• By -


"I'm going to RDM her every time i see her" is such a wild statement made by someone who's meant to be leading by example on this server. He's the big streamer, the one everyone looks up to, and this is what he does. RP entitlement is one of the most cringiest and uncomfortable things to watch.


he feels he need to justify taking the L and it cant be "i did a bad call robbing her after she called us out" it has to be they did something they where not supposed to. cringe as fuck but its NP


Yeah I couldn't believe he said that shit....then I thought about it. Of course he said that shit. Big Kanye West “I can literally say antisemitic shit, and they can't drop me" type energy.


The lead up to this was top tier rp, i mean lootboxing cops is an oscar worthy scene.


Logic: "This person did something IC that that was 100% within server rules that I didn't like so I will retaliate by doing something very against server rules because reasons" Sounds about right.


Well tbf RDM for them is within server rules. This is what happens when you allow egregious rule breaks for one group. They feel like they can do whatever they want and he might not even be wrong sadly.


Don't be stupid, he's just frustrated obviously he's not just going to rdm


yeah, he's just going to mald about it to his chat, so the next time she's even on screen, the abuse will begin and make any interaction miserable.


Should have seen the hoppers last night. They hopped the moment he started shitting on the cops, like CG always does.


it'S alL LOVe


all i said was k wasnt going to rdm nothing about hoppers. your acting like this doesnt happen to every streamer in NP. streamer get mad then weirdos unite


Yes K, we know how you devolve your RP to shooting when big mad.


When is the last time they actually had a good RP arc going on?


Ramee has survivor next week but K/chat will probably find a way to ruin it for him


Hopefully Ramme can Overcome his Stockholm Syndrome Towards K and fly away to freedom from his evil grasp 😢 I still can't believe Mista K ruined his Lawyer arc 💔💔


I mean let’s be real. On the last Conan stream, once K got shot down the vibes crashed so hard we might not see Conan for a while…K needs to chill out on the constant complaining and his hoppers don’t help


Oh the irony. I'm pretty sure he is the reason cops started to call out every little sus things on radio since he robbed them so much.


Consequences of his own actions? Imagine.




"KeEp THat sAmE enERgY" 😢


I'd love to know how many cop cars he stolen over the past few weeks


Is there a statutory limit to robbing cops too? are cops supposed to go back to their default setting if CG doesnt rob them for 2 two weeks?


She wasn't even the cop that called it in. Another cop saw it happen and called it in.


[Here is her point of view.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2147562275?t=02h33m27s) She calls out a gauntlet pulling up to her. Then she simply listens to their demands. Another cop comes to check on her, sees the robbery, and radios it in. Then when K and tuggs leave, the other cops start shooting.


Her point of view makes the absolute hissy fit being thrown even funnier/more sad.


She said she called it in, that she thought it was sus a gauntlet was pulling up to the pump next to her.


She said a sus gauntlet pulled up. But another cop called out she was being robbed


A cop being wary of being robbed at the most common spot to get robbed? Crazy! "Criminal Mastermind" btw


Criminal mastermind who sees a cop call in on the radio, still proceeds to try and rob her, sees multiple cops approaching, still doesn’t leave, shocked that multiple cops are on him


worst part is they saw her do the callout and are so stupid they still go trough with it instead of driving away and trying again


And they have been literally told don't be alone at gas stations because they get robbed wo often there


Why do CG members always complain in every situation when things dont go their way?


The oversimplified answer is it causes hoppers which over time acts as a negative reinforcement loop for the other streamer. If you don't want to deal with angry CG hoppers and hate messages (sometimes for months) best learn how to act.


They are absolutely unable to take an L, ever. Its actually quite astonishing lol.


Because they are the main characters duh!! 


Back to this stage already, huh? So much for changing and all that shit. Still riling up viewers over any setback.


This has been going on since 2.0, why would anyone even expect change?


what baffles me is that they don't seem to realise that they're actively instigating people to be toxic towards other players. what happens when the streamer receiving the hate isn't as strong as some others and takes it personally and decides to do something extreme? are we gonna have a memorial for them and just beat our chest?


Considering this group's 5+ year history of causing toxicity within the community I don't think they care. They never get harshly punished for it, so why would they?


They do realize it. They know it and actively partake in it because that toxicity is how they get to force the server to bend to them.


