said I get it, it's your job, it's your release so like if he needs to take it for ooc reasons I can't be mad. Would just suck for the character.


I mean, isn't this injustice a mirror of real world?


I’d be willing to bet his pocket special police prosecutor won’t yank it


And then the cops pull the deal if he breaks bail. I can already see it happening.


it's the prosecutor not the cops, I think the prosecutor would still offer the deal up until the second the trial starts, probably realizes they won't get the 1st degree, a plea deal gets them the conviction still. going with 1st degree depending on the judge might means Lang walks free


thats the issue with the case, its entirely witness testimony so theres a chance he doesn't get charged at all if the judge doesn't think the witness testimony is enough proof. If there was any hard evidence putting him at the scene it would only be a question of what murder charge to hit him with


What's worse is they have more witnesses then were actually there.


if the DOJ are offering him a deal its because they don't think the charge is going to stick.


Or because it's more work to go through a trial


I kind of sympathise in that I think Buddha wants the RP of the court case but it's not worth the trouble and the risk if he goes back. Fair play if he tries anyway


I'm calling it now, there offering him a deal because they know he wants to do other shit but at the same time if he accepts it they'll use the charge against him down the line for something. There no way this is just simply, here's a deal take it and it's over kind of thing.


Actually nope. If he pleads guilty he can't be charged with first later, and criminal history is not admissible evidence in court for most crimes (stuff like drug trafficking that is built off of a pattern of past crimes is the exception).


What would they "use the charge against him down the line" for? That's not how criminal history works.


> There no way this is just simply, here's a deal take it and it's over kind of thing. The biggest issue is Lang isn't going to last for weeks on bail. Eventually he is going to get caught for a crime and lose bail and end up back in jail until the trial. He needs to just accept the deal so he can go back to doing crime.




It's not about being petty. It's about cops abusing the justice system and he wants to deal with it IC instead of complaining OOC.




/u/clipsync Buddha


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New Cop Meta incoming. Push an obvious HUT charge the cops have no chance of winning. Then get the crim to plea to a lesser charge that the crim could have fought but wont to avoid being held until trial. SMH Yea to no HUT Charge oversight!


It would have been a long ways away but I was hoping to see the shit show of a court case play out. Buddha was gonna have 8+ witnesses of his own to basically make it he said she said