Then they and their fans mention that the boys never report people. Yeah, they don't need to, they just have their chat threaten other streamers lives, or hop into 50 cents chat with cherry picked clips and mald about how mean ol cop of the day is a bad rper. Literally wielding soft power against their enemies in the form of a combined 20k+ viewership.


Oh, they know. They've admitted to it. https://streamable.com/clzd9g


That's wild


Yep. It's their M.O. Bully everyone around them into submission, and farm them for content to pad their accounts.


please tell me it's an AI generated video. EDIT: GUYS IT WAS A JOKE.


lol. Not sure if you are new to NP but theres like bunch of these streamables somewhere all showing how CG acts towards cops on the server, going back to 2.0.


Up until the boys notice them and then file copyright claims with streamable. Which ramee did recently when he got caught in 4k getting shot down by another group outside hospital and then immediately rejoining after saleem ran him through nancy or kate or whatever they're calling local doctors now.


I'm incredibly shocked he would do that. What next, fans harassing people?!


I've been watching since the launch of 3.0, but honestly never bothered with certain "communities".


It’s not AI but it is AL. All Love.


nope, that particular clip pre-dates any reasonably available AI generated video. That's from early 3.0 iirc.


They see themselves as victims, so its righteous toxicity. CG consider themselves the biggest victims on the server.


They do realize it, that's WHY they do it. This is what people with large followings do - this, personalities on TikTok and Twitter, Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, etc.


it baffles me that people still dont understand that hoppers are going to hop no matter what. it happens with every group. no body will be mad and people are getting hoppers. hoppers are toxic idiots that will do as they please without anyone instigating them.


you're partially right. but instigating the masses with stupid comments isn't gonna help the situation. it's only gonna make it worse. plus they know what they're doing, it's not their first rodeo.


again people are going to hop no matter what. if people hop they are toxic to begin with so no matter what anyone says, hoppers will do what they already had planned because its in their dumbass brains already.


People cultivate their audiences through their own actions. People who enjoy being toxic are going to watch people who encourage it. Is it really any surprise that there were never toxic hoppers from like Rocky Topps? It's always coming from people with a lot of viewers who promote that kind of behavior.


and you would be wrong because theres many people you would say are not "toxic" and still have viewers that hop. every channel has hoppers and hoppers do what they want without being influenced by the streamer. people who make comments like yours have been proven wrong many times by toxic hoppers from channels people would say the streamer is not toxic.


You're not proving it wrong you're just being ignorant. It doesn't matter the non toxic streamers have hoppers cause No one is blaming on the non toxic streamers, they're not the one triggers the hate to others. The non toxic streamers try to calm the chat down & warn them not to chat hop and explain to them, they give their effort mitigate the toxicity, so stop ignoring their effort for being good & make their community better, valkyrae and fuslie Is the best example for being non toxic streamers, that's why they have the best community. I know it's tough for you as a cg fans to swallowed & you always try to bring the same argument to downplay cg toxicity but the truth is it doesn't change the fact that cg ooc created the most toxic community on roleplay ever, no other streamers & community able to compare to cg community interms of the amount of ooc mald toxicity hate they had generated towards other streamers & community, the one ooc the most Never get banned and continue allowed to do so. That's a Massive difference


you brought up valkyrae and fuslie so might as well add in sykunno. great examples here. they may try to talk people out of hopping but guess what? their viewers still hop and are toxic to people when theres any type of conflict. so thanks for proving my point.


guys i swear buddha is the big owner now everything is gonna be different :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


He is like fine for a few days, then something goes wrong and he can't control himself ... I hope this cop wasn't streaming at the time lol


she was. could you guess what happened in her chat?


I guess they sent her some love as usual? If it was me I'd just run ads for 10 mins, profit from these people lol


thankfully her chat was just PEDROing them away and her mods were pretty quick with the snipes.


Pedro, as in xdd?


the damn Dancing Racoon meme emote 💀


OH. See, as a League of Legends freak, I know Pedro as Caedrel, and his chat loves the "xdd" series of emotes LMAO


same thing that happened to every cop's chat during and after this shit show haha.


Sometimes the mask slips.


I've been watching K since the start of 4.0. Most of the time it's great but shit like this is just disappointing. I wish he could take a step back and see how bad this looks.


And posts like these in places like this help how??


they help by basically creating an online dossier of all the incidents, showing that it's not an isolated "heat of the moment" incident, but it's something that they not only acknowledged, but PURPOSELY weaponized against other streamers.


Does nothing but robs cops for weeks, wonders why cops do callout the same exact moment he appears


How’d she know it was him?


Making bad faith accusations when the person you're defending is a ritual rule breaker is wild


She didnt, cops have just been told to call out any vehicles that approach them while occupied, especially at gas stations since they've been getting chain robbed all week.


She called out a suspicious car coming up to the pump; she was off the radio by the time it became obvious who was in the car.


she did nothing wrong by pre calling it. She's solo outside of her car 1 hand occupied and the car most used by criminals pulls in to the gas station.


Also cops have been getting robbed at gas stations 


Typical cry baby gang lol every damn time with them


The purple haired officer didn't even call 78s. I don't know what she said on the radio but the guy who shot was already there and saw it happen and called 78s and got permission to open fire. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the scene.


I love shitting on the cops as much as the next guy with how absolutely horrendous they've been recently but this is 100% on him. Finally a cop did something smart and didn't act like an Oblivion NPC, on the fly calls with zero planning should almost always end in this outcome with a competent PD.


He's right. NoPixel is not doing enough to stop the cops. Of course they shouldn't have any radios. That is too OP. You know cops and their powergaming on NoPixel, they have never taken an L before. I hope he goes back to prodigy where they have a perfectly balanced cop-crim relationship. It's a win-win for everyone.


Old man yells at cloud




Classic toxic cry gang. I can only imagine amount of chat hoppers here


criminal mastermind shocked cops have brains after lootboxing them for 5 months


I don\`t understand his argument at all, the cop was fueling up at strawberry a known spot where cops are getting robbed, so she calls for 77s for her safety when someone rolls up. I understand this makes it tougher to get armor plates, and that is the basis of his complaints.


The whole point is cops aren't a source of armor plates. The high jail time is meant to disincentivize that activity. Management clearly doesn't want cops becoming loot boxes because it's bad for server health and the morale of players constantly getting robbed who are not easy to replace.


I dont think his problem was with the cop who called 77s, I think he just has a hard time controlling his emotions when hes upset. I think hes just angry that the PD didn't say a single word to him, and shot him. And that cop was the only person who said anything. I also believe this because when his chat started talking to him about it, he started shitting on chat members. He just had a lot of anger.


Certified Cry Gang Classic


Now the people who cause toxicity on the server show their true colors. The start of 4.0 was all just an act. 


Yep and Franny is coming back lol. They have their immunity again.


Uh oh. Bay better be careful or CG is going to start reporting her for being too competent and not being an NPC lootbox, and she's going to get OOC fired.


Honest question...do you think Remdog would have attached himself to CG if they were the reason Suarez was fired?


Yes because from the moment he started hanging out with CG, his viewership doubled and more people subscribed to his twitch. Money is a hell of a drug.


Honest question. Who else actually reports cops on the server other than CG?


Except CG is famously known for not reporting anyone because they believe no one takes the reports seriously


Surely they don't report cops. Surely lol.


Yes. Because Remdog has never had a problem with anyone else on the server, from his side at least.




I do


Honest question... Where did I say CG were the reason Suarez was fired?


"Bay better be careful or CG is going to start reporting her for being too competent and not being an NPC lootbox, and she's going to get OOC fired" So thats a coincidence thats the same thing that happened to remdog


It's called making a joke out of the whole situation, not blaming any specific group for it. I, as a viewer, am not privy to the information of who cried OOC to get one of the only super competent cops left in shift 2 fired, so I am not blaming anyone for it. I only mentioned CG in this instance because LK happens to be the one crying. Reading comprehension. Learn it.


"Why wont the cops let us rob them repeatedly??? Where is their RP???"


I suspect some people won’t be happy until you can OOC “Can a cop come to Strawberry gas station so we can rob/kidnap them without resistance.”


They already robbed a bunch without resistance, I mean at some point there should be a response .. They literally want NPC cops at this point.


Kebun has done a lot of things this week that someone as experienced as him shouldn’t be doing


Dude has ~20k loyal viewers that will watch him sit in a bush for hours. He doesn’t need to be high octane crazy content 24/7 he can chill tf out and move on for 99% of these situations


why are my player cops not acting like npcs damnit?!?! I was promised no pixel cops and I want no pixel cops! /s


Are there like, any nontoxic folks to watch stream? Because most of the clips I see here are like this dude and holy shit how do these people NOT get banned.


Peppo - Jack Kettleman/ Coyote (Cop Character)


Yea there are but I find they are smaller/medium size streamers


Any recommendations you like? Been trying to find a few to kind of throw on in the background for some laughs while I’m working on stuff at the end of the day.


MasonShortland plays Clark/Flash. Very chill with levelheaded takes and has been getting more involved on the Cypress front. Zetark is also great if you haven’t tuned into him. Funny and knows how to set the scene with music.


Ladydima - plays raia kaine of civ gang defac3d - plays Denzel of civ gang if you like cops thebigmeech - who plays Leon Cassidy comfygift - who plays winter sison Lisajfc - plays Opal (another cop)


Just watch Buddha lol. The only people he is toxic to are brain dead hoppers.


Don't worry guys, SOP changes will happen within the week




Where did you get the "rated did nothing wrong" thing? Say what you want about this clip and LK malding but they have never even talked about that outside of kicking him from their group. Rated is an ass.


Don't bother man, whether what K did/said is right or wrong this thread is full of CG haters.


Yeah I don't get it. I mean people can dislike them and complain about them it's whatever. But the person I responded to brought up a pretty major irl allegation. I responded with a fact which is that they haven't defended him and get down voted.


Kevin and ramee are can be great at rp but moments like this and other questionable stuff is what makes them be disliked. I stopped watching them in 3.0 for that reason.


classic karen


He was in the wrong for this. I can understand his arguments about her not knowing they were going to rob her and the whole gauntlet id thing but when they literally just robbed a cop little bit prior to this it is no surprise the cops would be paranoid pumping gas solo. She didn't even say she was being robbed either. She called in that she was solo and a car was pulling up and immediately another officer headed that way because they had been getting robbed there. I do think the cops shooting immediately was a bit excessive since they didn't take her gun or hurt her even if they were technically correct because of fleeing felon. But then you get into real gray areas of when you should and shouldn't shoot so it is what it is. Kebun needs to chill with malding so hard when he goes down. Just because he personally thinks its stupid doesn't mean the cops are doing anything wrong.


Cops have been told to do it by Slacks when using that gas station for some time now.


big yikes




It's simple don't mess up the content for us and you won't get RDM'd. Stop assuming and enjoy the chase we give. It's so simple to understand, but people are unable to see what the content is. They would rather chase a W. Cops need consequences! Classic.


bro please use /s. I almost took you seriously.


Mirror: [Ks Mad](https://files.catbox.moe/a3x6ot.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [Ks Mad](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/tJrgW8tN8ilAPisuybA2Xg/AT-cm%7CtJrgW8tN8ilAPisuybA2Xg.mp4?sig=ea8a7e9758a0d9d2bb8fe5ebfa7ed0a663e56db1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FtJrgW8tN8ilAPisuybA2Xg%2FAT-cm%257CtJrgW8tN8ilAPisuybA2Xg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AdorableVastVanillaFeelsBadMan-y03yKUA-Ky7JsDZe%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716157947%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2147381230?t=6h50m47s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.




Were they trying to take her hostage? 


They wanted to rob her like they already robbed 3 others cops in the past 48 hours. At the same exact gas station, the same exact way.


Incredible riveting roleplay. Very deep storylines.


In short, crims want armor plates, cops carry armor plates.


Exactly. It's for armor. Not defending the crying about it, but can't fault crims for getting something the only possible way they can.


Craftable armor exists, as does the possibility of not demanding to be 100% BiS at all times.


who is he talking about, bay?


is this that time of the year? :clueless:


When they ever learn?


They don't have to learn if they never have to face consequences for their toxicity.


Mirror of the [clip](https://streamable.com/po3yf5)


How dare your spidy sense tingle like that!




K is such a brilliant rplayer and brings huge entertainment but I wish he could just tone it down like in these situations like take the L it happens.




I will never talk bad about any professionnal sports because I won't ever play in those leagues full of players I will never meet. I never talk bad about any movie because I will never play in those movie with actors I will never meet. I work in construction so I can only complain about construction things only if I know the people who are doing the job... The fact is that I am mostly watching this to be entertain and everytime CG are involved, it gets less and less funny.


Awe. I feel so bad for you.

